project management


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1. A medical research firm is planning to re-locate to one of four cities within the United States. Review the table below and develop a weighted project selection model with a minimum of 5 criteria (one criteria has been provided to get you started) to aid in the selection of the correct city.  Assign fictional scores to each criterion for each of the 4 cities, provide a legend, and total the score. Make a recommendation based upon the score. Complete the assignment using Microsoft Excel.


2. Two new Internet site projects are proposed to a young start-up company. Project A will cost $100,000 to implement and is expected to have an annual net cash flow of $20,000. Project B will cost $400,000 to implement and should generate annual net cash flows of $90,000.  The company is very concerned about their cash flow. Using the payback period, which project will return their money the soonest?

3. A four-year financial project has net cash flows of $50,000, $40,000, $30,000, and $10,000 in the next four years. It will cost $175,000 to implement the project. If the required rate of return is 20%, conduct a discounted cash flow calculation to determine the NPV.

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4. List the 8 steps of the Project Portfolio Process. Which step do you believe is the most difficult to complete and why?

Chapter 2


1. A medical research firm is planning to re-locate to one of four cities within the United States. Review the table below and develop a weighted project selection model with a minimum of 5 criteria (one criteria has been provided to get you started) to aid in the selection of the correct city. Assign fictional scores to each criterion for each of the 4 cities, provide a legend, and total the score. Make a recommendation based upon the score. Complete the assignment using Microsoft Excel.







Cost to Operate

Skilled Worker Availability








2. Two new Internet site projects are proposed to a young start-up company. Project A will cost $100,000 to implement and is expected to have an annual net cash flow of $20,000. Project B will cost $400,000 to implement and should generate annual net cash flows of $90,000. The company is very concerned about their cash flow. Using the payback period, which project will return their money the soonest?

3. A four-year financial project has net cash flows of $50,000, $40,000, $30,000, and $10,000 in the next four years. It will cost $175,000 to implement the project. If the required rate of return is 20%, conduct a discounted cash flow calculation to determine the NPV.

4. List the 8 steps of the Project Portfolio Process. Which step do you believe is the most difficult to complete and why?


Strategic Ma


agement and Project Selection

More and more, the accomplishment of important tasks and goals in organizations today is being achieved through the use of projects. The phrases we hear and read about daily at our work and in conversations with our colleagues, such as “management by projects” and “project management maturity,” reflect this increasing trend in our society. The explosively rapid adoption of such a powerful tool as project management to help organizations achieve their goals and objectives is certainly awesome. In addition to project management’s great utility when correctly used, however, its utility has also led to many misapplications. As frequently noted by both consultants and industry project experts, there are many projects that:

• fall outside the organization’s stated mission,

• are completely unrelated to the strategy and goals of the organization, or

• have excessive funding levels relative to their expected benefits.

In addition to the growth in the number of organizations adopting project management, there is also accelerating growth in the number of multiple, simultaneous, and often interrelated projects in organizations. Thus, the issue naturally arises as to how one manages all these projects. Are they all really projects? (It has been suggested that perhaps up to 80 percent of all “projects” are not actually projects at all, since they do not include the three project requirements for scope, budget, and due date.) Should we be undertaking all of them? Among those we should implement, what should be their priorities?

It is not unusual these days for organizations to be wrestling with hundreds of new projects. With so many ongoing projects it becomes difficult for smaller projects to get adequate support, or even the attention of senior management. Three particularly common problems in organizations trying to manage multiple projects are:

1. Delays in one project cause delays in other projects because of common resource needs or technological dependencies.

2. The inefficient use of corporate resources results in peaks and valleys of resource utilization.

3. Bottlenecks in resource availability or lack of required technological inputs result in project delays that depend on those scarce resources or technology.

As might be expected, the report card on organizational success with management by projects is not stellar. For example, an early research study (Thomas et al., 2001) found that 30 percent of all projects were canceled midstream, and over half of completed projects were up to 190 percent over budget and 220 percent late. This same study found that the primary motivation of organizations to improve and expand their project management processes was due to major troubled or failed projects, new upcoming mega-projects, or to meet competition or maintain their market share. Those firms that “bought” project management skills from consultants tended to see it as a “commodity.” These firms also commonly relied on outsourcing difficult activities, or even entire projects. Those who developed the skills internally, however, saw project management as offering a proprietary competitive advantage. The latter firms also moved toward recognizing project management as a viable career path in their organization, leading to senior management positions.

More recent research (Alderton, 2013; Economist, 2013) shows not much progress. Less than half of the firms considered their strategically important projects a success, over a quarter of all firms lacked a sponsor and detailed implementation processes for their strategic projects, only two out of five had adequately skilled personnel for their strategic projects, and only one out of five thought hiring skilled staff was a high priority. Note, however, that now we are talking about strategic projects, not all projects, and there has been a great movement in industry toward using projects to implement organizational strategies.

There has also been a lot of research on how to improve this situation. There is now uniform agreement (Alderton, 2013; Derby and Zwikael, 2012; Economist, 2013) that projects, programs, and project portfolios are crucial to organizations’ future competitiveness; the best firms have the most top management involvement (but not micro-managing, however), get the most feedback, dedicate the most resources, and have the most robust processes for their projects; and that implementation, not formulation, is the critical skill in strategic and competitive success—as one researcher noted, all organizations now have the same data and information but not all can execute quickly.

A lot of empirical research has been done recently also with some useful recommendations for top management. Alderton (2013) pointed out that executives should be using projects to change the business, not to run it. Swanson (2011) listed four red flags for raising attention to a serious gap between the organization’s strategy and their projects, one of which was when executives talk about aligning projects with the organization’s strategic objectives, but then promote their own pet projects (termed “sacred cows” later in this chapter). Swanson also suggests that top management identify indicators of the assumptions inherent in their strategy and then regularly check to see if those assumptions are still correct or the indicators are within tolerance limits that would require changing the strategy, using a diversified portfolio of projects, and checking the strategic alignment of their projects on an iterative basis.

One of the more interesting developments that has occurred recently is the advice to the project manager to thoroughly understand the strategic objectives and goals for each of their projects. As Derby and Zwikael (2012) emphasize, the project manager needs to know the “why” for their project, and not just the “what” and “how.” This is even though they recommend that there should be three parties responsible for the success of each project: the project manager for the technical aspects of the project, the internal project sponsor for the strategic benefits and business success, and the client for their investment success. Nevertheless, the project manager needs to intimately understand from the sponsor the strategic and business objectives of the project. Patanakul and Shenhar (2012) go even further and assert that the project team must also be familiar with the business aspects and project strategy of the organization. They define a project strategy as: “The project perspective, position, and guidelines for what to do and how to do it, to achieve the highest competitive advantage and the best value from the project.” By perspective, they are referring to “why” (the background, the reason, and the general idea); position refers to “what” (the outcomes they want to achieve and how to know when it happens); and guidelines refer to “how” (to achieve those outcomes). They then list the characteristics of such a project strategy.

A major development among those choosing to develop project management expertise in house, particularly those interested in using projects to accomplish organizational goals and strate- gies, is the initiation of a Project Management Office (PMO), described in detail in Chapter 5. This office strives to develop multi-project management expertise throughout the organization, to evaluate the interrelationships between projects (e.g., resource and skill requirements), and to ensure that projects are clearly related to the organization’s goals. It is expected that the PMO will promote those projects that capitalize on the organization’s strengths, offer a competitive advan- tage, and mutually support each other, while avoiding those with resource or technology needs in areas where the organization has no desire for development.

The challenges thus facing the contemporary organization are how to make sure that projects are closely tied to the organization’s goals and strategy. And again, as Mihalic (2013) also points out, project success these days isn’t just meeting the triple technical constraints of scope, schedule, and budget but also meeting the strategic goals that result in a business benefit for the project. Organizations need to link the strategic elements with the tactical to streamline decision making, increase efficiencies, and better align organizational goals. Program and project managers today have to cope with unprecedented levels of ambiguity and complexity, especially in terms of the number of stakeholders and their power to delay and even stop a project. As well, the pace of technology and interdependency of systems has created tremendous levels of uncertainty. Leadership and strategic/ business management of these challenges are now just as important as technical management.

Two additional challenges are (1) how to handle the growing number of ongoing projects, which is a topic we discuss more fully in Section 2.5; and (2) how to make these projects more successful, a subject that involves the concept “project management maturity”—the development of project and multiproject management expertise. Following a discussion of project management maturity, we launch into a major aspect of multiproject management, that is, selecting projects for implementation, and then we briefly discuss the uncertainty, or risk, involved.

Given that the organization has an appropriate mission statement and strategy, projects must be selected that are consistent with the strategic goals of the organization. Project selection is the process of evaluating individual projects or groups of projects and then choosing to implement some set of them so that the strategic objectives of the parent organization will be achieved. Because considerable uncertainty may surround one’s initial notions of precisely how most projects will be carried out, what resources will be required, and how long it will take to complete the project, we must also consider risk analysis in the selection process. Following this, we illustrate the process of selecting for implementation the set of projects that best meets the strategic goals of the organization, the Project Portfolio Process. Last, the chapter closes with a short discussion of project proposals.

Before proceeding, a final comment is pertinent. It is not common to discuss project selection, the construction of a project portfolio, and similar matters in any detail in elementary texts on project management. The project manager typically has little or no say in the project funding decision, nor is he or she usually asked for input concerning the development of organizational strategy. Why then discuss these matters? The answer is simple, yet persuasive. The project manager who does not understand what a given project is expected to contribute to the parent and client organizations lacks critical information needed to manage the project and maximize its contribution.


As organizations have employed more and more projects for accomplishing their objectives (often referred to as “managing organizations by projects”), it has become natural for senior managers—as well as scholars—to wonder if the organization’s project managers have a mastery of the skills required to manage projects competently. For a great many organizations, the answer appears to be “NO!” The record of IT/software projects is particularly poor with less than 15 percent reaching “planned expectations” (KPMG, 2005; Cicmil et al., 2006; and elsewhere). A recent survey by PMI (2011) indicated that one of the key factors for improving the success rate of projects was the organization’s project management competency, now known as “maturity,” including the standardization of project management techniques which increased project success rates by over 25 percent.

Dinsmore (1998) describes one such “project management maturity” measure that scores firms on five successive levels of maturity. In the first level, “Initial,” there is no formal process for managing projects. The second level, “Repeatable,” has procedures in place for planning, scheduling, tracking, and estimating. The data are not integrated even if the firm has PM software available. The third level is “Defined.” On this level, the firm has integrated systems for tracking and managing projects, but are not routinely understood and used for controlling projects. At level 4, “Managed,” systems are installed and used to manage and control projects. The project success rate is high. Level 5, “Optimizing,” has integrated databases used to generate information for senior managers as well as for managers of single projects or portfolios of several projects. The database also contains historical information to allow continued improvement of the project management system.

