If a country can produce a product efficiently but there is no domestic market for that product, how can that country gain by producing that product?
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(2012). International economics. (Vol. 1, pp. 45-52). The McGraw-Hills Companies.
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lnternational conomics, 15th Edition 45
Tfhv Everybody Tra CS;
ilcmparative Advan ag*
rotluct.’i’hat attitil”sts
but oltl1,’ indirccti.v
lrel.ircss*ei sotuc t;thcrs. i’:’ttr iltt iltrir’rslt’v rvltit cxpa*dl*g producti n, il,ltctc tio lltc
tional resorr{ces colllc h”onr’l For a slrrinking iltdiistry. ri’hat ira
l hnpter” 2 exanrineii international trade lbcrising on a siilgle
h*lpcd alls\iief sr.rlnc ntajttr tlirestions about intertlational tra
l},; l*nger nr’eelerl’.] ll cousur:rel’s ilclease or clecreasc lltc’ tiua
dctttanil l’ci r”rther prodLl
Ftrll anal.vsis ol ititernalional trade r*qitir*s coltsidcrratton
Y*i lilr cttftlL’ccollonty is r”cr-v c6ltiplex- -it c6ttsisls olfhottsa
vilrious resoul’ces neetleii ttl proc{ttcrl thetti. I”ortulately’ lve cail
cuitsitlcl’ingr itit ec$llolll-Y cottlposeri r f’jusL tu’* protlucl:l’ I.trr
ltroiluct earr be e,rpolte'{ iittc’l the ot}tei: itt’rporttcl. Tiris
xit ftse ntial ieafiit’e of inlet.naiional tradc: A cttuntrl” tenrls tc i;e
pens to the l’e$oriLces
i11, dettriinclcd cl one
lhc eltire ecanoll”*l
of prodi.tcts and thc
in nrair:t insights tr1″
lernati0lliii lratlcr. one
rct cconiltlrv cailtillcS
net exporttlt’ of scxtle’
urt ol’ a tu.ro-Pt’orittcl
rs: $,’h-v rio eoutttrries
ery pctstlrl–fincl rt
{bLrv ) ctl:el thl;lgs’?
i elopcd as h* hrattlerl
aclvatttage lllotvs tts
tirait Adanr Siititir’s
plociLrcts attd a net intporiel’it1’others.
r:haptei’ bcgins tltir exantinatiixt trf tlte rit:net”;t1
ilctlilr)ln-v. We fccr.ls $n fh* llrst i}f ou| ltrul’ h:tsir: tri+ile
trirrlc’.’ In irct” rl’1r5, docs i:r’erytrod-v ‘ ‘ev*rv eotllltl’v as
rvcrthrvhile to 1tt’or!uce alici exllort {se11) sonle thirrgs and
We prt-rctcel itt three stcirs:
1. W* slart *,ith Aiiattr Stttitlt’s original *xplanatrort. rvliich
irrcrc:ln1 ilist tlrinkitrg.
1. We iher: sre that Ilavid Ilir:arclo’s p|incipic cf contpittativ
1i.’ e.rplain irailf tlcnrrr ihan lnost people’s intrrition aucl bct
arigi nai expl*rtatitlt
3. We hegiti ortt’ dr:r’*iopment oi’iotlls 1or atialvzitrg a two- cquilil i
u’r:i1 ag ‘0duct ec{)11l’rlil.v. ‘l-he
theage rtilli i’nhiln{lc 46 lnternational Economics – Vol. i
P;tri One ‘ill,’ I jtri,r”r i:f litl, nlrrlililrrl As ;r,cu rcad lhi-( chapter. pa] attelllitln to the basic i lrr tl-ie latc l[itl”, alci earl:-./ lqth rer,i”Lli’i,*$. lirsl Aci::ur Sri.ritlr :,incl thr:l: !]aViil !t-ic:tlclO
trxltlcrc4 titi: basjs lor inti:r’national traclc as ititrt rtlthr:ir eflirl’tF trr rilake A Lra:llr fbt’Jtt:r:
tt.ac1e.’l’heir rvritilgs \vere rcsponscs t$ tlte cloclt’itrc tlt’ntercafililism prevrilitts l]i thi:
tiiite. ($ce ihc b*r “F,4ercarr1i1isrn.”1 c1:rssrc tlti:cries 51r.’pye{l piJlic;’tnaket’s Iirt”it
rvholci c$ntur),, eve n thi.rugh torlay rrre vltrw thel.tl ils on’lv soeciil ci:lse! {li it nlort: basic”
and urtte 1rt:iverfirl. iheory oltracie. i* htrLisehi,rids. 1:.r,er,v- hoi:schoiel f irtcls it rr’ot’ilttrltile ti) prqdtiec oiilv sr’rlltc 0i’lile
l:r’gdrrct-r if cs6sL;ncs” auci to bu3,o:hel proclucts Ltsirigr thcr ir|r;cceds iiou-*eirolci catt se11 lo itfhi:’t,{.’l’ht: sallc shoil}t1 lqrpll’tr’r tlrlioi’tc:
It is tlte triarirrt 0f et,cr.,, pr.trileut r.ilaste! ol’;r ft’rr]li1y. ftcrei t{r atlc]]lplt tll 1ll;llic irt hrittle il’hltt
it tr,tll cost . . . nlote tc nrake iiratl to bLrl’. I-hc taiior dtles llol attenlql to tttrl l-rrtt bgy’: tl”reltt 1l’r-,rtr iiie s{ro*tla’tti . il gr,:at liiitgilotrt. If a fi-.rei!:rl cOllnl’ry can sripplv ils r’.’ith a coltrtloiiitr” chcaper lli;rtt \1’e
ou.selr’,r.. ciitt ttralic it. betti:r lritv it oltlrr:ttr rvitii sottte Palt oithc lrfoduct of tlitt’ont1
inr.lusr,r.v. ellplo_vcd in a u,aY in rvlrich *’e liave sotrte aclvatttitgc.
