Project 1 – Writing a Basic Shell


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3 Systems Programming


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– Writing a Basic Shell

  • The Big Idea
  • In this assignment you will be developing a user shell (i.e. command line interface) similar to bash. Upon
    completion, your shell must be able to perform the following operations:

    • Display the current working directory within the prompt (before the dollar sign).


    • Run a single command with optional input and output redirection. Command line arguments must be

    /home/jshack/pssh$ ./my_prog arg1 arg



    /home/jshack/pssh$ ls -l > directory_contents.txt

    /home/jshack/pssh$ grep -n “test” < input.txt > output.txt

    • Run multiple pipelined commands with optional input and output redirection. Naturally, command
    line arguments to programs must still be supported.

    /home/jshack/pssh$ ./my_prog arg1 arg2 arg3 | wc -l > out.txt

    /home/jshack/pssh$ ls -lh | awk ’{print $9 ” is ” $5}’

    /home/jshack/pssh$ ps aux | grep bash | grep -v grep | awk ’{print $2}’

    • Implement the builtin command ‘exit’, which will terminate the shell.
    /home/jshack/pssh$ exit

    • Implement the builtin command ‘which’. This command accepts 1 parameter (a program name),
    searches the system PATH for the program, and prints its full path to stdout if found (or simply
    nothing if it is not found). If a fully qualified path or relative path is supplied to an executable
    program, then that path should simply be printed to stdout. If the supplied program name is another
    builtin command, your shell should indicate that in a message printed to stdout. The behavior should
    be identical to bash’s builtin which command.

    /home/jshack/pssh$ which ls


    /home/jshack/pssh$ which lakjasdlkfjasdlkfj

    /home/jshack/pssh$ which exit

    exit: shell built-in command

    /home/jshack/pssh$ which which

    which: shell built-in command

    /home/jshack/pssh$ which man


  • The Parser
  • Writing a command line shell is obviously going to require that you be able to parse the text the user types
    into the prompt into a more meaningful structure that is easier for you (the developer) to handle. Since text
    processing is not the major focus of this course (hint: it’s actually systems programming), I have provided


    you with a parser as well as a basic skeleton for your shell program. I call this shell program skeleton the
    Pretty Simple SHell (pssh). The main input loop looks like this:

    #define DEBUG_PARSE 0

    while (1) {

    cmdline = readline (build_prompt());

    if (!cmdline) /* EOF (ex: ctrl-d) */

    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    P = parse_cmdline (cmdline);

    if (!P)

    goto next;

    if (P->invalid_syntax) {

    printf (“pssh: invalid syntax\n”);

    goto next;



    parse_debug (P);


    execute_tasks (P);


    parse_destroy (&P);



    As you can see, our command line shell reads input from the user one line at a time via readline(), which
    returns a char* pointing to memory allocated on the heap containing a NULL terminated string of what the
    user typed in before hitting Enter. This is passed to the provided parse cmdline() API function I have
    provided to you. The implementation can be found in parse.c and the API function declarations can be
    found in parse.h. The parse cmdline() API returns a Parse*, which points to heap memory. The Parse
    structure is defined in parse.h as follows:

    typedef struct {

    Task* tasks; /* ordered list of tasks to pipe */

    int ntasks; /* # of tasks in the parse */

    char* infile; /* filename of ’infile’ */

    char* outfile; /* filename of ’outfile’ */

    int background; /* run process in background? */

    int invalid_syntax; /* parse failed */

    } Parse;

    as is the Task structure:

    typedef struct {

    char* cmd;

    char** argv; /* NULL terminated array of strings */

    } Task;


    As you can see, the Parse data structure contains all of the parsed information from a command line with
    following anatomy:

    command_1 [< infile] [| command_n]* [> outfile] [&]


    • Items in brackets [ ] are optional

    • Items in starred brackets [ ]* are optional but can be repeated

    • Non-bracketed items are required

    In other words, I have done all the “hard work” for you. Your job will simply to be to take a Parse structure
    and implement all of the process creation and management logic generally provided by a shell. In order
    to make it obvious how to work with a Parse structure, I have provided the parse debug() API function,
    which simple prints the contents of a Parse to the screen. Your job, for this project, largely involves writing
    logic for the provided execute tasks() function in pssh.c. I recommend you start by simply getting the
    execution of single commands working.