In the last few years, a number of different ways to measure “project management maturity” have been suggested (Pennypacker et al., 2003), such as basing the evaluation on PMI’s PMBOK Guide (Lubianiker, 2000), PMI’s Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3; see www We will refer to project management maturity models again in Chapter 11 on Project Control. We also urge that the findings of new research on how to improve project management processes be maintained and utilized to allow continued improvement of project management systems.

Quite a few consulting firms, as well as scholars, have devised formal maturity measures. One of these measures, PM3, is described by R. Remy (1997). In this system, the final project management “maturity” of an organization is assessed as being at one of five levels: ad hoc (disorganized, accidental successes and failures); abbreviated (some processes exist, inconsistent management, unpredictable results); organized (standardized processes, more predictable results); managed (controlled and measured processes, results in line with plans); and adaptive (continuous improvement in processes, success is normal, performance keeps improving).

Another maturity model has been devised and applied to 38 organizations in four different industries (Ibbs et al., 2000). This model consists of 148 questions divided into six processes/life- cycle phases (initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing, and organizational environment), and the nine PMBOK knowledge areas (integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, and procurement). The model assesses an organization’s project management maturity in terms of five stages of maturity: ad hoc, planned, managed, integrated, and sustained (the highest level).

Regardless of model form, it appears that most organizations do not score very well in terms of maturity. On one form, about three-quarters are no higher than level 2 (planned) and fewer than 6 percent are above level 3 (managed). On another perspective, the average of the 38 organizations was only slightly over level 3, though individual firms ranged between levels 1.8 and 4.6 on the five-point scale.

Next we detail the project selection process, discussing the various types of selection models commonly used, some criteria for selection, and the role of risk in the process.


Project selection is the process of evaluating proposed projects or groups of projects, and then choosing to implement some set of them so that the objectives of the parent organization will be achieved. This same systematic process can be applied to any area of the organization’s business in which choices must be made between competing alternatives. For example, a manufacturing firm can use evaluation/selection techniques to choose which machine to adopt in a part-fabrication process; a TV station can select which of several syndicated comedy shows to rerun in its 7:30 P.M. weekday time-slot; a construction firm can select the best subset of a large group of potential projects on which to bid; or a hospital can find the best mix of psychiatric, orthopedic, obstetric, and other beds for a new wing. Each project will have different costs, benefits, and risks. Rarely are these known with certainty. In the face of such differences, the selection of one project out of a set is a difficult task. Choosing a number of different projects, a portfolio, is even more complex (discussed in Section 2.5).

In the paragraph just above, all firms except the hypothetical construction firm are considering projects that are “inside” the organization; that is, they are for “clients” within the organization funding the projects. The construction firm is considering a set of potential projects to perform for clients outside of the construction firm itself. Whether for inside or outside clients, the projects will use the organization’s own resources, and both types of projects are usually dealt with as “competing” for the same pool of resources.

Only rarely will a project manager be involved in the process by which projects are selected for inclusion in the set of projects the parent organization adopts for investment. It is, however, critically important to the success of the PM that he or she fully understands the parent organization’s objectives in undertaking a project that the PM is expected to lead. As we will see, most of the decisions that the PM is forced to make will have an impact on the degree to which the project contributes to those objectives the parent organization expected from the project. This is not the last time we will note the importance for the PM to understand why his or her project was selected for investment.

In the following sections, we discuss several techniques that can be used to help senior managers select projects. Project selection is only one of many decisions associated with project management. To deal with all of these problems, we use models. We need such models because they abstract the relevant issues about a problem from the mass of detail in which the problem is embedded—reality is far too complex to deal with in its entirety. The model allows us to strip away almost all the reality from a problem, leaving only the relevant aspects of the “real” situation for us to deal with. This process of carving away the unwanted reality from the bones of a problem is called modeling the problem.

The proper choice of investment projects is crucial to the long-run survival of every firm. Daily we witness the results of both good and bad investment choices. In our daily newspapers we read of Cisco System’s decision to purchase firms that have developed valuable communication network software rather than to develop its own software. We read of Procter and Gamble’s decision to invest heavily in marketing its products on the Internet and through social media; or problems faced by school systems when they update student computer labs—should they invest in Microsoft based systems or stick with their traditional choice, Apple? But can such important choices be made rationally? Once made, do they ever change, and if so, how? These questions reflect the need for effective selection models.

Within the limits of their capabilities, such models can be used to increase profits, select investments competing for limited capital resources, or improve the market position of an organization. They can be used for ongoing evaluation as well as initial selection, and thus are a key to the allocation and reallocation of the organization’s scarce resources. When a firm chooses a project selection model, the following criteria, based on Souder (1983), are most important.

1. Realism The model should reflect the reality of the firm’s decision situation, especially the multiple objectives of both the firm and its managers, bearing in mind that without a common measurement system, direct comparison of different projects is impossible. The model should also take into account the realities of the firm’s limitations on facilities, capital, personnel, and so forth, and include factors that reflect project technical and market risks: performance, cost, time, customer rejection, and implementation.

2. Capability The model should be sophisticated enough to deal with the relevant factors: multiple time periods, situations both internal and external to the project (e.g., strikes, interest rate changes), and so on.

3. Flexibility The model should give valid results within the range of conditions that the firm might experience. It should be easy to modify in response to changes in the firm’s environment; for example, tax law changes, new technological advancements that alter risk levels, and, above all, organizational goal changes.

4. Ease of use The model should be reasonably convenient, not take a long time to execute, and be easy to use and understand. It should not require special interpretation, data that are difficult to acquire, excessive personnel, or unavailable equipment.

5. Cost Data-gathering and modeling costs should be low relative to the cost of the project and less than the potential benefits of the project. All costs should be considered, including the costs of data management and of running the model. We would add the following sixth criterion.

Since the development of computers and the establishment of operations research as an academic subject in the mid-1950s, the use of formal, numeric models to assist in decision making has expanded. Many of these models use financial metrics such as profits and/or cash flow to measure the “correctness” of a managerial decision. Project selection decisions are no exception, being based primarily on the degree to which the financial goals of the organization are met. As we will see later, this stress on financial goals, largely to the exclusion of other criteria, raises some serious problems for the firm, irrespective of whether the firm is for-profit or not-for-profit.

There are two basic types of project selection models, numeric and nonnumeric. Both are widely used. Many organizations use both at the same time, or they use models that are combinations of the two. Nonnumeric models, as the name implies, do not use numbers as inputs. Numeric models do, but the criteria being measured may be either objective or subjective. It is important to remember that the qualities of a project may be represented by numbers, and that subjective measures are not necessarily less useful or reliable than objective measures.

Before examining specific kinds of models within the two basic types, let us consider just what we wish the model to do for us, never forgetting two critically important, but often overlooked, facts.

• Models do not make decisions—people do. The manager, not the model, bears responsi- bility for the decision. The manager may “delegate” the task of making the decision to a model, but the responsibility cannot be abdicated.

• All models, however sophisticated, are only partial representations of the reality they are meant to reflect. Reality is far too complex for us to capture more than a small fraction of it in any model. Therefore, no model can yield an optimal decision except within its own, possibly inadequate, framework.

We seek a model to assist us in making project selection decisions. This model should possess the characteristics discussed previously and, above all, it should evaluate potential projects by the degree to which they will meet the firm’s objectives. To construct a selection/evaluation model, therefore, it is necessary to develop a list of the firm’s objectives. This list of objectives should be generated by top management and might include maintenance of specific market shares, development of an improved image with specific clients or competitors, or expansion into a new line of business, just to mention a few.

When the list of objectives has been developed, an additional refinement is recommended. The elements in the list should be weighted. Each item is added to the list because it represents a contribution to the success of the organization, but each item does not make an equal contribution. The weights reflect different degrees of contribution each element makes in accomplishing a set of goals.

Once the list of weighted goals has been developed, one more task remains. The probable contribution of each project to each goal should be estimated. A project is selected or rejected because it is predicted to have certain outcomes, if implemented, which contribute to goal achievement. If the estimated level of goal achievement is sufficiently large, the project is selected. A paper by Åstebro (2004) reports on a study of more than 500 R & D projects. He found that four project characteristics were excellent predictors of a project’s commercial success: (1) expected profitability, (2) technological opportunity, (3) development risk, and (4) appropriateness, the degree to which a project is appropriate for the organization undertaking it. This finding is particularly important because the experimental design was free of the hindsight bias that is so common in studies of project success and failure. The model correctly predicted almost 80 percent of the project failures and almost 75 percent of the project successes.

A primary cause for the failure of R & D projects is insufficient care in evaluating the proposal before the expenditure of funds. What is true for R & D projects also appears to be true for other kinds of projects, and it is clear that product development projects are more successful if they incorporate user needs and satisfaction in the design process (Matzler et al., 1998). Careful analysis of a potential project is mandatory for profitability in the construction business. There are many horror stories about firms that undertook projects for the installation of a computer information system without sufficient analysis of the time, cost, and disruption involved.

Once again, we must emphasize that the tendency of many organizations to depend on profitability models to the exclusion of nonfinancial costs and benefits is a serious mistake. It is not uncommon for the “minor side-effects” of a new product or process to have major impacts on the parent organization. Often, projects intended to alter the organization’s infrastructure—extending engineering software to include new analytic methods or installing a day-care facility for preschool children of employees—can have significant positive effects on worker morale and productivity. On the other hand, replacing workers with new technology may make financial sense but could hurt morale and productivity so much that the change substantially reduces profitability.


Of the two basic types of selection models (numeric and nonnumeric), nonnumeric models are older and simpler and have only a few subtypes to consider. We examine them first.

Nonnumeric Models

The Sacred Cow In this case the project is suggested by a senior and powerful official in the organization. Often the project is initiated with a simple comment such as, “If you have a chance, why don’t you look into . . . ,” and there follows an undeveloped idea for a new product, for the development of a new market, for the design and adoption of a global data base and information system, or for some other project requiring an investment of the firm’s resources. The immediate result of this bland statement is the creation of a “project” to investigate whatever the boss has suggested. The project is “sacred” in the sense that it will be maintained until successfully concluded, or until the boss, personally, recognizes the idea as a failure and terminates it.

The Operating Necessity If a flood is threatening the plant, a project to build a protective dike does not require much formal evaluation. XYZ Steel Corporation has used this criterion (and the following criterion also) in evaluating potential projects. If the project is required in order to keep the system operating, the primary question becomes: Is the system worth saving at the estimated cost of the project? If the answer is yes, project costs will be examined to make sure they are kept as low as is consistent with project success, but the project will be funded.