Ap exailple ciin shos, Smith’s reasrlning. the ‘ulritcd Sllrtrs alri the tcst ol iire tt’r-,t’1t1. ‘l lte trl’tr ploiirli:ts A-i* wheat iini.l cit-‘tlt
{pei-h,lps i1″oarll,v rcpi’escnting agriculturiil prortrLrts ancl pruA1-‘.r is pr”oc!.rced using oie reso,’rcc ca[[,.rrl iu[rt’r’. (Srnirll ljoeLrseri on labor becausle
iie tiiciigli tlilt ail “valile” ivas aletri”iiiit’itr1 hr’:iiiil i.-ti’ltriiitl’rl ili houi”s ci’laboi^’ Iii lahor’.rtrs tlre basis tbr all value. 1&’e cion’t have to take this liferal1l”’* lve call cottsitl*r
“laboi” tc ire a l-rrrndle o1’resoitrccs r.tscrl lir lrrr:cl’:cc lrrodiicis’) whe:ii. lincl ihe rest of tire norlci is i;eller lhari the Iinrtecl $fiates at prcrlueitrg eirith’
Il is pr.ob:rb1y ltor a sLirpi.ist thal irrte].}tatiorrlrl t|rclc ee,n cl’e{ite bettefits. bcr:aits’-l the
tj’jtecl States cal ftrcutgl prorluciri* rr’lltt t1 riocs besi 1ri’lrtfri) anii e>:port ii- ancltirr:
resi o1’the n’rlrkl can lbcus on prirciL,iing \t’ltitt it cioes tlcst 1c]lpltilattd expot’t ii’ l’r:t’s Whai i1′ rvi-‘lleAp b,r,: “bettcr at plucirreirrq”” Wc cart rrttliefilc e:lcii cotll}11’1r’s ability
l{) lri.rt(jllr’J r’iir’il pt’r)tltl(:t irt r’tk’1il {rr’o r'(itliYaliill tvftS. litSi. \\’c iilll !llr’;}>irlr”
-lire lrurnbel ol rrrrils rli’r,.Lrtpril iitat :r u,olker f,an ploriucc in tlttc it*ur.
Secotrd. \r/e cail 1or.;i< at the nuutLrer of'hours that it takes a rv{rker tc prr:rduce
tlite Ltttit
of outllut this js jrrst lhe reciprocal oj’laborproiluctivitl”. tlgl’e;lfl: s{rme t:l:lnbers lbi 48 lnternational Economics – Vol. l
Part One’fl;’i-htolt i’ilitltttritLirr;i,rl 1l-,air
Prcductivrty. Labor hours to rnake. ln the 0 2s 4 0
ln the Relt 1.4 ‘1.0
her than tire rcst ot i producls to satisll .rnit *1’r.r’itcat. In thc Inciir itr,. Llceil irl the coiiittr.v ing that 91ohal pro- ly is Lretter olT r,t,ith llefsiiad* s0lr1c gr)v- lg than we are’l Will
ontet.]rpora1 ici;. rvht: rglrt the1.’ could uot In this nuinr:r”ica1 exalrple. the Iinilerl States ltas an lf there is nci trade, thert eacir countt’v rvill irave to procluce bo in{ei’national trarie ntakes these shiJts itr protluction pr-rssible
each croirntry lvant to Lruy sonrrthing drff-elent 1t’orl rtrll:lt is l’hus” Ailanr Srnith showerl tlte benel-its of flec trarie ir-v sl Smith’s reasoning u,as fruidarlentaily correcf. and it helped t That lear existed iti the rttinds ol ttlatty oi’Sntith’s Ettglish -foday r1:
.j,i $.
.i: {ti iillr,
$, :{i.
oi’ reyerse:Arcn’t fqrrr:igtters getting ltetter at itraking everything thi lnternational s, 15th Edition 49
trade. ancl rvotr’t tlie {hapter 3 \!’ir L-rr:r’ri’i
Linitecl Sta{r:s be lir,tt’t by iiee I \fu’e trtrli ncxt to the tlieot’v r-:l intelitiiliutlal tracl,: wi.is 1tt
noi caltultfit-s hav’; alty ilbso-
rriiuatio:l oi’ *ppotlttnlty cosl’ lucl to this Prodrrcl’ {\Vt: 1t cal] ls in rvhicli rt h*s the grcatesl
tllr d
l ltvi il l{icnr.cio’s ntai u criutri l-rr:tioii tL} our rittcl*rstirtreli t
slitr,r’ that tltere is a basis fbr bcrtcl’icial tr;rtle urltctilcr o
illlr tlti\,’tiiltilte. I lis contribntirxr is barcrl ctr a cal*ful t:x 1:e ‘ … r.rf plor.tucing ntote oll prodtrc ‘T’he o
irr irlre lri.,’ itser.l lltis idea irl tlte discLtssiotl of absi:lute aCv
h”onr lirociLrcirlg otte prcclLtcl to l’rrodLicing I{icardo’s .,r’:rititlg”s it’, rltc cat’lv l9th cenlr’iry cl*l
rl)1ller\.\’i5e piodttc* at a hlgh oppt’)rluliltv iiost’ the or.her fo$llity is alisolutel.v icss irt’orlttetive . thc-Y boi
allicr as iotlg ns thcil’ ielative (clisladr’*triage s itl rllakin rclafjve a{hr:iiltage (or lcast rciltfir’;: dis:telvatlta!-te} alt
r.stratecl “ilre
oods iltd serr;ices tltirt
pr,,r1i,ce ai a 1ou’ opportr-rrtitSr eost ancl import the g ” ar.ifl “n*l nectssarili,’ abso-
1Lrts.” l!r’el] ii-one coLtntry is lbsolLttclv tnolt i:rotluctir at pii:ducing caii gltiLt by’ tlacling l.”ith i:llclt
iiiilrrcirt gootls ltt’e rli1 r’–nt’
it h*s the lcast itiarive advitttt;tg* (ol’ the gleatest r*l Rical’rlo clrove harutt the pcirtt n’ith a sitlrirle nLtrti
