I need help with doing a persuasive speech for my public speaking class. The persuasive speech have to be related to my Informative speech ( you will find my informative speech outline on the attachments ). You need to go through different documents from the note and the book so you will have better understanding to what are you going to do exactly. Also, you need 5 different sources from books, news paper..etc and supporting material like photos…etc to complete the speech. If you think you are good in preparing a special speech, please contact me.
YourLast Name
Instructor’s Name:
Date of Submission:
Informative Speech Outline: Role of media and surroundings in building image of Islam
Islam is a well renowned religion of today’s world that originated in Makah in 7th century as God’s revelations were brought down on Prophet Muhammad. It was his preaching methods; kindness, patience, tolerance, courage and faith in God, that he gained immense popularity far and wide and gained staunch support of his followers. Quran (2: 256) has a clear verdict for all Muslims; “Let there be no compulsion in religion” (Abd, al-ʻĀṭī 1975). This single Ayat clearly explains the basis of spread of Islam, i.e., Islam is not a forceful religion. Today, Islam is presented as a terrorist religion; involved in all kind of terrorism round the globe, with every single Muslim as a horrifying person who is involved in terrorist activities. The situation has become worst after 9/11 attacks, as western and American media have tried its best to degrade Islam and Muslims in every possible way.
(Proposition) I want to rectify this image of Islam and to let you know what the actual teachings of Islam are.
(Audience Relevance) Being a Muslim myself, I am fully capable of understanding the rationale of circumstances occurring against Islam and Muslims, and I am in a strong position to clarify that has been wrongly presented and misguided.
(Credibility) I’ve made a research upon this issue and find out that lack of knowledge about exact teachings of Islam is the only reason why people have a bad image of Islam and why some Muslims get involved in such activities by which they disdain their own religion.
(Preview of main points) Today I am going to tell you that how what happened in 9/11 is being presented against Islam by the media and how people get a bad image of Islam from this and start labeling all the Muslims as terrorists.
I. How what happened in 9/11 change a lot of people’s thinking of Islam?
A. All of those involved in the attacks were fundamentalist Muslims, belonging to Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria etc (Zaffos 2011).
B. The attack was solely on a Christian state, with a purpose to destroy its economy and to cause as much destruction as possible.
C. Considering not enough, the terrorist organization named Al-Qaeda keep threatening American Citizens to get ready for more attacks.
D. By doing so, they built negative ideas about Islam and Muslims all around the world that Islam spreads by force and by causing destruction.
E. That is why most of people changed their understanding of Islam in a negative way by considering it a religion that promotes bloodshed and motivate its followers to kill other non-followers as much as possible.
II. How media affect the image of Islam in common man’s mind?
A. By the combined efforts of world media, Islam has became the most mis-understood religion of the world after 9/11 attacks, since there has been a 1700% increase in hate crimes against Muslims (Khan and Ecklund, 2012).
B. There has been a racist onslaught against Muslims by the western media, just because of lack of knowledge about exact Islamic teachings (Karim 2000).
C. Islam has been promoted as a strict religion, with no liberty to women and no rights for the non-Muslims living in an Islamic state, which is absolutely wrong and in contrast with true Islamic teachings.
D. Media coverage contain blind hatred for Islam and Muslims since 9/11, they have been highly victimized (Salman 2011).
E. Many times media give wrong Information about Islam by relate some bad act to Muslims. These all tactics have proved to be useful to disdain and degrade Islam and Muslims in common people.
Today I have given you the reasons why Islam has now become the most doubtful and misunderstood religion of the world. Particularly in US and West where every Muslim is considered suspicious and there have been many reported incidents of violence against Muslims. Media, social and ethnic groups have played a major role in this regard, by portraying Muslims as extremists and Islam as a forceful religion. But I just want to say one thing in the conclusion, the word Islam means “peaceful submission” (Islam n.d). So if the name of the religion depicts peace, can it preach disharmony and destruction? Certainly not!! Islam is a religion of peace and harmony, and it has not widespread by force, rather by its qualities of justice and equality for all, either followers or non-followers. Media must not label all Muslims as terrorists just because of a handful of them, who are unaware of their own religion. Educational Institutes can play a better role in this regard to spread harmony in the communities living together, so that everyone would be united against terrorism of every kind.
ʻAbd, al-ʻĀṭī H. Islam in Focus. Indianapolis, Ind.: American Trust Publications, 1975. Print.
Islam. Islam Tomorrow. n.d. Web. March 18, 2013.
Karim, Karim H. Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2000. Print.
Khan, Mussarat Z, and Ecklund, Kathryn. “Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post 9/11.” Journal of Muslim Mental Health 7.1 (2012). Print.
Salman, Javeria. Impact of Media and Social Media on Islam and Muslims. The Message International. December 20, 2011. Web. March 18, 2013.
Zaffos, Joshua. “A Spotlight on the 9/11 Anti-Muslim Backlash.” Pacific Standard September 9, 2011. Print
TITLE (Optional):
Specific Purpose:
Thesis Statement:
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Introduction
Attention material (focus attention on problem):
Credibility material:
(Transition into body of speech)
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Body SEQ NLI \r 0 \h
seq NLA \r 0 \h .
Main point #1 (Statement of need for action):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Description of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Signs, symptoms, effects of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Example, narrative, or testimony):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Importance of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Extent of problem):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Expert testimony):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Who is affected):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Transition into main point 2)
seq NLA \r 0 \h .