The Competitive Necessity Using this criterion, XYZ Steel undertook a major plant rebuilding project in the late 1960s in its steel bar manufacturing facilities near Chicago. It had become apparent to XYZ’s management that the company’s bar mill needed modernization if the firm was to maintain its competitive position in the Chicago market area. Although the planning process for the project was quite sophisticated, the decision to undertake the project was based on a desire to maintain the company’s competitive position in that market.

In a similar manner, many business schools are restructuring their undergraduate and MBA programs to stay competitive with the more forward-looking schools. In large part, this action is driven by declining numbers of tuition-paying students and the need to develop stronger programs to attract them.

Investment in an operating necessity project takes precedence over a competitive necessity project, but both types of projects may bypass the more careful numeric analysis used for projects deemed to be less urgent or less important to the survival of the firm.

The Product Line Extension In this case, a project to develop and distribute new products would be judged on the degree to which it fits the firm’s existing product line, fills a gap, strengthens a weak link, or extends the line in a new, desirable direction. Sometimes careful calculations of profitability are not required. Decision makers can act on their beliefs about what will be the likely impact on the total system performance if the new product is added to the line.

Comparative Benefit Model For this situation, assume that an organization has many projects to consider, perhaps several dozen. Senior management would like to select a subset of the projects that would most benefit the firm, but the projects do not seem to be easily comparable. For example, some projects concern potential new products, some require the conduct of a research and development project for a government agency, some concern changes in production methods, others concern computerization of certain records, and still others cover a variety of subjects not easily categorized (e.g., a proposal to create a daycare center for employees with small children). The organization has no formal method of selecting projects, but members of the Selection Committee think that some projects will benefit the firm more than others, even if they have no precise way to define or measure “benefit.”

The concept of comparative benefits, if not a formal model, is widely adopted for selection decisions on all sorts of projects. Most United Way organizations use the concept to make decisions about which of several social programs to fund. Senior management of the funding organization then examines all projects with positive recommendations and attempts to construct a portfolio that best fits the organization’s aims and its budget.

Of the several techniques for ordering projects, the Q-Sort is one of the most straightforward. First, the projects are divided into three groups—good, fair, and poor—according to their relative merits. If any group has more than eight members, it is subdivided into two categories, such as fair- plus and fair-minus. When all categories have eight or fewer members, the projects within each category are ordered from best to worst. Again, the order is determined on the basis of relative merit.

The rater may use specific criteria to rank each project, or may simply use general overall judgment. (See Figure 2-1 for an example of a Q-Sort.) The process described may be carried out by one person who is responsible for evaluation and selection, or it may be performed by a committee charged with the responsibility. If a committee handles the task, the individual rankings can be developed anonymously, and the set of anonymous

Steps results at each step

1. Original deck

2. High level low level

3. High level medium level low level

4. Medium level

5. Very high level high level low level very low level

Figure 2-1 Q sort method.

rankings can be examined by the committee itself for consensus. It is common for such rankings to differ somewhat from rater to rater, but they do not often vary strikingly because the individuals chosen for such committees rarely differ widely on what they feel to be appropriate for the parent organization. Projects can then be selected in the order of preference, though they are usually evaluated financially before final selection.

There are other, similar nonnumeric models for accepting or rejecting projects. Although it is easy to dismiss such models as unscientific, they should not be discounted casually. These models are clearly goal-oriented and directly reflect the primary concerns of the organization. The sacred cow model, in particular, has an added feature; sacred cow projects are visibly supported by “the powers that be.” Full support by top management is certainly an important contributor to project success. Without such support, the probability of project success is sharply lowered.

Sustainability The December 2009 issue of PM Network is devoted to “sustainability.” The discussion begins with the following (Gale, 2009): “Somewhere along the line, sustainability became interchangeable with that other buzzword; green. There’s just one small problem. It’s not really accurate. Sustainability does, of course, call for incorporating environmental concerns into project decision-making, but it also covers social issues—and the bottom line.”

More and more organizations are building sustainability into the set of criteria that must be met for proposed projects to be selected for funding. Jewelry companies avoid the use of “blood diamonds,” and manufacturing firms avoid purchasing inputs from suppliers that use child labor. The sale of a pharmaceutical of questionable purity or serious side-effects is commonly far more costly in the long run than the cost of better quality control or the research needed for better drug design. In other words, sustainability focuses on long-run profitability rather than short-run payoff. To integrate sustainability into the organization’s decision-making requires the appointment of a senior manager with responsibility for the task. Metrics must be developed to measure the results of policy changes to increase sustainability, and this often requires developing the “soft” measures we will discuss later in this chapter.


Project Management in Practice

Taipei 101: Refitted as World’s Tallest Sustainable Building

The owners of Taiwan’s Taipei 101 tower, the tallest building in East Asia, wanted to show the world that it is possible to make an existing building sustainable by winning a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environ- mental Design) certification. When the building was constructed in 1998, advanced elements of sustain- ability were included, such as low-emissivity win- dows, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and smart controls on its double-deck elevators. The new $1.8 million effort will extend these green elements to include eco-friendly processes (cleaning, solid-waste management, purchasing), healthy office environ- ments (air-quality testing, environmental inspections), energy consumption (optimizing operating and main- tenance programs, automatic turnoff of lighting in unoccupied restrooms), water usage (replacing toilet and urinal flush valves, reducing washbasin faucet flow rates), and tenant recycling, waste management, and office fit-outs.

However, the engineering aspects of the tower refitting were the easy parts of the project. More difficult was getting all 85 organizations occupying the tower, comprising over 10,000 people, on board with the recycling (including purchase of recycled supplies) and other sustainability routines. The project manager notes that changing people’s attitudes is by far the greatest challenge for sustainability



1. Why did the owners pick such a big building for sustainability refitting

2. What aspect of the tenant’s habits and routines relates to sustainability, as opposed to “green?”

3. In what ways does refitting the tower enhance long- term profitability?

Source: S. A. Swanson. “The Sky’s the Limit,” PM Network, Vol. 24.

Numeric Models: Profit/Profitability

As noted earlier, a large majority of all firms using project evaluation and selection models use profitability as the sole measure of acceptability. We will consider these models first, and then discuss more comprehensive models. Cost aspects of profitability are covered in the fourth knowledge area of the PMBOK.

Payback Period The payback period for a project is the initial fixed investment in the project divided by the estimated annual net cash inflows from the project. The ratio of these quantities is the number of years required for the project to repay its initial fixed investment. For example, assume a project costs $100,000 to implement and has annual net cash inflows of $25,000. Then

Payback period ˆ $100;000=$25;000 ˆ 4 years

This method assumes that the cash inflows will persist at least long enough to pay back the investment, and it ignores any cash inflows beyond the payback period. The method also serves as an (inadequate) proxy for risk. The faster the investment is recovered, the less the risk (discussed further in Section 2.4) to which the firm is exposed.

Discounted Cash Flow Also referred to as the net present value (NPV) method, the discounted cash flow method determines the net present value of all cash flows by

discounting them by the required rate of return (also known as the hurdle rate, cutoff rate, and similar terms) as follows:


NPV…project†ˆA0 +∑



Ft = the net cash flow in period t,

k = the required rate of return, and

A0 = initial cash investment (because this is an outflow, it will be negative).

To include the impact of inflation (or deflation) where pt is the predicted rate of inflation during period t, we have


NPV…project†ˆA ‡+∑ Ft ÷ (1 ‡ k ‡ pt) t


Early in the life of a project, net cash flow is likely to be negative, the major outflow being the initial investment in the project, A0. If the project is successful, however, cash flows will become positive. The project is acceptable if the sum of the net present values of all estimated cash flows over the life of the project is positive. A simple example will suffice. Using our $100,000 investment with a net cash inflow of $25,000 per year for a period of eight years, a required rate of return of 15 percent, and an inflation rate of 3 percent per year, we have


NPV …project† = $100.000 ∑‡$25;000 ÷ˆ1 …(1+‡0.15‡+0.03)t†


ˆ= $1939

Because the present value of the inflows is greater than the present value of the outflow—that is, the net present value is positive—the project is deemed acceptable.

Internal Rate of Return If we have a set of expected cash inflows and cash outflows, the internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates the present values of the two sets of flows. If At is an expected cash outflow in the period t and Rt is the expected inflow for the period t, the internal rate of return is the value of k that satisfies the following equation (note that the A0 will be positive in this formulation of the problem):

A0 +‡A1\…(1‡k)†+‡A2\(…1+‡k)×2+ ‡ ∙∙∙ ‡An\…(1+‡k)n ˆ=R1+\(1‡k+)+†R2\(1+ k)2 +‡ ∙∙∙ ‡Rn…(1 +k)n

The value of k is found by trial and error.

Profitability Index Also known as the benefit–cost ratio, the profitability index is the net present value of all future expected cash flows divided by the initial cash investment. (Some firms do not discount the cash flows in making this calculation.) If this ratio is greater than 1.0, the project may be accepted.

Other Profitability Models There are a great many variations of the models just described. These variations fall into three general categories: (1) those that subdivide net cash flow into the elements that comprise the net flow; (2) those that include specific terms to introduce risk (or uncertainty, which is treated as risk) into the evaluation; and (3) those that extend the analysis to consider effects that the project might have on other projects or activities in the organization.


PsychoCeramic Sciences, Inc.

PsychoCeramic Sciences, Inc. (PSI), a large producer of cracked pots and other cracked items, is considering the installation of a new marketing software package that will, it is hoped, allow more accurate sales information concerning the inventory, sales, and deliveries of its pots as well as its vases designed to hold artificial flowers.

The information systems (IS) department has submit- ted a project proposal that estimates the investment requirements as follows: an initial investment of $125,000 to be paid up-front to the Pottery Software Corporation; an additional investment of $100,000 to modify and install the software; and another $90,000 to integrate the new software into the overall information system. Delivery and installation are estimated to take one year; integrating the entire system should require an additional year. Thereafter, the IS department predicts that scheduled software updates will require further expenditures of about $15,000 every second year, begin- ning in the fourth year. They will not, however, update the software in the last year of its expected useful life. The project schedule calls for benefits to begin in the third year, and to be up to speed by the end of that year. Projected additional profits resulting from better and more timely sales information are estimated to be $50,000 in the first year of operation and are expected to peak at $120,000 in the second year of operation, and then to follow the gradually declining pattern shown in the table at the end of this box.

