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People often find themselves in situations where they need to make decisions or propose solutions that are well supported and based on established ethical principles. Throughout this course, you have selected a case study, looked at ethical frameworks and related principles, and considered a set of professional codes of ethics related to your selected case study. For this project, you will take that information and incorporate it into the two parts of this project, analyzing a case study, presenting the related facts, suggesting an equitable solution, and applying relevant ethical frameworks toward a final solution.


For your project, choose the following:

  • A case study
  • An ethical framework
  • A professional code of ethics

Use the same case study, ethical framework, and professional code of ethics you selected earlier in this course.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

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Part One: Case Analysis

In this section, you will introduce the audience to the key problems and issues of the case. You will also analyze the ethical components of the case and determine the most ethically justifiable course of action from a set of solutions.

  1. Describe the background of the case. In your description, make sure you include:

    The summary of the case
    The people and events behind the case
    A citation of your chosen case study.

  2. Explain the ethical issues of the case. In your explanation, make sure you include:

    The key members
    The significance of the case.

  3. Determine the principles from your chosen ethical framework that apply to the case.
  4. Explain how the ethical framework can be used to examine the ethical issues of the case.
  5. Explain how your chosen professional code of ethics applies to your case.
  6. Identify possible solutions to the case.
  7. Describe the strengths and limitations of each solution you identified.
  8. Recommend a solution from the ones you identified. Then, justify your recommendation as the most ethical solution.
  9. Describe the ethical implications of your solution.

Part Two: Reflection

In this section, you will reflect on your experience writing a case analysis . You will also discuss how your personal ethics may have influenced your solution to the case.

  1. Describe your experience analyzing the case. In your description, make sure you include:

    The difficult choices you had to make
    Your moral intuition of the case

  2. Discuss how your personal ethics helped to guide your conclusions. In your discussion, make sure you include:

    Specific examples of ethical principles from the framework you used
    How the solution may have been different if you had used a different ethical framework

  3. Describe how the identified professional code of ethics aligns to your interests or values.
  4. Explain the importance of this code of ethics in society.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must:

Submit the completed paper as a 3- to-5-page Microsoft Word document. You must cite your case study, your chosen ethical framework and professional code of ethics, but no other sources are required. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Project Rubric


Project Proposal: Fetal Rights and Guardianship in the Case of J.D.S.

The J.D.S. case raises ethical problems about reproductive rights, individual autonomy, and governmental responsibilities to protect vulnerable individuals. J.D.S., a state-run facility resident with severe intellectual and physical disabilities, was sexually assaulted and became pregnant (Pierce, 2013). Florida’s state attorneys tried to select a new guardian for the unborn child, under Governor Jeb Bush’s directive, arguing that J.D.S.’s present guardian would put abortion ahead of the fetus’s best interests. (Pierce, 2013). This ruling raised questions about handicapped people’s rights, reproductive choice, and fetal personhood.

In this case, the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Code of Ethics is relevant. When patients cannot make decisions for themselves, this code emphasises navigating medical decision-making complexity while respecting patient autonomy and placing patient welfare first (Rondinelli et al., 2023). Given J.D.S.’s incapacity, the AMA Code’s surrogate decision-making and vulnerable patient treatment guidelines must be considered by healthcare practitioners.

The AMA Code of Ethics outlines justice, compassion, and respect to guide doctors and other healthcare workers. It emphasises putting patients’ needs first, respecting their autonomy, and protecting those who cannot make good decisions (Rondinelli et al., 2023). Surrogate decision-making is covered by the AMA Code of Ethics for vulnerable patients. The code would likely prioritise J.D.S.’s rights and well-being above fetal guardianship, emphasizing patient autonomy and ethical medical procedures. The American Medical Association’s 1847 code of ethics has been modified to suit modern healthcare (Rondinelli et al., 2023). AMA Code of ethics guides healthcare providers on ethical issues cases like J.D.S. based on beneficence, nonmaleficence, and patient autonomy.

Key ethical principles of AMA include:

Autonomy: This principle underscores the importance of respecting J.D.S.’s rights and her ability to have a guardian advocate for her best interests.

Beneficence: Medical professionals must prioritize the well-being of J.D.S., who, as a vulnerable individual, requires special considerations to ensure her health and safety.

Justice: This principle calls for fairness in treatment and equality before the law, which opposes the potential for imposing disproportionate state control over her reproductive rights.

Principlism, an ethical framework that relies on the four ethical principles (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice), is particularly suited to this case (O’Rourke et al., 2019). This paradigm gives equal weight to each approach to assist practitioners balance state intervention and J.D.S. autonomy. J.D.S.’s wellbeing should come first, according the AMA Code’s guidelines for vulnerable patients. In the J.D.S. case, individual rights and state interests conflict in healthcare, creating ethical issues. The AMA Code of Ethics and principlism framework support prioritizing J.D.S.’s welfare. They prioritize patient autonomy, protection, and respect for vulnerable people like her.


O’Rourke, D. J., Thompson, G. N., & McMillan, D. E. (2019). Ethical and moral considerations of (patient) centredness in nursing and healthcare: Navigating uncharted waters. 
Nursing Inquiry, 
26(3), e12284.

Pierce, J. (2013). 
Morality play: Case studies in ethics. Waveland Press.

Rondinelli, R. D., Genovese, E., Katz, R. T., Mayer, T. G., Mueller, K. L., Ranavaya, M. I., & Brigham, C. R. (2023). AMA Guides® to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 2023. In 
AMA Guides® to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition, 2023. American Medical Association.

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