Continuation of an existing OS assignment.
Processes are like little boxes that the program runs in – they are self-contained. Much of the time, that is perfectly fine.
Our video game doesn’t need to coordinate with or talk to our spreadsheet. But sometimes applications do need to
communicate/coordinate. Let’s look at a few ways that operating systems designers have solved this problem.
Signals are a 32-bit integer held in the PCB (KernelandProcess for us). A process can set a specified bit in another
process. Programs can set up handlers for specified bits; when their bit is set, the handler is run. This is much like
hardware-based interrupts. This is very simple, very space efficient, but it has limited usefulness.
Pipes are a unidirectional data transfer mechanism. They can be named or unnamed. Unnamed pipes are only useful
within a process hierarchy. They are created by the BASH shell, for example:
ls | more
The shell is a process. It creates the pipe, then creates two new processes, one for more and one for ls. Because these
processes fork (inherit) from the shell, they inherit all of the file descriptors, including the new pipe. Named pipes create
a name in the file system. Unrelated processes can connect to the pipe by name.
Sockets are familiar from networking. They are bi-directional – once a connection is established, either side can send
and receive data much like reading/writing to a device.
Shared memory uses the kernel and memory management to make the same area of physical memory available to two
(or more) processes at once. The processes have to be careful about how they interact with the memory.
Messages are bundles of data that are transmitted between two processes, much like passing notes in school.
Ignoring signals because of their simplicity, there is a lot of overlap between these different forms of communication.
Sockets, pipes, and messages all have processes sending data to other processes having the kernel intervene. Shared
memory only has the kernel intervene for setup. The power of the API is the difference. Pipes require a pre-known name
or a parent launching process. Sockets are between two and only two processes and have an ugly set of functions.
Messages are “cleaner” and can be general – you can send a message to any process from any process. This can be very
powerful if it is ubiquitous in the operating system. Windows, for example, uses message passing extensively.
Let’s start with making the kernel message object. It should hold both the sender pid and the target pid. It should have
an integer indicating “what” this message is; the sender uses it to indicate what the message is “for” and the receiver
can switch on it to know how to handle the message. Finally, we will have a byte array of data – this can be whatever the
applications want it to be. Create a copy constructor – a constructor that accepts a Kernel message and makes a copy of
it. We do this because the sender will create the message, but we want to make a new copy for the recipient to get.
Otherwise, the two processes are holding a reference to the same memory and that breaks the “wall” of processes.
Finally, add a useful “ToString” – format doesn’t matter so long as it is useful for debugging.
I added a few simple methods to OS, kernel and scheduler:
int GetPid() – returns the current process’ pid
int GetPidByName(String) – returns the pid of a process with that name.
To implement GetPidByName, I added a name member to KernelandProcess. I get the name of the UserlandProcess
using Java: ulp.getClass().getSimpleName(). While we are in that code, add a LinkedList of KernelMessage as a message
Next, we will add our two new OS and kernel methods:
void SendMessage(KernelMessage km)
KernelMessage WaitForMessage()
SendMessage() should use the copy constructor to make a copy of the original message. It should populate the sender’s
pid. Two reasons for that – one is security (so the sender can’t lie about who they are) and for performance – GetPid() is
a kernel call that takes time. Here the kernel is doing two things at once. Next, it should find the target’s
KernelandProcess. You could loop through all of the queues, but I added another data structure – a HashMap with pid as
the key and KernelandProcess as the value. This is a space-time tradeoff that I thought made sense. Of course, I had to
add code to CreateProcess and in the process termination part of SwitchProcess() to populate and remove entries. If we
find our target pid, add this message to the message queue and finally, if this KernelandProcess is waiting for a message
(see below), restore it to its proper runnable queue (like we did with Sleep).
A process that is waiting for a message should not run until a message is sent to it. To implement WaitForMessage, first
check to see if the current process has a message; if so take it off of the queue and return it. If not, we are going to deschedule ourselves (similar to what we did for Sleep() ) and add ourselves to a new data structure to hold processes that
are waiting. I used a HashMap of pid→KernelandProcess; there are many other choices that one could use.
You should test this using a Ping-Pong example (you may have done something similar in ICSI333). Create two new
userland processes, once called Ping and one called Pong. They find each other (using GetPidByName). One sends a
message to the other and that one responds with a message which causes another message to be sent… They should
print something so that you can see what is going on. Mine looked like this:
I am PING, pong = 3
I am PONG, ping = 2
PONG: from: 2 to: 3 what: 0
PING: from: 3 to: 2 what: 0
PONG: from: 2 to: 3 what: 1
PING: from: 3 to: 2 what: 1
PONG: from: 2 to: 3 what: 2
I chose to increment “what” by one each time, just so I could make sure that the messages weren’t repeated, but that is
not a requirement.
Code Style
Few comments, bad
names (0)
Some good naming,
some necessary
comments (3)
Mostly good
naming, most
necessary comments
None (0)
Exists (3)
Exists, most
methods and
members (6)
Exists in
as appropriate (3)
Good naming, non-trivial
methods well
commented, static only
when necessary, private
members (10)
Correct (10)
Exists in
OS/Kernel/Scheduler as
appropriate and returns
correct value (5)
Exists in
as appropriate (3)
Two of: Copies
kernel message, sets
sending pid, adds to
message queue (6)
Exists in
as appropriate and
returns correct value
Copies kernel
message, sets
sending pid, adds to
message queue (10)
WaitForMessage None (0)
Two of: Both
processes exists, use
SendMessage and
find each other by
name, and print
messages from each
other. (6)
None (0)
Three of: Both
processes exists, use
SendMessage and
find each other by
name, and print
messages from each
other. (9)
Partially tested (6)
Exists in
OS/Kernel/Scheduler as
appropriate and returns
correct value, populates
name correctly in KLP(10)
Copies kernel message,
sets sending pid, adds to
message queue, removes
process from wait (20)
Returns right away if
message is waiting, puts
process into wait state if
not (20)
Both processes exists, use
SendMessage and
WaitForMessage, find
each other by name, and
print messages from each
other. (15)
Test processes that show
all functionality working ping, pong and other
processes are running as
well (hello/goodbye), they
exhibit the ping-pong
effect – printing one
message, then the other
runs (10)