  • Executing Single Commands
  • Naturally, this is a simple vfork() and exec() problem. Get this working first. Also, remember that exec()
    is not a real function, but is rather a term used to refer to the family of exec functions: execl(), execlp(),
    execle(), execv(), execvp(), execvpe(). Read the manual page for exec to figure out which one you
    want to use!

    ~$ man exec

    Once your pssh is capable of executing simple commands with arguments, such as:

    $ ls -l

    you need to add support for input and output redirection using the < and > command line operators… just
    like in bash! This is actually easier than in seems. Hint: you will need to modify the file descriptors tables.
    Once you have this working, you will be able to do great things like:

    $ ls -l > directory.txt

    $ grep “some phrase” < somefile.txt

    Great job! Next step is connecting multiple commands together with pipes!

  • Executing Multiple Pipelined Commands
  • This is actually very similar to what we did in lecture using the dup2() system call. In fact, it is nearly
    exactly the same–just far more practical. Not much needs to be said here other than that, unlike our example
    in lecture, you must be able to pipeline more than just two processes – you must pipeline all of the commands
    in the tasks array found in the Parse structure.

  • Adding the Built-in Commands
  • Since it simply ends the pssh process, the built-in command exit is going to be the easiest. Implement that
    first. Now, the which command is going to be a little bit more complicated. I recommend looking at the


    command found() function in pssh.c and use that as a working base. Also, be sure to read the manual page
    for the access() system call:

    ~$ man access

    Keep in mind that, with the exception of exit, any built-in command should support input and output
    redirection. For example, the following should work:

    $ which man > man_location.txt

    $ cat man_location.txt


    This may sound more challenging than it actually is. Did you figure it out?

  • Building the Code
  • The provided code uses a Makefile to help build the code. All you need to do to build the program is run
    the make command within the source directory:

    ~/src/pssh$ ls

    builtin.c Makefile parse.h

    builtin.h parse.c pssh.c

    ~/src/pssh$ make

    gcc -g -Wall -c builtin.c -o builtin.o

    gcc -g -Wall -c parse.c -o parse.o

    gcc -g -Wall -c pssh.c -o pssh.o

    gcc builtin.o parse.o pssh.o -Wall -lreadline -o pssh

    ~/src/pssh$ ls

    builtin.c Makefile parse.o pssh.o

    builtin.h parse.c pssh

    builtin.o parse.h pssh.c

    and just like that, all of the necessary steps to produce the pssh executable will be automatically ran. If you
    want to delete all of the intermediate object files and the pssh executable, simply run make clean within
    the source directory:

    ~/src/pssh$ ls
    builtin.c Makefile parse.o pssh.o
    builtin.h parse.c pssh
    builtin.o parse.h pssh.c

    ~/src/pssh$ make clean

    rm -f *.o

    rm -f pssh

    ~/src/pssh$ ls
    builtin.c Makefile parse.h
    builtin.h parse.c pssh.c


  • Submitting Your Project
  • Once you have implemented all of the required features described in this document submit your code by
    doing the following:

    • Run make clean in your source directory. We must be able to built your shell from source and we
    don’t want your precompiled executables of intermediate object files. If your code does not at the
    very least compile, you will receive a zero.

    • Zip up your code.

    • Name your zip file abc123, where abc123 is your Drexel ID.

    • Upload your zip file using the Blackboard Learn submission link found on the course website.

    Failure to follow these simple steps will result in your project not being graded.

    Now, have fun!

    Due in 2 Weeks: Thursday, Feb 1st before midnight.


      The Big Idea
      The Parser
      Executing Single Commands
      Executing Multiple Pipelined Commands
      Adding the Built-in Commands
      Building the Code
      Submitting Your Project

    #ifndef _builtin_h_
    #define _builtin_h_
    #include “parse.h”
    int is_builtin (char* cmd);
    void builtin_execute (Task T);
    int builtin_which (Task T);
    #endif /* _builtin_h_ */

    #include “builtin.h”
    #include “parse.h”
    static char* builtin[] = {
    “exit”, /* exits the shell */
    “which”, /* displays full path to command */

    int is_builtin (char* cmd)
    int i;
    for (i=0; builtin[i]; i++) {
    if (!strcmp (cmd, builtin[i]))
    return 1;
    return 0;

    void builtin_execute (Task T)
    if (!strcmp (T.cmd, “exit”)) {
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    else {
    printf (“pssh: builtin command: %s (not implemented!)\n”, T.cmd);