Project life is expected to be 10 years from project inception, at which time the proposed system will be obsolete for this division and will have to be replaced. It is estimated, however, that the software can be sold to a smaller division of PSI and will thus have a salvage value of $35,000. PSI has a 12 percent hurdle rate for capital investments and expects the rate of inflation to be about 2 percent over the life of the project. Assuming that the initial expenditure occurs at the beginning of the year and that all other receipts and expenditures occur as lump sums at the end of the year, we can prepare the Net Present Value analysis for the project as shown in the table below.

The Net Present Value of the project is positive and, thus, the project can be accepted. (The project would have been rejected if the hurdle rate were 14 percent.)

Just for the intellectual exercise, note that the total inflow for the project is $759,000, or $75,900 per year on average for the 10-year project. The required investment is $315,000 (ignoring the biennial overhaul charges). Assum- ing 10-year, straight line depreciation, or $31,500 per year, the payback period would be:

PB = $315.000 \ $75.900 +‡ 31.500 = 2:9

A project with this payback period would probably be considered quite desirable.

Year Infow Outflow Net Flow Discount Factor Net Present Value

A B C D=(B -C)† 1\ (1+ k + p)t D ×(Disc. Fact.)†

2013* $ 0 $125.000 -125.000 1.0000 -$125,000

2013 0 100.000 -100.000 0.8696 -86,957

2014 0 90.000 -90.000 0.7561 -68,053

2015 50.000 0 50.000 0.6575 32,876

2016 120.000 15.000 105.000 0.5718 60,034

2017 115.000 0 115.000 0.4972 57,175

2018 105.000 15.000 90.000 0.4323 38,909

2019 97.000 0 97.000 0.3759 36,466

2020 90.000 15.000 75.000 0.3269 24,518

2021 82.000 0 82.000 0.2843 23,310

2022 65.000 0 65.000 0.2472 16,067

2022 35.000 35.000 0.2472 8,651

Total $759,000 $360,000 $399,000 $ 17,997

*t = 0 at the beginning of 2013.


Several comments are in order about all the profit-profitability numeric models. First, let us consider their advantages:

1. The undiscounted models are simple to use and understand.

2. All use readily available accounting data to determine the cash flows.

3. Model output is in terms familiar to business decision makers.

4. With a few exceptions, model output is on an “absolute” profit/profitability scale and allows “absolute” go/no-go decisions.

5. Some profit models can be amended to account for project risk.

The disadvantages of these models are the following:

1. These models ignore all nonmonetary factors except risk. 2. Modelsthatdonotincludediscountingignorethetimingofthecashflowsandthetime–valueof money.

3. Models that reduce cash flows to their present value are strongly biased toward the short run.

4. Payback-type models ignore cash flows beyond the payback period.

5. The internal rate of return model can result in multiple solutions.

6. All are sensitive to errors in the input data for the early years of the project.

7. All discounting models are nonlinear, and the effects of changes (or errors) in the variables or parameters are generally not obvious to most decision makers.

8. All these models depend for input on a determination of cash flows, but it is not clear exactly how the concept of cash flow is properly defined for the purpose of evaluating projects.

A complete discussion of profit/profitability models can be found in any standard work on financial management—see Ross et al. (2008), for example. In general, the net present value models are preferred to the internal rate of return models. Despite wide use, financial models rarely include nonfinancial outcomes in their benefits and costs. In a discussion of the financial value of adopting project management (that is, selecting as a project the use of project management) in a firm, Githens (1998) notes that traditional financial models “simply cannot capture the complexity and value added of today’s process-oriented firm.”

The commonly seen phrase “return on investment,” or ROI, does not denote any specific method of calculation. It usually involves NPV or internal rate of return (IRR) calculations, but we have seen it used in reference to undiscounted rate of return models and (incorrectly) payback period models.

In our experience, the payback period model, occasionally using discounted cash flows, is one of the most commonly used models for evaluating projects and other investment opportunities. Managers generally feel that insistence on short payout periods tends to minimize the risks associated with outstanding monies over the passage of time. While this is certainly logical, we prefer evaluation methods that discount cash flows and deal with uncertainty more directly by considering specific risks. Using the payback period as a cash-budgeting tool aside, its primary virtue is its simplicity.

Numeric Models: Real Options

A more recent approach to project selection employs financial analysis that recognizes the value of positioning the organization to capitalize on future opportunities. It is based on the financial options approach to valuing prospective capital investment opportunities. Through a financial option an organization or individual acquires the right to do something but is not required to exercise that right. For example, you may be familiar with stock options. When a person or organization purchases a stock option, they acquire the right to purchase a specific number of shares of a particular stock at a specified price within a specified time frame. If the market price of the stock moves above the specified option price within the specified time frame, the entity holding the option can exercise its right and thereby purchase the stock below the fair market price. If the market price of the stock remains below the specified option price, the entity can choose not to exercise its right to buy the stock.

To illustrate the analogy of financial options to project selection, consider a young biotech firm that is ready to begin clinical trials to test a new pharmaceutical product in humans. A key issue the company has to address is how to produce the drug both now in the low volumes needed for the clinical trials and in the mass quantities that will be needed in the future should the new drug succeed in the clinical trial phase. Its options for producing the drug in low volumes for the clinical trials are to invest in an in-house pilot plant or to immediately license the drug to another company. If it invests in an in-house pilot plan, it then has two future options for mass producing the drug: (1) invest in a commercial scale plant or (2) license the manufacturing rights. In effect then, investing now in the pilot plant provides the pharmaceutical company with the option of building a commercial scale plant in the future, an option it would not have if it chose to license the drug right from the start. Thus, by building the in-house pilot plant the pharmaceutical company is in a sense acquiring the right to build a commercial plant in the future. While beyond the scope of this book, we point out to the reader that in addition to the traditional approaches to project selection, the decision to build the pilot plant can also be analyzed using valuation techniques from financial options theory. In this case the value of having the option to build a commercial plant can be estimated.

In addition to considering the value of future opportunities a project may provide, the cost of not doing a project should also be considered. This approach to project selection is based on the well-known economic concept of “opportunity cost.” Consider the problem of making an investment in one of only two projects. An investment in Project A will force us to forgo investing in Project B, and vice versa. If the return on A is 12 percent, making an investment in B will have an opportunity cost of 12 percent, the cost of the opportunity forgone. If the return on B is greater than 12 percent, it may be preferred over selecting Project A.

The same selection principle can be applied to timing the investment in a given project. R and D projects or projects involving the adoption of new technologies, for example, have values that may vary considerably with time. It is common for the passage of time to reduce uncertainties involved in both technological and commercial projects. The value of investing now may be higher (or lower) than investing later. If a project is delayed, the values of its costs and revenues at a later period should be discounted to their present value when compared to an investment not delayed.

Occasionally, organizations will approve projects that are forecast to lose money when fully costed and sometimes even when only direct costed. Such decisions by upper management are not necessarily foolish because there may be other, more important reasons for proceeding with a project, such as to:

• Acquire knowledge concerning a specific or new technology

• Get the organization’s “foot in the door”

• Obtain the parts, service, or maintenance portion of the work

• Allow them to bid on a lucrative, follow-on contract

• Improve their competitive position

• Broaden a product line or line of business

Of course, such decisions are expected to lose money in the short term only. Over the longer term they are expected to bring extra profits to the organization. It should be understood that “lowball” or “buy-in” bids (bidding low with the intent of cutting corners on work and material, or forcing subsequent contract changes) are unethical practices, violate the PMI Code of Ethics for Project Managers ( or PMBOK, p. 2, 2013), and are clearly dishonest.

The real options approach acts to reduce both technological and commercial risk. For a full explanation of the method and its use as a strategic selection tool, see Luehrman (1998a and 1998b). An interesting application of real options as a project selection tool for pharmaceutical R & D projects is described by Jacob et al. (2003). Real options combined with Monte Carlo simulation is compared with alternative selection/assessment methods by Doctor et al. (2001).

Numeric Models: Scoring

In an attempt to overcome some of the disadvantages of profitability models, particularly their focus on a single decision criterion, a number of evaluation/selection models that use multiple criteria to evaluate a project have been developed. Such models vary widely in their complexity and information requirements. The examples discussed illustrate some of the different types of numeric scoring models.

Unweighted 0–1 Factor Model A set of relevant factors is selected by management and then usually listed in a preprinted form. One or more raters score the project on each factor, depending on whether or not it qualifies for an individual criterion. The raters are chosen by senior managers, for the most part from the rolls of senior management. The criteria for choice are (1) a clear understanding of organizational goals and (2) a good knowledge of the firm’s potential project portfolio. Figure 2-2 shows an example of the rating sheet for an unweighted, 0–1 factor model.

The columns of Figure 2-2 are summed, and those projects with a sufficient number of qualifying factors may be selected. The main advantage of such a model is that it uses several criteria in the decision process. The major disadvantages are that it assumes all criteria are of equal importance and it allows for no gradation of the degree to which a specific project meets the various criteria.

Unweighted Factor Scoring Model The second disadvantage of the 0–1 factor model can be dealt with by constructing a simple linear measure of the degree to which the project being evaluated meets each of the criteria contained in the list. The x marks in Figure 2-2 would be replaced by numbers. Often a five-point scale is used, where 5 is very good, 4 is good, 3 is fair, 2 is poor, 1 is very poor. (Three-, seven-, and 10-point scales are also common.) The second column of Figure 2-2 would not be needed. The column of scores is summed, and those projects with a total score exceeding some critical value are selected. A variant of this selection process might choose the highest-scoring projects (still assuming they are all above some critical score) until the estimated costs of the set of projects equaled the resource limit. However, the criticism that the criteria are all assumed to be of equal importance still holds.

The use of a discrete numeric scale to represent the degree to which a criterion is satisfied is widely accepted. To construct such measures for project evaluation, we proceed in the following manner. Select a criterion, say, “estimated annual profits in dollars.” For this criterion, determine five ranges of performance so that a typical project, chosen at random, would have a roughly equal chance of being in any one of the five performance ranges. (Another way of describing this condition is: Take a large number of projects that were selected for support in the past, regardless of whether they were actually successful or not, and create five levels of predicted performance so that about one-fifth of the projects fall into each level.) This procedure will usually create unequal ranges, which may offend our sense of symmetry but need not concern us


Project ______________________________________________________________________________ Rater ______________________________________ Date ____________________________________

Qualifies Does Not Qualify

No increase in energy requirements x Potential market size, dollars x

Potential market share, percent x No new facility required x

No new technical expertise required x

No decrease in quality of final product x

Ability to manage project with current personnel x

No requirement for reorganization x

Impact on work force safety x Impact on environmental standards x

Profitability x

Rate of return more than 15 percent after tax x

Estimated annual profits more than $250,000 x

Time to break-even less than 3 years x

Need for external consultants x

Consistency with current line of business x

Impact on company image

With customers x

With our industry x

Totals 12 5

Sample project evaluation form. otherwise.

