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“Barriers to Project Team Development” Please respond to the following:

 Compares the project and functional viewpoints of project management—differing views that, according to the text’s author, can create severe barriers to successful project management operations. Suggest one (1) barrier that you believe is typical within many project environments, and propose a resolution. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.


Poor Communication

While good communication can foster teamwork, poor communication is a barrier to developing a productive work atmosphere. Staff members who will not communicate, or are unaware of the proper communication channels to use within the team, can create breakdowns that inhibit team development. Managers need to be aware of the double-edged sword of team communication, and be able to identify when poor communication is hampering the group’s success.


EX: Opening up a new health plan and recruiters were bringing in new hires rapidly however, no one communicated to Coordinators about the change to the offer letters, which result in the new hire not being aware of their AIP.  This is a result of poor communication.


Lack of Managerial Involvement

Managers create teams of qualified staff members in order to complete predetermined tasks or projects. But when the manager cannot find the time to be involved in the team’s execution of its duties, the ability to create an atmosphere of effective teamwork is threatened. Every team needs a leader, and when the leader is not present to delegate responsibility and act as a resource to team members, then the team will not be able to properly develop.


EX: Working with 2 systems as the company merges and because management is not involved or communicates on a consistent basis, the team normally finds out information through the grapevine which results in wrong interpretation or no participation from the team.


Unclear Goals


A work team is created to achieve goals within the workplace. Those goals can be for a specific project, or they can be the ongoing goals that define the department’s responsibilities. When those goals are not presented clearly by management, or the individual responsibilities of each team member in achieving those goals are unclear, then the team cannot work effectively. Staff members are unclear as to what they are supposed to be doing, and job duties get distorted.


   assume you are a functional manager tasked with assembling a project team. Infer two (2) conflicts that are inevitable between project stakeholders.  For each conflict identified, propose a resolution. Support your response with real-world examples of such conflicts and corresponding resolutions.

Communication – when you have one person working on task and its not communicated to the team can cause a conflict because you will find duplicate efforts which can be frustrating because this is time waste and not the best use of the time management.



Resolution – Have frequent meetings or develop a SharePoint where the status of the project is updated daily as task is being completed.


•         EX: HR Coordinators were sharing the information with the Recruiter the status of their hire and they were not able to keep track – develop a SharePoint where they could see the status of the hire and where they were in the process2)   
 Salary – finding a qualified applicant.
  Reach out to Finance and find a way to get more money to bring on a contingent hire


ROBERT [removed][removed] 


RE: Week 3 Discussion 1


 compares the project and functional viewpoints of project management—differing views that, according to the text’s author, can create severe barriers to successful project management operations. Suggest one (1) barrier that you believe is typical within many project environments, and propose a resolution. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.


All have their merits but the one that drives everyone is the psychological needs because of the way or society relies on money to get anything.  People would forget about safety, social belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization as long as their basic needs are met.  Although safety seems to also fall into psychological needs because safety needs include economic security and that should be the basic needs discussed in psychological needs.  Many people work in jobs that they do not like, I used to work in McDonalds and as a housekeeper after serving in the Marines for 8 years and I only worked their because it was a paying job.


From the scenario, assume you are a functional manager tasked with assembling a project team. Infer two (2) conflicts that are inevitable between project stakeholders.  For each conflict identified, propose a resolution. Support your response with real-world examples of such conflicts and corresponding resolutions.


Role conflicts are caused by team members who argue over who does what .  This is easily fixed with the project manager mapping out the strengths and weaknesses of each member of their team and assigning each person a role in the project covering up one person’s weakness with another person’s strength.  Lack of team member commitment, this is difficult to avoid but easy to get around.  Most people are placed on a project by force while others want to be on a project.  Getting the volunteers are easier because they want to do the project.  For the ones who have to be on the project, they need to be informed that even though they do not want to be on the project, the faster they complete the project the faster they can leave.  Sometimes motivation can help persuade a person’s commitment whether it would help one their evaluations or getting time off.





 Explain the assertion that one (1) disadvantage of the pure project organization is the project professionals’ tendency to fall behind in areas of technical expertise that they do not use on projects. Demonstrate two (2) strategies which a project manager might use in order to avoid the stated disadvantage. Support your response with examples of the use of the identified strategies. 


The disadvantage with pure product is the inability to share individuals with another project.  This would cause a person to fall behind with no help in sight.  It would become worse if the employee gave up on the project causing a major back up in work trying to replace the employee or get the employee back on the project


 Assume you are a functional manager tasked to assemble a project team. You wish to motivate employees to align their personal values with the organization’s values. Select the aspects of Maslow’s theory and Herzberg’s theory that apply to this situation. Provide a rationale for your response.


Maslow’s would fit more into this category because Maslow’s theory deals with the psychological needs such as food, water clothing.  Using this project to help boost their evaluation could help with motivating the employees.  Not many people be convinced with Herzberg’s theory of self-actualization and self-esteem even though many enjoy being part of a team and utilizing one’s potential.  Motivation would be better using Maslow’s theory.



Barriers to Project Team Development” Please respond to the following:

compares the project and functional viewpoints of project management—differing views that, according to the text’s author, can create severe barriers to successful project management operations. Suggest one (1) barrier that you believe is typical within many project environments, and propose a resolution. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.

assume you are a functional manager tasked with assembling a project team. Infer two (2) conflicts that are inevitable between project stakeholders.  For each conflict identified, propose a resolution. Support your response with real-world examples of such conflicts and corresponding resolutions.


“Leadership in a Project Environment” Please respond to the following:

Explain the assertion that one (1) disadvantage of the pure project organization is the project professionals’ tendency to fall behind in areas of technical expertise that they do not use on projects. Demonstrate two (2) strategies which a project manager might use in order to avoid the stated disadvantage. Support your response with examples of the use of the identified strategies. 

Assume you are a functional manager tasked to assemble a project team. You wish to motivate employees to align their personal values with the organization’s values. Select the aspects of Maslow’s theory and Herzberg’s theory that apply to this situation. Provide a rationale for your response

Please include cites and or references.

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