Personal Model of Conflict Resolution

For this assignment, you will research what is meant by a conflict resolution model. Your final product will be a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with a relevant and usable model illustrating the dynamic process of conflict resolution specific to interpersonal conflict scenarios that provides detailed support for your model.

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Personal Model of Conflict Resolution

For this assignment, you will research what is meant by a conflict resolution model. Research at least four scholarly sources to examine at least two such models. Then, create your own version of a conflict resolution model, incorporating information from the two models you researched. You should include a description of your model’s components and provide an explanation as to how someone would utilize this model. Be sure to also include a visual illustration (a concept map, a chart, a diagram, a figure, etc.) of what the model would look like.

Your final product will be a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with a relevant and usable model illustrating the dynamic process of conflict resolution specific to interpersonal conflict scenarios that provides detailed support for your model. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Discussion Grading Table

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Maximum Points

Researched and briefly described two existing conflict resolution models.


Created your own version of a conflict resolution model.


Included a description of your model’s components.


Provided an explanation as to how someone would utilize your model.


Included a visual illustration of what the model would look like.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


International Journal of

Environmental Research

and Public Health


An Improved Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
Based on Option Prioritization and Its Application

Kedong Yin 1,2, Li Yu 1 ID and Xuemei Li 1,2,*
1 School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China; (K.Y.); (L.Y.)
2 Ocean Development Research Institute, Major Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry

of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
* Correspondence:, Tel.: +86-185-6135-4087

Received: 7 September 2017; Accepted: 18 October 2017; Published: 27 October 2017

Abstract: In order to quantitatively depict differences regarding the preferences of decision makers for
different states, a score function is proposed. As a foundation, coalition motivation and real-coalition
analysis are discussed when external circumstance or opportunity costs are considering. On the basis
of a confidence-level function, we establish the score function using a “preference tree”. We not only
measure the preference for each state, but we also build a collation improvement function to measure
coalition motivation and to construct a coordinate system in which to analyze real-coalition stability.
All of these developments enhance the applicability of the graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR).
Finally, an improved GMCR is applied in the “Changzhou Conflict” to demonstrate how it can be
conveniently utilized in practice.

Keywords: graph model for conflict resolution; sustainable development on conflict analysis;
option prioritization; real-coalition stability analysis

1. Introduction and Motivation

Conflict analysis is a branch of game theory, and the graph model is an important method for
solving conflict. The basic idea is to use related knowledge of subsets and graph theory to obtain an
equilibrium state. Fraser and Hipel simplified metagame analysis and developed it into published
work on F-H conflict analysis [1,2]. Later, Kilgour et al. continued this work and evolved it into the
graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) [3], which they described comprehensively and minutely.

Since it was first proposed, scholars have studied GMCR from multiple perspectives: decision
makers (DMs) who hold different attitudes and emotions would have different effects on the results of
conflict. Walker et al. used the attitude of DMs as a foundation on which to construct four preferences
and four stabilities [4]. Obeidi et al. considered emotion as an essential modifier in conflict analysis, and
used the example of U.S.–North Korea conflict to demonstrate that the graph model could be simplified
after taking emotion into account [5]. Research on the preferences of DMs generally considers four
aspects: fuzzy preferences, gray preferences, strength of preferences, and unknown preferences.
Mubarak et al. proposed an improved method for fuzzy preference that was based on DMs holding
five different preference degrees on feasible states. Furthermore, they quantified the preference degree
for each DM through piecewise functions and redefined the four stabilities. They then resolved the
conflict and achieved an equilibrium state [6]. Option prioritization was first proposed by Wang
and Hipel [7]. Thereafter, Bashar put forward the definition of fuzzy truth value and improved
option prioritization [8]. Yu and Yu researched fuzzy preference further, constructing a framework
for calculating fuzzy preferences of DMs and applying it to practical conflict [9]. Kuang et al. [10]
determined the preference sequence by using a gray-based preference structure and redefined gray

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311; doi:10.3390/ijerph14111311


Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 2 of 15

stabilities. They then applied the improved model to a brownfield conflict in Ontario, Canada. The
interval gray number was used by Yang and Guan to determine preference ranking and was applied to
industry–university cooperation conflict [11]. Liu continued an intensive study into the combination
of gray number and GMCR to solve equilibrium states and decision paths [12]. Hamouda et al. [13]
extended DM preference to a triplet preference structure. They generalized the basic concept on a
subset and then refined strong and weak stability. Finally, the strength of preference was applied to a
water conflict.

Kevin and Hipel considered uncertain preference as a potential improvement. They redefined the
formal definition and enhanced the applicability of the graph model by proposing an algorithm to
generate a status quo diagram and table. They then analyzed an environmental conflict to demonstrate
how the new algorithm could be applied [14]. Yu and Hipel redefined two logical connectives to
determine an unknown preference, and applied it to a water dispute [15]. With respect to coalition
analysis, Kilgour et al. depicted the fundamental definitions of coalition analysis in detail, and
illustrated the procedure in GMCR II with a simple model [16]. Kinsara and Kilgour introduced
third-party intervention to GMCR and constructed inverse GMCR to measure how third parties
influence the process of conflict [17]. Kinsara and Hipel preferred three approaches to improve and
simplify the understanding of conflict results [18].

The process of solving GMCR is concise, and the procedure is clear, so it is widely used
in negotiation support, water resource protection, brownfields, complex products, sustainable
development, energy, and other fields. Hipel and Kilgour used a Canadian groundwater storage
conflict as an example, elaborating the application of GMCR in solving environmental conflict in
detail [19]. Karnis et al. used GMCR to analyze the conflict in relation to the international upper great
lakes [20]. Huang and Liu expounded the definition of seven types of stability and expanded the
application of GMCR to business negotiations [21]. Wang and Kilgour put forward a risky project
negotiation framework to measure market risk and provide a resolution of conflict [22]. Kuang
and Bashar constructed a gray preference to express DM preference and used it to resolve conflict
over brownfield redevelopment [23]. Han and Xu extended the application of the graph model to
the complex process of aerospace products. In addition, they reconsidered the equilibrium state of
simple preferences based on the economic and corporation-reputation orientation of DMs [24]. Chu
and Hipel provided a win-win resolution for the Zhanghe River water-allocation dispute in China
through GMCR [25]. Li and Han made use of Matrix Representation of the Solution Concept (MRSC),
a decision-making system, to analyze credit expansion and concentration based on GMCR [26].

Currently, in the decision-support system GMCR II, there are three simple preference-ordering
methods for feasible states: direct rank, option weight, and option prioritization. For option
prioritization, each DM’s preference statements are listed in order of priority, often represented
vertically from the most important to least [27]. Option prioritization is a very useful preference
modeling technique and overcomes the limitations of other methods [26]; however, option
prioritization also has its shortcomings. In the vast majority of real-life situations, DMs cannot grasp
all the information, or also cannot hold a clear attitude on the issue of conflict, so when DMs express
their preference information, they usually do not have full confidence in every preference statement.
For instance, DMs definitely ensure the preference statements that are considered initially. As the
preference statements are represented one by one from the most important to the least important,
the DMs start to doubt the order and validity of preference statements, and this uncertainty will
gradually increase in the process of establishing preference statements. A higher confidence degree
of a preference statement means higher suitability, while a lower confidence degree of a preference
statement indicates a lower suitability. While this uncertainty in preference statements will affect
preference difference between different states. For two different states, the preference difference may
be either extremely small or severely large. Moreover, the uncertainty will affect coalition motivation
and will also affect the stability of the coalition.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 3 of 15

At present, the study on the fuzzy preference of decision makers has achieved fruitful
results [28–31]. However, there is little research on the uncertainty of preference statements. So,
this paper takes into account the DMs’ uncertainty in preference statements based on option
prioritization, and further measures the willingness and coalition stability. And the extended approach
is applied to “the conflict of Changzhou Foreign Language School”.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: the next section introduces the framework
of GMCR. An extended approach to design score function and real-coalition analysis is developed
in Section 3. A case study is provided in Section 4.

  • Conclusions
  • are presented in the final section of
    the paper.

    2. Framework of Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

    The GMCR process includes modeling, stability analysis, and coalition analysis. The GMCR
    itself consists of four basic components: DMs (N), feasible states (S), preference (P), and possible state
    transitions (G). Each DM has its own options to choose or decide; Y indicates that the DM chooses
    the option, whereas N means that it does not. Assemble all options that have been selected by an
    individual DM as state s. Because not every state is achievable in the real world, the impossible
    condition is appointed as an infeasible state. The subset excluding unfeasible states is the feasible states
    subset S. Based on the GMCR framework, the concepts relating to subsets of states are summarized in
    Table 1. Term P represents a feasible preference state sequence; feasible states are ordered by user or
    a DM according the goal that the focal DM wants to achieve. Each DM has its own preference state
    sequence. Since it is difficult for a user to obtain complete DM preference information about an actual
    conflict event, preference is divided into four types: uncertainty preference, general preference, strong
    preference, and multiple preferences. Term G exhibits state transition graph, where a state transition
    means a DM unilaterally changes the option and shifts to another state.

    Table 1. Concepts of subsets of states.

    Subset of States Implication

    Ri(s) The subset of states that DMi can unilaterally reach from state s.
    R+i(s) The subset of states that DMi preferred to state s and can unilaterally reach from state s.
    R=i(s) The subset of states that is equivalent to state s and can unilaterally reach from state s.
    RH(s) The subset of states that coalition decision maker H can unilaterally reach from state s.

    R+H(s) The subset of states that all coalition decision maker H preferred to state s and can unilaterally reach from state s.

    DM: decision maker.

    Each DM is rational and wants to achieve the most preferred state for itself. Decision makers only
    make decisions about their own options, and are unable to intervene in those of others. The GMCR
    predicts the state that is most likely to be accepted by all DMs; this state is known as the equilibrium
    state. The course of solving for the equilibrium state is specified as stability analysis. There are four
    basic stability formations in GMCR: Nash stability (R), general meta-rationality (GMR), symmetric
    meta-rationality (SMR), and sequential stability (SEQ). If a stable state is reached by all DMs under
    a certain stability, then it is an equilibrium state for conflict analysis. However, not all equilibrium
    states can successfully solve conflict in the real world; we also need the user or DMs to judge and
    analyze realities.

    Path analysis can be used to find all states that DMs need to transit from the status quo to the
    equilibrium state. There is often more than one path from the status quo to the equilibrium state;
    the transition state and the number of steps are frequently diverse. Hence, the meaning of path analysis
    is to find the shortest path, provide information for DMs to control the evolution of the conflict, improve
    the efficiency and quality of decision-making, and solve the conflict effectively. In the transition route
    to the equilibrium state, each DM can only transfer to the state that is preferred to its present state.
    In other words, transition states belong to the subset of states that DMi can reach unilaterally from
    state s. After achieving the equilibrium state, coalition analysis makes it necessary to identify whether

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 4 of 15

    the equilibrium state is still an equilibrium after considering cooperation. The purpose of coalition
    analysis is to identify the equilibriums that are vulnerable to the action of a coalition that could achieve
    another equilibrium preferred by all its members [16]. If the equilibrium state is not robust to the
    consideration of a coalition, then equilibrium jumps will happen. This means the equilibrium state is
    just temporary, and not a long-term equilibrium.

    3. Score Function and Real-Coalition Analysis

    The discussion outlined in the next subsection concerns the specified score function and
    real-coalition analysis. The score function is used for quantify a DM’s state preference within the
    GMCR. Subsequently, real-coalition analysis is defined to enhance the applicability of the graph model.

    3.1. Score Function

    Denote C as a DM’s level of confidence in its judgment of a preference statement. A higher value
    of C implies that the preference statement is more suitable for all states, while a lower value of C
    indicates that it is less appropriate:

    Ct =

    1, t ≤ p(


    , p + 1 ≤ t ≤ q

    , g ∈{1, 2, · · · , n}, (1)

    There are q preference statements in total; p is the critical point in judging preference statements,
    and g is weight that decision maker consider the importance of the level of confidence. Form the
    first to p-th preference statements, the DMs are fully confident in their judgments on preference
    statements. Starting from the (p + 1)-th preference statement, the certainty of the DMs’ judgment
    begins to weaken gradually.

    Definition 1. Function (1) expresses DM confidence in the t-th preference statement and is the appointed
    confidence level function.

    To further highlight the priority weights of preference statements, one important task is to value
    the preference statements. The priority of preference statements is defined as follow, according to the
    “preference tree” idea put forward by Hipel.

    Definition 2. αt is defined to express the priority of preference statements.
    α > 0, α + α2 + α3 + . . . + αq < 1

    and α ∈ [0, 1].

    Apparently, higher-priority preference statements are given greater weight, and lower-priority
    preference statements are given less weight.

    In order to describe whether the state k of DMi complies with individual preference statements.

    Definition 3. For all k ∈{1, 2, 3, · · · , n}, if sk conforms with preference statement Ωt, then σt = 1; if sk does
    not meet the preference statement Ωt, then σt = 0, which can be represented in Equation (2).

    σt(Ωt, Sk) =

    1, True;
    0, False;


    Definition 4. For all preference statements, score function SC(sk) is defined to characterize the DM’s score at a
    particular state sk, as shown in Equation (3)

    SC(sk) = ∑



    σt(Ωt, Sk)

    , for all k = 1, 2 . . . n (3)

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 5 of 15

    Score SC(sk) can be calculated for each feasible state for a particular DMi. The states can be
    ranked according to their scores; a state with a higher score is preferred to a state with a lower score,
    more specifically for s1, s2 ∈ S, s1 > s2 if and only if SC(s1) > SC(s2).

    3.2. Real-Coalition Analysis with Two DMs

    On the basis of calculating the score SC for each feasible state for a particular DMi, the differences
    in coalition improvement can be captured. We can then compare the coalition motivation of each
    DM and judge the strength of coalition stability. In this research, we consider a coalition with
    two DMs temporarily.

    In order to measure coalition motivation, a two-dimensional coordinate system needs to be
    established to describe the reforming. We represent the equilibrium state, the coalition equilibrium
    state, and the most preferred state in the coordinate system, as well as the corresponding score SC of
    the three states. It is noticeable that the mapping relationship between states and scores is f: x→y = x.
    As illustrated in Figure 1, the horizontal axis means the score of DMs in different states, and the vertical
    axis represents states.

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    In order to measure coalition motivation, a two‐dimensional coordinate system needs to be 

    established to describe the reforming. We represent the equilibrium state, the coalition equilibrium 

    state, and the most preferred state in the coordinate system, as well as the corresponding score    of 

    the three states. It is noticeable that the mapping relationship between states and scores is f: x→y = x. As 

    illustrated in Figure 1, the horizontal axis means the score of DMs in different states, and the vertical 

    axis represents states. 


    Figure 1. Decision Makers’ (DMs’) Score Coordinate System. 

