U2 IP.sav
Rules for Forming Hypotheses
A (alternative) hypothesis is a statement of what you believe based on deductive
reasoning. The null hypothesis, which is the opposite of the hypothesis, is tested in hopes
that it can be REJECTED, thereby implying the other hypothesis can be supported (NOTICE
we do not say true, false or proven).
In journal articles, if only one hypothesis is shown, it is usually the HYPOTHESIS. We are
really interested in the hypothesis, but the rules of statistics dictate that we test the null
You only test concepts that are measured by your Surveys (the FACTORS**)
A survey is made up of questions. The questions will either measure a demographic (a label
describing a person, thing). Examples would be gender, education, age, tenure, etc.
They are questions that when put together (either averaged or summed) measure an
abstract concept…we call this a scale or factor score (The individual portion of the U4 Group
When writing hypotheses, you do not compare on a single question, but rather a concept or
factor/scale. If you measure a single question in a hypothesis for the project, you will get
the whole question wrong. Each hypothesis must contain a comparison of one of the factors
in your scale. You can compare two different factors or a factor plus a demographic (for
Wording for ANOVAs & T-Tests:
NULL: Males are the same as females with regard to ____________________.
HYPO: Males are not the same as females with regard to ____________________.
Three Possible Statements of Hypotheses
LOWER TAIL Less than < Greater than or equal to >/=
UPPER TAIL Greater than > Less than or equal to = TWO TAIL Not equal to =/ Equal to = NOTE: although in advanced statistical testing, an equality symbol may be found in either the hypothesis or the null, it is often easier to have the equality sign in the NULL HYPOTHESIS. You may set it up either way, but the preferred manner (at this stage) is stated in the table above. WORDING FOR DECISION RULE…. These are not tests, but words to describe the Reject/Do Not Reject Status p-VALUE approach Given that the sig. (xx) is greater than the alpha (.xx), the NULL cannot be rejected therefore there is no support for the HYPO that (paste HYPO here) OR Given that the sig. (xx) is less than the alpha (.xx), the NULL is rejected therefore there is support for the HYPO that (paste HYPO here) Let us NOW look for the wording of the decision rule EXAMPLE: A TOTALLY DIFFERENT SURVEY IS BEING USED…. Given that the sig. xx is less than the alpha of .05, the NULL hypothesis is rejected and therefore there is support for the HYPO that (insert HYPO) Given that the sig. xx is greater than the alpha of .05, the NULL hypothesis is not rejected and therefore there is no support for the HYPO that (insert HYPO) Don’t get fancy and start using words like the HYPO is accepted or is true…just stay with these simple phrases…and remember-there are no absolutes in this HYPO testing game…that is why we use the concept of SUPPORT for a hypothesis. NULL: Males have the same level of Overall Job Satisfaction compared to Females. (M = F) Males have a different level of Overall Job Satisfaction compared to Females. (M =/ F) Looking at the mean Job Satisfaction scores for both genders shows that they are nearly equal, though the standard deviation for females is much larger, showing that the scores are less consistent for females. Group Statistics 24 2.7361 .18768 .03831 83 2.7925 .67559 .07416 Gender Male Female Overall Job Satisfaction N Mean Std. Deviat ion Std. Error Mean Given that the sig. .688 is greater than the alpha of .05, the NULL hypothesis is not rejected and therefore there is no support for the HYPO that Males have a different level of Overall Job Satisfaction compared to Females. (M =/ F). We can also run an ANOVA to test this: Independent Samples Test 37.249 .000 -.403 105 .688 -.0564 .13986 -.33371 .22092 -.676 105.0 .501 -.0564 .08347 -.22189 .10911 Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Overall Job Satisfaction F Sig. Levene's Test for Equal ity of Variances t df Sig. (2-tail ed) Mean Differen ce Std. Error Differ ence Lower Upper 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t-test for Equality of Means ANOVA Overall Job Satisfaction .059 1 .059 .163 .688 38.237 105 .364 38.296 106 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Given that the sig. .688 is greater than the alpha of .05, the NULL hypothesis is not rejected and therefore there is no support for the HYPO that Males have a different level of Overall Job Satisfaction compared to Females. (M =/ F). MKTG420_U2IP
art is a company that was established in the 1960’s and has been a dominant force in the retail industry for a great while. This company is a global giant and has a great appeal with consumers in many demographic levels. The group of people that I selected was between the ages of
years of age(Wal-Mart,2013). The income levels were the lowest being
to 30, 00 per year. The races were white, black and Latino. I also interviewed one female and two males. I also questioned them about why they selected this Wal-Mart to shop at. Out of three one did for bran appeal and the other two did not. When asked about the pricing they all selected yes for the pricing. This shows that each consumer has a concern when it comes to shopping they want to find was to save money and still have products they find value in.
Sears was at one time was a retail giant in America but has had a tough time in the recent years passing. One reason for this is because other retail stores have come into the market and cut out niche markets that are appealing and have gained dominant portions of the market. The age range for this people that I interviewed was between the ages of
(Sears,2013). The income level was from
per year. The race of all three was white. When asked about brand appeal they all answered yes to this question. When asked about pricing two answered no and one answered yes. This shows that brand loyalty is something that Sears has gained in the market.
When looking at both demographic groups I can see that Wal-Mart has made a connection with younger adults and Sears has a strong rapport with older adults. I also noticed that those who had a higher earning income shopped at Sears as well showing that because of the higher pricing they are willing to pay more for products that they find value in and a connection to. Brand appeal was also in the favor of Sears while pricing was a one-sided victory in favor of Wal-Mart. Both chains have areas that they should find room to target new audiences as well as improving on meeting the needs of consumers in this market.
The demographic makeup of this city is that the population is 92,757. The media age is 28.5 years of age. When it comes to race the city is a mixture of different races which include Whites 61.3% Blacks 23.06 and the rest is a blend of Asians, Hispanics and other(connection,2013).
retrieved April 6th 2013
25 |
F |
25,000 |
Y |
22 | M | 12,000 | N |
30 | 30,000 |
50 | 65,000 | |||||||||||||||
48 |
40,000 |
37 |