Programming Question

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Exam 2
CSIT 337
Spring 2024
(1). Create a login page as the following using Bootstrap. Use the color scheme of Bootstrap for login and
register buttons.
If device viewport width is sm(small) or up, the login page will be displayed like the following. We test it
by using iPad Pro, which has width of 1024.
If its size is smaller than sm then it looks like the following.
Elements are stack up. Here we test using iPhone 12 Pro which CSS width is 390 < 576 (sm break point). Important: Replace Red Hawk with your real name (First name then Last name) so that I know it is your web page. (2) Create a web page like the following. It contains a table and a logout link. When a user click on the logout, it will direct the user to (MSU home page) When you hover on table data, the whole row will be highlighted. The following showed when Microsoft stock info was hovered. (refer to Bootstrap table) Important: Replace Red Hawk with your real name (First name then Last name) so that I know it is your web page. Submission (1) Create a folder call it yourname-Exam2, where yourname is your real lastnamefirstname. (2) Place these two html documents into the folder created at step 1. (3) Zip the folder (4) Submit the folder to Canvas before the due time. Important It is your responsibility to check that your submission contains these two document files not a link to your computer. For I cannot access your computer!

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