    Definition 5. The degree of Collation Improvement, denoted by    is given by Equation (4). 

    ,SC SC

    ∞, SC SC
    SC SC ,   0  (4) 

    From the geometric meaning, the value of    corresponds to the ratio of segment SC SC and 
    segment  SC SC . For DMi, when 1,  the coalition equilibrium state’s score  SC   is  located  in 
    middle between SC   and SC . At this point, the improved degree is moderate. When  1,  SC   is 
    closer to SC   on the X axis, meaning that the coalition equilibrium state is closer to equilibrium state. 
    In other words, the improved degree is not as good as expected. When 1,  SC   is closer to SC


    on the X axis, meaning that the coalition equilibrium state is closer to the most preferred state, i.e., 

    the improved degree is more ideal. When ∞, the coalition equilibrium state is equal to the most 
    preferred  state.  This  situation  is  the  best  result  for  coalition.  In  short,  the  degree  of  coalition 

    improvement is positively correlated with the value of . 

    Definition 6. For any subset  ⊆ ,and | | 2, if state s in   are those that can be attained from s by 
    a move by a member of H, or by a sequence of moves by members of H, then members of H are defined as a 


    Definition 7. A state s∈   is coalition stable if and only if it is stable for all coalitions  ⊆ . 

    For DMs, the motivated coalition identifies that all members of coalition    prefer the target 

    state to the status quo [29]. So we have sufficient reason to weight the coalition motivation by a 

    coalition member’s    that has been discussed above. Therefore, we can judge each DM’s willingness 

    and accurately describe the tendency of coalition formation, namely which DM will be more active. 

    For| | 2, a DM with a higher    corresponds to a stronger coalition motivation, that is, a 
    greater willingness to form a coalition. In the process of forming a coalition, that DM will take the 

    initiative  to  communicate  and  convey  the  desire  of  coalition  formation  or  take  corresponding 

    strategies to facilitate coalition.   

    Figure 1. Decision Makers’ (DMs’) Score Coordinate System.

    Definition 5. The degree of Collation Improvement, denoted by C I is given by Equation (4).

    C I =


    , SC2 6= SC3
    +∞, SC2 = SC3

    (SC1 6= SC2, and) C I ≥ 0 (4)

    From the geometric meaning, the value of C I corresponds to the ratio of segment SC2SC3 and
    segment SC1SC2. For DMi, when C I = 1, the coalition equilibrium state’s score SC2 is located in
    middle between SC1 and SC3. At this point, the improved degree is moderate. When C I < 1, SC2 is closer to SC1 on the X axis, meaning that the coalition equilibrium state is closer to equilibrium state. In other words, the improved degree is not as good as expected. When C I > 1, SC2 is closer to SC3
    on the X axis, meaning that the coalition equilibrium state is closer to the most preferred state, i.e.,
    the improved degree is more ideal. When C I = +∞, the coalition equilibrium state is equal to the
    most preferred state. This situation is the best result for coalition. In short, the degree of coalition
    improvement is positively correlated with the value of C I.

    Definition 6. For any subset H ⊆ N, and |H| = 2, if state s in SH(s) are those that can be attained from s by a
    move by a member of H, or by a sequence of moves by members of H, then members of H are defined as a coalition.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 6 of 15

    Definition 7. A state s ∈ S is coalition stable if and only if it is stable for all coalitions H ⊆ N.

    For DMs, the motivated coalition identifies that all members of coalition H prefer the target state
    to the status quo [29]. So we have sufficient reason to weight the coalition motivation by a coalition
    member’s C I that has been discussed above. Therefore, we can judge each DM’s willingness and
    accurately describe the tendency of coalition formation, namely which DM will be more active.

    For |H| = 2, a DM with a higher C I corresponds to a stronger coalition motivation, that is,
    a greater willingness to form a coalition. In the process of forming a coalition, that DM will take the
    initiative to communicate and convey the desire of coalition formation or take corresponding strategies
    to facilitate coalition.

    Next, we will discuss real-coalition stability. If equilibrium jumps exist, then the decision support
    system GMCR II will disseminate the outcome of coalition. However, in the real world, because of
    external circumstances as well as the opportunity cost in the practice of coalition, DMs may not be
    successful in forming a coalition. Even if the DMs can form a coalition, the interference of external
    circumstances and non-coalition DMs or outsiders will possibly lead to the breakup of the coalition
    relationship. In this section, we attempt to construct a paradigm based on the value of C I to measure
    the possibility of coalition and the coalition relationship stability, and to make GMCR more in line
    with the real world and have practical significance. The possibility and coalition relationship stability
    that consider the external environment and the opportunity cost are defined as real-coalition stability.

    If the values of C I for both coalition decisions are less than 1, i.e., C I(H1) < 1 and C I(H2) < 1, then the improvement degree is not good. Hence, in the process of coalescing, the two sides will conduct consultations and negotiations many times with high opportunity costs, thus sharply reducing the possibility of forming a coalition. Moreover, this situation can easily lead to coalition relations rupturing or a coalition being unable to evolve because of the obstruction of external circumstances and the temptation of interests by non-coalition DMs or other outsiders. Thus, the coalition relationship will break up effortlessly; hence, the real-coalition stability is poor.

    Now suppose that the values of C I for both coalition decisions are greater than 1, i.e., C I(H1) > 1
    and C I(H2) > 1 In that case, the real-coalition stability is steady and the degree of improvement is
    very significant. Hence, both sides have a strong will to coalesce, and the coalition status will not be
    interrupted by external conditions or other outsiders. In other words, the coalition relationship is tight.
    If the C I value of one of two co-DMs is less than 1 or both are equal to 1, the real-coalition stability
    is moderate.

    4. Application of Improved GMCR

    4.1. Background of Conflict and Modeling

    With the purpose of improving its air quality, Changzhou New District launched the “Chang Long
    Chemical” block chemical-industry seat relocation in May 2009, and formally implemented land
    restoration in March 2014. The Changzhou Foreign Language School moved to a new campus adjacent
    to the repaired block in September 2015; by the end of 2015, many of its students were in physical
    discomfort. On 17 April 2016, the CCTV news channel reported the event headlined “Shouldn’t
    Build School”, in which nearly 500 Changzhou Foreign Language School students showed signs of
    physical discomfort. The suspected reason was that the school had been relocated close to the original
    “Chang Long Chemical” industrial land. Individual students were even suffering from leukemia,
    lymphoma, and other malignant diseases.

    Experts said that the reason for the symptoms of discomfort was that the restoration operation
    had not met specifications. The Black Peony Company was responsible for the land reparation project.
    Its actual restoration method of “cover on spot” was not in accordance with the specified method
    of “completely closed”, which resulted in the spread of pollution of volatile organic pollutants in
    the soil. After the accident had been reported, the Government of Changzhou organized experts

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 7 of 15

    to design and carry out an emergency plan and an adjustment scheme. The event incited multiple
    conflicts. In this study, we pay particular attention to the conflict that arose in relation to the health
    problems of teachers and students at the Changzhou Foreign Language School (hereinafter called the
    “Changzhou Conflict”).

    The Environmental Protection Agency hoped to solve the environmental pollution problem
    fundamentally. The Black Peony Company pursued revenue maximization of its enterprises.
    The Government of Changzhou wanted to maximize the social and economic benefits under the
    premise of ensuring the physical health of its teachers and students. The date selected for the GMCR II
    analysis was 27 April 2016.

    DMs and Options the—above-mentioned Changzhou Conflict was mainly related to three DMs:
    the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Black Peony Company (BPC), and the Government of
    Changzhou (GC). The options of each DM are listed in Table 2.

    Table 2. DMs and options in the Changzhou conflict.

    Decision Makers (DMs) Options

    EPA (DM1) 1. Supervise the process of field repair.

    BPC (DM2)
    2. Comply with specification: “completely closed” method.
    3. Maintain present status: “cover on spot” method.

    GC (DM3)
    4. Relocate school site temporarily.
    5. Don’t relocate school site.
    6. Punish BPC.

    Note: EPA: the Environmental Protection Agency; BPC: the Black Peony Company; GC: the Government
    of Changzhou.

    In the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict, there are 64 states in theory. However, some of the
    states are logically infeasible; for instance, BPC cannot choose the two options of “completely closed”
    method and “cover on spot” method simultaneously, nor can they choose neither option. Excluding
    infeasible states, 12 types of feasible state ultimately remain, as listed in Table 3. For example, State 1
    indicates that BPC chooses the “completely closed” method to purify the contaminated land, and GC
    decides to relocate the school site temporarily.

    Table 3. Feasible states of Changzhou conflict.

    Decision Makers Options
    Feasible States

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    EPA (DM1) Supervise N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y

    BPC (DM2)
    “Completely closed” Y Y N N Y Y N N N N N N

    “Cover on spot” N N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y

    GC (DM3)
    Relocate Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N N

    Don’t relocate N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y
    Punish N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y

    Figures 2–4 exhibit the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict in terms of movement by EPA,
    BPC, and GC, respectively.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    7 of 14 

    DMs and Options the—above‐mentioned Changzhou Conflict was mainly related to three DMs: 

    the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Black Peony Company (BPC), and the Government 

    of Changzhou (GC). The options of each DM are listed in Table 2. 

    Table 2. DMs and options in the Changzhou conflict. 

    Decision Makers (DMs)  Options

    EPA (DM1)  1. Supervise the process of field repair. 

    BPC (DM2) 
    2. Comply with specification: “completely closed” method. 

    3. Maintain present status: “cover on spot” method.   

    GC (DM3) 

    4. Relocate school site temporarily.   

    5. Don’t relocate school site.   

    6. Punish BPC. 

    Note:  EPA:  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency;  BPC:  the  Black  Peony  Company;  GC:  the 

    Government of Changzhou. 

    In the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict, there are 64 states in theory. However, some of 

    the states are logically infeasible; for instance, BPC cannot choose the two options of “completely 

    closed” method and “cover on spot” method simultaneously, nor can they choose neither option. 

    Excluding  infeasible states, 12  types of  feasible state ultimately remain, as  listed  in Table 3. For 

    example,  State  1  indicates  that  BPC  chooses  the  “completely  closed”  method  to  purify  the 

    contaminated land, and GC decides to relocate the school site 


    Table 3. Feasible states of Changzhou conflict. 

    Figures 2–4 exhibit the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict in terms of movement by EPA, 

    BPC, and GC, respectively. 


    Figure 2. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by EPA. 


    Figure 3. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by BPC. 




    Feasible States

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  9  10  11 12

    EPA (DM1)  Supervise  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y 

    BPC (DM2) 
    “Completely closed”  Y  Y  N  N  Y  Y  N  N  N 

    N  N  N 

    “Cover on spot”  N  N  Y  Y  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y 

    GC (DM3) 

    Relocate  Y  Y  Y  Y  N  N  N  N  Y 

    Y  N  N 

    Don’t relocate  N  N  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y  N 

    N  Y  Y 

    Punish  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y 

    Figure 2. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by EPA.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 8 of 15

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    7 of 14 

    DMs and Options the—above‐mentioned Changzhou Conflict was mainly related to three DMs: 
    the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Black Peony Company (BPC), and the Government 
    of Changzhou (GC). The options of each DM are listed in Table 2. 
    Table 2. DMs and options in the Changzhou conflict. 
    Decision Makers (DMs)  Options
    EPA (DM1)  1. Supervise the process of field repair. 
    BPC (DM2) 
    2. Comply with specification: “completely closed” method. 
    3. Maintain present status: “cover on spot” method.   
    GC (DM3) 
    4. Relocate school site temporarily.   
    5. Don’t relocate school site.   
    6. Punish BPC. 
    Note:  EPA:  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency;  BPC:  the  Black  Peony  Company;  GC:  the 
    Government of Changzhou. 
    In the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict, there are 64 states in theory. However, some of 
    the states are logically infeasible; for instance, BPC cannot choose the two options of “completely 
    closed” method and “cover on spot” method simultaneously, nor can they choose neither option. 
    Excluding  infeasible states, 12  types of  feasible state ultimately remain, as  listed  in Table 3. For 
    example,  State  1  indicates  that  BPC  chooses  the  “completely  closed”  method  to  purify  the 
    contaminated land, and GC decides to relocate the school site temporarily. 
    Table 3. Feasible states of Changzhou conflict. 
    Figures 2–4 exhibit the graph model of the Changzhou Conflict in terms of movement by EPA, 
    BPC, and GC, respectively. 
    Figure 2. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by EPA. 
    Figure 3. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by BPC. 
    Feasible States
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  9  10  11 12
    EPA (DM1)  Supervise  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y  N  Y 
    BPC (DM2) 
    “Completely closed”  Y  Y  N  N  Y  Y  N  N  N  N  N  N 
    “Cover on spot”  N  N  Y  Y  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y 
    GC (DM3) 
    Relocate  Y  Y  Y  Y  N  N  N  N  Y  Y  N  N 
    Don’t relocate  N  N  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y  N  N  Y  Y 
    Punish  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  Y  Y  Y  Y 

    Figure 3. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by BPC.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    8 of 14 


    Figure 4. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by GC. 

    In this study, we use option prioritization to order the states; we get preference state sequences 

    according  to  preference  statements.  A  positive  number  ( )  indicates  that  the  DMs  prefer  the 

    preference statement; “ ” express that DMs hope it will not happen; “&” represents “and”, i.e., the 

    intersection of two options; “ ” represents “or”; IF means “if”…; and IFF signifies “if and only if”. A 

    term such as 6IF3 denotes “IF BPC remain with covering on spot, then EPA hopes that GC will punish 

    BPC”. The preference statements of EPA are represented vertically in Table 4 from the most preferred 

    to  the  least preferred. The EPA desires most  that BPC will comply strictly with  the operational 

    specifications. Their second preference is to monitor BPC as it purifies the contaminated land. 

    Table 4. Preference statements of EPA. 

    Interpretation Preference Statements 

    BPC complies with operational 


    Supervise the process of field repair.  1 

    If BPC retains coverage on the spot, then EPA 

    hopes that GC will punish BPC. 

    If BPC retains coverage on spot, then EPA 

    hopes that GC will relocate school site 



    Relocate school site temporarily.  4 

    DM1  (Environmental  Protection  Agency):  P 2 6 1 5 10 12 4 8 9 11
    3 7 .  Based on the preference statements of EPA listed in Table 4, the decision support system 
    GMCRII gives out the preference state sequence of EPA. Among them, the left‐most‐ranked state 

    represents the DMs’ most preferred state, whereas the right‐most‐ranked state signifies the  least 

    preferred state. For instance, EPA’s strongest preference is for BPC to adopt the “completely closed” 

    approach to purify the polluted soil, GC to decide to relocate the school site, and EPA itself to oversee 

    the practice of curing the polluted soil. The least‐preferred option is for BPC to choose the “cover on 

    spot” approach, that is, GC to punish the company and not move the school. Similarly, the preference 

    statements of BPC and GC are expressed in Tables 5 and 6, respectively, and the corresponding 

    preference state sequences are as given by GMCR II. 

