Page 465, Problem 1:
Give an example of a deadlock taken from politics.
Question 2
Page 465, Problem 5:
The four conditions (mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption and circular wait) are necessary for a resource deadlock to occur. Give an example to show that these conditions are not sufficient for a resource deadlock to occur. When are these conditions sufficient for a resource deadlock to occur?
Question 3
Use the script file “sub” discussed on the last page of this week’s handout as a template to complete the following tasks:
- Follow these steps:Make two more copies of file “mysedfile” as “mysedfile2” and “mysedfile3”;Create a script file, “mysedscript”, that will read the files, “mysedfile”, “mysedfile2”, and “mysedfile3”, as its inputs using a for-loop;For each file “mysedscript” reads, use sed commands to 1) remove the blank line(s), 2) insert the following record before Jerry’s record, and 3) update the files accordingly:Allen 91 83 95
- After making “mysedscript” an executable file, run it. Please verify if “mysedfile”, “mysedfile2”, and “mysedfile3” are updated as required
Question 4
Based on the data file “mysedfile” you created for Lab 6, please complete the following tasks:
- Create a sed script file “mysedprog” (see the Linux handouts for examples), that removes blank line(s), appends the following two records after Tom’s record, and sends the updated information to screen:
Cindy 85 94 92Allen 91 83 95
- Save the content of your “mysedprog” file, the sed command line you used, and the output.