It ensures that each criterion performance measure utilizes the full scale of possible values and provides the greatest discrimination power, both desirable characteristics for performance measures.

Consider the following two simple examples. Using the criterion just mentioned, “estimated annual profits in dollars,” we might construct the following scale:

Score Performance Level

5 Above $1,100,000

4 $750,001 to $1,100,000

3 $500,001 to $750,000

2 $200,000 to $500,000

1 Less than $200,000

As suggested, these ranges might have been chosen so that about 20 percent of the projects considered for funding would fall into each of the five ranges.

The criterion “no decrease in quality of the final product” would have to be restated to be scored on a five-point scale, perhaps as follows:

Score Performance Level

The quality of the final product is:

5 significantly and visibly improved

4 significantly improved, but not visible to buyer

3 not significantly changed

2 significantly lowered, but not visible to buyer

1 significantly and visibly lowered

This scale is an example of scoring that represent opinion rather than objective (even if “estimated”) fact, as was the case in the profit scale.

Weighted Factor Scoring Model When numeric weights reflecting the relative importance of each individual criterion (or factor) are added, we have a weighted factor scoring model. In general, it takes the form


Si = ∑ˆ sijwj



Si = the total score of the ith project,

sij = the score of the ith project on the jth criterion, and

wj = the weight of the jth criterion.

The weights, wj, may be generated by any technique that is acceptable to the organization’s policy makers. There are several techniques available to generate such numbers, but the most effective and most widely used is the Delphi method. The Delphi method (Dalkey, 1969) is a technique for developing numeric values that are equivalent to subjective, verbal measures of relative value.

Another popular and quite similar approach is the Analytic Hierarchy Process, developed by Saaty (1990). For an extensive example involving finance, sales, and purchasing, see pages 306– 316 of Turban et al. (1994). This example also illustrates the use of Expert Choice, a soft-ware package to facilitate the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Meade et al. (2002) developed a more general form of Saaty’s AHP. They call it the Analytic Network Process, and their paper includes an example of its application to evaluation of multiple R & D projects. (Which reminds us, once more, to caution those who include “technological risk” when evaluating projects. The probability of technical success for any project is 1.0 if there is no limit on time and/or budget. Any estimate of technical success should be accompanied by time and cost constraints, or it is meaningless.)

Finally, the use of experts to develop weightings is nicely demonstrated by Jolly (2003) who applies the technique to the development of weights to a technology portfolio.

When numeric weights have been generated, it is helpful (but not necessary) to scale the weights so that

0 ≤ wj ≤ 1 jˆ1, 2, 3, …, n


∑ WJ=1


The weight of each criterion can be interpreted as the “percent of the total weight accorded to that particular criterion.”

A special caveat is in order. It is quite possible with this type of model to include a large number of criteria. It is not particularly difficult to develop scoring scales and weights, and the ease of gathering and processing the required information makes it tempting to include marginally relevant criteria along with the obviously important items. Resist this temptation! After the important factors have been weighted, there usually is little residual weight to be distributed among the remaining elements. The result is that the evaluation is simply insensitive to major differences in the scores on trivial criteria. A good rule of thumb is to keep the number of factors to eight or less because the higher weights, say 20 percent or more, tend to force the smaller weights to be insignificant with weights less than 2 percent or 3 percent. (If elements are discarded, and if you wish Σwj = 1, the weights must be rescaled to 1.0.) As with any linear model, the user should be aware that the elements in the model are assumed to be independent. This presents no particular problems for these scoring models because they are used to make estimates in a “steady-state” system, and we are not concerned with transitions between states.

It is useful to note that if one uses a weighted scoring model to aid in project selection, the model can also serve as an aid to project improvement. For any given criterion, the difference between the criterion’s score and the highest possible score on that criterion, multiplied by the weight of the criterion, is a measure of the potential improvement in the project score that would result were the project’s performance on that criterion sufficiently improved. It may be that such improvement is not feasible or is more costly than the improvement warrants. On the other hand, such an analysis of each project yields a valuable statement of the comparative benefits of project improvements. Viewing a project in this way is a type of sensitivity analysis. We examine the degree to which a project’s score is sensitive to attempts to improve it—usually by adding resources. We will use sensitivity analysis several times in this book.

It is a powerful managerial technique. It is not particularly difficult to computerize a weighted scoring model by creating a template on Excel or one of the other standard computer spreadsheets. In Chapter 13 we discuss an example of a computerized scoring model used for the project termination decision. The model is, in fact, a project selection model. The logic of using a “selection” model for the termination decision is straightforward: Given the time and resources required to take a project from its current state to completion, should we make the investment? A “Yes” answer to that question “selects” for funding the partially completed project from the set of all partially finished and not- yet-started projects.

Gettin’ Wheels

Rather than using an example in which actual projects are selected for funding with a weighted factor scoring model (hereafter “scoring model”) that would require tediously long descriptions of the projects, we can demonstrate the use of the model in a simple, common problem that many readers will have faced—the choice of an automobile for purchase. This problem is nicely suited to use of the scoring model because the purchaser is trying to satisfy multiple objectives in making the purchase and is typi- cally faced with several different cars from which to choose.

Our model must have the following elements:

1. A set of criteria on which to judge the value of any alternative;

2. A numeric estimate of the relative importance (i.e., the “weight”) of each criterion in the set; and

3. Scales by which to measure or score the performance or contribution–to–value of each alternative on each criterion.

The criteria weights and measures of performance must be numeric in form, but this does not mean that they must be either “objective” or “quantitative.” Criteria weights, obviously, are subjective by their nature, being

Table A Criteria and Weights for Automobile Purchase

Appearance 4 (.10)

Braking 3 (.07)

Comfort 7 (.17)

Cost, operating 5 (.12)

Cost, original 10 (.24)

Handling 7 (.17)

Reliability 5 (.12)

Total 41 .99

an expression of what the decision maker thinks is important. The development of performance scales is more easily dealt with in the context of our example, and we will develop them shortly.

Assume that we have chosen the criteria and weights shown in Table A to be used in our evaluations.* The weights represent the relative importance of the criteria measured on a 10-point scale. The numbers in parenthe- ses show the proportion of the total weight carried by each criterion. (They add to only .99 due to rounding.) Raw weights work just as well for decision making as their percentage counterparts, but the latter are usually preferred because they are a constant reminder to the decision maker of the impact of each of the criteria.

Prior to consideration of performance standards and sources of information for the criteria we have chosen, we must ask, “Are there any characteristics that must be present (or absent) in a candidate automobile for it to be acceptable?” Assume, for this example, that to be accept- able, an alternative must not be painted green, must have air conditioning, must be able to carry at least four adults, must have at least 10 cubic feet of luggage space, and must be priced less than $34,000. If an alternative violates any of these conditions, it is immediately rejected.

For each criterion, we need some way of measuring the estimated performance of each alternative. In this case, we might adopt the measures shown in Table B. Our purpose is to transform a measure of the degree to which an alternative meets a criterion into a score, the sij, that is a general measure of the utility or value of the alternative with respect to that criterion. Note that this requires us to define the criterion precisely, as well as to specify a source for the information.

Table B Automobile Selection Criteria, Measures and Data Sources

Appearance Subjective judgment, personal

Braking Distance in feet, 60–0 mph, automotive magazinea

Comfort Subjective judgment, 30 min. road test

Cost, operating Annual insurance cost plus fuel cost

Cost, original Dealer cost, auto-cost servicec

Handling Average speed through standard slalom, automotive magazinea

Reliability Score on Consumer Reports, “Frequency-of- Repair” data (average of 2 previous years)

a Many automotive periodicals conduct standardized perform- ance tests of new cars.

b Annual fuel cost is calculated as (17,500 mi/DOE ave. mpg) $4.259/gal.

c There are several sources for dealer-cost data (e.g., AAA, which provides a database on which to estimate the price of each alternative).

Figure A shows the scores for each criterion transformed to a 5-point scale, which will suffice for our ratings. Using the performance scores shown in Figure A, we can evaluate the cars we have identified as our alternatives: the Levia- than 8, the NuevoEcon, the Maxivan, the Sporticar 100, and the Ritzy 300. Each car is scored on each criterion according to the categories shown in Figure A. Then each score is multiplied by the criterion weight and the result is entered into the appropriate box in Figure B. Last, the results for each alternative are summed to represent the weighted score.

According to this set of measures, we prefer the Ritzy 300, but while it is a clear winner over the Leviathan 8 and the Maxivan, and scores about 8 percent better than the Sporticar 100, it rates only about 0.13 points or 4 percent above the NuevoEcon. Note that if we overrated the Ritzy by one point on comfort or handling, or if we underrated the NuevoEcon by one point on either of these criteria, the result would have been reversed. (We assume that the original cost data are accurate.) With the scores this close, we might want to evaluate these two cars by additional criteria (e.g., ease of carrying children, status, safety features like dual airbags or ABS) prior to making a firm decision All in all, if the decision maker has well-delineated objectives, and can determine how specific kinds of per- formance contribute to those criteria, and finally, can measure those kinds of performance for each of the alternative courses of action, then the scoring model is a powerful and flexible tool. To the extent that criteria are not carefully defined, performance is not well linked to the criteria, and is carelessly or wrongly measured, the scoring model rests on a faulty foundation and is merely a convenient path to error.

As was the case with profitability models, scoring models have their own characteristic advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are:

1. These models allow multiple criteria to be used for evaluation and decision making, including profit/profitability models and both tangible and intangible criteria.

2. They are structurally simple and therefore easy to understand and use.

3. Theyareintuitiveandreflectthewaywethinkaboutmakingchoices:whatareouroptions,what are the important criteria, what is the most important criterion, and how do the options compare on the criteria.

4. They are a direct reflection of managerial policy.

5. They are easily altered to accommodate changes in the environment or managerial policy.

6. Weighted scoring models allow for the fact that some criteria are more important than others.

7. These models allow easy sensitivity analysis. The trade-offs between the several criteria are readily observable.

The disadvantages are the following:

1. The output of a scoring model is strictly a relative measure. Project scores do not represent the value or “utility” associated with a project and thus do not directly indicate whether or not the project should be supported.

2. Ingeneral,scoringmodelsarelinearinformandtheelementsofsuchmodelsareassumedtobe independent.

3. Theeaseofuseofthesemodelsisconducivetotheinclusionofalargenumberofcriteria,most of which have such small weights that they have little impact on the total project score.

4. Unweighted scoring models assume all criteria are of equal importance, which is almost certainly contrary to fact.

5. To the extent that profit/profitability is included as an element in the scoring model, this element has the advantages and disadvantages noted earlier for the profitability models themselves.