    DM2 (Black Peony Company): P 3 7 4 8 1 5 2 6 9 11 10 12 . DM3 
    (The Government of Changzhou): P 6 2 5 1 12 10 8 4 11 9 7 3 . 

    Table 5. Preference statements of BPC. 

    Interpretation Preference Statements 

    Don’t want to be penalized by GC.  −6 

    Continue choosing “cover on spot” method.  3 

    Don’t want EPA to be involved.  −1 

    Relocate school site temporarily.  4 


    Figure 4. Graph Model of Changzhou Conflict for Movement by GC.

    In this study, we use option prioritization to order the states; we get preference state sequences
    according to preference statements. A positive number (+) indicates that the DMs prefer the preference
    statement; “—” express that DMs hope it will not happen; “&” represents “and”, i.e., the intersection
    of two options; “|” represents “or”; IF means “if” . . . ; and IFF signifies “if and only if”. A term such
    as 6IF3 denotes “IF BPC remain with covering on spot, then EPA hopes that GC will punish BPC”.
    The preference statements of EPA are represented vertically in Table 4 from the most preferred to the
    least preferred. The EPA desires most that BPC will comply strictly with the operational specifications.
    Their second preference is to monitor BPC as it purifies the contaminated land.

    Table 4. Preference statements of EPA.

    Interpretation Preference Statements

    BPC complies with operational specifications. −3|2
    Supervise the process of field repair. 1

    If BPC retains coverage on the spot, then EPA hopes
    that GC will punish BPC.


    If BPC retains coverage on spot, then EPA hopes that
    GC will relocate school site temporarily.


    Relocate school site temporarily. 4

    DM1 (Environmental Protection Agency): P = [2 > 6 > 1 > 5 > 10 > 12 > 4 > 8 > 9 > 11 > 3 > 7].
    Based on the preference statements of EPA listed in Table 4, the decision support system GMCRII
    gives out the preference state sequence of EPA. Among them, the left-most-ranked state represents
    the DMs’ most preferred state, whereas the right-most-ranked state signifies the least preferred state.
    For instance, EPA’s strongest preference is for BPC to adopt the “completely closed” approach to purify
    the polluted soil, GC to decide to relocate the school site, and EPA itself to oversee the practice of
    curing the polluted soil. The least-preferred option is for BPC to choose the “cover on spot” approach,
    that is, GC to punish the company and not move the school. Similarly, the preference statements of
    BPC and GC are expressed in Tables 5 and 6, respectively, and the corresponding preference state
    sequences are as given by GMCR II.

    DM2 (Black Peony Company): P = [3 > 7 > 4 > 8 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 9 > 11 > 10 > 12]. DM3
    (The Government of Changzhou): P = [6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 12 > 10 > 8 > 4 > 11 > 9 > 7 > 3].

    Table 5. Preference statements of BPC.

    Interpretation Preference Statements

    Don’t want to be penalized by GC. −6
    Continue choosing “cover on spot” method. 3

    Don’t want EPA to be involved. −1
    Relocate school site temporarily. 4

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 9 of 15

    Table 6. Preference Statements of GC.

    Interpretation Preference statements

    Hope BPC complies with specifications. −3|2
    EPA supervises the process. 1

    If EPA supervises while BPC continues covering on spot, then GC will penalize BPC. 6IF(1 and 3)
    Don’t relocate school site. 5

    Next, we consider the preference state sequences provided by the means of developed option

    prioritization. In this case, g = 2; α = 12 , and α
    t =


    . Table 7 shows the three DMs’ levels of

    confidence in their judgments.

    Table 7. C of Preference Statements of DM1, DM2 and DM3.

    Serial Number of Preference Statement DM1 C1 DM2 C2 DM3 C3


    p = 3

    p = 3

    p = 4


    2 1 1 1

    3 1 1 1

    4 4/9 1/4 1

    5 1/9

    Each state score for an individual DM can be calculated on the basis of the score function discussed
    above, and is displayed in Tables 8–10.

    Table 8. SC of EPA.

    Decision Maker
    State 1 2 3 4 5 6

    SC 0.50347 0.75347 0.02778 0.25010 0.50000 0.75000

    State 7 8 9 10 11 12

    SC 0.00000 0.25000 0.15625 0.40625 0.12500 0.37500

    Table 9. SC of BPC.

    Decision Maker
    State 1 2 3 4 5 6

    SC 0.64063 0.51563 0.89063 0.76563 0.62500 0.50000

    State 7 8 9 10 11 12

    SC 0.87500 0.75000 0.39063 0.26563 0.37500 0.25000

    Table 10. SC of GC.

    Decision Maker
    State 1 2 3 4 5 6

    SC 0.50000 0.75000 0.00000 0.25000 0.56250 0.81250

    State 7 8 9 10 11 12

    SC 0.06250 0.31250 0.12500 0.37500 0.18750 0.43750

    The ranked states according to SC for all DMs are summarized as follows:

    P(DM1) = [2 > 6 > 1 > 5 > 10 > 12 > 4 > 8 > 9 > 11 > 3 > 7];

    P(DM2) = [3 > 7 > 4 > 8 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 9 > 11 > 10 > 12];

    P(DM3) = [6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 12 > 10 > 8 > 4 > 11 > 9 > 7 > 3];

    The new preference state sequences are consistent with the original results that relied on
    option prioritization.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 15

    4.2. Stability Analysis

    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.

    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.

    Equilibrium States

    1 2 5 6 12


    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis

    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.

    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.

    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12

    Nash 

    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     

    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.

    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.

    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.

    Decision Makers

    Status Quo



    1 5 6

    EPA (DM1) N N Y

    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y

    N N N

    GC (DM3)

    Y N N

    N Y Y

    N N N

    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final


    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12

    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     

    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final


    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final


    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.

    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities,
    the equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental problem
    but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes BPC and
    relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the Changzhou Conflict.
    State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely closed” means of
    purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile pollutants on teachers
    and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students and teachers, GC does
    not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the interests of all DMs. State 2
    shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification course and BPC choosing the
    “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the school site. Comparing States 2
    and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of social and economic benefits.

    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the
    soil by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School
    (move from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a
    similar accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers and
    students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    10 of 14 

    4.2. Stability Analysis 

    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown 

    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective 

    stability definition. 

    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict. 

    Equilibrium States

    1 2 5 6 12 

    Nash        

    GMR        

    SMR        

    SEQ        

    GMR: general meta‐rationality; SMR: symmetric meta‐rationality; SEQ: sequential stability. 

    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the 

    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally 

    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses 

    the “cover on spot” approach  to purify  the soil, which not only cannot cure  the environmental 

    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes 

    BPC  and  relocates  the  school  site.  This  is  obviously  a  far‐from‐ideal  solution  to  solving  the 

    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely 

    closed”  means  of  purifying  the  contaminated  land,  which  would  reduce  the  impact  of  volatile 

    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students 

    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the 

    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification 

    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the 

    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of 

    social and economic benefits. 

    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict 

    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil 

    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move 

    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar 

    accident from happening again, EPA decides  to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves  the 

    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers 

    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state. 

    Decision Makers 

    Status Quo   






    1  5  6 

    EPA (DM1)  N  N  Y 

    BPC (DM2) 
    Y  Y  Y 

    N  N  N 
    GC (DM3) 
    Y  N  N 
    N  Y  Y 
    N  N  N 

    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an  intermediate state to the final 



    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the
    final resolution.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 11 of 15

    4.3. Coalition Analysis

    Comparing Tables 11 and 12, we find the following: States 1 and 5 are balanced, but while the DMs
    consider a coalition, States 1 and 5 are not in equilibrium. Now, suppose that there are equilibrium
    jumps after the DMs reach a coalition. Figure 6 draws the path of an equilibrium jump from State 1 to
    State 6. The GC contracts an alliance with EPA: with the support of GC, EPA takes action to supervise
    BPC, binding upon it. On this occasion, having effectively protected the health of the teachers and
    students, GC decides not to relocate the school site on the basis of the social and economic benefits.
    In other words, there is a direct transfer from State 1 to State 6.

    Table 12. Coalition equilibrium states of Changzhou conflict.

    Coalition Equilibrium States

    2 6 12

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 10 of 14

    4.2. Stability Analysis
    According to the definitions of the four stabilities, the equilibrium states can be drawn as shown
    in Table 11, in which √ indicates that the state is an equilibrium state corresponding to the respective
    stability definition.
    Table 11. Equilibrium states of the Changzhou conflict.
    Stability Equilibrium States
    1 2 5 6 12
    Nash 
    GMR     
    SMR     
    SEQ     
    GMR: general meta-rationality; SMR: symmetric meta-rationality; SEQ: sequential stability.
    For Nash stability, the equilibrium state is State 12. For GMR, SMR, and SEQ stabilities, the
    equilibrium states are 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. State 12 is a strong equilibrium, but it cannot fundamentally
    resolve the conflict. State 12 implies that EPA is involved in and supervises BPC, but BPC still chooses
    the “cover on spot” approach to purify the soil, which not only cannot cure the environmental
    problem but is also a hazard to the health of the teachers and students. Based on these, GC penalizes
    BPC and relocates the school site. This is obviously a far-from-ideal solution to solving the
    Changzhou Conflict. State 6 indicates that under the supervision of EPA, BPC adopts the “completely
    closed” means of purifying the contaminated land, which would reduce the impact of volatile
    pollutants on teachers and students. Under the premise of effectively protecting the health of students
    and teachers, GC does not relocate the school site, and this state would effectively coordinate the
    interests of all DMs. State 2 shows EPA being involved in overseeing the company’s purification
    course and BPC choosing the “completely closed” method, while GC still decides to relocate the
    school site. Comparing States 2 and 6, the latter is a better solution based on the consideration of
    social and economic benefits.
    In the case of the Changzhou Conflict discussed above, Figure 5 describes the path of the conflict
    from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final resolution. After BPC purifies the soil
    by fully enclosing the site, GC decides not to move the Changzhou Foreign Language School (move
    from State 1 to State 5). In order to actually protect the teachers and students, and to prevent a similar
    accident from happening again, EPA decides to supervise BPC. This state not only achieves the
    resolution of healing the environment properly, but also diminishes the physical harm to teachers
    and students. At this point, each participant in the Changzhou Conflict reaches a balanced state.
    Decision Makers
    Status Quo
    1 5 6
    EPA (DM1) N N Y
    BPC (DM2)
    Y Y Y
    N N N
    GC (DM3)
    Y N N
    N Y Y
    N N N
    Figure 5. Evolution of the conflict from the status quo through an intermediate state to the final

    The main reasons for coalition as far as GC and EPA are concerned are that State 6 is better than
    State 1 for both coalition participants, and neither can get to State 6 by unilateral improvement. From a
    practical point of view, it is very common for government offices to partner in the case of an emergency.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    11 of 14 

    4.3. Coalition Analysis 

    Comparing Tables 11 and 12, we find the following: States 1 and 5 are balanced, but while the 

    DMs  consider  a  coalition,  States  1  and  5  are  not  in  equilibrium.  Now,  suppose  that  there  are 

    equilibrium jumps after the DMs reach a coalition. Figure 6 draws the path of an equilibrium jump 

    from State 1 to State 6. The GC contracts an alliance with EPA: with the support of GC, EPA takes 

    action to supervise BPC, binding upon it. On this occasion, having effectively protected the health of 

    the teachers and students, GC decides not to relocate the school site on the basis of the social and 

    economic benefits. In other words, there is a direct transfer from State 1 to State 6. 

    Table 12. Coalition equilibrium states of Changzhou conflict. 

    Coalition Equilibrium States 

    2  6  12 

    Nash        

    GMR          

    SMR          

    SEQ          

    The main reasons for coalition as far as GC and EPA are concerned are that State 6 is better than 

    State 1 for both coalition participants, and neither can get to State 6 by unilateral improvement. From 

    a practical point of view,  it  is very common for government offices to partner  in the case of an 



    Figure 6. Evolution of Changzhou Conflict from the Status Quo to the Final Resolution.  

    4.4. Coalition Motivation and Real‐Coalition Stability Analysis 

    In line with the values of    or EPA and GC, we establish the appropriate score coordinate 

    system as depicted in Figures 7 and 8. 

    Figure 6. Evolution of Changzhou Conflict from the Status Quo to the Final Resolution.

    4.4. Coalition Motivation and Real-Coalition Stability Analysis

    In line with the values of SC or EPA and GC, we establish the appropriate score coordinate system
    as depicted in Figures 7 and 8.

    C I(H1) = 7.205. Because C I > 1, we say that the state improved significantly with a coalition
    between GC and EPA. As shown in Figure 7, points SC2 and SC3 are relatively close together. The SC
    of the coalition equilibrium state is closer to the SC of the most preferred state.

    C I(H2) = +∞; hence, the coalition equilibrium state is the most preferred state, which is the best
    result for a coalition. After coalition, the states of EPA and GC improve significantly, but the level of
    improvement for GC is evidently better than that for EPA. So, as the coalition progresses, GC will
    be more motivated to promote the coalition and devote itself to contribute to it. The values of C I
    for both coalition DMs are greater than 1, i.e., C I(H1) > 1 and C I(H2) > 1. This implies that both
    parties would find it easy to reach a consensus in the course of the coalition. The coalition relationship
    would be noticeably solid, and the coalition status would not be disturbed by exterior circumstances.
    In reality, coalitions between government departments tend to be exceedingly tight, so this finding is
    more consistent with real life.

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 12 of 15

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    12 of 14 


    Figure 7. Score coordinate system of EPA (DM1). 

    7.205. Because  1, we say that the state improved significantly with a coalition 
    between GC and EPA. As shown in Figure 7, points  and    are relatively close together. The 
      of the coalition equilibrium state is closer to the of the most preferred state. 


    Figure 8. Score Coordinate System of GC (DM3). 

    ∞; hence, the coalition equilibrium state is the most preferred state, which is the best 
    result for a coalition. After coalition, the states of EPA and GC improve significantly, but the level of 

    improvement for GC is evidently better than that for EPA. So, as the coalition progresses, GC will be 

    more motivated to promote the coalition and devote itself to contribute to it. The values of    for 
    both coalition DMs are greater than 1, i.e., 1 and  1 . This implies that both parties 
    would find it easy to reach a consensus in the course of the coalition. The coalition relationship would 

    be noticeably solid, and the coalition status would not be disturbed by exterior circumstances. In 

    reality, coalitions between government departments tend to be exceedingly tight, so this finding is 

    more consistent with real life. 


