
Module 1 Summary & Reflection Questions

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Module 1 focuses on thinking critically with psychological science, the biology of behavior, consciousness, and development across the life span. Respond to the following questions by writing one full paragraph (100 word minimum) for each numbered question:

1. What was your overall impression with the information presented in the chapters contained in this module? For example, was it challenging, fascinating, did it make you question your previous assumptions, etc.

2. Name three concepts that you found to be of particular interest in this module. Why were they of special interest to you?

3. How do you think the information in this module applies to your life?

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Students are to view the free streaming video documentary The Magic of the
Unconscious-Automatic Brain

After viewing the program in its entirety, students are to write an essay of a
minimum of one thousand (1,000) words in length addressing the two sections
described below. Points will be deducted if this length requirement is not met.
To earn the maximum points (100) for this writing assignment, both of these
sections must be completed fully:
Section 1: Program Summary (50 points)
In this section the student should provide, in their own words, a
reasonably detailed summary of the salient information presented in the
Section 2: Analysis and Personal Reaction (50 points)
In this section the student should provide their analysis of the significance
and relevance of the information in the program to the scientific data
presented in the textbook and their personal reaction to this information.
Students should endeavor to identify concepts and information in the
documentary that relates to information presented in the textbook.
Additional Instructions
1. The student’s RWA should be typed single-spaced, pages numbered
consecutively, in 11 point Arial, Georgia, Calibri, or Times New Roman font only
and in one of the following file formats only: x, , , or .rtf. If students
need assistance with file conversion they should contact the D2L Help Desk.
2. Student’s full name, course name, and RWA number should be on the first page
at the top. Pages should be numbered consecutively.
3. No additional outside sources are necessary to complete this assignment and no
bibliography is needed unless students include quotes and material from other
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sources. In this instance, the source(s) of this information must be listed under a
heading titled References at the end of the RWA.
4. Students should proofread and spell-check carefully before submission as points
will be deducted for errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or and grammar.
Students may view these corrections on the Grademark tab in TurnitIn.
5. The student’s RWA should be uploaded to the designated folder on the Dropbox
page by the designated due date on the Course Calendar. Submissions by email
attachment will not be accepted.
6. Late RWA submissions after the designated due date may be uploaded to the Late
Folder for that particular RWA. Late submissions are reduced by ten (10) points
per day late.
7. When an RWA is received in the designated folder on the Dropbox page, D2L
automatically sends the student a confirmation email that the RWA was received.
If this confirmation message is not received then the RWA was not correctly
submitted. The student bears the full responsibility of checking to ensure that
their RWA was in fact submitted.
8. TurnitIn Plagiarism Detection Program: Upon uploading to the
designated folder on the Dropbox page, all RWAs are automatically evaluated
through this program to determine if academic misconduct has occurred as a
result of plagiarism. TurnitIn generates an “Originality Index” that calculates the
percentage of the content in the student’s RWA that can be found in the database
that is not the student’s original work and may constitute plagiarism (this may
take 30 minutes or more after submission to complete). Students should be
careful to always paraphrase the information in their own words and avoid
excessive quoted material. Plagiarism is very easy to detect so the best approach
to this assignment is to simply write everything in your own words. Students
may see their TurnitIn report for their RWA (this includes the highlighted
portions of their RWA that is found in the database) and rewrite and re-submit
their RWA as desired as long as it is received by the due date with the grade based
on the last submission. RWAs found to contain plagiarism will receive a grade of
zero and may subject the student to additional disciplinary actions including
being given a zero (F) for the entire course (see Academic Misconduct section on
Course Syllabus).

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