PHSC 101 Earth Science Laboratory Activity

Earth Science Laboratory Activity ( PHSC 101)Group Activity
Name: ________________________________________________ (Section: ___________)
Lab Activity #2: Identification of Minerals and Rocks
Objectives and Instructions
This exercise involves identification of mineral and rock samples provided, properly following properties outlines in identification
keys and comparing with picture photos, whenever available. The properties of numbered samples investigated should be entered in
the blank data sheet, with the name of the mineral or rock sample identified in the last column. The instructions for identification of
mineral and rock specimens, and blank data tables are given below.
1. Identification of Minerals
Among the numbered mineral specimens provided on a labeled plate, you are required to identify 2 minerals of your choice. Take
one specimen at a time, and when completing the identification, return it on the plate from where it was taken. Misplacement of
samples will confuse other users. Start the identification, first by entering the number of the specimen in the first column of the blank
identification data table. Then proceed with the identification of the mineral, property by property as listed in the different columns of
the work sheet, aided by the mineral identification keys and picture charts provided. For determining the relative hardness property
values of minerals, test by scratching with or on the different materials provided (copper penny, wire nail, glass, streak plate). The
hardness of these materials is given on the identification chart provided. The streak is tested by rubbing it on a unglazed porcelain
cup, and determining whether there is a streak or not. Specific gravity values for the different minerals are given in the identification
key. Magnetic property of the mineral could be tested by bringing it closer to a magnet. Based on most or all of the mineral
identification properties used, decide on the name of the mineral and enter it in the last column in the identification Table below.
Table 1: Identification of Minerals
(metallic or
(relative hardness)
(yes or no)
(yes or no)
Name of
2. Identification of Rocks
A number of specimens of the three types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) are provided on different plates
labeled with the type of the rock. You are required to identify any 2 specimens from each type of rock. Take one specimen at
a time and after you are through with the identification, return the specimen to the same plate from where it was taken.
Misplacement of samples will confuse other users. Start the identification process by entering the specimen number in the first
column, under the rock name the specimen represents. Then go to the identification key of the respective rock type and fill out
the identification table, by assessing the property of the specimen in comparison with the rock identification key chart
provided. There are also color pictures of some rocks, which could also be used for comparing with the specimen, and deciding
on the name of the rock type in question. Once you are through with the characterization, decide and enter the name of the rock
in the last column. Return the identified specimen to the labeled plate from where it was taken, obtain another specimen, and
repeat the same procedure mentioned above, until 2 specimens from each rock type are identified.
Table 2: Identification of Rocks
(glassy, fine, coarse)
Detrital or chemical
Foliated or non-foliated
(light, medium, dark)
Dominant mineral
(particle size)
(for chemical rocks)
Grain size
(fine, medium, coarse)
Rock name
Rock name
Rock name

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