    Figure 7. Score coordinate system of EPA (DM1).

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311    12 of 14 

    Figure 7. Score coordinate system of EPA (DM1). 
    7.205. Because  1, we say that the state improved significantly with a coalition 
    between GC and EPA. As shown in Figure 7, points  and    are relatively close together. The 
      of the coalition equilibrium state is closer to the of the most preferred state. 
    Figure 8. Score Coordinate System of GC (DM3). 
    ∞; hence, the coalition equilibrium state is the most preferred state, which is the best 
    result for a coalition. After coalition, the states of EPA and GC improve significantly, but the level of 
    improvement for GC is evidently better than that for EPA. So, as the coalition progresses, GC will be 
    more motivated to promote the coalition and devote itself to contribute to it. The values of    for 
    both coalition DMs are greater than 1, i.e., 1 and  1 . This implies that both parties 
    would find it easy to reach a consensus in the course of the coalition. The coalition relationship would 
    be noticeably solid, and the coalition status would not be disturbed by exterior circumstances. In 
    reality, coalitions between government departments tend to be exceedingly tight, so this finding is 
    more consistent with real life. 

    Figure 8. Score Coordinate System of GC (DM3).

    5. Conclusions

    Having considered the difference in the state preferences of DMs, we proposed a confidence level
    function, αt, and a Boolean function about preference statements as a foundation on which to construct
    a score function We then proposed a paradigm for measuring the coalition motivation of each DM,
    and further studied real-coalition stability. Finally, we applied an improved GMCR to the Changzhou
    Conflict, contrasting the original and new methods to find that the new preference state sequences were
    consistent with the original results. Through real-coalition stability analysis, we found the following:
    The Government of Changzhou would be more autonomous and would commit itself to coalition, and

    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1311 13 of 15

    an alliance with the EPA would not be interrupted by external factors or other outsiders, meaning
    that the coalition relationship would not be easily broken up. Future research could be expanded
    from the following two aspects: (1) identify the main contradiction through sensitivity analysis to
    more effectively address the problem or guide the evolution of a conflict toward an expected direction;
    and (2) accurately measure the impact of opportunity cost on coalition results in the real world by a
    quantitative method.

    Acknowledgments: The National Social Science Fund Major Projects (14ZDB151) and Key Projects (16AZD018);
    National Science Foundation of China under Grants (41701593, 71371098, 71571157); National Key Research
    and Development Program of China (2016YFC1402000); Public Welfare Industry Research Projects (201305034,
    201405029); The Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Sciences Development Report Breeding Project
    (13JBGP005); General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015M580611); Qingdao
    Postdoctoral Application Research Project Funding (251); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
    (201613006, 201564031).

    Author Contributions: Kedong Yin designed the structure and analyzed the case study; Xuemei Li proposed the
    idea; Li Yu wrote the paper and perform the calculations.

    Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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    • Introduction and Motivation
    • Framework of Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
    • Score Function and Real-Coalition Analysis
    • Score Function
      Real-Coalition Analysis with Two DMs

    • Application of Improved GMCR
    • Background of Conflict and Modeling
      Stability Analysis
      Coalition Analysis
      Coalition Motivation and Real-Coalition Stability Analysis

    Conflict analysis based on the
    graph model for conflict

    resolution and grey matrix
    Xueshan Han, Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen and Haiyan Xu

    College of Economics and Management,
    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a complete theory of grey conflict analysis model
    based on grey game and the graph model for conflict resolution and also, to illustrate a case of
    “prisoner’s dilemma” in the traditional grey game as an example.

    Design/methodology/approach – Based on the theories of grey game and graph model for conflict
    resolution, this paper concentrates on the model of grey conflict analysis in a case of two players under
    the condition of symmetrical loss information. By analyzing decision makers, strategies, states, graph
    model and grey potential, and the number of decision makers’ steps, the pure strategy Nash equilibrium
    is extended to grey potential-general metarationality, grey potential-symmetrical metarationality, and
    grey potential-sequential stability. Meanwhile, the logical relationships between solutions are
    discussed. A specific case study is carried out to illustrate how the proposed grey conflict analysis model
    is used in practice.

    Findings – The results in this paper indicate that more stable solutions are found when one consider


    the grey potential-general metarationality, the grey potential-symmetrical metarationality, and the
    grey potential-sequential stability, and then solve the paradox of “prisoner’s dilemma”.

    Practical implications – This new grey conflict analysis model could be used to provide useful
    information for policy makers during existing conflicts or negotiations among parties or enterprises.

    Originality/value – The paper succeeds in constructing a new grey conflict analysis model, in which the
    solution concepts are studied; and the two-player grey game will be extended to n-players in the near future.

    Keywords Grey systems, Conflict resolution, Game theory, Conflict analysis, Grey game, Grey potential,
    Pure strategy,


    Paper type Research paper

    1. Introduction
    The classical game theory ( John and Osakar, 1944) was built on the precise mathematical
    fundamental. However, sometimes it cannot be used in practice due to the requirement for
    complete information. For example, in the zero-sum games of two-players, the profit and
    loss matrix that two game players depend on is from the judgment information. Due to the
    cognitive level, incomplete information, grey information (Deng, 1


    2) and the uncertainty
    of the future, game players may not have significant understanding for their strategic
    characteristics, space and payoff function, even if the information involved parties are
    symmetrical. Many researches are focusing their study on the game containing incomplete
    information. For example, Professor Fang and Liu (2003a, b, c) proposed the grey matrix
    game model based on pure strategy. Sequentially, Fang and Liu (2006) developed the
    matrix game of grey situation-pure-tactical Nash equilibrium in symmetrical loss
    information of game-equilibrium in n-people. They applied the ideology and theory of grey
    system to establish the standard grey matrix game and thus result in non-classical grey

    The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at

    Conflict analysis


    Grey Systems: Theory and

    Vol. 3 No. 1, 2013
    pp. 95-


    q Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    DOI 10.1108/20439371311293723

    number areas. Based on the zero-sum finite games of two-players and the most
    conservative game decision problem, Fang et al. proposed the necessary and sufficient
    conditions, as well as mentioned the concept of grey saddle point. Tao et al. (2004)
    introduced the definition of grey saddle point of grey mixed strategy based on mixed
    strategy of the grey matrix games. Also working on grey matrix and grey matrix game
    theory, Luo and Wu (2005) proposed the upper and lower equilibrium solution, ideal
    equilibrium solution, u positioned equilibrium solution and average positioned
    equilibrium solution. Luo and Wu (2006) focused on the concept of equilibrium solution
    and then established a method to rank alternatives in equilibrium solutions. By building
    the size relations of the potential of interval grey number, Mi and Fang (2005) proposed the
    position dominant strategy of grey potential and defined the pure strategy solution. On
    this point, Fang and Liu (2006) further introduced a condition of the optimal pure strategy
    and solution, as well as discussed the risks that game players face. Fang and Liu (2006)
    also researched the symmetrical loss information of game-equilibrium in a group of N
    people to define the grey situation-pure-tactical Nash equilibrium to make it easier to find
    the equilibrium of the pure grey situation up-and-down approach.

    It is necessary to mention the size relations of the grey number while studying grey
    games equilibrium. The main methods to compare the size of the interval grey number
    include grey position comparison (Fang and Liu, 2003a, b, c; Mi and Fang, 2005),
    simple grey number comparison (Fang and Liu, 2003a, b, c) and the probability
    distribution of the grey number (Xie and Liu, 2009).

    Grey games is mostly based on the traditional game theory but also considers the
    profit and loss value of the symmetrical defect by using a strategy analysis method. In
    cases using conflict analysis of situation analysis of metagame theory (Howard, 1


    the results will be much closer to the result of actual conflict. By simplifying the
    algorithms and adding more constraints, Fraser and Hipel (1979) proposed the F-H
    conflict analysis method. This method is more complete and compatible with actual
    conditions. It is expected to illustrate the essence structure of the objective world and
    establish a conflict model by extracting large complex and irregular information based
    on players’ strengths, attitudes and goals which are arranged in the order of preferences.
    The conflict equilibrium solutions are found by analyzing players’ stability.

    Kilgour et al. (1987, 1


    3) published the graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR)
    based on the idea of the F-H method. In GMCR, solution concepts, which characterize
    DM’s possible patterns in conflicts, play an important role to calculate the equilibrium
    solution. To depict a diversity of decision types, a variety of solution concepts has been
    put forward such as Nash stability (Nash, 1950, 1951), general metarationality (GMR)
    (Howard, 1971), symmetric metarationality (SMR) (Howard, 1971), sequential stability
    (SEQ) (Fraser and Hipel, 1979), limited-move stability (Fang et al., 1993) and non-myopic
    stability (Kilgour, 1984). The GMCR has been applied widely to environment conflict
    (Obeidi et al., 2002), business negotiation (Hipel et al., 2001; Xin et al., 2005), engineering
    negotiation (Moustafa et al., 2006) and so on. However, this method requires decision
    makers (DMs) to provide preference information which is hard to satisfy in real conflicts.

    For that reason, this paper discusses the conflict analysis of game theory and
    metagame theory in grey system and introduces the grey conflict analysis model based on
    the game theory framework by transforming from the static game into the expansion of
    the dynamic game. The computation of grey potential, weakening the preferred conflict
    analysis and DMs’ state transition, will expand the Nash equilibrium of the original grey




    potential pure strategy (adding one more consideration for equilibrium solution). This
    renders the game model closer to the reality and allows the intuitive sense of humans to
    have greater applicability.

    2. Basic concepts of grey game
    2.1 Basic definitions of grey game with pure strategy
    Definition 2.1. (Grey matrix) For each element of any certain matrix, if there exists grey
    number aij(^) (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , m; j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n), then this matrix is called grey number
    matrix and used A0ð^Þ ¼ ðaijð^ÞÞm£n ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; j ¼ 1; 2 . . . ; nÞ to represent.

    Definition 2.2. (Grey matrix game theory) In the two-person zero-sum finite games,
    players set the profit and loss matrix as grey matrix, then we call this matrix grey
    matrix game and denote as G0(^) ¼ {S01, S

    2; A

    0(^)}, where S01 ¼ {a
    1, a

    2, . . . , a

    m} is the

    set strategies of player 1 and S02 ¼ {b
    1, b

    2, . . . , b

    m} is that of player 2

    . A

    0(^) is players’
    grey profit and loss matrix.

    Definition 2.3. (Symmetrical incompleteness of profit and loss value information)
    In a game, we use the interval grey number to represent the profit and loss value
    information, which is mutual knowledge, thus in this situation the profit and loss value
    of the game is named defect and listed as U(^) ¼ {u1(^), u2(^), . . . , un(^)}.

    Remark. In order to make it easier to understand, in this paper, all grey numbers
    are limited as interval grey numbers as interval grey numbers in various types of grey
    numbers are the most representative.

    Definition 2.4. (The static game of the profit and loss value information
    symmetrical defect) In a game, the profit and loss value information U(^) ¼ {u1(^),
    u2(^), . . . , un(^)} and players’ corresponding set of strategies is called S(^) ¼ {s1(^),
    s2(^), . . . , sn(^)} then this static game of the profit and loss value symmetrical defects
    of the game is set as G(^) ¼ {S(^), U(^)}, simplified as G(^).

    For example, in a relatively closed color TV market, there are two oligopoly
    manufacturers. In order to seize more market share, they decide whether to decrease- or
    not-decrease-price strategy. In the real world, the profit and loss matrix is not clear and
    accurate but in terms of grey matrix, therefore we can use the interval grey numbers
    [aij, bij] [cij, dij] to represent this. Where [aij, bij] indicates that for manufacturer 1,
    because of the income value information of related defect, the corresponding revenue
    value is interval grey number; aij represents the minimum income that manufacturer
    1 can achieve in this case, bij represents the maximum income that can be achieved
    using this strategy. Similarly, cij, dij are those of manufacturer 2 (Table I).

    To be able to conduct the equilibrium analysis on the profit and loss value
    information symmetrical defect game mentioned above, there must be a method that
    can determine the size of the interval grey number. In some cases where the interval
    grey number is not easy to distribute clearly, the size comparison of the interval grey
    number is a trend. In this paper, we use the grey potential to compare the size of the
    interval grey number.



    Decrease Not-decrease

    Manufacturer 1 Decrease [a11, b11], [c11, d11] [a12, b12], [c12, d12]
    Not-decrease [a21, b21], [c21, d21] [a22, b22], [c22, d22]

    Table I.
    The grey game between

    two manufacturers

    Conflict analysis

    2.2 Compare the size of the interval grey number
    Given any two interval grey number ^ij [ [aij, bij] and ^st [ [ast, bst], where
    bst $ bij $ ast (Figure 1). Based on the value of the endpoints position of the two grey
    numbers, we can split into three intervals, [aij, ast], [ast, bij], [bij, bst], where [ast, bij] is the
    intersection area of two grey numbers.

    (1) Equipollence potential degree. Consider the intersection area of two grey numbers
    in the equilibrium region, set EPDij!st ¼ ðbij 2 astÞ=ðbij 2 aijÞ as grey number ^ij is
    the equipollence potential degree of ^st. Similarly, set EPDst!ij ¼ ðbij 2 astÞ=ðbst 2 astÞ
    as grey number ^st is the equipollence potential degree of ^ij.

    (2) Superiority potential degree. Based on the value of the endpoints position of two
    grey numbers, we set [bij, bst], on the right side of the intersection area, as the
    superiority region and SPDst!ij ¼ ðbst 2 aijÞ=ðbst 2 astÞ as grey number ^st is the
    superiority potential degree of ^ij.

    (3) Inferior potential degree. Similarly, we set [aij, ast], on the left side of the
    intersection area, as the inferior region and IPDij!st ¼ 2ðast 2 aijÞ=ðbij 2 aijÞ as grey
    number ^ij is the inferior potential degree of ^st.

    The sum of superiority potential degree and inferior potential degree of any given
    interval grey numbers ^ij [ [aij, bij] and ^st [ [ast, bst] is called potential difference,
    simply called potential:

    . If SPDij!st þ IPDij!st . 0, then we say grey number ^ij is advantageous to grey
    number ^st and denoted ^ij s ^st.

    . If SPDij!st þ IPDij!st , 0, then we say grey number ^ij is disadvantageous to
    grey number ^st and denoted ^ij a ^st.

    . If SPDij!st þ IPDij!st ¼ 0, then we say grey number ^ij is equivalent to grey
    number ^st and denoted ^ij , ^st.

    The set of size relation of grey number potential is a whole set which was detailed by
    Fang and Liu (2006). Although the size of grey number potential is not always the real
    size of grey number, it is helpful for people’s decision making under the conditions of
    defect information, as well as providing new research tools and ideas to search for the
    potential equilibrium policy of grey game.