lraclirtg irl’r.t prodLtcrts icli:tlt ald rviltc) be{u’cen trvo crtL
llere is :i sinriirr iilLrstrtrtiotr. Ltsittq *4:*ar anil cloth in
oi’ thr: rvoilli:
irn;rerrririg pl’tlciucts itr n’lticii st
{n the ftest 10 1.0 ln the o2\ !rciciirr.li viiy: l.:bol hoirrt, to ilako 4.4 ilgre” ole coutlllY has interior prcdrtclivitl’ in both s. or ialger ttLttrtbi:Ls cJ- hotils io
vill the l”initcrl Staics cx1:tlt’l ot” inrplrt I r.,lirtt trarie brilg net ilali’-ltttil gaius til botlt cc ries’J 50 lnternational Economics Part Orre f hr i*r: lhe irvo ctliinl’Ltt-rs .111 o(iili1 !1r1{ i”i lll 111
ihitt enctl cottttlt’l’ u’i11
I fiicLlS 0l.i ltil1 \/il1ilcli .:r iri’r)tlttt:l Fri;is t’tiicet Irrrit rrr ,Z’-l ri lte;tr Lttllt
htiti Lttlit itt llrt t’tst crl ln the tlnited States ln Rest of th* \,Vii.h nl inlettraiiorral it “-‘de “”llreai
0 w/{ bl wl( cicl ttl clotir uttits’ s1!1 ( illi{‘), attci tll* t’ell:- ICl()Ut iitg lietrvectt thr: Piai;es)’ tr: th* l.irlitcei Siiitcs tit ‘ lirt’sach clotlt rttlit’ Shi:
;iit” /, tLl “lr;’r;rr’ ‘t;’
\!c n’ili Llsc the lloliltil)tl fl’to rr”l-cr to relatir’* iirictr oiclottt i’* “.’t*’u’*a i111t i:J:’ilS’;; ;;;,; ‘;;.c”il is r*auv oulY u
bee aLir* tl:e piic* ot.*iieat i:r itrst Slcrv lci lr:idc he l:a;sib1r l’ig1″1’1’1;1 U,,ulel’it:d)’ t’i1i notrc'”ittt”Jirft”tici ,!,c:*1:1 .t.1:.11j:::l]:i] p’ nciple is sinipl e
:rriccs thlti:r in t\Yo piacfs (bv tttore i11.i.’tt’,,’t”,,i”t,’-‘ p’i’rit tlrr’tryh -bit-vitrg ill r.:lii,tg at thr higlr plrcc in tltc olli*t’p1;ti:c’
Ptlhails thtl i’irEt ‘i*’t 1″”ut”t _r.r-l””g5’l’t),i r r. s.,r,i,”lnt.’ c'()ns: ci*r Slre acqLtilr-s r’llotir i” t*tt ol lite rr’rlicl grving up 0’67 I
Wr: 6r,-‘i,y 11 : iri’ f l !rr al l iiiia f Ol( Olii[llC irr l’r! i ii,rcl’ tt’tl,;,1 I i ilc’i’::i r’ i l-{:’ i’: t rr :’: I’
r’;:iiriilli:i’r’.rr-a’:i lilirrfii it) li-“ll Uil’cs iiti’ ,l
r’iyiialrlS i| \iril,i-i ir.ll;ir’ i:k’e oi-tiill;t’y ll,arut, !,,1′,”,r”,:’ iir”- i:lir’l’ .i tic l’l ,au,iiV’,,,,li,’ oj ,:i i:;-’tillci-s othr:t inlt::’i’ bct,,,c-eit tiicr iountries is zc-t’o.’r 2.r]). sht catt titilkr-: ait arbitritgr- pt’tli’it i:f- 1’33 l’I! ltr eac rt pushittg lhe trn”o scpal’iltr fr-orn thc’r”est lrltlte r’;ot’lc1 b.v exporting it” cloth i;ectltt’t rnore expcllsive then ships rhis cloth to the ljiriteel Slatr.s ancl selis it tl kLlr:p tlttlrgs sitltnle. lve r’vi11 u-*rtallr’ tlssllnle that tire
pi-‘r’ x,hcat tittit. st natioliirl plice ratioi tou’ard a llew rvolilirvide r:qrrilibri
u,hcat ili the rest ol.th* r.yorld. \4cattrviiile, cloth Lieconres telxls to get nlrire cx1:etlsive r’l4terc it rvas clicap at f irst” at
exi;tusit e. (A sirrrilar proc.ss oicl’l’s lol’ :vheat’) lnternational
Chapter 3 \\ lrr
r:r;Lrilibrilnl t’*latile pt”ice. l”irit’tnai tiaete on an oilgoi1.lg
or. ecluir’rtltiit lr'”
2.t) l4/i{: = Iutcrnationai prictr ol clotlr
{i.5 (‘/rY 5 1t:tertlatltlnal pt’ic*– ttf’$4rea
tire .rs:,ri]..|tlriict-t ci lt’to irai-ijpoii rtl”i:; :: tliailr’rli\r il’lir;rlcsl lf ir’-il
itr rlc, ill’t’,r reijL.,c,: lhr: qAit-t’s f ttlnr Lraiiinr.] f lrt tlo llol.lc\/1 rs{‘ ‘lily i i..rl;’r,,lr,ic,niri,.lrrf’t.rliaillr’llllt.iill(;liiOll,lilcir-liilrlqtilefiellitlety 15th Edition 51
‘e for 2.i) ill Pi:r clrtth itrtit’ clotli riltil tliiit shc exllorls lir:e oi’0.5 {.’llel il’heat ittttt. jhcaper ili the l,.,niicci States. e prlc*s berrolne otie u’orlcl ecluiiibrtuin reiative llrie e. krtor’r’itilr ltort’ strtlriglv th{:) lr.r”o cotintries rietttanel eac}t
kr;ot’ sixrtelliilig tirc equilihrirtttt itti*rttational pt”tcc t’it
catltiot sit.,’ li;l sttl’f, rr”illroitl 61 t’\’,1(
I 5 i’t|I’,
e. lor itts’Litttcer. cot”tsider.. att i:rice of ciri{ir ctl litc ilttci- Stales rr’ottlil also rvatrl tit
ir:, itnil tire cia{h pric* rvoitld
i SruiilaL rciisttttittg appi i es tcr
c 2 li/i{‘.) The ottlv u,a:/ lbt L aoiis .rial plritii.’r: lri tt tli-‘i lot: :o;