    #ifndef _parse_h_
    #define _parse_h_
    #include typedef struct {
    char* cmd;
    char** argv; /* NULL terminated array of strings */
    } Task;
    typedef struct {
    Task* tasks; /* ordered list of tasks to pipe */
    int ntasks; /* # of tasks in the parse */
    char* infile; /* filename of ‘infile’ */
    char* outfile; /* filename of ‘outfile’ */
    int background; /* run process in background? */
    int invalid_syntax; /* parse failed */
    } Parse;

    Parse* parse_cmdline (char* cmdline);
    void parse_destroy (Parse** P);
    void parse_debug (Parse* P);
    #endif /* _parse_h_ */

    /* Author: James A. Shackleford
    * Date: January 16th, 2018
    * Last Updated:
    * January 29th, 2018 — properly support quoted arguments
    * January 26th, 2018 — argv[] easier to use with exec()
    * A simple shell command parser. If you are familiar with
    * using bash, zsh, tcsh, etc. then you already understand
    * what this does.
    * Parses the following syntax:
    * ~$ command_1 [< infile] [| command_n]* [> outfile] [&]
    * and produces a correspondingly populated Parse structure on the heap
    * Note:
    * – Items in brackets [ ] are optional
    * – Items in starred brackets [ ]* are optional but can be repeated
    * – Non-bracketed items are required
    * Examples of valid syntax:
    * ~$ echo “foo!!!!!!!” > foo.txt
    * ~$ wc -l < somefile.txt > numlines.txt
    * ~$ ls -lh | grep 8.*K | wc -l
    * ~$ gvim &
    #include “parse.h”

    typedef struct {
    char* cmd;
    char** argv;
    char* input_fn;
    char* output_fn;
    } Unit;
    static char ops[] = {‘>’, ‘<', '|', '\0'}; static void trim (char* s) { size_t start, end; if (!s) return; end = strlen (s); for (start=0; isspace (s[start]); ++start); if (s[start]) { while (end > 0 && isspace(s[end-1]))
    memmove(s, &s[start], end-start);
    s[end-start] = ‘\0’;

    static int is_background (char* cmdline)
    size_t last;
    int ret = 0;
    trim (cmdline);
    last = strlen (cmdline) – 1;
    if (‘&’ == cmdline[last]) {
    cmdline[last] = ‘\0’;
    ret = 1;
    return ret;

    static int is_empty (char* cmdline)
    trim (cmdline);
    if (!cmdline || !strlen(cmdline))
    return 1;
    return 0;

    static int is_op (char c)
    int i;
    for (i=0; ops[i]; i++)
    if (c == ops[i])
    return 1;
    return 0;

    static int has_trailing (char needle, char* haystack)
    trim (haystack);
    if (haystack[0] == needle ||
    haystack[strlen(haystack)-1] == needle) {
    return 1;
    return 0;

    static unsigned int count_char (char needle, char* haystack)
    unsigned int c = 0;
    while (*haystack)
    if (*haystack++ == needle)
    return c;

    static unsigned int count_args (char* unit)
    unsigned int n = 0;
    for (; *unit; unit++) {
    if (isspace((unsigned char)(*unit))) {
    if (*unit == ‘\”‘) {
    do {
    } while (*unit != ‘\”‘);
    } else if (*unit == ‘\”) {
    do {
    } while (*unit != ‘\”);
    } else if (!isspace((unsigned char)(*unit))) {
    return n;

    static int valid_syntax (Parse* P, Unit* U, int i)
    if (!U)
    return 0;
    if (U->input_fn && ((i != 0) || is_empty(U->input_fn)))
    return 0;
    if (U->output_fn && ((i != P->ntasks-1) || is_empty(U->output_fn)))
    return 0;
    if (!U->cmd || !*U->cmd)
    return 0;

    return 1;

