Petty Cash Funds and Bookkeeping Systems

Due Friday, February 22 CST(5:00pm)

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Short Essay Form

Week 7

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Petty Cash Funds and Bookkeeping Systems

1. Discuss what a petty cash fund is and why this is needed within a medical practice.

2. Describe the seven main steps for maintaining a petty cash fund.

3. Discuss the two main ways bookkeeping can be completed. Which method do you feel is easier to work with and why?

4. Your response should be well supported through both textbook and supplemental readings. Complete this exercise in short essay form and adhere to APA format including references.

Supported Readings:

Attached Files:

MO 210_Week 7_ Presentation Script_Part I x (18.603 KB)

MO 210_Week 7_Presentation Script_Part II x (23.931 KB)

Week 7 Presentation – Part I -Bookkeeping and Accounting Procedures in a Medical Practice (2.762 MB)

Week 7 Presentation Part II – Highlights of Human Resource Managment (5.771 MB)



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