    As mentioned above, the size of grey number is expressed in terms of a pair of
    binary relations ( s , ,). It is assumed to possess the following properties:

    . s is asymmetric, i.e. for any grey number ^ij, ^st, ^ij s ^st and ^ij a ^st
    cannot hold true at the same time.

    . , is reflexive, i.e. ^ij , ^ij and symmetric, i.e. if ^ij , ^st then ^st , ^ij.

    . ( s , ,) is complete, i.e. for any grey number ^ij, ^st, then one of ^ij s ^st,
    ^ij a ^st or ^ij , ^st is true.

    Figure 1.
    The relationship of grey
    interval numbers


    [aij, bij] [ast, bst]

    aij bijast bst



    3. The grey conflict analysis model
    We use V ¼ {N, S, P, (S, A)} to denote the grey conflict analysis model. N represents
    for a non-empty set of players. In this paper, there are two-players, so N ¼ {i, j}, each
    player chooses one strategy, so the group of players’ strategies is a situation (a state)
    (in order to make it unanimous, in this article, every strategy group is called a state). S,
    P stand for the non-empty set of all feasible states and the preference of each DM for
    each state, respectively, (according to the merits degree gained from the size
    comparison of grey potential). (S, A) indicates the set of all DMs of the state transition.

    3.1 Graph model and conflict analysis
    There are a few ways to define the equilibrium solutions of grey conflict analysis at first. In
    the conflict analysis, using graph theory to represent the conflict, a directed graph is
    defined as two-dimension (S, A), where S ¼ {s1, s2, . . . , sn} is vertices set (each point
    represents for a situation); A ¼ {a1, a2, . . . , an} has an arc that can change the situation
    causing by the change off DMs. The tail of arc means the original situation; the head of arc
    denotes the next situation; each DM responds to a graph and reachable matrix (Figure 2).
    For that, we can define the reachable matrix Ri(n£n) of DM:

    Riðs; qÞ ¼
    1; if DM can move from state s to state q in one step

    0; others


    Figure 2.
    The analysis procedure

    of the grey conflict
    analysis model





    Feasible states

    Profit and loss

    Grey potential




    Information to
    assist decision




    Conflict analysis

    From the above reachable matrix, we can get the set of player i’s reachable Ri(s) from
    state s:

    RiðsÞ ¼ {q [ S : Riðs; qÞ ¼ 1}

    A unilateral improvement means that a DM moves from a particular state to a
    preferred state. To represent unilateral improvements, each player’s reachability
    matrix Ri can be replaced by R

    i , defined by:

    i ðs; qÞ ¼

    1; if Riðs; qÞ ¼ 1; and piðsÞ a piðqÞ

    0; others

    Similarly, the set of player i’s unilateral improvements from state s can be defined by:

    i ðsÞ ¼ {q [ S : R

    i ðs; qÞ ¼ 1}

    According to the above several ways, the definitions of equilibrium solution under grey
    game theory are as follows.

    3.2 Equilibrium solutions under grey potential
    In the grey conflict analysis model, if a DM has no incentive to deviate from a certain
    state then this state is considered stable. If a state is stable for all DMs, it is an
    equilibrium state and is regarded as a possible resolution of the conflict.

    Definition 3.1. (Grey potential-Nash equilibrium), simplified as GP-Nash.
    Let i [ N. A state s [ S is GP-Nash stable for DM i, denoted by s [ S

    i ,

    iff (if and only if ) R

    i ðsÞ ¼ F.

    Additionally, s is said to be an equilibrium state of GP-Nash if s [ S
    i for all

    i [ N.
    From Definition 3.1 we can get: under GP-Nash equilibrium stability, there is no

    unilateral improvement for DM i, when it transferred to other state, the rest states must
    become disadvantages to the initial state, the initial state of the choices is the final state.

    Definition 3.2. (Grey potential-general metarationality), simplified as GP-GMR.
    Let i [ N. A state s [ S is GP-GMR stable for DM i, denoted by s [ S


    i , iff for

    every s1 [ R
    i ðsÞ, there exists at least one s2 [ Rj (s1), such that pi (s2) # pi (s).

    Additionally, s is said to be an equilibrium state of GP-GMR if s [ S
    i for all

    i [ N.
    In Definition 3.2 “ # ” is equivalent to “ a ” or “ , ”. Player i deems that the

    opponent will sanction i’s improvement at any cost.
    Definition 3.3. (Grey potential-symmeral metarationality), simplified as GP-SMR.
    Let i [ N. A state s [ S is GP-SMR stable for DM i, denoted by s [ S


    i , iff for

    every s1 [ R
    i ðsÞ, there exists s2 [ Rj (s1), such that pi (s2) # pi (s) and pi (s3) # pi (s) for

    all s3 [ Rj (s2).
    Additionally, s is said to be an equilibrium state of GP-SMR if s [ S

    i for all

    i [ N.
    GP-SMR solution is similarly to GP-GMR, however, for player i, there is still an

    opportunity to counter-back and the conflict ends after his or her counter-move.
    Definition 3.4. (Grey potential-sequential stability), simplified as GP-SEQ.



    Let i [ N. A state s [ S is GP-SEQ stable for DM i, denoted by s [ S


    i , iff for

    every s1 [ R
    i ðsÞ, there exists at least one s2 [ R

    j ðs1Þ, such that pi (s2) # pi (s).

    Additionally, s is said to be an equilibrium state of GP-SEQ if s [ S
    i for all

    i [ N.
    GP-SEQ solution is similarly to GP-GMR, the only difference is that the opponent

    will sanction i’s improvement, but only using their own improvements.
    The first column of Table II describes the approaches of different solution concepts

    to foresight which measures the maximum number of moves foreseen by a DM


    GP-Nash stability has foresight one; the other definitions (GP-GMR, GP-SMR and
    GP-SEQ) have foresight two or three.

    The disimprovement criterion indicates a DM’s willingness to move to a less
    preferred state. In GP-Nash and GP-SEQ stability, disimprovements cannot be
    accepted and in GP-GMR and GP-SMR, only disimprovements by opponents with the
    purpose of sanctioning are allowed.

    The last column of Table II shows the knowledge of preferences in the viewpoint of
    DM’s. Under GP-Nash, GP-GMR and GP-SMR, opponents’ preference rankings are not
    required. But under GP-SEQ stability, preference rankings for the focal DM and his
    opponent are required.

    3.3 Interrelationships of solution concepts

    Theorem 3.1. S


    # SGP-SMR



    # SGP-GMR

    ; SGP-Nash

    # S


    Proof. For i [ N, if state s [ S
    i , then R

    i ðsÞ ¼ F, which implies Definitions

    3.2-3.4, are satisfied because no s1 belongs to R
    i ðsÞ. Hence s [ S

    i , s [ S

    i ,

    s [ S
    i . This proves that S

    # SGP-SMR
    ; SGP-Nash
    # SGP-GMR
    # SGP-SEQ
    . A

    Theorem 3.2. SGP-SMR

    # SGP-GMR

    Proof. For i [ N, if state s [ S

    i , two cases may arise. First, R

    i ðsÞ ¼ F. In

    this case, s [ S
    i , and hence, s [ S

    i according to the theorem 3.1. Second,

    i ðsÞ – F. Because s [ S

    i , according to Definition 3.3, for every s1 [ R

    i ðsÞ,

    there exists s2 [ Rj (s1) such that pi (s2) # pi (s), and pi (s3) # pi (s) for all s3 [ Rj (s2).
    Discarding the information about s3, it is easy to see that Definition 3.2 is satisfied.

    Hence, s [ S
    i as well. This proves that S

    i # S

    i . A

    Theorem 3.3. S GP-SEQ # S GP-GMR.
    Proof. For i [ N, if state s [ S

    i , again, two cases may arise. First, R

    i ðsÞ ¼ F.

    In this case, s [ S
    i , therefore, s [ S

    i according to the above argument.

    Second, R
    i ðsÞ – F. Because s [ S

    i , for every s1 [ R

    i ðsÞ, there exists at least one

    Foresight Disimprovements Knowledge of preferences

    GP-Nash 1 Never Own
    GP-GMR 2 By opponents Own
    GP-SMR 3 By opponents Own
    GP-SEQ 2 Never All

    Table II.
    The differences between

    equilibrium solutions

    Conflict analysis


    s2 [ R
    j ðs1Þ such that pi (s2) # pi (s). However, s2 [ R

    j ðs1Þ # Rjðs1Þ, so, according to

    Definition 3.2, state s [ S
    i . This proves that S

    # SGP-GMR

    . A
    The logical relationships among four stability solutions as follows:

    S GP-Nash # S GP-SMR # S GP-GMR; S GP-Nash # S GP-SEQ # S GP-GMRand as shows in Figure 3.

    4. Example
    In a relatively closed colored TV market, let’s consider the problem of “prisoner’s
    dilemma” between two oligopoly manufacturers. Due to several reasons, their profit
    and loss value information are symmetry detect, the value (unit: million) can be used by
    interval grey number, as shown in Table III.

    4.1 DMs, options and states
    There are two DMs, as shown in the “prisoner’s dilemma” above. Manufacturers 1 and 2,
    we simply denote as DM1, DM2, respectively. DM1 has two options: decrease price or
    not-decrease price, so does DM2. Therefore, this game includes four states: s1 (decrease,
    decrease), s2 (decrease, not-decrease), s3 (not-decrease, decrease), s4 (not-decrease,

    4.2 Grey potential and preference information
    According to the definition of grey potential in part 2, we can calculate the superiority
    potential degree and inferior potential degree of four states.

    For DM1, We use these following formulas to calculate the superiority potential
    degree and the inferior potential degree between state s1 (decrease, decrease) and state


    (not-decrease, decrease):

    SPDs1!s3 ¼
    1 2 0

    1 2 ð21Þ


    IPDs1!s3 ¼ 2

    ð22Þ 2 ð21Þ

    1 2 ð21Þ


    SPDs1!s3 þ IPDs1!s3 ¼



    ¼ 1 . 0

    Figure 3.
    Interrelationships of
    solution concepts



    Manufacturer 2
    Decrease Not-decrease

    Manufacturer 1 Decrease [21, 1], [21, 1] [1, 2.5], [22, 0]
    Not-decrease [22, 0], [1, 2.5] [0, 2], [0, 2]

    Table III.
    The grey profit and loss
    matrix between two



    So, for manufacturer 1, state s1 is advantageous to state s3; similarly, we can conclude
    that state s2 is better than state s4, and state s4 is advantageous to state s1; according to
    the property of preference, we can get the preference information of manufacturer 1 as

    P1 : s2 s s4 s s1 s s3

    For DM2, the calculation of the superiority potential degree and the inferior potential
    degree between state s3 (not-decrease, decrease) and state s4 (not-decrease, not-decrease)
    as follows:

    SPDs3!s4 ¼
    2:5 2 2

    2:5 2 1


    IPDs3!s4 ¼ 2

    0 2 1

    2:5 2 1


    SPDs3!s4 þ IPDs3!s4 ¼



    ¼ 1 . 0

    So, for manufacturer 2, state s3 is advantageous to state s4; similarly, we can conclude
    that state s1 is better than state s2 and state s4 is advantageous to state s1; according to the
    property of preference, we can get the preference information of manufacturer 2 as

    P2 : s3 s s4 s s1 s


    4.3 Graph model
    When manufacturer 2 chooses the decrease strategy, for manufacturer 1, he can move
    from decrease to not-decrease, also, he can move from not-decrease to decrease; he can
    transform between state s1 and state s3; manufacturer 1 can transform between state s2
    and state s4 when manufacturer 2 selects the not-decrease strategy.

    Similarly, we can get the state transition of manufacturer 2. The graph model of
    DM1 and DM2 as shown in Figure 4.

    4.4 Equilibrium states and analysis
    According to Definitions 3.1-3.4, the process to calculate equilibrium is as follows.

    Considering state s1 (decrease, decrease): because R
    1 ðs1Þ ¼ F, so the state s1 is

    GP-Nash equilibrium state for DM1; additionally, because R
    2 ðs1Þ ¼ F, so the state s1 is

    GP-Nash equilibrium state for DM2. Therefore, state s1 is GP-Nash equilibrium. From
    the logical relationships among equilibrium solutions, we can conclude that state s1 is
    also GP-GMR, GP-SMR and GP-SEQ equilibrium state.

    Let’s consider state 4 for DM1 to explain why a state possessing a unilateral
    improvement can be GP-GMR stable. The diagram is shown in the first graph in
    Figure 5. DM1 can make a unilateral improvement to state 2 or else stay at state 4.

    Figure 4.
    Graph model for

    DM1 and DM2s3



    a1 a2 a3



    s1 s2

    s3 s4





    Conflict analysis


    From state 2, DM2 can move to state 1 or else stay at state 2. However, notice that state
    1 is less preferred than state 4 by DM1, so DM1 is willing to stay at the initial state and
    then state 4 is GP-GMR stable for DM1.

    Notice that when DM2 moves from state 2 to state 1, state 1 is more preferred than
    state 2 for DM2, so the state 4 is also GP-SEQ stable.

    The GP-SMR stable as shown in the second graph in Figure 5, is similar to
    Figure 4(a), the only difference is that the game is not over when DM2 moves to state 1
    and the DM1 has the chance to move from state 1 to state 3. While we notice that state 3
    is also less preferred than the initial state 4, so DM1 is willing to stay at state 4 and then
    state 4 is GP-SMR stable for DM1.

    The unstable state is shown the third graph in Figure 5. DM1 can make a unilateral
    improvement move from state 3 to state 1 or else stay at state 3. From state 1, DM2 can
    move to state 2 or else stay at state 1. However, notice that state 2 is preferred than
    state 3 by DM1, so DM1 is willing to move, then state 3 is not stable for DM1.

    Similarly, we can analysis the equilibrium states of DM2; the final equilibrium states
    as shown in Table IV.

    In Table IV, “1”, “2” indicate DM1 and DM2, respectively; “E” is the abbreviation of
    “equilibrium”, “U” denotes that the state is a stable state under the equilibrium
    solution. For example, state s2, it is GP-Nash stable state for DM1, but it’s not GP-Nash
    stable state for DM2; while, state s1, it’s GP-Nash stable for both DM1 and DM2, then the
    state is GP-Nash equilibrium.

    From the results of equilibrium states in Table IV, we can conclude as follows: when
    considering the GP-Nash equilibrium, only one state s1 (decrease, decrease) is the final
    equilibrium state, which is consistent with the classical game theory. All DMs are

    Figure 5.
    The diagram of calculate
    equilibrium solutions



    Note: “s” means “stay”






    1 2 E 1 2 E 1 2 E 1 2 E

    s1 U U U U U U U U U U U U
    s2 U U U U
    s3 U U U U
    s4 U U U U U U U U U

    Table IV.
    The final
    equilibrium states



    considering the best of personal, but in fact, the individual interest has conflict with the
    collective interest. That is the “prisoner’s dilemma”. When we consider the GP-GMR,
    GP-SMR and GP-SEQ solutions, we can find that except state s1 is the stable state, state s4
    (not-decrease, not-decrease) is also the stable state. The main reason is that: the DM
    considers only one step under GP-Nash equilibrium. The explanation is that the DM is
    short-sighted and has no long-term vision. In contrast, the DM will consider multiple steps
    under the GP-GMR, GP-SMR and GP-SEQ stability. Therefore, for a sufficient farsighted
    DM, he or she will select state s4 (not-decrease, not-decrease) as the last equilibrium state.

