I have a project, but it is divided into many parts. I have made the first part, and I will attach the file for the first part. Now I want to make the second part of the project, and I will attach the requirements for the second part.

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Project Proposal: Part 2

NOTE: Submit Part 2 with Part 1 in one document. In other words, submit your entire Project Proposal.

Part 1 of the proposal is to identify the problem and conduct research to see what researchers have done to approach the problem. You should take the feedback from part 1 and make adjustment to fill missing pieces or make improvement to your argument that justify the problem.

In part 2 of the proposal, you will come up with a solution to the problem statement. The solution can be from continuing on with work others have done but find new data sets, improve methodology, investigating missing data, or trying an opposing approach to the problem.

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Part one had two sections:

Problem statement

Problem description

Part two will have three sections:

The Solution


Pathway to Solution


Works Cited

(with at least six new sources and include all sources from part 1)


Reference your research to indicate how this solution is appropriate for your target audience and what outcomes are possible to achieve. (Some of your references in this section may be the same as in your Problem section in Part 1.)


The more specific you can be about your target audience, the easier it will be to describe the project.

The outcome states how you want to affect your target audience. Outcomes are often framed with a verb, the audience and then a rephrase of your problem. For example: This project will educate the audience about an important aspect of the topic OR persuade them to change their behavior OR inspire them to act.

Pathway to Solution

This section will explain how this project will be completed. You must provide a detailed description of the work required to implement the solution. This will require additional research related to the specifics of your solution. (Some of your references in this section may be the same as in your Problem section.) Make sure you describe:

Human and material resources required to complete the project, as well as how these resources will be procured.

Are there people you need to contact or interview? Who are they and how can you secure their participation?

Is there any technology required to create your deliverable (besides computers)? Are there other supplies you will need to create your deliverable?

Activities/Products that would be necessary to complete this project. These will include items that your group may not have time/resources to complete, BUT that you recognize would be necessary. This sub-section should include references that show that these activities/products are likely to be effective. These could include things like:

A model for creating an informational campaign that required specific materials (like brochures, PSAs and internet marketing) to be successful.

Research that shows that technological innovations like apps or websites can be used to support specific social behavior.

An organization that has solved this problem on a small/local scale and you want to expand it to your target audience.

Related research that your group can use to bridge to another somewhat related situation.

Works Cited

Provide one Works Cited for the entire Project Proposal (Parts 1 and 2) that includes an entry for each source have you cited. Citations should be alphabetized, use hanging indent, and be in proper MLA 8 style. If you need help, do a Google search for Purdue OWL MLA.


Before you begin, review the rubric to see how you will be graded.

Part 2 of the Project Proposal will be approximately 4 pages (not included the Works Cited).

Use MLA 8 Format for the heading.

Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, one-inch margins, double-spaced.

In-text citations and Works Cited in MLA 8 format.

The Importance of Data Privacy
In our modern world of technology, where our personal information is collected, stored,
and analyzed, the topic of data privacy has become more significant. As people put out and share
data when they browse the internet, share things on social media, and use online services there
has been a significant concern over data privacy. The problem lies in potential misuse and
unauthorized access of sensitive information compromising people’s privacy rights. Although
things like regulations and policies for data protection exist, people often lack control over how
their data is being used, posing a threat to their privacy.
What Does Data Privacy Mean?
Data Privacy plays an important role in trust and people’s relationships with companies.
Data privacy is the capability of a person to choose what, how, and when their information is
shared (“What is data privacy? | privacy definition | cloudflare”). The personal information that
is being shared can consist of a person’s name, contact information, location, etc. It is important
to keep this data away from any unauthorized users.
Why is Data Privacy Important?
Data privacy is important and it is something we should care about for several reasons
such as protection of personal information where an individual’s personal information like social
security numbers and health information are protected from unapproved access, by people trying
to control their own data they can risk things like fraud or identity theft being done to them.
(Tobin). Another reason we should care about data privacy is following ethical data practices
like a company or organization being transparent about what they do and they must be sure to
have consent to collect data, use it, and share it (Tobin). Another reason we should care about
data privacy is because it is the law and there is certain information about people that isn’t meant
to be accessed by others, in a lot of countries throughout the world have made laws that control
how data is handled (“Why should I care about data privacy? Importance of security”). What is
known so far about data privacy is that there are laws in place that protect our data. One example
of a law is the California Consumer Privacy Act which is also known as the strictest data privacy
law and it allows the client to know what a business is doing with their data like what they
collect, who they sell it to, and people also have the right to delete personal information
(Murray). Laws like the CCPA are helping with data privacy by allowing people the right to see
where exactly their data is going.
What remains unknown about Data Privacy?
While we have learned a lot of new things understanding data privacy, there is still a lot
we don’t know. Around 67% of the public don’t have full knowledge of how their personal data
is being used by companies (Mcclain et. al.). Every other day a piece of new technology keeps
coming and people are not fully understanding how their data is being stored and used.
Managing to use cool technology and still have your data safe can be difficult. Many people
don’t take time to read the terms; instead, people simply press “Agree” and easily give away the
right to their personal information. Every day cyber threats keep changing and that leads to not
knowing all the possible weaknesses in new technology regarding data privacy. The lack of
understanding puts the users on thin ice, which unintentionally makes them a potential target of
data breaches.
Who is Impacted by Data Privacy and How is it Being Worked On?
Individuals who use technology and organizations are impacted by the use of data
privacy. Organizations like banks, colleges, universities, government agencies, etc. are some of
the organizations that can be impacted by data privacy due to them holding people’s sensitive
information. Some companies are working to be good at data privacy. An example is Apple
giving users control over what apps can access certain parts of their phone like the microphone
and camera (Sharma). Another example is Signal, Signal has end-to-end encrypted messaging
allowing people’s messages to stay private and block off any infiltration from third parties
(Sharma). As companies continue to work on data privacy there will be improvements made in
the following years.
Data privacy is important in our modern world of technology. Data privacy allows people
to keep their personal information safe from unauthorized users. While there are laws that protect
data privacy like the California Consumer Privacy Act there are a lot of people who don’t know
where their data is going and is being used for or whether their data is being protected. Many
organizations and people are impacted by data privacy but there are companies like Apple and
Signal that are improving data privacy for users. With evolving technology, it is hard for
organizations and companies to keep track of their loose ends.
Works Cited
“Why Should I Care about Data Privacy? Importance of Security.” Case IQ, 16 Aug. 2023, Accessed 04 Dec.
McClain, Colleen. “How Americans View Data Privacy.” Pew Research Center: Internet,
Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 18 Oct. 2023,
Murray, Conor. “U.S. Data Privacy Protection Laws: A Comprehensive Guide.” Forbes, Forbes
Magazine, 12 Sept. 2023,
Sharma, Anshu. “Council Post: Who’s Good at Data Privacy?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 23
Feb. 2022,
Tobin, Donal. “What Is Data Privacy-and Why Is It Important?” Integrate.Io, 7 May 2021,
“What Is Data Privacy? | Privacy Definition | Cloudflare.” CloudFlare, Accessed 04 Dec. 2023.

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