PLESAE READ BEFORE YOU OFFER Eng215 research and writing class assignment total is 6 pages but first three pages revision of previous assignment

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Assignment 4: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages

Due Week 7 and worth 150 points

Using feedback from your professor and classmates, revise Part 1 and develop the solution and identify the advantages of the solution. Note: The disadvantages or challenges with your answers will be in Part 3.

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Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Provide Part I: Revision of A Problem Exists (3-4 pages)

  1. Revise, using feedback from the professor and classmates, your Persuasive Paper Part I: A Problem Exists.

Develop Part 2: Solution to Problem and Advantages (3-4 pages for 6-8 pages total)

  1. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement clearly in the first paragraph. (The thesis statement may need to be modified to reflect added information and purpose of this part.)
  2. Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  3. State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  4. State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  5. State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  6. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
  7. Provide a concluding paragraph / transitional paragraph that summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages.
  8. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  9. Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain advantages.
  10. Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional quality relevant references. Use at least six (6) total for Parts 1 and 2.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Note: Submit your assignment to Connect Composition Plus and to the designated plagiarism program so that you can make revisions before submitting your paper to your professor.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.
  • Recognize the use of summary, paraphrasing, and quotation to communicate the main points of a text.
  • Analyze the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, logos in writing samples and for incorporation into essays or presentations.
  • Correct grammatical and stylistic errors consistent with Standard Written English.
  • Prepare a research project that supports an argument with structure and format appropriate to the genre.
  • Revise drafts to improve clarity, support, and organization. Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Incorporate relevant, properly documented sources to substantiate ideas.
  • Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics. 
  • Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course.

RunningHead: Week 5 Assignment 3

Week 5 Assignment 3

Political Situation in Kenya

Emre Basak

ENG 215

Professor: Amy L. Williams

Strayer university-Arlington campus


Kenya is in danger of continuance the violence that marred in 2007 presidential election, throughout that 133 died and nearly 60 million was displaced from their homes. Political order in African country nearly folded. Ending the crisis needed two months of negotiations mediate by former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan and supported by the US and its partners. The negotiations resulted during a power-sharing agreement between the two adversaries within the election, President Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga called the National Accord, the deal elevated Odinga to the post of prime minister and provided for the writing of a replacement constitution to deal with the causes of the conflict.

Kenya’s next elections, to be persevered March four and April eleven, 2013, are arguably the foremost necessary and sophisticated since the country’s come to multiparty politics 20 years past. If the elections are mostly peaceful and viewed as “free and truthful,” they are going to bring Kenya’s new formation, adopted in 2010, totally into force and advance the country’s progress toward changing into a contemporary democratic state. Conversely, if the elections are marred by widespread violence and perceived as illegitimate by the Kenyan public, they’re possible to plunge the country into a revived amount of political instability and set back Kenya’s democratic advance. A breakdown within the electoral method also will do serious hurt to Kenya’s economy that has been acting well in recent years.

Since African country is that the “anchor state” of geographic area, a chronic political and economic condition also will hurt neighboring countries. Specially, two major U.S. policy goals within the region—preventing African country from changing into a secure haven for terrorists and nurturing peace between Sudan and South Sudan—could be compromised. The us, therefore, ought to work with efficiency with all parties involved to make sure that the forthcoming elections are peaceful, free, and fair.

Six factors create the prospects for electoral violence notably high within the run-up to and within the immediate aftermath of the 2013 elections:

As in previous elections have shown the leading of presidential candidates area unit mobilizing voters on ethnic lines. This is often leading to a polarized citizens and outbreaks of violence between the members of rival ethnic teams. Kenyan politics have traditionally been contests during which the leaders of the country’s largest ethnic teams type ethnic coalitions among themselves and with the leaders of smaller teams to dominate their rivals. Ethnic fault lines run deep as a result of the country is split into five massive teams that represent sixty eight p.c of the population—the Kikuyu and connected teams (21 percent), the Luhya (14 percent), the Kalenjin (13 percent), the Kamba (10 percent), and therefore the Luo (10 percent). Interethnic violence between idle youth employed by rival politicians is already occurring in nearly a dozen areas.