Numeric Models: Window-of-Opportunity Analysis

In the early stages of new product development, one may know little more than the fact that the potential product seems technically feasible. Just because one can develop and/or install a new technology does not necessarily imply that the new technology is worth implementing, or will be economically profitable. Fundamentally, the decision to invest in the development of a new process or product depends on an estimate of cash flows and other benefits expected to result if the innovation is successful—a difficult problem at best. The traditional approach has been to implement the technology in question (or a pilot version of it) and then test it to see if it qualifies as useful and economic. This is often a wasteful process because it assumes the innovation will be successful—a condition only occasionally met in practice. Given some idea for a new product or process, we can invert this traditional approach by attempting to determine the cost, timing, and performance specifications that must be met by this new technology before any R & D is undertaken. (This is called the window of opportunity for the innovation.) The method for conducting such an analysis is as follows.

Given a potential production process innovation, for example, the current production process is analyzed in detail and baseline data on the current process are collected (e.g., its cycle time, its cost). Following this, the level of improvement needed from the process improvement project is determined. Finally, if estimates of the benefits from the process improvement project meet the required level of improvement in a resource effective way, the process improvement project is approved. For an example of such an approach see Evans et al. (1985).

Numeric Models: Discovery-Driven Planning

Like the window-of-opportunity analysis, discovery-driven planning (McGrath et al., 1995; Rice et al., 2008) also reverses the expensive and risky traditional approach of trying out the technology to determine its benefits. This approach funds enough of the project to determine if the initial assumptions concerning costs, benefits, etc. were accurate. When the funds are gone, the assump- tions are reevaluated to determine what to do next.

The idea isn’t to implement the project but rather to learn about the project. The assumptions about the project are written down and analyzed carefully to determine two aspects about them: (1) which are the critical assumptions that will make or break the desirability of the project, and (2) how much will it cost to test each of the assumptions. The high-priority, deal-killer assumptions that will cost the least then are ranked at the top, with the lesser and more expensive assumptions following. If a critical assumption proves to be invalid, management must rethink its strategy and the project. This process is not just a one-time exercise, however; the process continues as the stages of the project are executed so that at any point in the project, management can step in and terminate it if conditions change and the project looks less promising. And conditions are always changing: the economy gets worse, the market moves toward or away from the promise of the project, a key team member of the project leaves the company, the strategy of the organization changes with a new executive, a new government regulation impacts the project, and so on. Project failure is more often management’s failure to consider an important problem or question than it is a technical failure within the project.

Choosing a Project Selection Model

Selecting the type of model to aid the evaluation/selection process depends on the philosophy and wishes of management. Liberatore et al. (1983) conducted a survey of 40 high-level staff persons from 29 Fortune 500 firms. Eighty percent of their respondents report the use of one or more financial models for R & D project decision making. Although their sample is small and nonrandom, their findings are quite consistent with the present authors’ experience. Swanson (2011) reports on an airline that previously considered only ROI in prioritizing projects but now also considers strategic contributions, resource limitations, and non-numeric factors such as regulatory mandates and operating necessities. Other organizations are considering the real options their projects offer.

We strongly favor weighted scoring models for three fundamental reasons. First, they allow the multiple objectives of all organizations to be reflected in the important decision about which projects will be supported and which will be rejected. Second, scoring models are easily adapted to changes in managerial philosophy or changes in the environment. Third, they do not suffer from the bias toward the short run that is inherent in profitability models that discount future cash flows. This is not a prejudice against discounting and most certainly does not argue against the inclusion of profits/profitability as an important factor in selection, but rather it is an argument against the exclusion of nonfinancial factors that may require a longer-run view of the costs and benefits of a project.

It is also interesting to note that Liberatore et al. (1983, p. 969) found that firms with a significant amount of contract research funded from outside the organization used scoring models for project screening much more frequently than firms with negligible levels of outside funding. It was also found that firms with significant levels of outside funding were much less likely to use a payback period model, presumably to reduce their risk.

The structure of a weighted scoring model is quite straightforward. Its virtues are many. Nonetheless, the actual use of scoring models is not as easy as it might seem. Decision makers are forced to make difficult choices and they are not always comfortable doing so. They are forced to reduce often vague feelings to quite specific words or numbers. Multiattribute, multiperson decision making is not simple.

The use of any project selection model assumes that the decision-making procedure takes place in a reasonably rational organizational environment. Such is not always the case. In some organizations, project selection seems to be the result of a political process, and sometimes involves questionable ethics, complete with winners and losers (Baker et al., 1995). In others, the organization is so rigid in its approach to decision making that it attempts to reduce all decisions to an algorithmic proceeding in which predetermined programs make choices so that humans have minimal involvement—and responsibility. Here too, Saaty’s (1990) Analytic Hierarchy Process can lend rationality to a sometimes irrational process.

Whether managers are familiar with accounting systems or not, it is useful to reflect on the methods and assumptions used in the preparation of accounting data. Among the most crucial are the following:

1. Accountants live in a linear world. With few exceptions, cost and revenue data are assumed to vary linearly with associated changes in inputs and outputs.

2. The accounting system often provides cost-revenue information that is derived from standard cost analyses and equally standardized assumptions regarding revenues. These standards may or may not accurately represent the cost-revenue structure of the physical system they purport to represent.

3. The data furnished by the accounting system may or may not include overhead costs. In most cases, the decision maker is concerned solely with cost-revenue elements that will be changed as a result of the project under consideration. Incremental analysis is called for, and great care should be exercised when using pro forma data in decision problems. Remember that the assignment of overhead cost is always arbitrary. The accounting system is the richest source of information in the organization, and it should be used—but with great care and understanding.

4. Warning! A great many organizations utilize project cost data as the primary, and the only routine measure of project performance. In Chapter 1 we emphasized that projects should be measured on three dimensions, time, cost, and scope. Without including information on the schedule and the physical completion of work, cost measurements have no useful meaning. We will repeat this warning throughout this book.

Finally, no matter what method is used for project selection, as time goes by the selection model’s inputs must be constantly updated. The world does not stand still—things change! What was a promising project yesterday may be a loser today—and yesterday’s loser may be today’s winner.


In our previous discussion of factors to consider when selecting projects, we emphasized costs and benefits, with only a side reference to the inherent uncertainty associated with both of these, though benefits are usually more uncertain than costs. However, both are uncertain, and can be greater or less than expected. In the case of being worse than expected, the organization is exposed to some, perhaps substantial, level of risk. There are many more ways of dealing with project risk besides using a shorter payback period. Although our major discussion of techniques to handle risk will come in Chapters 6 and 7 when we discuss project activity and budget planning, the topic is highly relevant to project selection as well, and we will briefly comment on it here. PMI (2011) reports that risk management is used significantly more by high-performing project organizations than low- performing organizations.

During the past several years, increasing attention has been paid to the subject of managing some of the risks inherent in most projects. The subject first appeared in PMI’s 1987 edition of PMBOK (PMI, 2008). For the most part, risk has been interpreted as being unsure about project task durations and/or costs, but uncertainty plagues all aspects of the work on projects and is present in all stages of project life cycles. The impact of imperfect knowledge on the way a project is organized and on its budget and schedule will be discussed in the chapters devoted to those subjects.

In the real world of project management, it has been common to deal with estimates of task durations, costs, etc. as if the information were known with certainty. In fact, a great majority of all decisions made in the course of managing a project are actually made under conditions of uncertainty. However, we can still make some estimates about the probabilities of various outcomes. If we use appropriate methods for doing this, we can apply what knowledge we have to solving project decision problems. We will not always be correct, but we will be doing the best we can. Such estimates are called “subjective probabilities,” and are dealt with in most elementary courses on probability and statistics. While such probabilities are no more than guesses, they can be processed just as empirically determined probabilities are. In the world of project management, a best guess is always better than no information at all. Then it is possible to examine some of the effects of uncertainty on project selection.

At times, an organization may wish to evaluate a project about which there is little information. R & D projects sometimes fall into this general class. But even in the comparative mysteries of R & D activities, the level of uncertainty about the outcomes of R & D is not beyond analysis. As we noted earlier, there is actually not much uncertainty about whether a product, process, or service can be developed, but there can be considerable uncertainty about when it will be developed and at what cost.

As they are with R & D projects, time and cost are also often uncertain in other types of projects. When the organization undertakes projects in which it has little or no recent experience— for example, investment in an unfamiliar business, engaging in international trade, and myriad other projects common enough to organizations, in general, but uncommon to any single organization— there are three distinct areas of uncertainty. First, there is uncertainty about the timing of the project and the cash flows it is expected to generate. Second, though not as common as generally believed, there may be uncertainty about the direct outcomes of the project—that is, what it will accomplish. Third, there is uncertainty about the side effects of the project—its unforeseen consequences.

Typically, we try to reduce such uncertainty by the preparation of pro forma documents. Pro forma profit and loss statements and break-even charts are examples of such documents. The results, however, are not very satisfactory unless the amount of uncertainty is reflected in the data that go into the documents. When relationships between inputs and outputs in the projects are complex, Monte Carlo simulation (Meredith et al., 2002) can handle such uncertainty by exposing the many possible consequences of embarking on a project. With the great availability of microcomputers and user-friendly software (e.g., Crystal Ball), simulation for assessing risk is becoming very common. A thorough discussion of methods for handling risk is coming in Chapter 6, and some simulation examples will be given in Chapters 7 and 8.


Although up to now we have primarily talked about the selection of a project in competition with other projects, in reality organizations typically maintain a portfolio of projects, and trying to keep a proper balance among this portfolio is the real task of upper management. With limited resources, management must choose between long-term and short-term projects, safe and risky projects, manufacturing and marketing projects, and so on. To help choose between the myriad project proposals, in competition with ongoing projects as well as each other, management needs some overarching measures to evaluate each of the projects, and those measures are commonly related to the organization’s mission, goals, and strategy. Project portfolio management is briefly defined and compared to project and program management in Chapter 1 of PMBOK.

We will assume here that the organization has already identified its mission, goals, and strategy, and that these are well known throughout the organization. If this is not the case, then any attempt to tie the organization’s projects to its goals is folly and PPM will have little value. In an attempt to identify the characteristics of “great” projects, Dvir et al. (2011) used four criteria to select potential projects for further analysis: (1) a major undertaking of strategic importance to the organization; (2) the outcome contributed substantially and over a long duration to the performance of the organization and well-being of its clients; (3) was highly innovative from a scientific, technological, design, or operational perspective; and (4) the outcome had a major impact on its industry and stimulated others to follow. Based on this, they then analyzed 15 great projects and identified seven common characteristics of highly successful strategic projects:

1. It creates a unique competitive advantage and/or exceptional value for its stakeholders.

2. It requires a long period of project definition dedicated to defining a powerful vision, a clear need, and a successful execution approach.