s a’iLrl’l pi’l\’rctl’r i’;n;’ ti’at’lr: iI lflotr: tr:rtl ii:, i,irira jr-rst io gei a r,irc’.rir aa)itlf-tie l.crl r,”111 i1, I’r-r;i-r
rlithe tg,o FrieJratios that pr”evaiii–d in tacl: coi-llltrY Wirr,’) {‘olsiric’t” ti’ltet tyott’ld happel il this \4/ere /'{-tt 1 nirtioual ttiat’ket is ttorv i-rclorr’fhe cosl clprodLrcirtg cloti
cculel bt trtacle. thougir, Ai this iiirv cloth plice thc L’)rli iit :r \,!{lrlri v”,,iiil rn.:rtir llto’ji.tt-ii, iliqil it.lr-rs1]r”ri 6i-;5i5 ltil :ll)rlle ili.oriui-i5. l:i:i-irl:tatlce, tti;;ily:cirllct:5 ili{” ir:rrl t;t.rylt ioqarihr:f lrc ici:r iili-llr’ ii\o Iirladi;l;r cr l\lflPrit’:irl i;oir]lj i
it.rttciri.j Yl’l irilti:l sclvir.li c.tl itit itrlrl ate Lreiltij ai irl’ ekii;or;r-.:iiv. lr’Jt ltrliarrr’c, tllr’aitthot t”i’ iili-r irllok tellrttlV ionlpli”it
ffi 52 lnternational Economics – Vol. 1
Part tlne
Sulrpose lhat lhc slleirgths of dernanrl f-iri ilr* pllrdi I1 pt’rti’ittci:,t a illiii tii’lvheal ir3. Cryrrtg L4l tltilv 0.5 l’lr* r’r:st ni’ti:e trr-rrlrl garrt-‘r:
li prrircirLces a Littit ol’e lotlr b1’giving Lrp oni’,, 0.ir7 []ori’ cki absti1Lr1e aclvarriagc’ a:rd conrirarative atjvnnla Seer;nei. con:irai”ativi) ad\.antage is nlt-tte gcnet’a1 aitcl St; is eo:ttparatit’e ildvanii’igc g-,rg11rfiii11r’; Nct exlcil iticardo’E :rtunerieal illListrnlion si:cccecled- ii; pt’ilvitlg cts” ,”r’c tltli exarllnrl oi’e lulh.
t. ci’rvhslal
e r”*littr li; r:acit r-rtlier”,t’i’h”rc erical i:rarnirle ol irbsLiiiite
)\\:*r’iu1. Wiiat tl;:-tters is that \Vhiic: absolute ;i{h,;ttttagc rrity ccuntrics ltal’t lu’,t’ tcAl : principli: ol” cotttpar*livc e ibr the i,nitr:d Statr’s alicl riucts. u4tcat anrl clctli. to l).2-i cloth unit pr’t’hoLtr) itat cilect does tlis havc
“ltt FigLrle -1.1 piclLtlcs ploducliott. ct’ltlstti:tptiott” ancl lra “ltt
prodr.rJion-possibilrt5′ ctrr\’c srilllrttitlizes nalir;ttal protltt
an,, ,,** it ro shorv lt
Ir) 1r1l
ion c:rpabilities
tive adr’:ltrtage. ll yoil think that the tl-amer’r’ork is
Sttbseqtteilt chal)ters rvill builri orl the ke-v insiglrts
reaiislitl 1i:a1itt’cs to thc ecotiott.t-v.
in ltis i4,etiltlt ttl !{gtig’n.’:. A,.lanr Srurth pror:totr:d fi’cc traele i:v q:{llrlparitlg nairot:s
llorn wltal tlte
\Vlrar is pr.Liil:nce in tfie r-rour,luci rrf er’r:r],pi’ii’at* flrnlill’. carl sclfcc lie lblii’irr tlrat ol
-l’lie t*’o “corirtq”ies” in the exatllple irl”:
nra.ntfi’ircttlrecl prilrl:cts). Eae it
ttiis r.cspect he rvas imitateel brv Diiv-id Rtearclo ancl Karl Malf . *’ha iiiso br:lieveri titirt
Sirppose tlrat tlic L;6irr’
iook at tltis incre closclY.
{}r.r{ e:{anlple:
Units cf cioth pe r labor hoirr
JetirS oj iniire-‘. per labor ircur
‘l urrit of cloth
i r-rnit of wheat
United States
of the world
rrld has an al.rsoluie
larl*. each can shjii
abs0iute advallage.
ole hour of labor
af 0.4 unit er1- rvheai
using labor that has
n il consrrrlt:rs in
rrlnt dxcess cle rttanil
oth lir;rr: the re:st ol’
p0rt;ilg sotne of the
to exploit iis absrt-
intry. ln nlan],- cases
hrr errhanceei gioirai
over the l {JL} vears
rest a 1’ear that otir-
h’v iras no absolute
anr,tlting. Tlie f’ear
hing aud rvonriered
ve tlle sanre f’ear in
*ntels i nl.erttali ortal
ducitrg rvheat. because the LJ.S. labor prociuctivity in rn’heat is h
the rvorkl’.s labol productivily in lvheai. Simi1ari1,” the rest of the
advarrtage in prochrcing cloth.
its d*uranci fix’ 1he pt*ducts. lf ihe cor”tntries then open to 1i”ee
its labr.:i’resourel’s lou’ard prtducing ihe good in rvhich it has t
lbtal rv*rld proclLiction incrcases. itr fhe Unitecl Stiiies, shiftit;
results in ir decrease o10.25 unit of clotlr and att increase *f 0.5
rest of the ivolld, shiliing otie hortr of labor restilts in a clecrea
ancl an inclease of I unit *f cloth. F-or eaclt procluct, prr:clLrctiot
higlr prodtictivity iepla-ces prc
l;or iristiurce. jn the United Statq:s the apparellt sltottagc ollor
for) cloth (as cloth proiiuctiotr ciecreases) is ntet by impolts
the rvorld.I he ijnited States pa.vs fcrr thest’intpcrts ol’cioth
rrxtLa :vheat prodr-rcec1.
