PS 1050 National American University The Marshmallow Test Lab Report

Review the marshmallow test video. The videos and articles can be found on google and YouTube.

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  • In part 1 of this assignment, describe in 250 words how these concepts/theories explain the behavior exhibited by the children who participated in the marshmallow test. Example: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic, Drive theory, Arousal Theory, etc.
  • In part 2 of this assignment, analyze the children’s emotional reaction to the situation. Using the James-Lange Theory, the Cannon-Bard Theory and/or the Schachter-Singer Theory, explain the emotional experiences of the children.  Describe your answer to part 2 in 250 words.
  • Finally, answer the question: Do you think that the children who are aware of their feelings will be more successful with not eating the marshmallow? Why or why not?
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