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Because qualitative data collection is time consuming, and because you would need ethical approval for data collection, the data will be provided to you.


You are to choose one of the following interviews to analyse:


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You are to choose one of the following methods for your report:

1.      Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

2.      Discourse Analysis


Report content

Your report should be no more than 1500 words (excluding appendices and data extracts) and should include the following sections:


Abstract: Overview your research question, data collection method, method of analysis, your findings and briefly summarise some strengths and weaknesses of the method.

–          Research question: state your research question. There is no need to conduct a literature review for this report as the aim is to assess your understanding of the method*. The research question should be appropriate for the method of analysis being used.

–          Data collection method: state what method you have used and why. In this section you should provide details of the raw datathat were analysed, i.e. the interview and what you know about the participant.

–          Method of analysis:


State what method you have used, describe this approach to analysis and why you have chosen to use it.

o   Describe the process of analysis; the stages of analysis in your own words but with reference to the methodological literature

–          Results/findings: This is your write up of the analysis. Present your analysis by theme, use illustrative data extracts from your transcript and provide interpretative commentary. Refer to published examples of research using your method of analysis (IPA/DA) for examples of the format this should follow.

–          Discussion: a brief summary of your findings followed by a discussion of the benefits and limitations of using the method chosen in comparison with the other.

–          References: Provide a full reference list, in CU Harvard format, that matches the sources cited in the body of your report.

–          Appendices (Annotated transcripts)


* No specialist knowledge of the subject matter is expected here. Typically you would use knowledge of the existing literature to develop your research question and build a rationale for the use of your research method in a report (e.g. your final year dissertation) but this is not required for this report.


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