
You were hired as an analyst to develop a new information system to automate the payroll transactions in a mid-size organization.The proposed system will contain employees’ data and interface with the organization’s General Ledger system (GL).The new system will include information such asEmployee ID,Employee Name (broken down into last name, first name),Employee SSN,Employee DOB,Employee Number of Dependents,Employee Title,Employee Grade,Employee Gross Salary,Tax Deducted,Employee Net Pay,Pay Interval,Cost Center,Payroll Account Number, etc.The proposed system total financial benefits exceed the total costs by $65,000 a year over the next five years.Create the following documents for the proposed system and deliver each SDLC documents by the end of each designated module, as shown below

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Submit your group project work for the Design phase. Requirements are listed below:

A- Alternative matrix B- Architecture report C- Hardware and software specifications D- Interface design E- Physical process model F- Program design G- Database and file specifications including physical data model

Be sure to include all of the names of the group members in the Design Phase documents.

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***My portion is part E program design and Part G database and file specifications including physical data models***

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