The race for the presidency is probably going to be very shut. Underneath its new constitution, Kenya has approved a two-round surfeit method to confirm that whoever is no appointive president can have received a majority of the vote. The present contest began with five major candidates cause for the post and three have already born out once final that they’d be eliminated within the first spherical scheduled for March four. They need allied themselves with one among the current front-runners: Prime Minister Raila Odinga, a Luo and head of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), and Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, a Kikuyu and therefore the leader of the National Alliance party (TNA). Each asks for ending within the first spherical, however the presence of a half-dozen minor candidates might force a runoff election.

Kenya’s forthcoming elections are the foremost advanced in its history, owing to associate degree distended range of electoral positions. Additionally to electing a president, Kenyans can directly elect 384 members of a brand new bicameral assembly, and forty-seven governors and forty-seven county assemblies. The latest county system of subnational government, that creates a quasi-federal governing method, might mitigate Kenya’s long history of ethnic conflict by providing all teams, massive and little, with a live of power and resources. However, devolution conjointly multiplies the arenas of electoral competition and therefore the prospects for election-related violence within the close to term, particularly in counties with social populations.

The freelance Electoral and bounds Commission (IEBC) are unable to organize for the elections so Kenyans will head to the polls confidently. Because of the delays within procure of needed instrumentation and technical problems, the commission completed elector registration two months delayed. Moreover, the commission registered solely fourteen million, or sixty-nine p.c, of the quite twenty one million Kenyans eligible to vote. The IEBC conjointly faces major challenges with reference to the accomplishment and coaching up to a hundred and twenty, one thousand temporary employees to employees twenty nine, one thousand to forty thousand polling stations, and therefore the procure and distribution of essential provides like ballots and ballot boxes. The IEBC is additionally liable for educating voters on what’s going to be a posh ballot, since Kenyans are choice of six offices for the primary time. Most significant, the commission should address the principal failure of the 2007 elections by completing associate degree correct transmission and tabulation of the votes from thousands of polling stations to its results reportage center in capital of Kenya and by creating a timely announcement of the results to any extent further delays or missteps in meeting these challenges might force a postponement and/or undermine the legitimacy of the elections. Sadly, personal disagreements between the chair {and therefore the conjointly the} chief operative officer of the IEBC have also combined its issues.

Current proceedings of the International judicature (ICC) might complicate the presidential election and its outcome. One among the two leading candidates for president, Uhuru Kenyatta, and his campaigner, William Ruto, the foremost distinguished Kalenjin leader, are indicted by the Interstate Commerce Commission for perpetrating interethnic violence between Kikuyus and Kalenjins following the 2007 elections. Their trials area unit scheduled to start on Gregorian calendar month ten and Gregorian calendar month eleven, 2013, severally, however neither is probably going to jaunt The Hague if they emerge victorious within the first spherical or area unit finalists within the second. Indeed, one major purpose of their alliance is to avoid trial. Their alliance conjointly, ironically, raises the prospects for peace throughout this election cycle between their various ethnic teams, the Kalenjins and therefore the Kikuyus, World Health Organization savagely attacked one another in 2007. The election of Kenyatta and Ruto, however, would possibly lead to the us, EEC states, et all that support the Interstate Commerce Commission method avoidance them with diplomacy. This might invoke a doubtless hostile response from Kenyatta and Ruto and ultimately cause Kenya’s inflated international isolation.

Kenya lacks associate degree adequate range of trained police. Kenya has seventy thousand police, or roughly one hundred sixty per a hundred residents, that is a smaller amount than three-quarters of the two hundred per a hundred thousand suggested by the UN. Kenya’s police also are wide thought to be corrupt and susceptible to human rights abuses. They were not capable to include the violence following the 2007 elections, and should not be sufficiently improved to contend with the challenges this point. As a result of there’ll be between twenty nine thousand and forty thousand polling stations to that a minimum of one officer should be deployed, the police are stretched to the limit. This reality, as well as the probability of violence in additional areas than within the past, might produce a scenario during which the Kenya organization is needed to enhance the police to take care of order. Such involvement would be the military’s first readying to take care of domestic order since independence.