3. It creates a revolutionary project culture.

4. It needs a highly qualified project leader who is unconditionally supported by top management.

5. It maximizes the use of existing knowledge, often in cooperation with outside organizations.

6. It uses integrated development teams with fast problem-solving capability and the ability to adapt to business, market, and technology changes.

7. Its project team has a strong sense of partnership and pride.

In contrast to these seven characteristics, Deloitte Consulting (McIntyre, 2006) found that only 30 percent of surveyed organizations insisted on knowing the value a project would add to the organization’s strategy before granting approval. Deloitte also identified the following eight symptoms of a misaligned portfolio:

• Many more projects than management expected

• Inconsistent determination of benefits, including double-counting

• Competing projects; no cross-comparison of projects

• “Interesting” projects that don’t contribute to the strategy

• Projects whose costs exceed their benefits

• Projects with much higher risks than others in the portfolio; no risk analysis of projects

• Lack of tracking against the plan, at least quarterly

• No identified “client” for many projects If the goals and strategies have been well articulated, however, then PPM can serve many purposes, as articulated by Swanson (2011):

• To identify proposed projects that are not really projects and should be handled through other processes

• To prioritize the list of available projects

• To intentionally limit the number of overall projects being managed so the important projects get the resources and attention they need

• To identify the real options that each project offers

• To identify projects that best fit the organization’s goals and strategy

• To identify projects that support multiple organizational goals and cross-reinforce other important projects

• To identify co-dependent projects

• To eliminate projects that incur excessive risk and/or cost

• Toeliminateprojectsthatbypassedaformalselectionprocessandmaynotprovidebenefits corresponding to their risks and/or costs • To keep from overloading the organization’s resource availability

• To balance the resources with the needs

• To balance short-, medium-, and long-term returns

PPM attempts to link the organization’s projects directly to the goals and strategy of the organization. This occurs not only in the project’s initiation and planning phases, but also throughout the life cycle of the projects as they are managed and eventually brought to completion. In the reading “From Experience: Linking Projects to Strategy” at the end of this chapter, Hewlett- Packard, a firm that is highly dependent on successful new-product projects found that through their version of PPM they could reduce their portfolio of projects by about two-thirds. This resulted in better funding and executing those projects that were most strategically important to the company and thereby substantially improving the chances of project success.

Thus, PPM is also a means for monitoring and controlling the organization’s strategic projects. On occasion, and particularly during recessions and difficult economic times, this will mean shutting down projects prior to their completion because their risks have become excessive, their costs have escalated out of line with their expected benefits, another (or a new) project does a better job of supporting the goals, or any variety of similar reasons. It should be noted that a significant portion of the administration of this process could be managed by the Project Management Office, a concept to be discussed in Chapter 5.

As was mentioned earlier, there has been more research on project portfolio management recently. For example, Sanchez and Robert (2010) described five reasons why strategic benefits may be difficult to appraise:

1. Not immediately realized

2. 2. Difficult to quantify

Project Management in Practice Using a Project Portfolio to Achieve 100% On-Time Delivery at Decor Cabinet Company

Décor Cabinets, a custom cabinet maker in Canada, adopted the strategic goal of 100 percent on-time delivery of their cabinets to achieve long-term cus- tomer loyalty and create added value that enhances their profitability. Having such a clear objective helped them assemble a project portfolio uniquely focused on their goal, although it also meant declining some seemingly profitable project ideas requested by customers. However, if demand increased for the requested products, it could have had a serious nega- tive impact on their delivery goals. It was difficult to resist pressure from different areas of the company to support these kinds of projects: “You can easily lose focus.” the CEO admitted. “Sometimes when ROI drives all decision-making you miss the bigger picture.”


1. Might it not make sense to include a least a few of the more promising new product projects in their portfolio?

2. If ROI isn’t the big picture, what do you think is?

3. May be confounded with other factors

4. Difficult to find techniques to determine their value

5. Difficult to plan for when they may occur

As an alternative, Sanchez and Robert suggested using a system of key performance indicators (KPIs) to identify interdependencies between projects, risks, and opportunities across projects, and the effect of any given project on overall portfolio performance.

Some research has focused on the internal stakeholders and especially top management. Martinsuo (2013) found that portfolio management was not a straightforward rational process but required intuition, negotiation, and bargaining in a very context-dependent environment. Reconfi- guring the portfolio structure was complicated also by interproject effects such as knowledge transfer across projects, technology transfers, and coordination, as well as project-organization effects, and changes in general. Beringer et al. (2013) looked at the impact of internal stakeholders on portfolio management and its success, finding that it is dependent on the phase of the portfolio and that top management involvement at the time of structuring of the portfolio (where their involvement would be most expected) did not have a significant effect and in the steering (ongoing) phase actually had a negative effect, presumably due to the effect on the project teams. Interestingly, the role of the portfolio managers in the steering phase was insignificant while the project managers and line managers was positive. However, due to natural defensiveness, the role of the line managers in the structuring phase was negative. The authors concluded that project managers should be responsible for operational results, but not strategic, concurring with Derby and Zwikael (2012) who suggested the project sponsor should be responsible for strategic and business results of the project.

Finally, some studies even looked at uncertainty and risk in portfolio management. Petit and Hobbs (2010) studied the impact of uncertainty and project interdependence on portfolios and identified four sources of change, two of which were significant (actual portfolio performance and changes in project scope) and two of which were not significant, technological change (which didn’t seem to be a problem) and strategy changes (which weren’t observed in their dataset). Teller and Kock (2013) studied the impact of risk management on portfolio success in terms of two primary measures: portfolio risk transparency and portfolio risk coping capacity, both of which help prevent risks and thereby enhance portfolio success. Transparency is improved by formalization of the risk management process and instilling a risk management culture. Coping capacity is increased through measures such as risk prevention, monitoring, and inclusion in the portfolio management process.

The steps in this process generally follow those described in Longman et al. (1999) and Englund et al. (1999).

Step 1: Establish a Project Council

The main purpose of the project council is to establish and articulate a strategic direction for those projects spanning internal or external boundaries of the organization, such as cross-departmental or joint venture. Thus, senior managers must play a major role in this council. Without the commitment of senior management, the PPP will be incapable of achieving its main objec- tives. The council will also be responsible for allocating funds to those projects that support the organization’s goals and controlling the allocation of resources and skills to the projects. In addition to senior management, others who should be members of the project council are:

• the project managers of major projects

• the head of the Project Management Office, if one exists

Project Management in Practice Implementing Strategy through Projects at Blue Cross/Blue Shield

Since strategic plans are usually developed at the executive level, implementation by middle level managers is often a problem due to poor under- standing of the organization’s capabilities and top management’s expectations. However, bottom-up development of departmental goals and future plans invariably lacks the vision of the overall market and competitive environment. At Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BC/BS) of Louisiana, this problem was avoided by closely tying project management tools to the organi- zational strategy. The resulting system provided a set of checks and balances for both BC/BS executives and project managers.

Overseeing the system is a newly created Corporate Project Administration Group (CPAG) that helps senior management translate their strategic goals and objectives into project management performance, budget, and schedule targets. These may include new product development, upgrading information systems, or implementing facility-automation systems. CPAG also works with the project teams to develop their plans, monitoring activities and reports so they dove- tail with the strategic intentions.

The primary benefits of the system have been that it allows:

• senior management to select any corporate ini- tiative and determine its status;

• PMs to report progress in a relevant, systematic, timely manner;

• all officers, directors, and managers to view the corporate initiatives in terms of the overall strategic plan; and

• senior management to plan, track, and adjust strategy through use of financial project data captured by the system.


1. Do you think that all projects will be monitored by the CPAG or just the strategic projects?

2. Will all tactical projects be terminated in the future? Where could these be handled or tracked?

3. Do you think the CPAG will substantially improve the achievement of BC/BS’s strategic goals?

The first task in this step is to list the goals of each existing and proposed project: What is the mission, or purpose, of this project? Relating these to the organization’s goals and strategies should allow the council to identify a variety of categories that are important to achieving the organization’s goals. Some of these were noted above, but another way to position some of the projects (particularly product/service development projects) is in terms of their extent of product and process changes.

Wheelwright et al. (1992) have developed a matrix called the aggregate project plan illustrating these changes, as shown in Figure 2-3. Based on the extent of product change and process change, they identified four separate categories of projects:

1. Derivative projects. These are projects with objectives or deliverables that are only incre- mentally different in both product and process from existing offerings. They are often meant to replace current offerings or add an extension to current offerings (lower priced version, upscale version).

2. Platform projects. The planned outputs of these projects represent major departures from existing offerings in terms of either the product/service itself or the process used to make and deliver it, or both. As such, they become “platforms” for the next generation of organizational offerings, such as a new model of automobile, a tablet computer, or a new type of insurance plan. They thus form the basis for follow-on derivative projects that attempt to extend the platform in various dimensions.

3. Breakthrough projects. Breakthrough projects typically involve a newer technology than platform projects. It may be a “disruptive” technology that is known to the industry or something proprietary that the organization has been developing over time. Examples here include the use of fiber-optic cables for data transmission, cash-balance pension plans, and hybrid gasoline- electric automobiles.

4. R&D projects. These projects are “blue sky,” visionary endeavors oriented toward using newly developed technologies, or existing technologies in a new manner. They may also be for acquiring new knowledge, or developing new technologies themselves.

The size of the projects plotted on the array indicates the size/resource needs of the project and the shape may indicate another aspect of the project, e.g., internal/external, long/medium/short term, or whatever aspect needs to be shown. The numbers indicate the order, or time frame, in which the projects are to be (or were) implemented, separated by category, if desired. The aggregate project plan can be used to:

1. View the mix of projects within each illustrated aspect (shape)

2. Analyze and adjust the mix of projects within each category or aspect

3. Assess the resource demands on the organization, indicated by the size, timing, and number of projects shown

4. Identify and adjust the gaps in the categories, aspects, sizes, and timing of the projects

5. Identify potential career paths for developing project managers, such as team member of a derivative project, then team member of a platform project, manager of a derivative project, member of a breakthrough project, and so on

Next, the council should develop separate criteria and cost ranges for each category that determine those projects that will support the organizational strategy and goals. Example criteria might include alignment with the organization’s goals/strategy, riskiness of the project, financial return, probability of success, likelihood of achieving a breakthrough in a critical offering, appeal to a large (or new) market, impact on customer satisfaction, contribution to employee development, knowledge acquisition, and availability of staff/resources. Scales also need to be determined for each criterion to measure how different projects score on each of them.

