- Pick a problem from project euler or the kattis archive.
- Implement a solution to the problem using Java language .
- Write a README.md thatdescribes your solutioninforms another user how to setup the local environmenthow to run this code to yield the solution with sample input
java cookbook
cookbook v4.3.0 build failing backers 8 sponsors 2 License Apache 2.0
This cookbook installs a Java JDK/JRE. It defaults to installing OpenJDK, but it can also install Oracle, IBM JDKs or
This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working
together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit sous-chefs.org or come chat with us on
the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.
Production Deployment with Oracle Java
Oracle has been known to change the behavior of its download site frequently. It is recommended that you store the
archives on an artifact server or s3 bucket. You can then override the attributes in a cookbook, role, or environment:
= ‘oracle’
default[‘java’][‘jdk’][‘7’][‘x86_64’ ][‘url’]
= ‘8’
default[‘java’][‘ jdk’][‘7’][‘x86_64’][‘checksum’] = ‘The SHA-256 checksum of the JDK archive’
= true
Include the java recipe wherever you would like Java installed, such as a run list (recipe[java]) or a cookbook
(include_recipe ‘java’). By default, OpenJDK 8 is installed. The install_flavor attribute is used to determine which JDK
to install (AdoptOpenJDK, OpenJDK, Oracle, IBM, or Windows), and jdk_version specifies which version to install (currently
6 and 7 are supported for all JDK types, 8 and 10 for Oracle and AdoptOpenJDK).