Program 4 requirements:
Write a flowchart and a C++ program that will:
1. Display the following line 10 times with [removed] being the number of the pass (1-10). This program is now executing loop #[removed].
2. When you are in the middle of the loop display the following message. We are now in the middle of the loop.
3. Have comments in your source file.
4. Have ONLY ONE printf statement in each section of the program displaying the loop message.
5. There should be 4 parts to this program. You can put all the sections in the same source file.
3a) implement this program using a while statement
3b) implement this program using a do while statement
3c) implement this program using a for statement
3d) change the program to count from 10 down to 1 (using any statement)
Program 4 Format-
Welcome to Program-4 written by [removed]
This program is now executing loop #1
This program is now executing loop #2
This program is now executing loop #3
This program is now executing loop # 4
This program is now executing loop #5
This program is now executing loop #6
This program is now executing loop #7
This program is now executing loop #8
This program is now executing loop #9
This program is now executing loop #10
Press any key to continue…
Program 4 submission requirements
-Submit a neat flowchart of the algorithm
-Submit a printout of main.cpp for each of the 4 versions (or one with all versions)
– Ask the user for how many times to loop