project 1 milestone

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the

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Project One Milestone Guidelines and Rubric

. You will also need the

Project One Milestone Template

. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

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CYB 260 Project One Milestone Guidelines and Rubric

Analysis of Privacy Laws and Business Implica�ons


In Project One, you will take a stakeholder role in a business that is facing a privacy issue. In that project, you will ar�culate a point of view that reflects your professional stance on privacy,

the laws and regula�ons relevant to the issue, and the business implica�ons of your recommenda�on. For this milestone, you will begin to inves�gate two of the key facets that will factor

into your posi�on: regula�ons and business implica�ons.


Review the Project One Scenario and these suppor�ng documents:

Fit-vantage Company Profile, which contains the mission statement, core values, and a dra� of the Fit-vantage privacy statement

Fit-vantage Helios Financial Outlook

You should also review the HIPAA Privacy Rule Summary in this module’s resources.

Based on this informa�on, you will contrast requirements that come from internal policy with those governed by external legal regula�ons. Addi�onally, you will examine how ethics and

business goals influence the approach to privacy.


To complete this assignment, use the Project One Milestone Template linked in the What to Submit sec�on. In the template, complete the requirements table for Sec�on I and answer the

short-response ques�ons for Sec�on II.

Specifically, you must address the following cri�cal elements:

I. Analysis of Requirements

The documenta�on included with the scenario contains a dra� version of the organiza�on’s privacy statement based on fair informa�on prac�ce principles. Complete the


table in the template by selec�ng three of the principles addressed in the privacy statement. (Note that in Project One, you may elect to discuss addi�onal or alterna�ve principles and

privacy laws than those you select for this assignment.) For each selected principle, address the following elements:

A. Explain how at least one privacy law is associated with the principle.

B. Evaluate the level of compliance with the applicable privacy law or laws. Explain how the organiza�on’s approach to the principle meets, exceeds, or

does not meet the

requirements set forth in the law or laws.

C. Describe at least one safeguard that should be in place to ensure compliance with the principle or law.


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II. Business Implica�ons

The scenario includes background informa�on on the organiza�on and general market analysis related to the proposal. As you are an execu�ve-level employee, there is an expecta�on

that your advice to leadership will be guided by the company’s mission statement and values, the profitability and market success of its products, and your exper�se in your field. In

Project One, your recommenda�on will need to balance all of these factors; however, for this assignment, you will focus only on the business aspects.

A. Discuss the role of ethics as a business driver in this decision. How do the organiza�onal values (as an ethical stance) align with the decision? What responsibility does the

organiza�on have pertaining to privacy?

B. Discuss how your personal ethical stance aligns with the decision. How did you apply an ethical framework or decision strategy to inform your posi�on?

C. What would you recommend the company do? Describe how you came to this decision. How did you balance differences between the organiza�onal ethics and your own

personal ethics?

What to Submit

Submit your completed Project One Milestone Template. Use a file name that includes the course code, the assignment �tle, and your name—for example,

CYB_100_Project_One_Neo_Anderson x.

Project One Milestone Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (65%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Privacy Law Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Explains how at least one

privacy law is associated with

each of the three



Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail, or does not

address three selected


Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



Level of Compliance Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Evaluates the level of

compliance with the applicable

law or laws for each of the

three principles and explains

how the organiza�on’s

approach meets, exceeds, or

does not meet the


Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail, or does not

address three selected


Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



1/21/25, 1:31 PM Assignment Information 2/3 x?isCourseFile=true&ou=1831858

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (65%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Safeguards Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Describes at least one

safeguard for each principle

that should be in place to

ensure compliance with each

principle or law

Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail, or does not

address three selected


Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



Ethics as a Business Driver Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Discusses the role of ethics as

a business driver in the

decision, including how the

organiza�onal values align to

the decision and the

responsibility of the

organiza�on pertaining to


Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail

Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



Personal Ethical Stance Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Discusses how a personal

ethical stance aligns to the

decision and how an ethical

framework or decision strategy

informed the posi�on

Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail

Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



Recommenda�ons Meets “Proficient” criteria and

addresses cri�cal element in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Describes how the decision

was reached for making

recommenda�ons and how

differences between the

organiza�onal ethics and

personal ethics were balanced

Addresses “Proficient” criteria,

but there are gaps in clarity,

logic, or detail

Does not address cri�cal

element, or response is



Ar�cula�on of Response Submission is free of errors

related to cita�ons, grammar,

spelling, and organiza�on and

is presented in a professional

and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors

related to cita�ons, grammar,

spelling, or organiza�on

Submission has some errors

related to cita�ons, grammar,

spelling, or organiza�on that

nega�vely impact readability

and ar�cula�on of main ideas

Submission has cri�cal errors

related to cita�ons, grammar,

spelling, or organiza�on that

prevent understanding of ideas


Total: 100%

1/21/25, 1:31 PM Assignment Information 3/3


CYB 260 Project One Milestone Template

Replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.

I. Analysis of Requirements
Select three fair information practice principles from the privacy statement provided by your
instructor. Then fill in the cells in the table below.

Requirements Table
Fair Information
Practice Principle

Applicable Privacy
Law or Laws

Level of Compliance Safeguards

[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]

II. Business Implications

A. Discuss the role of ethics as a business driver in this decision. How do the organizational values

(as an ethical stance) align with the decision? What responsibility does the organization have
regarding privacy?
[Insert text.]

B. Discuss how your personal ethical stance aligns with the decision. How did you apply an ethical
framework or decision strategy to inform your position?
[Insert text.]

C. What would you recommend the company do? Describe how you came to this decision. How
did you balance differences between the organizational ethics and your own personal ethics?
Insert your response in the box below.
[Insert text.]

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