PSY 202 Week 1 Checkpoint – Testing a Theory

Week One – Checkpoint: Testing a Theory Grading Rubric

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Due Date: Day 5 – Friday


Where: Assignment Link

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Word Count: 200-300 words


Point Value: 50 points


Resource: Module 4 of Psychology and Your Life


Write a 200- to 300-word summary describing a time when you had to test a theory. This theory may be something you have tested at work, school, or at home.


Answer the following questions in your summary:


  • What type of informal research method did you use?
  • How was your research method similar to research methods used by psychologists?
  • If given another opportunity, what would you have done differently?
  • Describe one ethical issue mentioned in the text that you have encountered. Why is informed consent necessary for ethical research?


Submit your answers as a Microsoft® Word attachment, along with your Certificate of Orginality as a separate Word attachment.

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