POS 355 Week 5 Final Exam

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 POS355 Week 5 Final Exam


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 1. The operating system serves as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware. (True / False)


 2. The operating system serves as an intermediary between a process and the computer hardware. (True / False)




 3. This is the brain of a computer.

   a. smart card

   b. artificial intelligence

   c. logical address

   d. read-only memory

   e. central processing unit


 4. When a single user runs two copies of the same program concurrently (for example, two instances of Notepad), two processes are created.   (True / False)


 5. The following operating systems were developed by Microsoft:


    a. Mac OS


b. Linux

         c. Solaris


   d. all of the above

         e. b and c only

         f. none of the above


 6. A _______________ operating system supports a system that has rigid time requirements on the CPU and data flows.



 Time-sharing requires the following.

   a. process scheduling

   b. process protection

   c. deadlock detection/avoidance/handling

   d. all of the above     

 8. A _______________ is a named collection of bytes recorded on secondary storage.


 9. Multitasking requires multiple processors. (True / False)


 10. Multiprocessing requires multiple processors. (True / False)


 11. Inside a computer, data is stored in binary form.   (True / False)


 12. An interrupt is a mechanism to signal the processor that normal processing should be temporarily suspended.   (True / False)


 13. It is impossible to run a program if its total memory requirements exceed available RAM.   (True / False)


 14. These are examples of operating systems.

   a. Linux

   b. MS-DOS

   c. Microsoft Windows

   d. Microsoft Word

   e. all of the above

   f. just (a), (b), (c)


 15. A disk drive is a direct access storage device.   (True / False)


 16. A disk drive is an example of a secondary storage device.   (True / False)


 17. The _____(a)______ address space is the set of all addresses generated by a program.

   The _____(b)______ address space is the set of addresses of real memory locations


 18. From smallest to largest, which sequence is correct?

   a. byte, bit, kilobyte

   b. bit, byte, kilobyte

   c. megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte

   d. kilobyte, gigabyte, megabyte

   e. none of the above


 19. This is the part of the operating system that remains in main memory during system operation.

   a. central processing unit

   b. kernel

   c. seed

   d. TRON


 20. Cache memory helps to prevent bottlenecks between a CPU and random access memory. (True / False)


 21. An operating system’s user interface is often referred to as a shell because it separates the user from OS details. (True / False)


 22. The short-term queue in the operating system’s scheduling system consists of processes that are in main memory. (True / False)


 23. Client/server computing is one example of distributed computing. (True / False)


 24. An operating system that includes virtually all of OS functionality in a single large block of code that runs in a single process with a single address space is said to be ______________.

   a. humongous

   b. monotonic

   c. monolithic

   d. uniprocessing


 25. When one process spawns another, the spawning process is referred to as the child process and the spawned process is referred to as the parent process. (True / False)


 26. One solution to the problem of limited main memory space is swapping, which involves moving all or part of a process from main memory to secondary memory. (True / False)


 27. A sequential access file has fixed-size 100-byte records. Assuming the first record is record 1, the first byte of record 5 will be at what logical location?


 28. On a system using 80-byte records and 500-byte blocks, how much space is wasted in each block?


 29. Contrast random access memory and disk storage in three different ways.


 30. What is the following diagram called?




 31. Explain what the diagram in question #30 is telling us.


 32. A 16-bit address bus can address _______ more addresses than an 8-bit address bus.


 33. How many memory addresses can be addressed by a 24-bit wide address bus?


 34. Discuss the advantages of a multiprogramming operating system over a single-tasking operating system.   What trade-offs are involved in multiprogramming?


 35. Discuss 5 differences between operating systems for a mainframe and a personal computer.


 36. If you were a programmer writing an

 operating system for a real-time environment, what would be your main challenge?


 37. What is a real-world example of a system that requires a real-time operating system? Explain your answer.


 38. Briefly describe the stages in the life cycle of a process. Which of these stages can occur only once in a process’ life cycle, and which stages can occur multiple times?


 39. Explain how an operating system can help a company ensure that its customer contact representatives have higher-priority access than the company’s executives to the processing power of the company’s mainframe computer.


 40. A cloud computing service provider needs to charge customers for computing resources that they use (for example, CPU, memory, disk space) Discuss how an operating system can help the cloud computing service provider charge back these costs.

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