    5. Conclusions and future work
    In this paper, we combine the grey game theory with the GMCR in two persons based
    on pure strategy and construct the grey conflict analysis model. Detailed contributions
    along this research include:

    . From the number of DM’s steps, pure strategy GP-Nash solution was extended to
    GP-GMR, GP-SMR and GP-SEQ concepts.

    . Interrelationships of solution concepts were investigated; theoretical results
    established interrelationships of the four solution concepts.

    . An illustrative example was developed to demonstrate how the grey conflict
    analysis model and these solution concepts can be applied, the example results of
    this paper showed that the proposed model is reliable and reasonable.

    The proposed method in this paper establishes a hybrid framework for conflict
    analysis by combining grey game and GMCR together. The hybrid system that
    extends GMCR by allowing preference to be expressed in grey interval values is more
    general than existing grey game theory and GMCR.

    To allow complex cases such as economic and social applications to be efficiently
    and expeditiously analyzed, the two-player game will be extended to n-players in the
    near future.


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    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 35 No. 4, pp. 441-5.

    Fang, Z.G. and Liu, S.F. (2003b), “Pure strategy solution and venture problem of grey matrix
    game based on undeterminable directly interval grey number”, Journal of Jilin University
    (Engineering and Technology Edition), Vol. 36 No. 1, pp. 137-42.

    Fang, Z.G. and Liu, S.F. (2003c), “Study on grey matrix game based on pure strategy (I): building
    on normal grey matrix game”, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition),
    Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 796-800.

    Fang, Z.G. and Liu, S.F. (2006), “Matrix game of grey situation-pure-tactical Nash equilibrium in
    symmetrical loss information of game-equilibrium in n-people”, Proceeding of Modern
    Industry Engineering and Management, pp. 70-4.

    Fraser, N.M. and Hipel, K.W. (1979), “Solving complex conflicts”, IEEE Transactions on Systems,
    Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 9 No. 12, pp. 805-17.

    Conflict analysis


    Hipel, K.W., Kilgour, D.M., Fang, L.P. and Peng, X. (2001), “Strategic decision support for the services
    industry”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 358-69.

    Howard, N. (1971), Paradoxes of Rationality: Theory of Metagames and Political Behavior, MIT
    Press, Cambridge, MA.

    Howard, N. (1976), “Prisoner’s dilemma: the solution by general matagames”, Behavioral Science,
    Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 524-31.

    John, V.N. and Osakar, M. (1944), The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, The Press of
    Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

    Kilgour, D.M. (1984), “Equilibria for far-sighted players”, Theory and Decision, Vol. 16, pp. 135-57.

    Kilgour, D.M., Hipel, K.W. and Fang, L.P. (1987), “The graph model for conflicts”, Automatica,
    Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 41-55.

    Luo, D. and Wu, S.X. (2005), “Research on binotary finite zero-sum in grey games with mixed
    strategy”, Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), Vol. 44 No. 3, pp. 318-21.

    Luo, D. and Wu, S.X. (2006), “Research on two-person zero-sum in finite games with grey uncertain
    restriction”, Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), Vol. 45 No. 1, pp. 29-32.

    Mi, C.M. and Fang, Z.G. (2005), “Study on strategy dominance and pure strategies solution of
    grey matrix game based on interval grey number not to be determined directly”, Chinese
    Journal of Management Science, Vol. 13 No. 6, pp. 81-5.

    Moustafa, K., Keith, H. and Tarek, H. (2006), “Conflict resolution in construction disputes using
    the graph model”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 132 No. 10,
    pp. 1043-52.

    Nash, J.F. (1950), “Equilibrium points in n-person games”, Proceedings of National Academy of
    Science, Vol. 36, pp. 48-9.

    Nash, J.F. (1951), “Non-cooperative games”, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 54 No. 2, pp. 286-95.

    Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W. and Kilgour, D.M. (2002), “Canadian bulk water exports: analyzing the
    sun belt conflict using the graph model for conflict resolution”, Knowledge, Technology
    and Policy, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 145-63.

    Tao, Y., Liu, S.F. and Fang, Z.G. (2004), “Solution of grey matrix game based on grey mixed strategy”,
    Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Vol. 36 No. 4, pp. 524-7.

    Xie, N.M. and Liu, S.F. (2009), “On comparing grey numbers with their probability distributions”,
    Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 169-75.

    Xin, S., Ye, C., Keith, W.H. and Kilgour, D.M. (2005), “Comparison of the analytic network process
    and the graph model for conflict resolution”, Journal of Systems Science and Systems
    Engineering, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 308-25.

    Further reading

    Howard, N. (1987), “The present and future of metagame analysis”, European Journal of
    Operational Research, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 1-25.

    Liu, S.F., Dang, Y.G. and Fang, Z.G. (2004), Grey Systems Theory and Its Applications, The Science
    Press of China, Beijing.

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    Comparing Correlations Between

    Four-Quadrant And Five-Factor

    Personality Assessments
    Cathleen S. Jones, Robert Morris University, USA

    Nell T. Hartley, Robert Morris University, USA


    For decades, some of the most popular devices used in educating students and employees to the

    values of diversity are those that are based on a four-grid identification of behavior style. The

    results from the scoring of the instruments provide individual profiles in terms of a person’s

    assertiveness, responsiveness, and preferred tone of interacting with his environment. In the past

    decade, a five-factor framework has gained in popularity as an assessment instrument. The scope

    of the current paper is a comparison of a four-factor instrument (questionnaire) to a five-factor

    instrument (questionnaire) to establish correlations between the two. If the information can be

    seen as being complimentary rather than disconnected, then users will benefit from synergy as

    they encounter different instruments throughout their careers. Also, duplication of effort in terms

    of using multiple instruments may be reduced.

    Keywords: Personality Assessment; DISC; Five-Factor Model; Education; Organizational Behavior



    eople have always tried, through anecdotal evidence, to make assumptions and develop myths and

    superstitions that impact their lives (example: money can buy happiness . . . as long as you spend it

    on other people). The importance of individuality in understanding behavior is best expressed by

    Kurt Lewin, a neo-gestalt, in his formula: B=f(e x p). The behavior of any one person is due to who he is and the

    environment in which he finds himself. While it is human nature to observe and pass judgment (categorize) the

    people with whom we interact, based on anecdotal evidence, science offers a more reliable way of assessing others

    and ourselves. Lewin was at the forefront of scholars who believed that a basic purpose of any science is to develop

    theory. Theories are carefully worded statements specifying relations among variables that explain and predict what

    will happen. In this paper, we seek to relate theory to practice. The purpose of one is to generate knowledge; the

    purpose of the other is to be able to put the knowledge into practice (Sanderlands n.d.). Our understanding of the

    transfer of knowledge encourages us to explore ways in which commonalities of theories lead to comprehension and

    practice of knowledge.

    In this paper, the micro unit of behavioral study is that of individual personality. Personality instruments

    provide individual profiles in terms of a person’s assertiveness, approach to decision-making, responsiveness, and

    preferred style of interacting with his environment. The two instruments being compared are the four-quadrant

    Jungian-based DiSC and the Five-factor Model of Personality.


    Around 80 percent of the Fortune 500 companies use personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type

    Indicator, to assess their employees for the purpose of coaching, development, and team building (Dattner, 2008). A

    review of the literature supports the need for understanding and validating this popular practice.


    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    The underlying assumed value of using personal assessments in class is that an understanding of the

    knowledge provided will enable the person to become closer to reaching his full potential. Jung predicted

    “…modern man can only know himself insofar as he can become conscious of himself” (Jung, 1957, 79). Having

    an objective – if not always a 100% accurate descriptive theory of one’s self and the impact that one has on others –

    may influence our interpersonal skill acquisition. Personality research supports the theory that recognition of one’s

    preferred behavior and preferred environment influences the challenges one accepts and the decisions one is most

    likely to make. “There is nothing so practical as a good theory” (Lewin, 1951, 100). The caveat here is that the

    knowledge in no way determines what we are able to do.

    An increased synergy is anticipated through the generalizations that apply to the results of this study.

    Perspectives on learning, leadership, conflict resolution, and communication are natural extensions of personality

    awareness. The instruments are based on theories. The reader is reminded that the point of this paper is not to

    question the theories, but rather to show the similarities in them and their root derivation. Scholars have shown that

    positive transfer occurs when learning in one context improves performance in another context (Perkins, 1992, 3);

    i.e., a student who learns in one class that his style tends toward that of a “High I, High S” can build on that

    information in a subsequent corporate training session where the trainer prefers to use the Five-factor vocabulary of

    “Extravert, Agreeable.” Furthermore, the knowledge of “type/style” will help him further in understanding and/or

    communicating with a difficult co-worker who defiantly says, “You just don’t understand me; I’m an ISTJ.”


    work by Allesandre – the discussion of a “Platinum Rule” – is an additional logical extension of the use of the



    Writings which span popular and scholarly work exhort the importance of self-knowledge. Three such

    scholars are Peter Senge, Daniel Goleman, and Peter Drucker. Peter Senge, in his well-received materials on

    “learning organizations”, writes on the importance of the personal mastery which is defined as “learning to expand

    our personal capacity to create the results we most desire, and creating an organizational environment which

    encourages all its members” (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, & Smith, 1994, pg. 6). It is his belief that people with a

    high level of personal mastery achieve results that matter most to them personally. “People who excel in these skills

    (personal awareness) do well at anything that relies on interacting smoothly with others; they are social stars”

    (Goleman, 1995, 43-44). “And yet, a person can perform only from strength. One cannot build performance on

    weaknesses, let alone on something one cannot do (or be) at all.” (Drucker 2005, 100)

    Conventional wisdom is that each of us is unique because no environmental experiences of the genetic pool

    are the same for any two people. Our personalities are an important determinant of our behavior. “Because

    personality is an important determinant of how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, it is helpful to distinguish

    between different types of personalities.” (Staw, 2004, p. 7) This idiographic research seeks to correlate data from

    two differently constructed assessment tools – the four-quadrant DiSC and the Five-factor Personality Assessment.

    As early as 400 BC, Hippocrates was trying to categorize personality types in an effort to understand individual

    differences. It was a more recent scholar – Carl Jung – who discovered that one’s psychological make-up,

    “temperament”, “style”, or “type” influences and limits one’s judgment and establishes one’s relationship to the

    world. Over 1,400 dissertations, theses, books, and journal and newspaper articles have been published on these

    personal inventories. The fundamental assumption behind identifying core responses and needs is that what may

    seem like a random variation in behavior (i.e., clean car vs. dirty car people) occurs not by accident but by

    observable differences in mental functioning – the way in which people prefer to gather, process, and disseminate


    Despite the variety of names used in the four-quadrant instruments to connote a person’s place in the grids

    (Otter, INTF, Compliant, Color Yellow) and the proliferation of instruments, there is no appreciable difference in

    concept and/or information (Motley & Hartley, 2005). There is alignment in information provided. The four-

    quadrant instrument used in this research is the DiSC which takes its name from four basic types of behavior –

    dominance, influencing, steadiness, and compliance. The current version is based on the works of Swiss

    Psychologist Carl Jung and, later, by Americans William Marston, Walter Clark, Jack Mohler, and Tom Ritt (Ritt,

    1980). The Personal DiSC Concept derives its underpinnings from William Marston, a physiological psychologist

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    writing in the 1920s and 1930s. The DiSC instrument measures surface traits and is intended to explain how they

    lead to behavioral differences among individuals (Inscape Publishing, 1996).

    In building on Jung’s theory of personality, Marston was concerned primarily with improving human

    relationships. “Dr. Marston intended to explain how normal human emotions lead to behavioral differences among

    people as well as to changes in a person’s behavior from time to time. His work focused on finding practical

    explanations that would help people understand and manage their experiences in the world.” (Inscape Publishing,

    1996, Pg. 2) “Marston sought to explain how people adjust to tensions within the environment by looking at their

    emotional response to it and then relating this response to behavior.

    Described on the website as the most universally accepted test for determining human

    behavior, the four quadrants for the DISC personality test are:

     Drive/Dominance (D) – task-oriented, fast-mover, bottom-line-oriented

     Influence (I) – people-oriented, energetic, desire popularity and praise

     Steadiness (S) – very people and family-oriented, motivated by loyalty and security, slower-moving

     Compliance/Conscientiousness (C) – task and detail-oriented, wants all information, slower-moving

    The DISC personality test has been taken by more than 50 million people and published in books that

    appear in 35 languages (Harlow, T., 2009, October 9). “Studies have revealed that more than 81% of a participant’s

    colleagues see DISC Assessment as a very accurate picture of a person’s habitual behavior patterns. Among those

    who are primarily “D” in their style, accuracy is rated at 91%; for “I” types, it is 94%. Primarily, “S” type

    individuals perceive 85% accuracy, while for “C” types, it is 82%. This gives us an 88.49% perceived accuracy,

    with a standard deviation of 6.43%. In other words, the DISC Profile generated by this process is perceived as

    highly accurate, in most situations, by most participants” (Personality Insights).

    The Five-factor Theory, also known as the Five-factor Model (FFM) or the OCEAN, is based on research

    into the concept of grouping of personality descriptors that began as early as 1917 (Goldberg, 1992). Years of

    scrutinizing and testing the evolving theory provided a platform for the current model based primarily on the work

    of Costa and McCrae. Their work in 1992 benefitted from the work of many independent researchers who had

    begun to study known personality traits in order to find the underlying factors of personality (Digman, 1990). The

    five factors are in a hierarchy and on a continuum. The theory addresses the relative presence of the following five


    • Openness – open-minded, an interest in art, emotional, adventurous, new ideas, and curiosity
    • Conscientiousness – typically self-disciplined, results-oriented and structured, traditional, and dutiful
    • Extraversion – high energy level, people person, extrovert, and gets stimulated by being around others
    • Agreeableness – compassionate, cooperative, ability to forgive and being pragmatic; let’s get the thing


    • Neuroticism – sensible, vulnerable, in extreme – emotionally unstable and neurotic

    Tables 1 and 2 contain a summary of a literature review presenting the advantages of the DISC personality

    assessment and the Five-factor Model.

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    Table 1: Advantages of DISC Personality Assessment

    Advantages Citation(s)

    Frequently used by business organizations Reynierse, J. H., Ackerman, D., Fink, A. A., & Harker, J. B.