    static char* parse_unary (char op, char* unit)
    char *start, *end, *arg;
    for (start=NULL; *unit; unit++)
    if (*unit == op) {
    start = ++unit;
    if (!start)
    return NULL;
    for (end=start; *end; end++)
    if (is_op(*end))
    arg = strndup (start, end – start);
    arg[end – start] = ‘\0’;
    trim (arg);
    memset (start, ‘ ‘, end – start);
    return arg;

    static char* argtok (char* str, char** state)
    char* ret;
    if (!str)
    str = *state;
    str += strspn (str, ” \”\'”);
    if (!*str)
    return NULL;
    ret = str;
    if (*(str-1) == ‘\”‘)
    str += strcspn (str, “\””);
    else if (*(str-1) == ‘\”)
    str += strcspn (str, “\'”);
    str += strcspn (str, ” “);
    if (*str)
    *str++ = ‘\0’;
    *state = str;
    return ret;

    static void parse_command (Unit* U, char* unit)
    unsigned int argc, n;
    char *str, *token, *state;
    trim (unit);
    argc = count_args (unit)+1; /* +1 for command */
    U->argv = malloc ((argc+1) * sizeof(*U->argv));
    U->argv[argc] = NULL;
    for (n=0, str=unit; ; n++, str=NULL) {
    token = argtok (str, &state);
    if (!token)
    U->argv[n] = strdup (token);
    U->cmd = U->argv[0];

    static Unit* parse_unit (char* unit)
    Unit* U;
    int infiles = count_char (‘<', unit); int outfiles = count_char ('>‘, unit);
    if (infiles > 1 || outfiles > 1)
    return NULL;
    if (count_char (‘\”, unit) % 2)
    return NULL;
    if (count_char (‘\”‘, unit) % 2)
    return NULL;
    U = malloc (sizeof(*U));
    U->cmd = NULL;
    U->argv = NULL;
    if (infiles)
    U->input_fn = parse_unary (‘<', unit); else U->input_fn = NULL;
    if (outfiles)
    U->output_fn = parse_unary (‘>’, unit);
    U->output_fn = NULL;
    parse_command (U, unit);
    return U;

    static void unit_destroy (Unit** U)
    int i;
    if (!*U)
    if ((*U)->input_fn)
    free ((*U)->input_fn);
    if ((*U)->output_fn)
    free ((*U)->output_fn);
    if ((*U)->argv) {
    for (i=0; (*U)->argv[i]; i++)
    free ((*U)->argv[i]);
    free ((*U)->argv);
    free (*U);
    *U = NULL;

    static void parse_add_unit (Parse* P, Unit* U, int i)
    if (!valid_syntax (P, U, i)) {
    P->invalid_syntax = 1;
    goto out;
    P->tasks[i].cmd = U->cmd;
    if (U->argv) {
    P->tasks[i].argv = U->argv;
    U->argv = NULL;
    if (U->input_fn && (i == 0)) {
    P->infile = U->input_fn;
    U->input_fn = NULL;
    if (U->output_fn && (i == P->ntasks-1)) {
    P->outfile = U->output_fn;
    U->output_fn = NULL;
    unit_destroy (&U);

    static Parse* parse_new ()
    Parse* P = malloc (sizeof(*P));
    P->tasks = NULL;
    P->ntasks = 0;
    P->infile = NULL;
    P->outfile = NULL;
    P->background = 0;
    P->invalid_syntax = 0;
    return P;

    static void parse_init (Parse* P, char* cmdline)
    P->background = is_background (cmdline);
    if (count_char (‘&’, cmdline)) {
    P->invalid_syntax = 1;
    if (has_trailing (‘|’, cmdline)) {
    P->invalid_syntax = 1;
    P->ntasks = count_char (‘|’, cmdline) + 1;
    P->tasks = malloc (P->ntasks * sizeof (*P->tasks));
    memset (P->tasks, 0, P->ntasks * sizeof (*P->tasks));

    void parse_destroy (Parse** P)
    int i, j;
    if (!*P)
    if ((*P)->infile)
    free ((*P)->infile);
    if ((*P)->outfile)
    free ((*P)->outfile);
    if ((*P)->tasks) {
    for (i=0; i<(*P)->ntasks; i++) {
    if ((*P)->tasks[i].argv) {
    for (j=0; (*P)->tasks[i].argv[j]; j++)
    free ((*P)->tasks[i].argv[j]);
    free ((*P)->tasks[i].argv);
    free ((*P)->tasks);
    free (*P);
    *P = NULL;