dircticn eiliclerrc-v is enltancecl becartse tracle aliorvs cach r:ouit
lute atlvalttage in pt’oducing some producl(s). ‘r\t least otre cotr
tracle, and this cotr;rir1″s gain is nol at the expeitse olthe ttther
bollr countries u,iil giiin irour trade brv splittirr-u tlie benefits of
*rnnlents to disrlantir– inefTicient barricrs to interttalictnal tl’a
trttct lre :,t’rate ll/e
r.r,clrrieri tirar the Dutclt wei’e t]tore pt’oc-1Llc:tive tlian tlte-v at tttakil
reappc:irs oftelt. in tlte rvake of Wcrld lVar ll. tnany natiotrs t
possibly corlilete i,vith the highl;’ productive ;\mericans iit al
horr they coulcl gain fl’om t’ec tradr’,
sottre Ailericatls
that i’ir”st ansrveled
tiorral tlalie.
these fears anll eslablishecl a lir
mental irrinciplr: ol’ infertra-
in a ctlittttt’l’ is the aitttlunt of
rorluttitv cost cxists bei:attse
nfage” rvltft; tt’tr slriftt,:rj labcil
proilLrction r:l tlie ctitcr prclduci thrJ i1 g-rvcn up’
the otl”r’-t’prtl
‘l hc liev rvorcl ltcre is crtntlttttttttl’ir, tl-iealtittg “relatir
L.acir coLrntrS, cirtr Lretre l’il tl’otl tratie lry expoltirtg proc
s antl i;i’t’r’ices lhat ii
el’er)’lltitt!. iitrrl
agrl:n;a.c lt is ai:tua11y a rloLrbl* cottrparistttt–‘betri’ecit cc
tive ilisaclvitntag*)’ }{tcat’ck:’s
nlries anil betx’een |roditcts
i’ica1 c.ratnpL: of’ gititts 1t”out
rrics (Engiittrri atld i)ot’tuga1 )’
thc’ Urtitcd States arld lltc re
of the world
U,U /
United States
‘iinit: of cloth Per l;bor hoi-tt
LJntrs cf wlre.lt ller !;bor houl
‘l unit of clotir
i r,rnlt of whe ar
‘l’iic l-initcrrJ Sfliers lus :l’l-‘so*
1u1c rii-{adviintages in lx;th goorls’-‘ lilro”eL proditctil’it’7
pruclLicer,,.r.,.,’,ll r:i’ c-ach gor;cl. What pt’tltit:cts 1 i1′ rtrty )
– Vci ‘l
‘i-ll””ir iri Jlrltrrl’rtii’tr’ri ll’r’J’:
tL) pl’odrice btih Plod-
]t 1.1’* cilll. llttilc;’lilatl
tr-.ltt irttit), r’,\” \tritll tisc
)l trrittri lrl lt l. I I \ ii\ I ‘
lrl trr’oriirdl:; lil,u rrirr’lrt
rr,r 1t’itr!c. 16;1 i1g1li’r ll
I ciotir illiit.’l’hc Prlcl’r
\ih*3i llllils is itlsc the
,/-r rrr’u’r’\ r’.t llrlei ctislf . )
i’ic*s u’oititl f*liliv titi”
Price lf cir.rtl’i
Prire- i:f
\ Cl”tf
rirliil iil eacll colilllriv
1 thi: t’cst oi ihc w0r1{1′
riccs 1bt’ each gloil nttd
nti Lulivelsll: As 1i;ttg as
v plicr, iil r:tte Plltce attei
tlre pelsoir cLrLilel tl-‘*lic’
nrlt*lli r’rliits ancl {‘tcr
a1 f
xo’* lr*::1:.::
lhe t”:cipr’;rcal oi- the pricc
tli’: l.tniL’ri Stiiles at
ilii’il:;?’.,; -i” it”‘*tttt”tititttutt’ 1 1 it’
iilliil ltnv cust oitt’airsptr
the I
:ri1l think tti’setrciing c1ol
thc ir|lri rrage p|o li t tira
I l-l”tl
iia\”r’. l
-[‘here lile . b1’ buying lori lt (].6;7) anr’l selling high ial
irom tht: t’cst ollltc r’r’ttrltl {attii ititports il;to t}re Unitcd S
pl’otil bi acqr,riring u’hcat in the l-irritecl States at the 1l*r”
str;ppi,tg tlie u’hi:itt to lhc t’esi oltlte ri’nrid anrl selling it
rn. As p*tlPle ictlove cioili
t’elirtivc ii’r
‘i tre (-)irclliilg ol’ plofrtable ittierllationai traeie ”ri1
tha*ks to thc additiotlal sttpi-rl-r’ erf cioth iittporterl ilonl tl
‘l ltc tettdcitcit’s ctttilinrte until tite trvo nalional rr:lali
. a) :r il rr r. l’J (i by e’ rrr.i I i ;r rr cl it-‘i e pir o I I e,
st of tlansPorfing il:’or:lLtcts
tcsi. ScttiebociY elsi: cortld
br the irii:h*r pricc o1′ 1.5 (
) rest tlitilc u,oilil. So. cloth
e1 ch’;ap*r’ *’helf it tvas ititll’*
sis n ill
be cortelLictecl a.t this
!Vlrat lvi1i tire equiliblium ilttet’uatirltiai price iri:’l lV
of’ the tr.r..o PtcilLlc:ts. \\ie rll
io utLtst l;rl1 rvitliirr thLr rangr)
1’cioth. the rest o1’the :’,’iiilci
at itotrrc ti|.i:i l'{/i{‘}’ No ek’al
licc scntcu’irele in the rat:gtr
i,,Jtrl ,:rr I.l ‘ rrl
illt: r-cst of grriillrr; ii.re sciler
l,v if liri: sfi\.ij{:(‘ i! “tl;rr5prii{‘(l
torrsulirrr! i’i:’,tarcir lrrr iirr
be e trade btgatt
interr’,atiort;rl pric* o1’only A.4 il’/C At ti-ris lil1ar pric’:
,, ,orri{l $,a}ti to irt4:ort clot}i antl extr)ort rvheat becattse t
irrporr r:1r,.tlt itnri .”1tirt t’u’heat’ No eiltrili’u”itttn is possi
belrirsh,-,ti uil as a re sult ol’tilt’ c'”iccss {s112nri lbr eloth
shsv,r tirc lack of an eril-rilibliuin ii tlte ciotlt pricc ts ab
th* tr..ro sirles to ugfce 0i1 t|ariing is to htive iltt: clolit
{).*7 rr,r 2.{} li/i{”
llollilad’r-l frlirllLlci! ller.
‘r ‘j\i, G’rr’ ( ii
rnore r-:lose lv in lire next chaprer. lcrd to au eqLrilibriLinr
has the couvenicr.rt v;1hle ol’ I l+’i{‘. fh*n bolh couirtries
I ltr: llnitccl Stafcs gairrs:
I1 c:rn cxi:or’1 tltis *’ht’at rrnil iurel lee*ir’* I rrrtit r;l
It citu erport iliis clriih unit ald tcr:qir,’s I tinil ttf
l1’t t\\,r-r p;lt’ts tr.) the *nsri,er” Filst. Sntitlt’$ e;iallplr oi’eil
adlJairl;tgrr in r’rnc prorir.rct is aiso a case c1’cotlplu’li{ive i
sis c1’ci:nrpirrative advantallr: coLrld be appli*d to the tii
i1(l\ ilitliilt itt iltc prt’r ir\tl\ sc\’ti()tl,
thc tr.,’o coirtttics hai’e rliilbrert 1;t’icr: r’atros if thcre is ttr
i:olirpralirtir”c ::.cli’atrtagc er.en if it ltil; ttit absolule ::rlvltita
gains ft”orn tlacle arise fi’r-rnr rlilltlcttces bettvtrtl the cilt
the gooils. ltt oitt’ ttLtn:elical exaurple of contparative :irJ
oIii ruril of *’hett *’ithin the Lintted Statcs i{}.5 C,/Lr’) i
cost iti titc lest o1’tirc rr:ot’iil (l’5 c,1ilj1. lh* tr’initcd st
tiroiigir ri has an nbrtlrrtc disaclvarttagc iit prodttcing hotl
ckrcs nrtl delerrrritte thr tra(il’llattcrt’n il cascs likr: this. rt
inla standiirds. I’lavil.:g an al.rsolute disadvatttage in aii p
is less producfir,e tltan *tlier coutiiries at’e . Lorv-pt’ttdue
wages and ;rt’e p$ot countties, Higlr-11’otlttctivitv cortntt
firri rich corrnllies. Sec thi-‘ box titl*cl “Airsolrrtr: Acivaittit
aclr.arrtate. \!c calt itlso sho*’ llicar
the resf oi’tite *,crld. l-et’s exatline ttaiiottal ;rrtlrlLlclion
resourccs (labttr) to protluce variotts allloLlllts o1”tite t’-vo
shcu, 1..’iritt a iialion is r:apable olpliltitti:itig lrlrlttirc: t lLl
lircsc possil-rilities. For cratitlrlc. cottsitli.:i tltiit tltc L.it.iik:
oi’1abor ilailablc elitrittg the ‘,’eat’. :ttlti tltat labr:i’ prod
Ricalciitn rtuntsrical r.rantple (i.).i ii’1r’.’itt Lttiii per ltott:’
fhe’n. tltc Linit*d Slafcs can ntak* 5{i hillicn ri’iteiit Linit l]Llr vear il ii prcclucr:s 0n13
intemalionai clotlt prieL: thal
ain liilrrr intelnaiionai trarle
r c(‘)lrn1r_ir ir:rvitl’g an air-coli.ltc
vantil!:e. Cur rjr:tai leei analr’-
traric. ,.\ criuntr.,, *’ili ltitve il
:. l-hc basis lbr tr;rde ititd lh*
lrics iri opl;oltiliitv cosls o1′
iilrtagc. lirr. ttlt1;orluttitv ccsl
li,’.r cl’ 1lt:irr lltii oirlllt’littttir
ti:s rviil *xpori rvltt::’il. n’ct.t
n’li*at aiid ciollt.
fi i
s havr higir :”cal rvrttes and
Do*s Mattci'””
ntr,ge usi|lll
rliagrrnrs indi-
rst. l–.:r,:li col-inlty calt use !is
‘r-: {r:r”litte)that siicrl,s all oi’
Statcs has lili) billion liottrs
tiviticrs i:ire i’)s slitttvlt in tlie
dctttanil l’ci r”rther prodLl
Ftrll anal.vsis ol ititernalional trade r*qitir*s coltsidcrratton
Y*i lilr cttftlL’ccollonty is r”cr-v c6ltiplex- -it c6ttsisls olfhottsa
vilrious resoul’ces neetleii ttl proc{ttcrl thetti. I”ortulately’ lve cail
cuitsitlcl’ingr itit ec$llolll-Y cottlposeri r f’jusL tu’* protlucl:l’ I.trr
ltroiluct earr be e,rpolte'{ iittc’l the ot}tei: itt’rporttcl. Tiris
xit ftse ntial ieafiit’e of inlet.naiional tradc: A cttuntrl” tenrls tc i;e
pens to the l’e$oriLces
i11, dettriinclcd cl one
lhc eltire ecanoll”*l
of prodi.tcts and thc
in nrair:t insights tr1″
lernati0lliii lratlcr. one
rct cconiltlrv cailtillcS
net exporttlt’ of scxtle’
urt ol’ a tu.ro-Pt’orittcl
rs: $,’h-v rio eoutttrries
ery pctstlrl–fincl rt
{bLrv ) ctl:el thl;lgs’?
i elopcd as h* hrattlerl
aclvatttage lllotvs tts
tirait Adanr Siititir’s
plociLrcts attd a net intporiel’it1’others.
r:haptei’ bcgins tltir exantinatiixt trf tlte rit:net”;t1
ilctlilr)ln-v. We fccr.ls $n fh* llrst i}f ou| ltrul’ h:tsir: tri+ile
trirrlc’.’ In irct” rl’1r5, docs i:r’erytrod-v ‘ ‘ev*rv eotllltl’v as
rvcrthrvhile to 1tt’or!uce alici exllort {se11) sonle thirrgs and
We prt-rctcel itt three stcirs:
1. W* slart *,ith Aiiattr Stttitlt’s original *xplanatrort. rvliich
irrcrc:ln1 ilist tlrinkitrg.
