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Course Project Phase 1

Attached Files:

Intructions to Install MySQL.pdf Intructions to Install MySQL.pdf – Alternative Formats (2.934 MB) – attached attachment

Project_Ph1_ScriptMySQL.txt (23.236 KB) – will draft in message

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  • Course Project Ph1 VIDEO.mp4 (220.793 MB)
  • Course Project Phase 1Summary: SQL Queries Using MySQL DBMS. Reference the attached video (Course Project Ph1 VIDEO.mp4), for a full introduction and demonstration for the MySQL DBMS, and general background for your Course Project Phase 1.

  • Deliverables:
  • SQL File as follows: YourLast


    _Project_Ph1_Query.sql. File must contain SELECT statement and required clauses to address required tasks note below (Query 1-10).

  • MS Word as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph1_Output. This file contains the queries and outputs.
  • Zipped file, students are required to upload a ZIP file containing these two documents.

    Required Software:

    MySQL DBMS by Oracle. MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench.

    Lab Steps:

    Step 1: Download and install the MySQL DBMS System by Oracle. Follow the step-by-step instructions attached to install the MySQL DBMS in your computer. Also, reference the supplemental text: Available for Free download as part of our UC Library.  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-160550-2.  Link to UC Library:

    Follow the Step-by-Step instructions attached, to install MySQL in your computer attached as follows: “Instructions to Install MySQL.pdf”.

  • Step 2: Create a MySQL Database. Watch the attached video, Course Project Ph1 VIDEO.mp4, with instructions/demonstrations to create a database using MySQL. Also, reference the supplemental text: Available for Free download as part of our UC Library.  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-160550-2.  Link to UC Library:  This textbook provides supplemental information to install MySQL and how to create a database. Download the file Project_ph1_ScriptMySQL. File attached.
  • Step 3: Run the Script File in MySQL.
  • Step 4: Create SQL SELECT Queries
  • Using the data provided for you in the Student table in the database, formulate a SQL script file named YourLastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql. This file would contain queries to execute each of the tasks required below.

    Be sure to read and reference the dialect presented by MySQL, as it is unique and special in our space of SQL programming. Be sure to read/reference the supplemental text: Available for Free download as part of our UC Library.  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-160550-2.

  • Once you run each query, save and past the output in a MS Word document. Name your file YourLastName_Project_Ph1_Output.
  • Name


    Query # 1

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: Student’s First and Last Name.

    Query # 2

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the Major of the STUDENT with no duplications. Do not display student names.

    Query # 3

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32828.

    Query # 4

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 97912 and have the major of CS.

    Query # 5

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32826 or 33186. Do not use IN.

    Query # 6

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the major of Business or Math. Use IN.

    Query # 7

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the Class greater than 1 and less than 5. Use BETWEEN.

    Query # 8

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who have the Last name that starts with an M.

    Query # 9

    Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last name of students having an o in the second position in their First Name.

    Query # 10

    Write a SQL expression to produce output as follows: display the Status for, and the number of occurrences that apply to each status. You must use the Count(*) function. You must show the result of the Count(*) function as CountStatus. Group by Status and output the results in ascending order of CountStatus.

    Step 5: Submit your work. Once you complete all tasks noted above, zip the files YourLastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql AND YourLastName_Project_Ph1_Output and submit them.

    ITS 538
    Database Systems
    Course Project Ph1
    Miguel Buleje, PhD
    Installing MySQL
    I T S 53 8 : DATA B A S E S Y S T E MS
    MySQL- Intro
    • MySQL is a an open source DBMS by Oracle with a Community
    Version free to down load. I will demonstrate in this presentation how
    to install the latest version for MySQL at this time that is V.8, on a 64
    bit version of WIN 10.
    • Components Required to complete your Projects:
    • MySQL Server
    • MySQL Workbench
    • I will present in this instructional document a series of screen shoots
    to walk you through the installation process. We are going to use the
    Installer utility to install the latest MySQL Community Server and
    Step 1: Visit the URL below (
    Step 1: Navigate to “Downloads”
    Step 3: Select “MySQL Community Server”
    Step 4: MySQL Installer – “Go to Download Page”
    Step 5: Select OS AND Download Smaller File
    Step 6: Start Download (follow the option below)
    Step 7: Open Downloaded File
    Step 8: Chose Setup Type – “Custom”
    Step 9 (a): Select Products and Features
    (Select MySQL Server V8.0.20 x64 & Workbench V8.0.20 – x64 for bit system)
    Step 9 (b): Select Products and Features
    (Select MySQL Server V8.0.20 x64 & Workbench V8.0.20 – x64 for bit system)
    Step 9 (c): Select Products and Features
    (Select MySQL Server V8.0.20 x64 & Workbench V8.0.20 – x64 for bit system)
    Step 10: Initiate Installation – “Execute”
    Step 11: Complete Installation – “Next”
    Step 12: Product Configuration – “Next”
    Step 13: High Availability
    (Standalone MySQL Server/ Classic MySQL Replication)
    Step 14: Type and Networking
    Config. Type: Development Computer
    Port: XXXX (Must keep record for this number. Please write down)
    All other settings intact.
    Step 15: Authentication Method
    (Use Legacy Authentication Method)
    Step 16: Accounts and Roles
    (Write down your Root Password – very important)
    Step 17: Windows Service
    (Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service)
    Step 18: Apply Configuration – “Execute”
    Step 19: Apply Configuration – “Finish”
    Step 20: Product Configuration – “Next”
    Step 21: Apply Configuration – “Finish”
    Step 22: Installation Complete – “Finish”
    Step 23: Welcome to MySQL Workbench
    (Use authentication / credentials you created)
    Step 24: SQL Workbench – READY!

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