    (2000). The effects of personality and management role on

    perceived values in business settings. International Journal of

    Value – Based Management, 13(1), 1-13.

    Easy to administer and interpret -Slowikowski, M. (2005). Using the DISC behavioral

    instrument to guide leadership and communication. AORN

    Journal, 82(5), 835. doi:10.1016/S0001-2092(06)60276-7

    -The benefits of using Disc (2010). Retrieved from

    -Spies, R. A., & Plake, B. S. (Eds.). (2005). The sixteenth

    mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute

    of Mental Measurements

    Has been shown to be a predictor of success in areas such as

    employee retention, job success, sales management, and

    persuading patients to accept treatment plans that are essential

    for their health and well-being

    Deviney, D., Mills, L. H., & Gerlich, R. (2010). Environmental

    impacts on GPA for accelerated schools: A values and

    behavioral approach. Journal Of Instructional Pedagogies, 31-


    Proven to be reliable and consistent (2005). Disc validation research report. Inscape Publishing, 1-

    22. Retrieved from



    Provides three perspectives: personal, private, and public

    which presents a more rounded view of personality

    Motley, 2005

    Table 2: Advantages of Five-factor Model

    Advantages Citation(s)

    Able to better understand people who score in the middle range

    (in comparison to MBTI (Myer Briggs Type Indicator))

    Furnham, A. (1996). The big five versus the big four: The

    relationship between the myers-briggs type indicator (mbti)

    and neo-pi five-factor model of personality. Pergamon, 21(2),


    The FFM has been the most widely accepted working

    hypothesis of personality structure (1997)

    (McCrae & Costa, 1997)

    Evidence exists for the criterion-related validity of scores on

    FFM measures

    Ehrhart, K. H., Roesch, S. C., Ehrhart, M. G., & Kilian, B.

    (2008). A test of the factor structure equivalence of the 50-

    item ipip five-factor model measure across gender and ethnic

    groups. Journal of Personality Assessment, 90(5), 507-516.

    Equivalent translations exist in half a dozen languages which

    permits wider cross-cultural universality

    Thalmayer, A., Saucier, G., & Eigenhuis, A. (2011).

    Comparative validity of Brief to Medium-Length Big Five

    and Big Six Personality Questionnaires. Psychological

    Assessment, 23(4), 995-1009. doi:10.1037/a0024165

    Faculty Survey

    To confirm the use of personality tests as assessment instruments in courses, a short survey of university

    faculty was conducted. An email with a link to the survey was sent and 67 completed responses were received

    during the data collection period of September 8-13, 2011.

    The sample consisted of 38 women (57.6%) and 28 men (42.4%). Of the sample, 93.8% (61respondents)

    listed their highest degree completed as a doctoral. The highest level degree was in Business (68.2%, 45

    respondents) and the remaining 31.8% was evenly split between Education, Psychology, and Other. Responses to

    the question about years teaching at the college/university level were fairly evenly split among the categories as

    shown in Table 3. The survey respondents make up a good representation of university faculty, primarily in the

    Business area.

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    Table 3: Years Teaching
    Frequency Percent


    0-9 18 26.9

    10-19 18 26.9

    20-29 13 19.4

    30+ 17 25.4

    Total 66 98.5

    Missing System 1 1.5

    Total 67 100.0

    Fifty-six respondents (83.6%) indicated that they administered personality tests in their courses. Those

    who did not stated a variety of reasons, ranging from a lack of understanding of the test instruments to doubt about

    the validity to concern about the impact on the students or the course, to an objection to the cost which would not be


    As shown in Table 4, Organizational Behavior was the most frequent response for the question about

    courses in which the personality tests were administered, which is not surprising since the prospective respondents

    were recruited from an Organizational Behavior-related email list.

    Table 4: Course in Which Tests were Administered

    # %

    Organizational Behavior 44 65.7%

    Principles of Management 12 17.9%

    Freshman Experience 5 7.5%

    Other 16 23.9%

    A variety of personality tests was administered by the faculty responding to the survey. As seen in Table 5,

    of the two personality instruments discussed in this article, the Big 5 was used much more widely than the DISC

    personality test. Results were much more evenly split in terms of how many textbooks included personality tests.

    According to the respondents, 59.1% (39) of their textbooks included personality tests.

    Table 5: Type of Personality Test/Social Inventory Administered

    # %

    Myers-Briggs 35 52.2%

    Big 5 27 40.3%

    DISC 4 6%

    Other 20 29.9%

    Examining the results of the question of which personality tests are included in textbooks (Figure 1) helps

    to explain the results for which personality tests are administered in courses. Of the textbooks that included

    personality tests, the majority were Myers-Briggs and/or Big 5. From this brief survey, evidence exists that

    personality tests are used in numerous courses.

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    Figure 1: Name of Personality Tests/Social Inventories Included in Textbooks

    Although the DISC personality assessment received a low number of responses for personality instruments

    used in class and personality tests included in the textbook, it is used extensively in industry. Apparently, university

    faculties are administering the Big 5 more often in class, but the DISC personality assessment is being used more by

    industry. The question then presents itself as to whether knowledge of the Big 5 (Five-factory Theory Model) has

    any transferability if students are presented with the DISC personality test at their jobs. The focus of the remaining

    analysis will address this question and seek to determine if there is enough of a correlation between these two

    personality instruments that knowledge of one instrument will inform people about the other personality test.


    Research Design

    During a semester-long undergraduate course in Organizational Behavior at a small Northeastern

    university, students completed multiple personal assessments. Two of the assessment instruments used were the

    “Personal Concept” – also known as DISC by Jack Mohler – and the Five-factor Theory taken from a standard

    textbook in Organizational Behavior. Students used unidentifiable code names and recorded the scores for both

    instruments. Scores were plotted anonymously. Gender and major were self-reported.


    People involved in filling out the instruments were participants in an undergraduate class in which the use

    of instruments is a central part of the learning experience. All students in the class filled out both personality

    instruments. Eighty-nine out of the 110 students reported the results of both personality instruments (approximately

    81% of the class). Recording the scores of the instruments is voluntary.

    Sample Description

    As shown in Table 6, the sample is weighted more heavily toward men than women – almost a 60/40 split;

    however, the composition of the class was more male than female. Thus, the sample is a good representation of the

    class and both genders were adequately represented. The majority of respondents were management and marketing

    students, making up 61.8% of the sample. The breakdown of the majors in the student sample is shown in Table 7.

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    Table 6: Gender of Respondents
    Frequency Percent

    Male 55 61.8

    Female 32 36.0

    Missing 2 2.2

    Total 89 100.0

    Table 7: Student Major

    Number of Respondents Percent of Sample

    Accounting 14 15.7

    Finance 5 5.6

    Hospitality and Tourism Management 3 3.4

    Management 34 38.2

    Marketing 21 23.6

    Sports Management 6 6.7

    Other (non-business) 4 4.4

    Missing 2 2.2

    Total 89 100.0


    Overall Hypothesis

    There is a strong similarity in the characteristics represented in the four quads theories as represented by

    DISC and in the Five-factor theory.

    Hypothesis Formation

    Hypotheses were formed by comparing the adjectives used to assess each respondent’s personality style,

    (Hunter Wells International, 2005; Andre, R., 2008). Synonyms were compared and grouped together as shown in

    Tables 8 and 9.

    Table 8: DISC Adjectives

    D I S C

    forceful expressive restrained compliant

    Strong-minded emotional satisfied careful

    pioneering influential Easy mark correct

    domineering attractive willing precise

    determined stimulating Even-tempered fussy

    demanding captivating patient timid

    Self-reliant companionable kind Open-minded

    persistent playful Self-controlled agreeable

    High-spirited talkative Good-natured Soft-spoken

    impatient convincing contented resigned

    aggressive Good mixer gentle respectful

    nervy poised accommodating conventional

    argumentative confident relaxed cooperative

    restless inspiring considerate Well-disciplined

    courageous optimistic sympathetic diplomatic

    positive eager lenient exacting

    adventurous enthusiastic loyal adaptable

    Will power entertaining Good listener humble

    competitive Life-of-the-party obedient tolerant

    vigorous persuasive neighborly cautious

    outspoken eloquent reserved strict

    dogged animated obliging devout

    assertive gregarious nonchalant docile

    bold outgoing moderate perfectionist

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    Table 9: Five-factor Model Adjectives
    Introversion/Passivity Extraversion/Energy Conscientious Undirected

    Retiring Sociable Well organized Disorganized

    Sober Fun-loving Careful Careless

    Reserved Affectionate Reliable Undependable

    Aloof Friendly Punctual Late

    Inhibited Spontaneous Self-reliant Dependent

    Quiet Talkative Businesslike Playful

    Passive Active Persevering Quitting

    Loner Joiner Hardworking Lazy

    Task-oriented Person-oriented Practical Impractical

    Follower Leader Conscientious Negligent

    Traditional (closed) Adventurous (open) Stable Emotional

    Conventional Original Calm Worrying

    Down-to-earth Imaginative Relaxed High-strung

    Uncreative Creative Even-tempered Temperamental

    Narrow interests Broad interests Secure Insecure

    Not curious Curious Patient Impatient

    Unadventurous Daring Not envious Envious, jealous

    Conforming Independent Adaptable Vulnerable

    Prefer routine Prefer variety Objective Subjective

    Traditional Untraditional Comfortable Self-conscious

    Inartistic Artistic Self-satisfied Self-pitying

    Tough-minded Agreeable

    Critical Lenient

    Serious Cheerful

    Competitive Cooperative

    Skeptical Trusting

    Argumentative Agreeable

    Stubborn Flexible

    Egocentric Selfless

    Cynical Gullible

    Manipulative Straightforward

    Proud Humble

    Adjectives were compared to each other. Some of the adjectives were exact matches and some were found

    using to find synonyms. Remaining synonyms not found on the website, but

    determined to be logical matches, were also included. Symbols for the Hypothesis tables are:

     Synonyms were checked with

     *synonyms found in

     +not found on synonym website, but considered to be a logical match

    From the comparison of adjectives for both personality assessment instruments, the hypotheses shown in

    Table 10 emerged.

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

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    Table 10: Hypothesis Formation

    Five-Factor Adjectives DISC Adjectives Hypotheses

    Adventurous D Hypothesis #1: The ranking of D is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Adventurous Adventurous

    Original Pioneering

    Daring Courageous*, Adventurous+, Bold*

    Independent Self-reliant

    Tough-minded D Hypothesis #2: The ranking of D is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Tough-minded Willpower+

    Competitive Aggressive+

    Argumentative Competitive+

    Stubborn Forceful

    Egocentric Argumentative

    Proud Determined

    Extraversion I Hypothesis #3: The ranking of I is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Extraversion Outgoing

    Sociable Companionable, Good mixer+, Gregarious,


    Fun-loving Entertaining+, Life-of-the-party+

    Friendly Outgoing*

    Talkative Talkative

    Leader Influential+


    Agreeable S Hypothesis #4: The ranking of S is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Lenient Lenient

    Cooperative Accommodating*, Obliging+

    Agreeable Kind, Good-natured, Considerate+

    Gullible Easy mark+

    Stable S Hypothesis #5: The ranking of S is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Even-tempered Even-tempered

    Patient Patient, Gentle

    Not envious Contented+

    Comfortable Relaxed

    Self-satisfied Contented+

    Introversion/Passivity C Hypothesis #6: The ranking of C is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Retiring Timid*

    Quiet Soft-spoken+

    Follower Compliant+

    Conscientious C Hypothesis #7: The ranking of C is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Careful Careful


    Conscientious Precise+, Fussy+

    Stable C Hypothesis #8: The ranking of C is

    positively correlated with the ranking of

    Calm Resigned*

    Even-tempered Docile+

    Adaptable Adaptable


    Data consisted of the actual scores for the Five-factor Model and a ranking of the DISC factors. Because

    one of the variables (DISC) was ordinal in nature, a Spearman rank correlation coefficient was calculated to test the

    hypotheses (Tables 11 and 12). For the correlations, only the left factors were included for the Five-factor Model

    (FFM). The FFM left factors are the opposite of the right factors, so it was not considered necessary to test both


    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

    468 Copyright by author(s) Creative Commons License CC-BY 2013 The Clute Institute

    Table 11: Correlation Matrix (Big Five With DISC)
    Ranking for

    D I S C

    Big 5

    Factor One LEFT


    Correlation coefficient

    Sig. (2-tailed)













    Big 5

    Factor Two LEFT

    Traditional (closed)

    Correlation coefficient
    Sig. (2-tailed)












    Big 5

    Factor Three LEFT


    Correlation coefficient
    Sig. (2-tailed)











    Big 5

    Factor Four LEFT


    Correlation coefficient
    Sig. (2-tailed)












    Big 5

    Factor Five LEFT


    Correlation coefficient
    Sig. (2-tailed)












    Total N 86 85 86 85

    *Correlations are significant at the .05 level (2-tailed)

    **Correlations are significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)

    Note: The results were also examined using Kendall’s Tau-b and yielded the same results, so only the Spearman rank correlation

    coefficient results are presented here.

    Table 12: Results Of Hypothesis Testing: Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

    Hypothesis #1: The ranking of D is positively

    correlated with the ranking of Adventurous.

    Not supported: No significant correlation was found.

    Hypothesis #2: The ranking of D is positively

    correlated with the ranking of Tough-minded.

    Supported: A significant positive correlation existed between the

    ranking of Tough-minded and D was .278* which was significant at

    the .05 level.

    Hypothesis #3: The ranking of I is positively correlated

    with the ranking of Extraversion.

    Supported: I was negatively correlated with Introversion (the opposite

    of Extraversion) at the .01 level. The correlation was -.383**.

    Hypothesis #4: The ranking of S is positively correlated

    with the ranking of Agreeable.

    Supported: S was significantly negatively correlated with Tough-

    minded at the level of .01 (correlation = -.308). This hypothesis was

    supported since Tough-minded is the opposite of Agreeable.

    Hypothesis #5: The ranking of S is positively correlated

    with the ranking of Stable.

    Supported: S was positively correlated with the ranking of Stable

    (correlation = .275*; significant at the .05 level).

    Hypothesis #6: The ranking of C is positively

    correlated with the ranking of Introversion.

    Supported: The correlation = .300**; significant at the .01 level.

    Hypothesis #7: The ranking of C is positively

    correlated with the ranking of Conscientious.

    Not supported: no significant correlation found

    Hypothesis #8: The ranking of C is positively

    correlated with the ranking of Stable.

    Not supported: No significant correlation was found.


     D was significantly negatively correlated at the .01 level with the ranking of Stable (correlation = -.297**).