The scales on which these criteria are measured should be challenging so that the scores separate the best projects from those that are merely good. The scales should also serve as an initial screen, to start the process of winnowing out the weakest projects. Thus, they should include limits on their extremes, such as minimum rate of return (if a financial criterion is appropriate), maximum probability of technical failure given proposed budget and schedule, or minimum acceptable potential market share.

Finally, the council needs to set an importance weighting for the various criteria in each category. Note that even if the same criteria apply to multiple categories, their weights might be different. For example, if a firm needs to develop high-level, skilled project managers for their strategic projects, employee development might be more important for breakthrough projects but less important for derivative projects. Also, the weights might change depending on the life-cycle stage of the project. For example, early in a project’s life, strategic considera- tions are often most important while in the midpoint of a project, tactical considerations might be more important.

The model we have described above is a “weighted, factor scoring model,” as described earlier. As noted then, there are some standard, well-known tools to help develop the weights, scales, and criteria such as the Delphi method, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (Saaty, 1990), a simplified version of AHP by Frame (1997), and even software such as Expert Choice. For more complex situations, with large numbers of projects and/or large councils, the more sophisticated approaches are often more helpful, particularly if used with software that automatically calculates the scores and ranks the projects. Regardless of the approach used to define the weights, there is considerable value in the process of discussing the weights and ultimately gaining consensus on them.

For each existing and proposed project, assemble the data appropriate to that category’s criteria. Be sure to update the data for ongoing projects and not just use the data from the previous evaluation. For cost data, use “activity based costs” (see Section 7.1) rather than incremental costs. Challenge and try to verify all data; get other people involved in validating the data, perhaps even customers (e.g., market benefit). Include the timing, both date and duration, for expected benefits and resource needs. Use the project plan, a schedule of project activities, past experience, expert opinion, whatever is available to get a good estimate of the data. Then document any assumptions made so that they can be checked in the future as the project progresses. If the project is new, you may want to fund only enough work on the project to verify the assumptions or determine the window-of-opportunity for the proposed product or process, holding off full funding until later. Similarly, identify any projects that can be deferred to a later time period, those that must precede or follow other projects, those that support other projects or should be done in conjunction with them, those that can be outsourced, and other such special aspects of the projects.

Next, use the criteria score limits to screen out the weaker projects: Have costs on existing projects escalated beyond the project’s expected benefits? Has the benefit of a project lessened because the organization’s goals have changed? Does a competitor’s new entry obviate the advantages of a project? Does a new (or old) project dominate an existing or proposed project in terms of its benefits, furtherance of organizational goals, reduced costs? Also, screen in any projects that do not require deliberation, such as projects mandated by regulations or laws, projects that are operating or competitive necessities, projects required for environmental or personnel reasons, and so on. The fewer projects that need to be compared and analyzed, the easier the work of the council.

Step 4: Assess Resource Availability

Next, assess the availability of both internal and external resources, by type, department, and timing. Note that labor availability should be estimated conservatively, leaving time for vacations, personal needs, illness, holidays, and most important, regular functional (nonproject) work. After allowing for all of these things that limit labor availability, add a bit more, perhaps 10 percent, to allow for the well-known fact that human beings need occasional short breaks to rest or meet other human needs. Timing is particularly important, since project resource needs by type typically vary up to 100 percent over the life cycle of projects. Needing a normally plentiful resource at the same moment it is fully utilized elsewhere may doom an otherwise promising project. Eventually, the council will be trying to balance aggregate project resource needs over future periods with resource availabilities so timing is as important as the amount of maximum demand and availability. This is the major subject of Chapter 9.

Step 5: Reduce the Project and Criteria Set

In this step, multiple screens are employed to try to narrow down the number of competing projects. As noted earlier, the first screen is each project’s support of the organization’s goals. Other possible screens might be criteria such as:

• Whether the required competence exists in the organization

• Whether there is a market for the offering

• How profitable the offering is likely to be

• How risky the project is

• If there is a potential partner to help with the project

• If the right resources are available at the right times

• If the project is a good technological/knowledge fit with the organization

• If the project uses the organization’s strengths, or depends on its weaknesses

• If the project is synergistic with other important projects

• If the project is dominated by another existing or proposed project

• If the project has slipped in its desirability since the last evaluation

One way to evaluate the dominance of some projects over others, and at the same time eliminate non-differentiating criteria, is by comparing the coefficients of variation of each of the criteria across the projects. This technique allows an analyst to maximize the variation within the project set across relevant criteria, eliminating similar projects that are dominated, and identifying criteria that, at least in this evaluation round, do not differentiate among the projects. See Raz (1997) for an example of this approach.

The result of this step may involve canceling some ongoing projects or replacing them with new, more promising projects. Beware, however, of the tendency to look more favorably upon new, untested concepts than on current projects experiencing the natural problems and hurdles of any promising project.

Step 6: Prioritize the Projects within Categories

Apply the scores and criterion weights to rank the projects within each category. It is acceptable to hold some hard-to-measure criteria out for subjective evaluation, such as riskiness, or development of new knowledge. Subjective evaluations can be translated from verbal to numeric terms easily by the Delphi or other methods and used in the weighted factor scoring model. It should be remembered that such criteria as riskiness are usually composite measures of a set of “risks” in different areas. The same is true of criteria like “development of new knowledge.” When checking the results of this step, however, reconsider the projects in terms of their benefits first and their resource costs second. The former are commonly more difficult to assess, and a reconsideration based on more familiarity with the project profiling process and other project evaluations may suggest interchanging the priority of neighboring projects. This could be especially critical around the project cutoff point. Because the projects competing around the cutoff point are typically quite close in benefit/cost scores, there are usually no serious consequences resulting from “errors.” This is, however, an excellent problem on which to use sensitivity analysis.

It is also possible at this time for the council to summarize the “returns” from the projects to the organization. However, this should be done by category, not for each project individually since different projects are offering different packages of benefits that are not comparable. For example, R & D projects will not have the expected monetary return of derivative projects; yet it would be foolish to eliminate them simply because they do not measure up on this (irrelevant, for this category) criterion.

Step 7: Select the Projects to Be Funded and Held in Reserve

The first task in this step is important: determining the mix of projects across the various categories (and aspects, if used) and time periods. Ultimately, the organization’s strategy drives the appropriate mix of projects. For example, a company that competes on the basis on being first to market with new products would expect to have a larger percentage of breakthrough projects while a company that competes in mature markets would likely have more derivative projects.

Next, be sure to leave some percent (often 10–15 percent) of the organization’s resource capacity free for new opportunities, crises in existing projects, errors in estimates, and so on. Then allocate the categorized projects in rank order to the categories according to the mix desired. It is usually a good practice to include some speculative projects in each category to allow future options, knowledge improvement, additional experience in new areas, and such.

Overall, the focus should be on committing to fewer projects but with sufficient funding to allow project completion. Document why late projects were delayed and why some, if any, were defunded. One special type of delayed project mentioned earlier is sometimes called an “out-plan” project (in contrast to the selected “in-plan” projects) (Englund et al., 1999). Out-plan projects are those that appear promising but are awaiting further investigation before a final decision is made about their funding, which could occur in the next PPP cycle or sooner, if they warrant the use of some of the 10–15 percent funding holdout.

Step 8: Implement the Process

The first task in this final step is to make the results of PPM widely known, including the documented reasons for project cancellations, deferrals, and non-selection as was mentioned earlier. Top management must now make their commitment to this project portfolio process totally clear by supporting the process and the results. This may require a PPM champion near the top of the organization. As project proposers come to understand the workings and importance of PPM, their proposals will more closely fit the profile of the kinds of projects the organization wishes to fund. As this happens, it is important to note that the council will have to concern itself with the reliability and accuracy of proposals competing for limited funds.

Senior management must fully fund the selected projects. It is neither appropriate nor ethical for senior management to undermine PPM and the council as well as strategically important projects by playing a game of arbitrarily cutting X percent from project budgets. The council needs to be wary of interpersonal or interdepartmental competition entering the scene at this point also. In some organizations, individuals with their own particular agenda will ignore committees and processes (they may be heard to argue that committees never affect anything anyway) until implementation time rolls around, and then they attempt to exercise their political power to undermine the results of others’ long labors. If this does occur, it is indicative of serious organizational problems and PPM process will fail until the problems are corrected.

Of course, the process will need to be repeated on a regular basis. The council should determine how often this should be, and to some extent it depends on the speed of change in the industry the organization is in. For some industries, quarterly analysis may be best while in slow-moving industries, yearly may be fine. Swanson (2011) warns, however, that too-frequent reprioritizing of projects can result in confusion and frustration, particularly if resources suddenly are unavailable.

Finally, the process should be flexible and improved continuously. Instinct may suggest ways that the process may be altered to better match the competitive environment, or to reflect more closely the organization’s goals. The process should be changed when it is found appropriate to do so, including categories, criteria, steps, the order of tasks, and so on.

We offer a final note on this subject of creating and managing a portfolio of projects. In the preceding description of portfolio building it was tacitly assumed that the projects were independent and could be dealt with individually. At times, the projects in a portfolio are not independent. Dickinson et al. (2001) describe a model developed for the Boeing Company that optimizes a portfolio of interdependent product improvement projects. The model includes risk as well as cost/ benefit analysis.

Before leaving the subject of project portfolios, it is important to consider the problem of decreasing the size of the organization’s investment in projects. The sharp economic downturn of 2008–09 required a great many firms to do just that, and many were simply not prepared to handle the problem. Senior management, or the project council, or the Enterprise Project Management Office, or whatever group is in charge of selecting projects for inclusion in the organization’s portfolio of project should also develop a set of criteria for removing projects from the portfolio.

In an interesting short paper, Wheatley (2009) discusses this issue. He notes that such issues as the size of the expected ROI may be of less importance than the timing of cash in-and-outflows. He also notes that risk should be included as a factor in all decisions. The organization’s tolerance for risk is very likely to change during downturns. Some projects are luxuries. Others may be major drivers of future profits and growth. Some may be oriented to cost savings that could have almost immediate benefits. Even projects aimed at meeting legal mandates may have a cost that is significantly higher than the possible legal penalties if the mandates are ignored for a time. Many firms are choosing to pay the penalty instead of implementing costly federal mandates. Compe- titive necessity projects with low immediate returns may well outrank projects with higher returns— or they may not. Some projects can be stopped midway without doing much damage to the project’s expected success. Others cannot, and if delayed must start from scratch, or be cancelled.

Developing a list of possible criteria for cutting or eliminating the funding for a project is complicated. To be useful, each item in the list should be prioritized. This is a job that demands close attention from senior management.

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