PHP webpage

INFOSYS 280 Test 1- Spring 2013

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Your task is to build a webpage that successfully retrieves and allows editing of data of an existing famous diamond:

The database you will need is the “diamonds” database found in the SQL server isomteaching5\infosys280. You will only need the “diamond” table. The database user mytest is available for use. It has no password.

1. (6 marks) Layout the page as shown in the above picture.

· The font color for all text should be yellow.

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· There should be two sections, a search section, and a data entry section. The search section should be 300 pixels wide and have a red background. The data entry section should have a blue background.

· The data entry section should be placed beside the search section. Hint: default top coordinates should be 15.

· Label text should be right aligned

2. (6 marks) The following validation should be performed at the client side:

· Search for diamond ID should only allow an integer value

· Weight should only allow an integer value

· When search is enabled, data entry is disabled, and vice-versa.

3. (5 marks) The user should be able to retrieve, modify, and save an existing diamond. They should not be allowed to change the diamond ID. Hint: Retrieve and save only the attributes you need. You will find it difficult to retrieve the image. Further hint: The database uses the word colour, but CSS was developed by Americans.

The SQL you need is:

Select Name, Weight, Colour, Cut from diamond where ID=

Update Diamond Set Name=, Weight=, Colour=, Cut= Where ID=

4. (2 marks) The cancel button is only enabled when data is retrieved. Hitting it blanks the screen and allows one to search for a new ID.

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