political science

Name _________________________________ Date Received ________ Each question answered should be written out in full preceding your response thereto Instructions: This examination has two parts. Instructions are provided at the beginning of each part. This assignment is due at the next scheduled class session after the in-class exam. Failure to meet this imposed deadline will result in a five points deduction for each day it is late. GRADES EARNED ON ‘TAKE-HOME’ EXAMS ARE FINAL!!! Caution: You are expected to use and properly document three separate, acceptable information sources for each answer that you provide [see Syllabus Appendix V]. You may use the course Handbook, American Government textbooks and/or independent sources of information in responding to each question. Direct downloads from the Internet or verbatim copying of outside information will result in NO CREDIT for those questions using such material. Part i: Respond in brief [at least 300 words] to three of the four questions listed below. Each correct answer has a point value of 30. 1. What are the procedural steps involved in bringing a case to the ‘docket’ of the US Supreme Court? In your response you should address the following: a. The function of a ‘writ of certiorari’ b. The role of the Law Clerks assigned to the Justices – you are to present a profile of a Law Clerk currently working for one of the Justices. c. The Supreme Court related roles of the Solicitor General of the United States, the organization of her/his Office and the number of lawyers therein assigned to review Federal cases. 2. What is the process through which a bill becomes a law in the Congress? In your response you may use a diagram or narrative but you must also address the following: a. The responsibilities of both the House and Senate Committees in the process b. The meaning and implications of the ‘mark-up’ process c. The usual makeup and roles of Conference Committees 3. What compromises did the authors of the Constitution make in order to achieve ratification? a. Explain the formidable challenges the authors of the Constitution faced b. You should address the slavery and ‘bill of rights’ issues in some detail 4. What are the Constitutional and other powers the President has been granted or assumed? a. Identify the duties assigned to the President by the Constitution b. Identify the governing pressures that have expanded the scope and reach of the modern presidency. In particular elaborate on: i. The ‘crisis manager’ role of Presidents ii. The impact of modern communications iii. The ‘rising expectations’ of US citizens Part II: Interpretation of a Supreme Court Decision [10 points] In this part you are asked to examine and elaborate on an important Supreme Court decision. Respond to all 3 questions below in at least 100 words each. The value of each correct response is shown after the question. The Court case selected is: Gibbons v. Ogden [1824]. 1. What were the circumstances that brought this case to the attention of the Supreme Court? [3 points] 2. What was the man Constitutional issue on which the Court was asked to rule? [3 points] 3. How did the Court rule and what has been its long-term effect? [4 points] Grade Part I ______Part II ______ = ________ Total Letter grade ___ Date exam returned ____________________ Penalty if warranted _____ Adjusted grade _______ ________ [THIS GRADE IS FINAL!!!] Discussion Brief Questions Value three points – One point per correct response [To be answered ONLY if you did not participate orally] 1. What Constitutional principle did the Department of Justice invoke in questioning the validity of the Arizona law? 2. What was the most controversial provision of the Arizona law? 3. What was the basis of the other lawsuits against Arizona? Discussion Points earned ____ Name _____________________________________

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