1. We iher: sre that Ilavid Ilir:arclo’s p|incipic cf contpittativ
1i.’ e.rplain irailf tlcnrrr ihan lnost people’s intrrition aucl bct
arigi nai expl*rtatitltt.
3. We hegiti ortt’ dr:r’*iopment oi’iotlls 1or atialvzitrg a two-
prodr.rJion-possibilrt5′ ctrr\’c srilllrttitlizes nalir;ttal protltt
an,, ,,** it ro shorv lt
resi o1’the n’rlrkl can lbcus on prirciL,iing \t’ltitt it cioes tlcst 1c]lpltilattd expot’t ii’ l’r:t’s
iook at tltis incre closclY.
Whai i1′ rvi-‘lleAp b,r,: “bettcr at plucirreirrq”” Wc cart rrttliefilc e:lcii cotll}11’1r’s ability
l{) lri.rt(jllr’J r’iir’il pt’r)tltl(:t irt r’tk’1il {rr’o r'(itliYaliill tvftS. litSi. \\’c iilll !llr’;}>irlr”
-lire lrurnbel ol rrrrils rli’r,.Lrtpril iitat :r u,olker f,an ploriucc in tlttc it*ur.
Secotrd. \r/e cail 1or.;i< at the nuutLrer of'hours that it takes a rv{rker tc prr:rduce
tlite Ltttit
of outllut this js jrrst lhe reciprocal oj'laborproiluctivitl". tlgl'e;lfl: s{rme t:l:lnbers lbi
{}r.r{ e:{anlple:
48 lnternational Economics - Vol. l
Part One'fl;'i-htolt i'ilitltttritLirr;i,rl 1l-,air
Units cf cioth pe r labor hoirr
JetirS oj iniire-'. per labor ircur
Labor hours to rnake.
'l urrit of cloth
i r-rnit of wheat
ln the
United States
0 2s
ln the Relt
of the world
her than tire rcst ot
rrld has an al.rsoluie
i producls to satisll
larl*. each can shjii
abs0iute advallage.
ole hour of labor
.rnit *1'r.r'itcat. In thc
af 0.4 unit er1- rvheai
using labor that has
Inciir itr,.
n il consrrrlt:rs in
Llceil irl the coiiittr.v
rrlnt dxcess cle rttanil
oth lir;rr: the re:st ol'
p0rt;ilg sotne of the
ing that 91ohal pro-
to exploit iis absrt-
ly is Lretter olT r,t,ith
intry. ln nlan],- cases
hrr errhanceei gioirai
llefsiiad* s0lr1c gr)v-
over the l {JL} vears
rest a 1'ear that otir-
h'v iras no absolute
lg than we are'l Will
ontet.]rpora1 ici;. rvht:
anr,tlting. Tlie f'ear
rglrt the1.' could uot
hing aud rvonriered
ve tlle sanre f'ear in
*ntels i nl.erttali ortal
In this nuinr:r"ica1 exalrple. the Iinilerl States ltas an
ducitrg rvheat. because the LJ.S. labor prociuctivity in rn'heat is h
the rvorkl'.s labol productivily in lvheai. Simi1ari1," the rest of the
advarrtage in prochrcing cloth.
lf there is nci trade, thert eacir countt'v rvill irave to procluce bo
its d*uranci fix' 1he pt*ducts. lf ihe cor"tntries then open to 1i"ee
its labr.:i'resourel's lou'ard prtducing ihe good in rvhich it has t
lbtal rv*rld proclLiction incrcases. itr fhe Unitecl Stiiies, shiftit;
results in ir decrease o10.25 unit of clotlr and att increase *f 0.5
rest of the ivolld, shiliing otie hortr of labor restilts in a clecrea
ancl an inclease of I unit *f cloth. F-or eaclt procluct, prr:clLrctiot
higlr prodtictivity iepla-ces prc
the resf oi’tite *,crld. l-et’s exatline ttaiiottal ;rrtlrlLlclion
resourccs (labttr) to protluce variotts allloLlllts o1”tite t’-vo
shcu, 1..’iritt a iialion is r:apable olpliltitti:itig lrlrlttirc: t lLl
lircsc possil-rilities. For cratitlrlc. cottsitli.:i tltiit tltc L.it.iik:
oi’1abor ilailablc elitrittg the ‘,’eat’. :ttlti tltat labr:i’ prod
Ricalciitn rtuntsrical r.rantple (i.).i ii’1r’.’itt Lttiii per ltott:’
fhe’n. tltc Linit*d Slafcs can ntak* 5{i hillicn ri’iteiit Linit l]Llr vear il ii prcclucr:s 0n13
,”r’c tltli exarllnrl
intemalionai clotlt prieL: thal
ain liilrrr intelnaiionai trarle
oi’e lulh.
e r”*littr li; r:acit r-rtlier”,t’i’h”rc
r c(‘)lrn1r_ir ir:rvitl’g an air-coli.ltc
vantil!:e. Cur rjr:tai leei analr’-
erical i:rarnirle ol irbsLiiiite
)\\:*r’iu1. Wiiat tl;:-tters is that
traric. ,.\ criuntr.,, *’ili ltitve il
:. l-hc basis lbr tr;rde ititd lh*
lrics iri opl;oltiliitv cosls o1′
iilrtagc. lirr. ttlt1;orluttitv ccsl
li,’.r cl’ 1lt:irr lltii oirlllt’littttir
ti:s rviil *xpori rvltt::’il. n’ct.t
n’li*at aiid ciollt.
