Communication Skills E Portfolio (15 points)
The e-portfolio is designed to be used as both a learning tool and as a professional portfolio that you can include in your resume or applications for jobs.
You should create an Introduction on the Title Page. You are not required to post a letter, resume or matrix. You are only asked to post 3 artifacts that correspond to 3 out of the 5 outcomes for HRMN 302:
The course outcomes are: (i.e. after completing this course you should be able to…) 1. apply appropriate communication methods and behaviors in an organizational setting 2. create and respond to presentations, considering the relationship between presenter and audience 3. assess communication within an organization to interpret organizational culture and incorporate organizational culture in communication methods 4. construct an effective argument utilizing appropriate sources and evidence 5. recognize and respond constructively to cultural differences in communication
This project will count for 15% of your grade. I will provide you feedback on the content you include under each outcome; however, the 15 points will be awarded based on completion or non-completion of the e-portfolio:
Points E-Portfolio 0 Did not turn in 5 1 of the outcomes has an appropriate artifact 10 2 of the outcomes has an appropriate artifact 15 Completed e-portfolio with artifacts for 3 outcomes
For submission of this project, you are asked to simply post the link under the Assignment tab. We hope you find this process not only helpful for your own reflection on the competencies you have acquired in this program but also a useful tool for your professional development and career.
Here is an example of something you might post:
Outcome 1: apply appropriate communication methods and behaviors in an organizational setting. To demonstrate that you know how to communicate appropriately in a business environment, you might post a memo that you created to communicate bad news to employees. Or, you might want to post a short 2 minute video of yourself doing a business presentation. You might even have some kind of award or recognition that you can post that demonstrates your communication skills. Anything that is evidence of your ability to communicate appropriately in an organizational setting serves to demonstrate this outcome.
Additional information on the E-portfolio is under Course Content. Here is an example of an E-portfolio: