Prof Double R

 Review the articles on the following reading list below that is uploaded about stages of group development and change.  Create a standard PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes.  

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After analyzing the scenario presented in CapraTek: Leading for Change, create a presentation that briefly introduces items for your team to consider. In the presentation:

  • Create an appropriate response to the scenario based on a sound analysis of the situation.

    Communicate your decision on how you plan to address the team’s communication issues and concerns about leadership changes. (2–3 slides).

  • Explain three critical communication issues and challenges faced by the team, including communication issues to date. (2–3 slides).
  • Describe an action or policy that you will introduce to improve communications and assure people are working with a unified purpose. (2–3 slides)

    You may want to consider Tuckman’s model for stages of group development and Kotter’s change model as you plan to improve the team dynamics.

  • Define your expectations for ethical discourse in team communications. (2–3 slides)

Leading for Change

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Given the fast pace of change in just about every industry today, one

of the most important ways that leaders communicate is by leading

for change. Leaders who are effective at this task do a good job of

communicating what the change will be (or already is), how that

change will affect both the company and its employees, and what

employees need to know in order to get the resources they need to

respond appropriately and feel that their contributions are an

important part of the change.

In this activity, you’ll see how change comes up and how a new

leader — you! —responds to it.


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Leading for Change

Your First Day
Congratulations! Today is your �rst day as a manager at a large

technology company called CapraTek. Although the company is

based in Sunnyvale, California, it has several manufacturing facilities

across the United States. In your new role, you will manage part of

one of those facilities.

You’ve got an email from the person you’ll be reporting to: Plant

Manager Jósef Eriksen. You’ll want to read that now.

Email Inbox

Inbox – (1)


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New Mexico plant – your �rst challenge

From: Jósef Eriksen

To: Anfernee Coale

Welcome, Anfernee. I hope you’re settling in and having a

good �rst day. That said, I’m going to have to ruin it for you. I

hope you like being thrown in head �rst, because that’s how

we roll around here!

So I don’t know if you know this, but our last two quarters

have been disappointing. We haven’t seen the revenues we

wanted, we’ve had some other problems, and people are a

bit on edge. We didn’t really think about that when we

scheduled a meeting to announce your promotion, and we

kept the purpose vague so that the meeting would be where

they found out about it.

Well, that didn’t work; they’re all riled up and what’s worse,

they’re making something out of nothing. I’ll forward you an

email string I’ve seen, and you’ll want to check out the

*Team_General Slack thread too.

Once you’ve seen all of it, I’d like you to let me know how

you plan to respond. I’m sorry to put something tough on

your plate on your �rst day, but this seems like a situation

we should get out in front of as soon as possible.

— Jósef

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Leading for Change

What Will You Do?
Now that you’ve read everything, you email Jósef Eriksen and let

them know you’re up to speed. Jósef Eriksen responds right away.

Email Inbox

Inbox – (1)

Up to speed


From: Jósef Eriksen

To: Anfernee Coale

Hi, Anfernee, thanks for getting on this so fast. I’m glad you

feel like you have a handle on what’s been happening. Here

are some questions I have for you, but feel free to add

whatever else you think is meaningful.

— Jósef

1. What did you initially observe about the different channels of


Enter your answer here…

2. Which communications convey an actual problem, and which

are just blowing off steam?

Enter your answer here…

3. How do you plan to handle the problems as you see them?

Enter your answer here…

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You may �nd what you wrote in your email to Jósef Eriksen useful

as you work on your assignment. Select Download to save your

responses in a document.

Download Your PDF

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Submit your Answers 


 Intro

Leading for Change

As you saw in this activity, leading for change takes more than

communicating at the employees and other stakeholders you

lead. It takes responding to how people feel about change,

correcting misimpressions about that change, and honoring how

that change will affect different people.

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Leading for Change

The Water Cooler
You settle in to read what your new direct reports have been saying

to each other since the meeting announcement was made.

Email Inbox

Inbox – (1)

Mystery meeting???

From: Kayleen Pitts

To: *NM-Manufacturing*

Does anybody know what’s going on with this meeting we

all have to go to later today?

From: Rebeka Bach

Isn’t it just an announcement about the new manager?


From: Alison Horn

What new manager?

From: Rebeka Bach

Doesn’t anybody read around here? 😁 The new

manager for the plant! I mean, I don’t know, but I heard

they’d decided on someone.

From: Kayleen Pitts

But why not just announce it? Do we need a meeting for


From: Rebeka Bach

And, cue the conspiracy theories…

From: Kayleen Pitts

I’m just saying it’s weird. That’s all.

From: Samuel Wallis

I’m not saying it’s weird. I’m saying it’s obvious that you

dumbasses have your heads in the sand and when the

layoffs come down, you’re going to be shocked when

you shouldn’t be.

Slack Thread




Cherryl Wolański Tuesday 2:08 PM

I am so sick of these meetings that pop up and we

have to go to on short notice.

Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:12 PM

Right? Just send us an email and leave us alone!

Brianne Twyha Tuesday 2:14 PM

I wish we knew what it was about. I don’t mind the

short notice, but it’s weird when they’re all, “Meeting

at 2! Very important!”

Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:15 PM

Right? If I didn’t know better I’d wonder if they were

trying to make sure we didn’t �nd out what it’s about.

Briana Twyha Tuesday 2:16 PM

Why would they do that?

Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:18 PM

If we only �nd out in the meeting, they can control the


Briana Twyha Tuesday 2:21 PM

But don’t they always do that?

Lea Windsor Tuesday 2:22 PM

Not in person! That’s why I’m worried this is no



Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:23 PM


Lea Windsor Tuesday 2:29 PM

It’s been a while since we had layoffs around here.

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Rebeka Bach Tuesday 2:35 PM

Would you stop that? There’s no reason to think

they’re going to announce layoffs.

Lea Windsor Tuesday 2:38 PM

There’s no reason not to think it, either. This is how

they announce layoffs: Very suddenly, in an

environment where you all learn about it at once.

They’ll probably take our phones as we go into the


Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:40 PM

Nobody’s taking my phone!

Rebeka Bach Tuesday 2:41 PM

Nobody’s getting laid off, either!

Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:43 PM

Bullshit. You’ll �nd out, Rebeka. And if you get laid off

I’m dancing on your grave.

Rebeka Bach Tuesday 2:45 PM

What is wrong with you????

Lea Windsor Tuesday 2:46 PM

Rebeka is right, Samuel. Dial it back. Nobody knows

anything about this meeting and that includes you.

Samuel Wallis Tuesday 2:48 PM

Dancing on your grave too!!!

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