\Vhiic: absolute ;i{h,;ttttagc
fi i
dctttanil l’ci r”rther prodLl
Ftrll anal.vsis ol ititernalional trade r*qitir*s coltsidcrratton
Y*i lilr cttftlL’ccollonty is r”cr-v c6ltiplex- -it c6ttsisls olfhottsa
vilrious resoul’ces neetleii ttl proc{ttcrl thetti. I”ortulately’ lve cail
cuitsitlcl’ingr itit ec$llolll-Y cottlposeri r f’jusL tu’* protlucl:l’ I.trr
ltroiluct earr be e,rpolte'{ iittc’l the ot}tei: itt’rporttcl. Tiris
xit ftse ntial ieafiit’e of inlet.naiional tradc: A cttuntrl” tenrls tc i;e
pens to the l’e$oriLces
i11, dettriinclcd cl one
lhc eltire ecanoll”*l
of prodi.tcts and thc
in nrair:t insights tr1″
lernati0lliii lratlcr. one
rct cconiltlrv cailtillcS
net exporttlt’ of scxtle’
urt ol’ a tu.ro-Pt’orittcl
rs: $,’h-v rio eoutttrries
ery pctstlrl–fincl rt
{bLrv ) ctl:el thl;lgs’?
i elopcd as h* hrattlerl
aclvatttage lllotvs tts
tirait Adanr Siititir’s
plociLrcts attd a net intporiel’it1’others.
r:haptei’ bcgins tltir exantinatiixt trf tlte rit:net”;t1
ilctlilr)ln-v. We fccr.ls $n fh* llrst i}f ou| ltrul’ h:tsir: tri+ile
trirrlc’.’ In irct” rl’1r5, docs i:r’erytrod-v ‘ ‘ev*rv eotllltl’v as
rvcrthrvhile to 1tt’or!uce alici exllort {se11) sonle thirrgs and
We prt-rctcel itt three stcirs:
1. W* slart *,ith Aiiattr Stttitlt’s original *xplanatrort. rvliich
irrcrc:ln1 ilist tlrinkitrg.
1. We iher: sre that Ilavid Ilir:arclo’s p|incipic cf contpittativ
1i.’ e.rplain irailf tlcnrrr ihan lnost people’s intrrition aucl bct
arigi nai expl*rtatitltt.
3. We hegiti ortt’ dr:r’*iopment oi’iotlls 1or atialvzitrg a two-
prodr.rJion-possibilrt5′ ctrr\’c srilllrttitlizes nalir;ttal protltt
an,, ,,** it ro shorv lt
resi o1’the n’rlrkl can lbcus on prirciL,iing \t’ltitt it cioes tlcst 1c]lpltilattd expot’t ii’ l’r:t’s
iook at tltis incre closclY.
Whai i1′ rvi-‘lleAp b,r,: “bettcr at plucirreirrq”” Wc cart rrttliefilc e:lcii cotll}11’1r’s ability
l{) lri.rt(jllr’J r’iir’il pt’r)tltl(:t irt r’tk’1il {rr’o r'(itliYaliill tvftS. litSi. \\’c iilll !llr’;}>irlr”
-lire lrurnbel ol rrrrils rli’r,.Lrtpril iitat :r u,olker f,an ploriucc in tlttc it*ur.
Secotrd. \r/e cail 1or.;i< at the nuutLrer of'hours that it takes a rv{rker tc prr:rduce
tlite Ltttit
of outllut this js jrrst lhe reciprocal oj'laborproiluctivitl". tlgl'e;lfl: s{rme t:l:lnbers lbi
{}r.r{ e:{anlple:
48 lnternational Economics - Vol. l
Part One'fl;'i-htolt i'ilitltttritLirr;i,rl 1l-,air
Units cf cioth pe r labor hoirr
JetirS oj iniire-'. per labor ircur
Labor hours to rnake.
'l urrit of cloth
i r-rnit of wheat
ln the
United States
0 2s
ln the Relt
of the world
her than tire rcst ot
rrld has an al.rsoluie
i producls to satisll
larl*. each can shjii
abs0iute advallage.
ole hour of labor
.rnit *1'r.r'itcat. In thc
af 0.4 unit er1- rvheai
using labor that has
Inciir itr,.
n il consrrrlt:rs in
Llceil irl the coiiittr.v
rrlnt dxcess cle rttanil
oth lir;rr: the re:st ol'
p0rt;ilg sotne of the
ing that 91ohal pro-
to exploit iis absrt-
ly is Lretter olT r,t,ith
intry. ln nlan],- cases
hrr errhanceei gioirai
llefsiiad* s0lr1c gr)v-
over the l {JL} vears
rest a 1'ear that otir-
h'v iras no absolute
lg than we are'l Will
ontet.]rpora1 ici;. rvht:
anr,tlting. Tlie f'ear
rglrt the1.' could uot
hing aud rvonriered
ve tlle sanre f'ear in
*ntels i nl.erttali ortal
In this nuinr:r"ica1 exalrple. the Iinilerl States ltas an
ducitrg rvheat. because the LJ.S. labor prociuctivity in rn'heat is h
the rvorkl'.s labol productivily in lvheai. Simi1ari1," the rest of the
advarrtage in prochrcing cloth.
lf there is nci trade, thert eacir countt'v rvill irave to procluce bo
its d*uranci fix' 1he pt*ducts. lf ihe cor"tntries then open to 1i"ee
its labr.:i'resourel's lou'ard prtducing ihe good in rvhich it has t
lbtal rv*rld proclLiction incrcases. itr fhe Unitecl Stiiies, shiftit;
results in ir decrease o10.25 unit of clotlr and att increase *f 0.5
rest of the ivolld, shiliing otie hortr of labor restilts in a clecrea
ancl an inclease of I unit *f cloth. F-or eaclt procluct, prr:clLrctiot
higlr prodtictivity iepla-ces prc