Three broad eventualities, every with its own variations, area unit presently conceivable for the 2013 elections:

The IEBC conducts credible elections on March four, and one among the presidential candidates, possibly Raila Odinga or Uhuru Kenyatta, wins or prevails within the runoff spherical scheduled for Gregorian calendar month eleven. Outbreaks of violence area unit restricted to rural areas and associated chiefly with elections at the county level. Though’ this state of affairs was plausible a year a gone, it’s abundant less doubtless these days. Raila Odinga remains the leading candidate, however he has lost quality among ethnic teams aside from his own. At constant time, Uhuru Kenyatta has gained quality and will beat Odinga in a very runoff, in step with some recent popular opinion polls. If the past is any guide, an in depth election is probably going to be amid violence between Kikuyus, World Health Organization can largely vote for Kenyatta, and Luos, World Health Organization can largely vote for Odinga.

Violence by Kikuyu and Kalenjins against Luo breaks out once the Kenyan government arrests Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto to send them to the Interstate Commerce Commission. As a result of President Mwai Kibaki, a Kikuyu, firmly controls Kenya’s security forces, such arrests area unit unlikely. Indeed, the arrests area unit solely plausible if Kibaki and alternative senior Kikuyu political and business leaders conclude that their interests area unit best served by backing Musalia Mudavadi, a Luyha, whom they take for a benign, non-Kikuyu vehicle to defeat Odinga. These leaders face a troublesome selection between maintaining their loyalty to a fellow Kikuyu by shielding {kenya|Kenya|Republic of Kenya|African country|African nation} tta from the Interstate Commerce Commission or forsaking him to avoid the international sanctions which will be levied on Kenya or elect members of its political category if Kenyatta is no appointive president or if the government of Kenya fails to honor its obligations underneath the Rome Statute. Senior Kikuyu leaders—who arguably management Kenya’s economy—rightly worry that business and Kenya’s international stature can suffer if the country elects a president the globe shuns. Some conjointly notice that it’s not within the interests of the broader Kikuyu community to push for the election of a Kikuyu successor to Kibaki, as Kenyatta would be Kenya’s third Kikuyu president out of four since independence.

The IEBC continues to stumble in its preparations for the 2013 elections and fails to facilitate a reputable method. Since quite thirty p.c of the eligible citizens wasn’t registered, civil society organizations protest their management and convey cases before the courts to force the continuation of registration. The IEBC conjointly fails to fulfill its remaining challenges needed for credible elections and so is confronted with a painful selection between two unappealing alternatives. First, in mid-to-late Feb 2013, the IEBC panics, realizing that it cannot conduct competent elections while not additional preparation. It announces a ten-day-to-one-month postponement of the elections. Though’ the choice is sound from associate degree operational viewpoint, the political blowback is instant as rival candidates accuse the IEBC of “rigging” the elections in favor of the opposite. The overall Services Unit, Kenya’s paramilitary police, puts down protests on Nairobi’s streets, however not till once many protesters area unit killed. Second, because of fears of retribution if it postpones the elections, the IEBC decides to muddle through by continuing with the elections on March four although it is aware of it’s not adequately ready to conduct the method. Sporadic violence happens in varied areas as a result, and several other returning officers area unit killed. The police area unit sent in to revive order however area unit unable to try to therefore in several areas owing to scant personnel. Order is rebuilt once President Kibaki and therefore the Kenya Defense Force’s chief of employees reluctantly conclude that the military should be sent in to strengthen the police.


Xuan Gao, The Proliferation of Anti-Dumping and Poor Governance in Emerging

Economies.2009. 41 pp. ISBN 978-91-7106-644-2

Lawal Mohammed Marafa, Africa’s Business and Development Relationship with China.

Seeking Moral and Capital Values of the Last Economic Frontier.2009. xx pp. ISBN 978-91-


Angela Meyer, Peace and Security Cooperation in Central Africa: Developments, Challenges

and Prospects. 2011. 47 pp ISBN 978-91-7106-693-0

Godwin R. Murunga, Spontaneous or Premedi-tated? Post-Election Violence in Kenya.2011. 58

pp. ISBN 978-91-7106-694-7

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