Prof Double R

In this assessment, you will create a fact sheet that describes how an effective manager behaves and makes plans.

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Step 1: Choose a topic.

  • An example from your workplace experiences. 
  • Managing a social event. 
  • Managing a small business project.


Step 2: format.  

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  • Fact Sheet:

    Length: 1 page.
    Template: Fact Sheet Template [DOCX].uploaded below
    Tip: Use 10-point or 12-point font for text and no more than 14-point font for headers. 


For this assessment, choose a time where you had to manage a specific event or project. This does not need to be in a business setting. For example, you could have led a social event, a project, or you can use your own work experience.


In your chosen format, describe characteristics effective managers should do as well as how they should behave. You will also describe the planning process that made this project or event successful.


In your assessment, include the following:

  • Describe characteristics of effective managers that would relate to your situation.
  • Explain how managers should behave to be effective in the situation.
  • Describe how a manager should plan for the situation to be successful.


  • Use Microsoft Word for the fact sheet. You can upload the Word document as your submission.


Your assessment should meet the following submission requirements:

  • Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional. Your assessment should be:

    Clear and organized.
    Free of errors in grammar and writing.

Fact Sheet Title Goes Here

Use paragraph styles for information and facts that require more context to get your point across. Pay attention to the appearance of the fact sheet. Is it pleasant to look at and does the information flow in a way that makes sense. It can help to spend time looking at fact sheets you can find online to see how other people design them. When creating short, succinct assignments, the visual design becomes part of the message you are communicating to your audience.

Author Name, Course, Capella University.

Provide a caption for any image you use. Ensure the images you use are not copyrighted or that you have permission to use them. Give credit to the source.

Subhead Goes Here

Fact sheets are used to provide the maximum amount of information in the shortest possible manner. You’ll want to be very clear and organized so that every element of the fact sheet provides the most value.

Bold Italic Copy:
For greatest readability, keep text to 10 to 12 pt font. You can use fonts but focus on choosing fonts that are easy to read—if in doubt, use Times New Roman or Calibri. Text should be black. If it makes sense for your overall design and message, headers can be in a different color, but use color sparingly.

Subhead Goes Here

Create subhead titles that relate to the scoring guide criteria. Facts are the heart of a fact sheet (hence the name). However, you’ll want to carefully chose the facts you present.

· Each subhead should contain introductory text that includes a topic sentence to help you organize the thoughts. Each fact should relate to that topic sentence.

· Organize facts so that they build on each other. The first fact should establish the importance of the topic. Following facts should build on that.

· Organize your information from most important to least important. The most important goes at the top.

· Use bullets for short facts that can be presented in a sentence or less.

Capella University



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