This is a Group Assignment.
For this assignment, you and your team are planning on designing a newapplication. Before you start, however, you are going to use the knowledge and skillsthat you have learned in class so far to conduct a [pseudo] heuristic (expert)analysis of an application.This application is going to be Plants vs. Zombies (yes, a game….you are experts ingames, right?). Here’s what you need to do.Step 1:? Pair up with 1-2 other people from your group (the entire group will getback together in Step 3)? Go to…
(unless youalready have the game—if not, you can play it online, you’ll just have to dealwith a few ads)? Play through at least level 1-5? While you are playing, take notes about your experience as a user (e.g.,how do you learn about how to play the game, what do you like, what do younot like, what motivates you to continue playing, is there anything thatdemotivates you, etc.)? Translate these into a description of the users’ desires, needs,motivations, and contexts.? Include a list of at least 5 user experience goals that are satisfied by thegame and provide a brief description of how each is satisfied.Step 2:? Now go through the game again (at least through level 1-5). This time, yourfocus is going to be on analyzing the elements that contribute to the userexperience? Detail how various aspects are used to improve the usability and userexperience of the game. Be sure to include detailed discussions of ALL* ofthe following (here’s a hint: take screenshots):o Usability goals (All of them)o Design principles (All of them)o Locus of Attentiono Dealing with memory (short and long term)o Formation of Habitso Gestalt laws (All of them)* You do not have to include every element of the game, but you must have at least 1example for each of the items and sub-items below (e.g., must have at least oneexample of learnability, safety, visibility, recall/recognition, etc.)
?Describe the following:
o What are the user goals?o What are the tasks, and what goals are those tasks tied to?
HCI Assignment 3 (Group)
HCI Assignment 3 (Group)