PM/571 Project Management (UoP)

Develop the project schedule in Microsoft Project 2007.

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Explain the rationale behind time and cost estimation methods and why you chose one method over another.

Determine the project budget.

M E M O R A N D U M 

To:  Charles Williamson, Dale Edgel, Lowell Bradford, Clyde Cousins, Maria Trinh, Robert 
From:  Hugh McCauley 
Re:  China Relocation 

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Our initial decision to locate our China operations in Hangzhou was driven largely by the fact 
that our Chinese partners already had facilities there and the city’s proximity to the Qiantang 
River.  We thought that the river access which led on to Hangzhou Bay would be sufficient to 
handle our shipping needs. 

As the production volume from the China plant has increased, we are seeing that significant 
savings can be had by utilizing container shipping companies such as the China Shipping 
Container Lines, a branch of the China Shipping (Group) Company.  Most of the container 
shipping companies utilize ports in Hong Kong and Shanghai. 

While the Shanghai port is only 180 kilometers away from our current location, we are incurring 
additional logistical steps in shipping out of Shanghai.

• Currently, our products are trucked to a port on the Qiantang River and loaded into 
shipping containers.  The containers are then loaded onto barges that make their way to 
the Shanghai port.  The barges dock in Shanghai where the containers are offloaded 
and trucked to another area of the port where they are loaded onto to the ships that will 
take them to their final destinations.

• Alternatively, we could transport the products by truck to the port at Shanghai where 
they would be loaded into containers and then directly onto the ships that will be taking 
them to their final destinations.  However, the trucking companies, knowing that they are 
being used as an alternative to the local shipping companies to move the same products 
to the Shanghai ports, generally charge just as much as the shipping companies for the 
same volume of goods. 

We believe that the relocation of the China operations to the city of Shanghai will result in 
significant cost savings, will provide our operations with a more substantial urban infrastructure 
and will put us into a better position to market and ship our Chinese products throughout Asia 
and Europe.

China Relocation Memo 
Page 2 

We have incorporated a move of the China operations to Shanghai within the next five years 
into the strategic planning of Riordan Manufacturing and Riordan Industries.  Please begin 
drafting strategic plans for how such a move will impact your areas of responsibility and how 
your areas will facilitate the relocation.



Scope Statement

Project Title: China Relocation

Prepared by:

Project Justification:

This project plan involves the location of Riordan Manufacturing’s China operations in Hangzhou. The major driving force for this decision is the fact that the company’s Chinese partners already have the necessary facilities in place. In addition, another reason for this is that the Hangzhou city is proximal to the Qiantang River. Consequently, Qiantang River is significant since the access to the river is responsible for Hangzhou Bay, which is big enough to handle the company’s shipping needs. The project is also justified by the fact that there has been an increase in the volume of production from the China plant and therefore, if container shipping companies for instance the China Shipping Container Lines are utilized. The ports in Shanghai and Hong Kong are utilized by container shipping companies. However, Shanghai port, which is 180 kilometers away from the current location, results in extra logistical steps. The products of the company are transported to a port located on Qiantang River before being loaded into containers for shipping. The shipping containers are then loaded onto barges and taken to Shanghai port. At Shanghai, the shipping containers are offloaded and transported to another place of port where final loading takes place before delivery to final destinations. The other option is to use the truck to transport the products to the Shanghai port. There, they will be loaded into shipping containers and onto the ships directly for delivery into their final destinations. However, trucking companies charge the same price as local shipping companies. Therefore, if the China operations are relocated to the city of Shanghai, there will be great cost savings. Besides, there will be more sufficient urban infrastructure, putting the company in a better market position and the company’s Chinese products can be shipped throughout Europe and Asia.

Project Characteristics and Requirements:

1. Increased shipping destinations

2. Cost Saving

3. Time reduction

4. Simplicity of operation

5. Flexibility – ability to expand and adapt

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project.

Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc.

1. Structural documents

These include the documents highlighting the main features of the way the port will be structured to manage many operations.

2. Structural Layout/ drawings/ schematics

This refers to the mapping of the whole project, the different locations, offshore and on land locations and the layout of the same.

Project Success Criteria:

The success of the project can be based on some criteria. One of the criteria is whether the project was accomplished within the planned time and cost. The other criterion concerns the output. In this case, if the output matches the expected in terms of the amount of cost saving. If the project generates the required amount, then it was successful.

Project Charter

Project Title:
Chinese Relocation

Projected Start Date: 11/25/2013

Projected Finish Date: 12/23/2018

Project Objectives:

· One of the objectives of the project is to ensure that there is significant cost saving upon the implementation of the project. This is through the reduction of the logistical costs.

· The other objective is to ensure that more Chinese products are shipped to Asia and Europe.

· The third objective is to ensure that there is reduction of time used in trucking and shipping activities.


The work will be broken down into a number of main activities, under which the expected deliverables are to be obtained. Among these categories are the structural part, the project initiation part, project planning part and project execution part. The activities are as follows:

1.0 Port Design

1.1 Electrical

1.2 Structural

1.2.1 Documents

1.2.2 Drawing/Layouts/Schematics

1.3 Mechanical

2.0 Project Initiation

2.1 Evaluation and recommendations

2.2 Project Charter development

2.2.1 Submission of project charter

2.2.2 Review of project charter

2.3 Approval of project charter

2.4 Implementation of the project charter

3.0 Project Planning

3.1 Creation of preliminary scope statement

3.2 Project team determination

3.2.1 Kickoff meeting for project team

3.2.2 Development of project plan

3.3 Submission of project plan

3.4 Approval of project plan

4.0 Project Execution

4.1 Project kickoff meeting

4.2 System Design

4.2.1 Hardware/software procurement

4.2.2 Installation of development system

4.3 Testing Phase

4.4 Going Live

Communication Plan

Project Name: Riordan Chinese Operations Relocation

Project Team Members Names and Sign-off:


Sign-off on Team Contract

Project manager


Electrical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Structural Engineer


Code of Conduct: As a project team, we will:

· Be considerate since other people will use our work and we will also depend on others as well.

· Be respectful while treating each other since we are all able to make valuable contribution to the project. Disagreement should not result in poor manners and poor behaviors.

· Be collaborative, meaning that individuals should work with others in teams.

Participation: We will:

· All take part in decision making and implementation of the same decisions.

· Contribute in the project planning and project execution processes.

· Offer our time to take part in any of the project’s activity when called upon to do so.

Communication: We will:

· Provide valid email addresses or contact information so that direct responses can be made

· Avoid the use of repetitive arguments and personal attacks while communicating.

· Attend any of the project meetings we are called upon to so as to get information regarding the project.

Problem Solving: We will:

· Seek to find the root cause of the particular problem affecting the project.

· Come up with solutions that are sensible.

· Come up with workable plans for the implementation of the solutions.

Meeting Guidelines: We will:

· Stick to the guidelines agreed upon by the project team.

· Ensure that we accomplish a planned task in time.

· Ensure that we meet the expectations of the tasks assigned to us.

Stakeholder Analysis

Project Status

Face to Face/Email

Face to Face/Email

Face to Face/Email

Project Manager

Project Status



What Information



Responsible Person

Project Manager

Project Status


Face to Face/


Project Team Leads, Consultant, Contractor

Project Team Leads

Weekly/As Needed

Project Manager; Project Team


When to execute desired service; Community concerns; port requirements/restrictions ;permit needs

As Needed before executing desired work/Weekly once work has begun

Project Manager


Assessments/Survey (Preliminary and Final) Findings

As Completed

Project Team


Project Team Leads, Project Manager

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