Preliminary Bibliography and the Outline


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Project: Preliminary Bibliography


Use the Appendix to Chapter 8 in the May text as your style guide. The preliminary bibliography should include at least 10 different citations from a variety of sources. Wherever possible primary sources should be cited. For example, if you are discussing the impact of recent legislation, you should cite the specific bill – i.e. the primary source – along with articles from various business publications.

Use the Appendix to Chapter 8 in the May text as your style guide. The preliminary bibliography should include at least 10 different citations from a variety of sources. Wherever possible primary sources should be cited. For example, if you are discussing the impact of recent legislation, you should cite the specific bill – i.e. the primary source – along with articles from various business publications.  

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After you finish the Preliminary Bibliography please do the Outline in different file or in the same file with title (Outline).


Project: Outline

Prepare a list of headings and subheadings for your project paper — in other words, start to outline your paper. Also design a title page for your paper.


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