    Parse* parse_cmdline (char* cmdline)
    char *str, *token, *state;
    int i;
    Unit* U;
    Parse* P;
    if (is_empty (cmdline))
    return NULL;
    P = parse_new ();
    parse_init (P, cmdline);
    for (i=0, str=cmdline; !P->invalid_syntax; i++, str=NULL) {
    token = strtok_r (str, “|”, &state);
    if (!token)
    U = parse_unit (token);
    parse_add_unit (P, U, i);
    return P;

    void parse_debug (Parse* P)
    int i, j;
    fprintf (stderr, “==[ DEBUG: PARSE ]==================================\n”);
    fprintf (stderr, “Run in Background? %s\n”, P->background ? “Yes” : “No”);
    if (P->infile)
    fprintf (stderr, “infile: %s\n”, P->infile);
    if (P->outfile)
    fprintf (stderr, “outfile: %s\n”, P->outfile);
    fprintf (stderr, “ntasks: %i\n”, P->ntasks);
    for (i=0; intasks; i++) {
    fprintf (stderr, “Task %i\n”, i);
    fprintf (stderr, ” – cmd: [%s]\n”, P->tasks[i].cmd);
    if (P->tasks[i].argv)
    for (j=0; P->tasks[i].argv[j]; j++)
    fprintf (stderr, ” + arg[%i]: [%s]\n”, j, P->tasks[i].argv[j]);
    fprintf (stderr, “==================================[ DEBUG: PARSE ]==\n”);

    #include “builtin.h”
    #include “parse.h”
    * Set to 1 to view the command line parse *
    #define DEBUG_PARSE 0

    void print_banner ()
    printf (” ________ \n”);
    printf (“_________________________ /_ \n”);
    printf (“___ __ \\_ ___/_ ___/_ __ \\ \n”);
    printf (“__ /_/ /(__ )_(__ )_ / / / \n”);
    printf (“_ .___//____/ /____/ /_/ /_/ \n”);
    printf (“/_/ Type ‘exit’ or ctrl+c to quit\n\n”);

    /* returns a string for building the prompt
    * Note:
    * If you modify this function to return a string on the heap,
    * be sure to free() it later when appropirate! */
    static char* build_prompt ()
    return “$ “;

    /* return true if command is found, either:
    * – a valid fully qualified path was supplied to an existing file
    * – the executable file was found in the system’s PATH
    * false is returned otherwise */
    static int command_found (const char* cmd)
    char* dir;
    char* tmp;
    char* PATH;
    char* state;
    char probe[PATH_MAX];
    int ret = 0;
    if (access (cmd, F_OK) == 0)
    return 1;
    PATH = strdup (getenv(“PATH”));
    for (tmp=PATH; ; tmp=NULL) {
    dir = strtok_r (tmp, “:”, &state);
    if (!dir)
    strncpy (probe, dir, PATH_MAX);
    strncat (probe, “/”, PATH_MAX);
    strncat (probe, cmd, PATH_MAX);
    if (access (probe, F_OK) == 0) {
    ret = 1;
    free (PATH);
    return ret;

    /* Called upon receiving a successful parse.
    * This function is responsible for cycling through the
    * tasks, and forking, executing, etc as necessary to get
    * the job done! */
    void execute_tasks (Parse* P)
    unsigned int t;
    for (t = 0; t < P->ntasks; t++) {
    if (is_builtin (P->tasks[t].cmd)) {
    builtin_execute (P->tasks[t]);
    else if (command_found (P->tasks[t].cmd)) {
    printf (“pssh: found but can’t exec: %s\n”, P->tasks[t].cmd);
    else {
    printf (“pssh: command not found: %s\n”, P->tasks[t].cmd);

    int main (int argc, char** argv)
    char* cmdline;
    Parse* P;
    print_banner ();
    while (1) {
    cmdline = readline (build_prompt());
    if (!cmdline) /* EOF (ex: ctrl-d) */
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    P = parse_cmdline (cmdline);
    if (!P)
    goto next;
    if (P->invalid_syntax) {
    printf (“pssh: invalid syntax\n”);
    goto next;
    parse_debug (P);
    execute_tasks (P);
    parse_destroy (&P);

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