Two pages, double-spaced in Times New Roman, in 12-point type with 1-inch margins. Please be sure to include your name. ALL PAPERS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY OCTOBER 20TH @ 11:59pm! Late papers will receive a full letter-grade deduction for each day they are late! ***Please remember to cite all sources. In Chicago 16th Style (either N, NB, or AD)***
Chicago — Failure to do so would be a violation of academic integrity and result in a failing grade on the paper and possible further disciplinary action by the college and/or university (see syllabus for more information on academic honesty).
It is not necessary to do any outside research in order to complete this assignment. However, it is not acceptable to simply record your own thoughts on the matter. Use the selections we have read to argue your points and guide the discussion. Choose and write about ONE of the following topics from the readings:
1. “The Aplogy” – Plato: Socrates gives an unusual definition of “wisdom” in “The Apology.” What is this definition and to what degree does it capture or contradict the common sense, or folk, use of the term? How does Socrates argue for this view of wisdom, do you agree or disagree with his views and why?
2. “Meno” – PlatoDescribe and explain the paradox of knowledge that Meno presents to Socrates in “Meno.” Does this paradox make learning impossible? How does Socrates answer the paradox? Do you find this answer acceptable or objectionable? Why?
3. “Meditations on First Philosophy” – Descartes: In order to find something certain, Descartes employs something called the “Method of Doubt.” What is this method? What is its guiding principle(s)? Do you think it an appropriate or inappropriate method for his purposes? Why?
4. “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” – Locke: Locke offers a picture of the world that is both similar and striking different than Descartes. What are primary and secondary qualities? How does Locke’s discussion of primary and secondary qualities relate to Descarte’s discussion of the piece of wax—i.e., what is the same, and what is different? Who do you think gives the better account?
5. “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” – Hume: Hume offers an argument that is humble in that it produces no positive account. What is the relation between the inference from the way things have been in the past to the conclusion that they will be a certain way in the future? Why does Hume find this inference suspect? What are the two types of reasoning, according to Hume? Why can’t either serve as the basis for an argument about the validity of the inference? Do you agree? Why?
The Professor is very strict on academic integrity so this must be completely original. The readings are attached.
Here are links to The Aplogy and Meno: