provide and analysis

Go to and execute the following query.

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Ask chatGPT to explain the SQL query to you.

Then provide at least 5 observations by looking at the various metrics and timelines. And justify your observations using graphs.

  SELECT       date_trunc(‘{{granularity}}’, time) time       /*rewards*/       , sum(total_fees) as total_fees       , sum(mint_reward) as total_mint       , count(mint_reward) as number_of_blocks       , avg(total_fees) as average_fees_per_block       /*size (bytes), transactions, and weights*/       , avg(transaction_count) as transaction_per_block       , avg(stripped_size) as stripped_bytes_per_block       , avg(case when height >= 481824 then weight else 0 end)           as block_weight — stripped_size*3 + size       , block_limit       , avg(total_fees/stripped_size)*1e8 as cost_per_byte       /*difficulty and pace*/       , 10 as target_pace       , avg(difficulty) as difficulty       , avg(difficulty* pow(2,32) / 600) as hash_rate –hash rate (hash/s) = difficulty * 2^32 / 600       , avg(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM block_pace)) as block_pace   FROM (       SELECT           *           , time – LAG(time) OVER (ORDER BY height asc) AS block_pace           , case when height < 481824 then 1e6 else 4*1e6 end as block_limit       FROM bitcoin.blocks   )   group by 1, block_limit   order by time desc   limit 480

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