Main point #2 (Present solution that satisfies need):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Description of solution):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(How solution satisfies need):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(How solution can be implemented):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Plan of action):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 1 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 2 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 3 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 4 of plan):
(Transition into main point 3)
seq NLA \r 0 \h .
(Visualize results):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Describe expected results of action):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Describe consequences of inaction):
(Transition into conclusion)
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Conclusion
Call for action:
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Works Consulted:
_____ |
I have selected a topic that involves a problem that needs to be solved with action. |
I have clearly stated the purpose of my speech. |
My thesis statement is written as a complete declarative sentence. |
_____ |
My introduction focuses attention on the problem, establishes my credibility, and previews my message. |
The first main point in my speech establishes the need for action. |
The second main point in my speech details a plan of action that satisfies the need. |
The third main point in my speech visualizes the results of action and the consequences of inaction. |
I have appropriate supporting material for each main point in my speech. |
The conclusion of my speech contains a summary statement and ends with a call for action. |
I have provided transitions where they are needed to make my speech flow smoothly. |
I have compiled a list of works consulted in the preparation of my speech. |
TITLE (Optional):
Specific Purpose:
Thesis Statement:
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Introduction
Attention material:
Credibility material:
(Transition into body of speech)
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Body SEQ NLI \r 0 \h
seq NLA \r 0 \h .
Main point #1 (statement of problem):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Description of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Signs, symptoms, effects of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Example, narrative, or testimony):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Importance of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Extent of problem):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Expert testimony):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Who is affected):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Consequences of problem):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Expert testimony):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Transition into main point 2)
seq NLA \r 0 \h .
Main point #2 (Statement of solution):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Description of solution):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(How solution fits problem):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(More than symptom relief):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Is workable):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(How solution can be implemented):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Plan of action):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 1 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 2 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 3 of plan):
seq NL_(a) \r 0 \h )
(Step 4 of plan):
seq NL_1_ \r 0 \h )
(Costs and efforts):
seq NL1 \r 0 \h .
(Picture results):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Describe expected results):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(When results expected):
seq NL_a \r 0 \h .
(Additional benefits):
(Transition into Conclusion)
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Conclusion
Concluding remarks:
seq NL1 \r 0 \h Works Consulted:
_____ |
I have selected a topic that involves a problem that needs to be solved. |
I have clearly stated the purpose of my speech. |
My thesis statement is written as a complete declarative sentence. |
My introduction gains attention and interest, establishes my credibility, and previews the main points of my message. |
My first main point presents the problem. |
My subpoints for the first main point describe the problem, show its importance, and demonstrate the consequences of inaction. |
I have adequate supporting material for each of my subpoints relating to the problem. |
My second main point presents my solution to the problem. |
My subpoints for the second main point demonstrate how the solution addresses the problem, describe a plan of action, and picture the results of the solution. |
I have adequate supporting material for each of my subpoints relating to the solution. |
My conclusion contains a summary that recaps my message and remarks that reflect on the meaning and significance of my speech. |
I have provided transitions where they are needed to make my speech flow smoothly. |
I have compiled a list of works consulted in the preparation of my speech. |
Persuasive Speech
Name:_____________________ Time:____________
(20 points)
____/5 The speaker grabs the audience’s attention.
____/5 The speaker reveals the topic articulating a clear and specific central idea.
____/5 The speaker prepares the audience for the remainder of the speech by previewing the main points (in the order that they are spoken about).
____/5 The speaker established credibility (3pts) and makes a clear audience connection (2pts).
(100 points)
____/20 The speaker stays audience-centered throughout the duration of the speech by making topic important to us, helping us understand issue, using evidence we accepted, and stressing consequences of adoption or non-adoption (at 5 pts per item).
____/15 The speaker utilized ethos, pathos, logos where appropriate in speech (5pts per type).
____/10 The speaker uses a clear and appropriate organizational strategy for the topic and purpose (motivated sequence, problem/solution,criteria-application, comparative).
____/10 The speaker presents a clear policy or value claim that obviously seeks passive agreement or immediate action (5pts), and presents a clear position on the issue (5pts).
____/10 The speaker addresses the basic issues of policy (need, plan, and practicality) or of value speeches (broad shared standards of judgment, how topic matches judgments).
____/10 The speaker offers accurate and credible evidence in support of the central idea that is correctly attributed to the original source (at least 5 sources with of ADP at 2pts per source).
____/10 The speaker explains the evidence presented to support the main claim (Why are the examples, statistics and testimony important? What do they mean to the audience?).
____/10 The speaker uses clear and smooth transition statements in the speech (internal previews/summaries, sign posts, etc.).
____/5 The speaker effectively uses a visual aid.
(10 points)
____/2 The speaker clearly and vividly identifies when the speech is ending.
____/3 The speaker summarizes the main points of the speech.
____/5 The speaker reinforces his/her main claim.
(20 points)
____/5 The speaker makes good eye contact and uses effective body language
____/5 The speaker communicates interest in the topic by employing vocal variety
____/5 The speaker is dressed appropriately.
____/5 The speaker meets the time requirements for the speech.
Performance Grade: _______/150
Formal Outline: _______/25
Speaking Notes (10pts)/ Evidence (5pts) / Bibliography (10pts): _______/25
TOTAL: ______/200 Letter Grade: _______