Please Computer information system only!!!!!!

okay I have created the tables on the access database but I need help following the instructions on the pdf file. On the PDF File, disregard anything highlighted in yellow. If you’re going to do this project, you have to analysis my tables on the access database  first, in order to complete that pdf file instruction. PLEASE IF YOU CAN’T DO THIS, LET ME KNOW NOW BECAUSE IT WILL BE DUE TOMORROW AND I DON’T WANT TO WAST ANY TIME!!!!

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CustomerID FirstName LastName AddressID PhoneNumber
1 Jermain Cole 2 5 4
Christopher Bridges 21

Clifford Harris 713-504-9978
Nasir Jones 504-432-3312
Cosmas William 832-812-4477
OrderID UnitPrice Quantity ProductID


OrderDate Amount ShipDate Carrier TrackingNumber


ProductName SupplierID

SupplierName SupplierPhone


By the end of Week 9, you will document the Requirements Analysis you conducted of your

client’s current system and the proposed data model for the proposed new system:

 Document alternative paths to the solution of the problem.

 Describe selected solution to problems caused by current process.

 Document selected solution with a data model.

 Adapt Database templates

 Create data models.


CIS 2334 -2-

Homework Assignment H9.1 Access Training

1. Watch these videos to get more background on how the data model is used to design a


Video–The Data Model

Pasted from

Video–Relationships in the Data Model
Pasted from

Video–How to Define Relationships
Pasted from

Video–Physical Design- 1-to-many and 1-to-1 relationships

Pasted from

Video–Physical Design – Many-to-many relationships
Pasted from


Homework Assignment H9.2 Draft of Current Process sub-section of

Requirements Analysis

1. Open the attached CIS_2334_Project_Report_template x document. Save the document

as XXX_H9_2_Current_Process_date x to your Project folder.

2. Update the Word file to reflect same changes made items you “practiced on” in class. See

9_2_inclass_fall2013_report.pptx attached to this assignment.

a. Change cover page.

b. Header

c. Problem Statement

d. Requirements for New System

e. References and in-text citations for Kroenke and Auer and Stair and Reynolds

3. Go to the introductory paragraph of the Requirements Analysis section. Write a paragraph

that answers these questions.

a. According to Kroenke and Auer, what is the purpose of the requirements analysis phase

of the Database Development Process? Cite source in text where appropriate.

b. Include a general overview of the requirements analysis phase and a forward look at

the information upcoming in the Requirements Analysis section.

4. Open XXX_Milestone_2_date x (before converting to pdf).

5. Select the text of the document that responds to Step 3 a-f instructions for Milestone 2,

and then copy it. Close Milestone 2 document.

6. Go to Current Process sub-section of the Requirements Analysis section. Delete the

instructor notes, then paste the text from your Milestone 2 document into the Project

Report document. Make sure the format of pasted text font matches template-based




7. Save the document as XXX_H9_2_Current_Process_date x to the Project folder on your

Cloud drive. Be

mindful of the protection of your project files.

Homework Assignment H9.3 Draft of Problem Statement sub-section of

Requirements Analysis

1. Go to the Problem Statement sub-section of XXX_H9_2_Current Process_date, then

summarize your client’s problems with the current system for capturing, storing,

processing and manipulating data generated from the business process under study.

2. Save the document as XXX_H9_3_ProblemStatement_date to your Project folder.

3. Add your adaptation of the succinct problem statement provided by Dr. Willis. See

PowerPoint attached to H9.2 assignment. Remember to adapt the wording of the problem

statement to include your client’s name and the label for the business process you

analyzed for this project.

4. Describe more specifically the characteristics of valuable information mentioned in your

problem statement.

5. Summarize your client’s problems with the current system for capturing, storing,

processing and manipulating data generated from the business process under study.

6. Save the changes to the document XXX_H9_3_ProblemStatement_date again to your


folder on your Cloud drive. Be mindful of the protection of your project files.

Homework Assignment H9.4 Draft of Requirements sub-section of

Requirements Analysis

1. Go to the Requirements sub-section of XXX_H9_3_ProblemStatement_date and save the

document as XXX_H9_4_Requirements_date to your Project folder. See PowerPoint

attached to H9.2 assignment.

2. Add an introductory paragraph that describes the general requirements needed for any

database system. Then copy and paste the list of specific requirements provided by Dr.

Willis for the new system to be built.

a. Substitute the label for the business process under study for your client in the blanks

before “data” in each requirement. For instance, if the business process under study for

your client is orders management, then you would substitute Orders Management for

the blank in front of “data” in each Requirements statement.

3. Add a paragraph after the list that describes the usefulness of the requirements in

determining alternative solutions to the client’s problem with the current system for

capturing, storing, processing and manipulating data generated from the business process

under study.





CIS 2334 -5-

4. Save the Word file XXX_H9_4_Requirements_date again to your Project folder on your

Cloud drive. Be mindful of the protection of your project files.

Homework Assignment H9.5 Draft of Alternative Solutions subsection of

Requirements Analysis

1. Open XXX_H9.4_Requirements_date created in H9.4. Save as

XXX_H9_5_Alternative_Solutions_date x to your Project folder.

2. Based on your previous description of your client’s current process for collecting data,

organizing, storing, retrieving, and manipulating data for a business process, write a

paragraph that describes the topics or themes that must be tracked in the new system, i.e.,

Orders Management data in general, but specifically data about customer, order, order

details, products, etc.

3. Based on your previous description of your client’s current process for collecting data,

organizing, storing, retrieving, and manipulating data for a business process and the

content learned from the Kroenke and Auer textbook, describe why a database would be

the best solution to the problems with the client’s current process. Cite source.

4. Write a paragraph that describes two alternative database template solutions.

a. Search for database templates that might meet your client’s requirements.

b. Find two sources of database applications that solve problems similar to the

problem(s) you have identified for your client’s system.

c. You need to analyze the table structures and relationships in the Relationship Window

of the templates, perhaps using screenshots to compare each template side by side.

d. Cite URL’s for web sites.

1. Add web site to Manage Sources feature of References menu.

2. Update References page.

3. Insert citation into the Alternative Solutions section of report for the web site of

each template described.

5. Write a paragraph that describes which of the two templates fit the client’s requirements

the best. Why?

6. Describe the objects of the database template chosen to serve as a starting point for your

project database.

a. In a paragraph the individual tables’ properties and data types of the fields in each

table. Then look at the data in each of the tables—if the tables have been populated

with data. How will your client gather this data using your proposed new system?

b. In a paragraph, describe the reports in the chosen templates to see possibilities for

output for your client. Describe the purpose of one report based on two tables. Would

this type of report be beneficial to your client?

CIS 2334 -6-

c. In a paragraph, describe the forms in the chosen templates to see possibilities for use

for your client’s database system. Describe the purpose of one form based on two

tables. Would this type of form be beneficial?

d. In a paragraph, describe the queries in the chosen templates to see possibilities for use

for your client’s database system. Describe the purpose of one query based on two

tables. Would this type of query be beneficial for your client’s database system?

e. Will additional adaptations need to be made to this template? What?

7. If neither template fit the requirements even with adaptations, did the templates provide

insights into the structure of the needed solution database?

8. If you have to build the database from scratch, what tables and additional objects will you

build into the database system? See Step 6 above for the descriptions necessary of your

proposed system.

9. Save the Word file again as XXX_H9_5_Alternative_Solutions_date x to the Project

folder on your Cloud drive. Be mindful of the protection of your project files.

Homework Assignment H9.6 Draft of Proposed New System and Data


1. Based on client interviews, existing forms, existing reports, and template analysis, create a

data model of the proposed new system using Visio. Include entities, attributes, and

relationships for the proposed system and use Crow’s foot notation to denote cardinality.

Save as XXX_H9_6_Data Model_date.vsd to your Project folder on your Cloud drive. Be

mindful of the protection of your project files.

a. See attached In-class PowerPoint, Inclass_8.1_HSD_DataModel_Fall2013 for

instructions on using Visio to create a data model.

2. Open XXX_H9.5_Alternative_Solutions_date x created in H9.5 above. Save as XXX_

H9_6_Proposed_New_System_date to your Project folder on your Cloud drive, substituting

your three-digit course student number for XXX.

3. Go to the Proposed New System and Data Model section of the Requirements Analysis

section of the report.

a. Write a paragraph that summarizes the problems with the current system and the

requirements of the new system.

b. In a new paragraph, describe the entities and attributes required by the business

process under study for your client.

c. In another paragraph, describe the arrangement of the entities through their proposed

relationships. Describe any 1 to 1 or N to M relationships in the proposed data model.

Then refer the reader to the diagram of the data model for your proposed new solution,


CIS 2334 -7-

i.e., “The data model displayed in Figure 1 below shows the proposed data structure of

the new system for Client Name.”

d. Save changes to XXX_ H9_6_Proposed_New_System_date.

e. Go back to Visio, open data model file, and copy the data model created in Step 1

above. Do NOT take a screenshot of the data model.

f. Go back to report document. Click below the last paragraph in the Word document (see

3 c. above) and paste the data model into the XXX_

H9_6_Proposed_New_System_date x. Use Word’s Reference/Insert Caption tool to

insert a Figure X. Label caption below the data model. Type Proposed Data Model for

Client’s Name Database.

g. In a paragraph below the Visio data model, describe how the proposed structure solves

the problems of storage and organization of the data generated by the business

process under study for your client.

h. In a paragraph, describe proposed solutions for the other components of the database

system to be developed—forms and reports. Provide screenshots of mock-ups of a

potential form and report that will also address other client requirements.

i. Save changes to the Word file, XXX_H9_6_Proposed_New_System_date x.

j. Save XXX_H9_6_Proposed_New_System_date x as XXX_Milestone_3_date to

your Project folder in your Cloud drive. Be mindful of the protection of your project files.

4. Submit XXX_Milestone_3_date to Milestone 3 assignment submission page.


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