     I was significantly negatively correlated at the .05 level with the ranking of Traditional (correlation = –

     S was significantly positively correlated at the .05 level with the ranking of Traditional (correlation =


    Eight significant correlations between the Five-factor Model and the DISC personality assessment were

    uncovered. Each correlation was consistent with both theories, including the additional correlations which were

    found to be significant. No significant correlations contradicted any of the hypotheses. Therefore, a significant

    American Journal Of Business Education – July/August 2013 Volume 6, Number 4

    2013 The Clute Institute Copyright by author(s) Creative Commons License CC-BY 469

    correlation exists between the Five-factor Model and the DISC personality assessment. The logical conclusion is

    that knowledge of one of these personality assessments does provide information about the other. An understanding

    of the Five-factor Theory Model used more widely in the classroom (according to the survey of university

    professors) is likely to help the student understand the DISC personality assessment used more widely in industry.

    Knowledge transferability appears to exist at least at some level for these two instruments. Josh Bersin, president

    and CEO of Bersin & Associates, an Oakland, Calif., research firm stated, “Personality tests are ‘growing like

    wildfire … the employment assessment market overall is worth about $2 billion, up 15 percent from last year.”

    (Tahmincioglu, 2011) Also, as seen in the survey of university faculty, the majority of teachers (83.6%) use

    personality assessments as part of their course content. Considering the wide use of personality tests at universities

    and in the business world, the results of this analysis provide practical application for students seeking to apply what

    they have learned at university to the working world. This study has provided recognition that multiple instruments

    provide feedback that is complimentary. It is anticipated that with this new knowledge and synergistic application,

    the Extravert/lion may actually lie down with the Intravert/lamb.”


    Because the study only examined two personality assessments, a natural subject for further study would be

    to analyze correlations between additional personality assessment instruments. Of particular interest would be if the

    Five-factor Theory and the DISC personality assessment instrument were correlated with the Myers Briggs test

    which was used the most by sample respondents (52.2%). Another direction for further research is to document the

    connection between the personality descriptors and those describing conflict, learning, leadership, and



    Cathleen S. Jones is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Robert Morris University specializing in Marketing

    Research, Social Media for Marketing, and International Marketing. She holds a Doctor of Science in Information

    Systems and Communication from Robert Morris University, an MBA from the Tepper School at Carnegie Mellon

    University, and a BA from Westminster College. Her doctoral field project examined the role of health information

    and health icons on restaurant menus on restaurant patrons’ food choices. Other areas of interest include working

    with Engineering on collaborative interdisciplinary projects and consulting with small businesses and the FDA. E-

    mail: (Corresponding author)

    Nell Tabor Hartley is University Professor of Management at Robert Morris University. She has taught in the

    Graduate School of Education and recently taught in Europe. She holds a B.A. from Agnes Scott College; M.S. from

    University of Illinois, and Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. A focus of her teaching and corporate consulting is

    recognition and utilization of individual differences. She has twice received the president’s top teaching award. She

    is an elected board member of Organizational Behavior Teaching Society and on the editorial board of Journal of

    Management History. E-mail:


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    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    *Corresponding Author 2855





    Shehu Aliyu Mukhtar*

    Department of Management Sciences, Kano State College of Arts and Sciences, Kano-



    The paper provides a general look at conflict and conflict management strategies in

    workplace. As part of its objective, it discovered the common sources and types of conflict,

    basic component to conflict, importance as well as problems associated with conflict in an

    organizational setting.The paper delves on some aspect of employee job satisfaction. It

    proposes anfuture empirical investigation between organizational conflict management

    strategies and employee job performance.

    Keywords: Conflict management, strategy, organization, workplace.


    Conflict is as old as man, because it coexists with human existence and interaction between

    different social forces (human beings, religion, culture, marriage) that make up the human

    society. The social composition of the society reveals the existence of various social elements

    which share so many things in common in terms of culture, biological nature; identity and so

    on (Veshki, Jazayeri, Shariff, Esfani, Aminjafari&Hosnije, 2012). However, human beings

    differs in so many respect as a result of individual differences which manifested in form of

    emotional feelings, perception, physical structures, psychology etc. Despite, these differences

    the social nature of man necessitates the interaction of man with another fellow human

    being(s). However, the more they interact the more there is bound to be a conflict, as a result

    of their differences in either personal, family and societal levels, making conflict endemic

    and ubiquitous and as well pervasive in every human society past or present, traditional or

    modern, simple or complex, and at all levels of the society. Hence conflict is inevitable as all

    human societies, communities, organizations and interpersonal relationships experience

    conflict at one time or the other in the process of their regular interactions (Bagobiri and

    Kassah, 2009). Conflict affects the entire organisation, its segments, sub-segment and

    components the same way it affects the society in general.Therefore, conflict is inevitable

    between organization and organizational members within the environment, which simply

    means that conflict is a common phenomenon between workers and the management and

    between individual workers within the organization.

    Conflict management may be perceived as a wider concept involving conflict resolution and

    transformation when necessitated and it is more of a long term arrangement involving

    institutionalized provision and regulative procedures for dealing with conflict. Whenever they

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2856

    occur, people must learn to manage conflict productively, otherwise the risk to society and it

    development are overwhelming, individual and organization use various approaches to

    manage / resolve


    1.1 Problem Statement

    Conflict is inevitable in human society, it arises with human existence. One cannot eliminate

    conflict but it can be properly managed. Differences in goal attainment, shared resources,

    interdependence in work activities, poor communication, and perception are identified as

    major problems leading to organization conflict (Aliyu, 1999). Poorly handled conflict may

    generate more conflict at an individual or organizational level (Woodrow, 1999).


    The concept has been variously defined by different scholar and other stake holders.Robbin

    (1974) defined Conflict as any kind of opposition or antagonistic between two or more

    parties.Conflict is a fight and contest among people with opposite needs, ideas, beliefs,

    values, or goals (The Foundation Coalition, 2003). Zorn (2009) viewed conflict as a state of

    affairs in which people express differences in satisfying their needs and interests, and they

    experience interference in achieving them. Omolalabi (2001) viewed conflict as a state of

    serious disagreement and argument about something perceived to be important by at least one

    of the parties involved.Sasso, (1990) defines conflict as a process in which an individual

    firmly makes a conversed effort to offset the efforts of another individual by some form of

    obstruction that causes hindrance to the latter in accomplishment of his goals or furtherance

    of his interests.It is defined as a mere disagreement between two or more organizational

    members or groups arising from the fact that they must engage in inter-dependent work

    activities and from the fact that they have different status, goals, values and perceptions. Gray

    and Sarke (1989) in Bagobiri and Kassah (2009), defined conflict as a behaviour by a person

    or group that is purposely designed to inhibit the attainment of goals by another person or

    group. Based on this definition, conflict can be seen as a state of opposition, disagreement or

    incompatibility between two or more people, group or organization which is sometimes

    characterized by physical violence.Wilson and Hanna (1990) describe conflict as a struggle

    involving opposing ideas, values, and or limited resources, this shows that conflict exist

    between employees and management, where each partly want to achieve the objectives /

    goals through scarce resources available in the organization. In a nutshell, conflict is viewed

    as an action which presents, obstruct, interferes with, injures or renders ineffective another

    action with which it is incompatible.Conflict management involves implementing strategies

    to limit the negative aspects of conflict and increase the positive aspects of it at a level equal

    to or higher than where the conflict is taking place. The aim of conflict management is to

    enhance learning and group outcome (Rahim, 1992). It is not concern with eliminating all

    conflict or avoiding it. Conflict can increase group outcome when managed properly. Overall

    conflict management should aim to minimize conflict at all levels, attain and maintain a

    moderate amount of substantive conflict, and use the appropriate conflict management

    strategy to effectively brings about solutions, and also to match the status and concerns of the

    parties in conflict. On the other hand, organisation is seen as a system, having an established

    structure and conscious planning, in which people work and deal with one another in a

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2857

    coordinated and cooperative manner for the accomplishment of recognized goals. In as much

    as people will work together in order to achieve stated objective there is bound to be a


    2.1 Types of Workplace conflict

    Workplace conflict is a specific type ofconflict that happens in workplaces. According to

    Luthan (1998), conflict can occur at the individual, interpersonal, group or organizational

    levels. Kirkwood (2002), viewed the various types of conflict that exist in organizations to

    includes data conflicts, structural conflicts, relationship conflicts, and interest conflicts which

    can lead to disputes, grievances, lawsuits, complaints, strikes, and disciplinary actions.Rahim

    (1992), identified the following workplace conflict types as:

    a- Inter-personal Conflict: This is a conflict between two or more individuals due to

    personality differences. It arises due to differences in experience and the Knowledge of

    carrying out certain task. For instance, conflict may arise between production engineer and

    foreman. The engineer who feels he has the knowledge of production, thus processes should

    be followed systematically on the other hand, foreman feels that he has the experience and

    therefore, some processes should be rejected to minimize cost.

    b- Between Individual and group: This type of conflict arises because of the way individuals’

    deals with the pressures for conformity imposed on them by their work group; it is the

    inconsistencies that arise between individual’s decision and that of the group.

    c- Between groups in the same organisation: This is a conflict between Organisations

    functional units because of the inter-relationship that existed between them. For instance,

    sales department may be in conflict with production department either because quality is too

    low or prices are too high to meet with competition.

    d- Between organisations in the same Environment: This deals with external to organisations.

    It is the existence of conflict between the various organisations within the environment.

    2.2 Sources of Conflict in the Work Place

    Aliyu (1999), identified five major sources of conflict within the organisational setting as:

    • Shared Resources: This potential of conflict exists because vital resources in

    organisations are limited, and at the same time such resources need to be allocated. Some

    groups will inevitably get less than what they need, therefore conflict arise because

    organisational groups compete for the greatest possible share of the limited available


    • Differences in goals: Various functional units within the organisation with dissimilar

    goals, know-how and responsibility tend to be in conflict with one another. For instance,

    sales department may wish to lower price to attract customer while production department

    may wish to increase price to meet with current production costs.

    • Interdependence of work activities: the potential for conflict to exist in situations where

    two or more sub-units depends upon each other to complete their tasks if the works are

    evenly distributed but the rewards are dissimilar

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2858

    • Differences in Values, perception and attitudes: Individual differences in values attached

    to things and issues, the way and manner through which people perceived things and issues as

    well as individual behaviour also result to conflict. Where there are differences in goals

    among organisational units, such differences usually result to different attitude, values and

    perception and these often lead to conflict.

    • Poor Communication: This implies a situation of either preventing others from

    understanding an issue or failure to fully and clearly define the duties and responsibility of

    individuals and sub-units. Barriers in communication lead to failure to understand and clarify

    issues, hence serving as a major source of conflict.

    Bell (2002) advocates on the following reasons as the major source for conflict in the

    workplace: conflicting needs, conflicting styles, conflicting perceptions, conflicting goals,

    conflicting pressures, and conflicting roles.Echezona (2007) identied the following as the

    major cause of Conflict which includes among others as; political factors, external factors,

    economic factors, government policy, inadequate flow of information sharing, development

    patterns/inequalities, ethnic/ religious factors respectively.

    2.3 Component of


    Kaneth (1984), suggested four components in the conflict Process as follows:

    a- Parties Involved: Conflict must involve at least two parties i.e. individuals, groups and


    b- Field of the conflict: The field of conflict is defined by Kaneth as ‘The whole set of

    relevant possible state of the social system’. This means any of the parties view would

    interfere, intervene or cause friction to itself, work process or the goal of the organisation.

    c- Dynamic of the conflict situation: This means that each party adjusts its position, it feels

    is congruent to its opponent. It is the level or state of intensity with which the conflict is

    pursued or existed over time. One thing to note on the dynamics of conflict is that it

    fluctuates over time.

    d- Management control/ Resolution of conflict: Whether the field of conflict is justified or

    not, the destructive or constructive, the dynamics of conflict cannot be left unable. As conflict

    cannot be solved or eliminated once and for all because of its dynamic nature. What is of

    importance in conflict resolution is to prevent it from becoming pathological.

    2.4 Conflict Management and Control

    Conflict management is a process whereby managers in organizations decide on the proper

    methods to take in order to manage conflict situations. Whether strategies usedwill entail

    overpowering conflict or stimulating it, is usually a matter managers have to decide on by

    themselves.Aliyu(1999), identified the following elements as ideal for minimizing and

    controlling conflict in organisations work structures and procedures which includes:

    • Ensuring that data for problem solving are generated in common: This method involves

    the setting up of meetings or task forces with members cutting across various departments

    and organisations structure. It also involves hearing from all parties to conflict.

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2859

    • Rotating people among the different work group and department in the organisation: This

    involves job enrichment most especially job rotation. This can be improve through enhancing

    the manpower training of the employees.

    • Recognising the interdependence of individuals and groups and establish means of

    bringing them into closer contact: This entails coordination and integration aspect of

    management functions. Canteens, sporting facilities, parties and other social and recreational

    activities promote interaction among staff.

    • Locating a common enemy: Conflicting parties may be made to realise that, the conflict

    may emanates from a third party and the third party could be inside or outside the


    • Developing a common set of goals and objectives: These goals and objectives are the

    justifiable reasons for organisations existence; therefore, effort should be geared toward

    accomplishing them.

    • Producing Organisational manuals and handbook: Thorough reading and understanding

    of them could improve performance in that they guide workers in performing jobs, spell out

    channels of communication, rights and obligations, rewards and penalties.

    • Minimising status barriers and Rigidity: Here flexibility should be adapted and review of

    rules, procedures, manual instructions and decision should be in harmony with changing

    organisational environment.

    In (2008), Joshi identified the following as the management strategies in conflict when he

    conducted an interview with 74 children between the ages of (8.5-11.5) in an exploratory

    study of interpersonal conflict between Children. The management strategies are: submission,

    compromise, conventional, standoff, third party intervention, aggression, assertion,

    discussion, appeal to a rule, withdrawal. Non-action, adult intervention, and time elapse.

    George, (2013), identified the following approaches to conflict management:

    • Smoothing mode: In this approach conflict is completely denied. The parties to the

    conflict ignore the conflict by putting it under the carpet and pretend that it does not matter or


    • Avoidance / Unilateral Moves: In this case conflict can be resolved when one party

    withdraws. This is mostly useful to inter-personal conflicts. It should be clearly understood

    that when a party withdraws the other party will no longer be in conflict.

    • Edicting/ Placation of Parties Involved: In this approach the conflicting parties are usually

    called by higher level administrators and persuaded them so as to reach a consensus.

    • Confrontation Mode: At this stage the resolution absolute power is used by the third party

    within or outside the organisation. It is however worthy to know that all avenues are

    exhausted, proper hiring taken and objective judgement made before resorting to this


    2.5 Importance of Conflict

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2860

    Atiomo (2000) cited in Abubakar (2009), identifies the following benefits associated with

    conflict in organisational settings as:

    • Conflict helps to raise and address Problems: It is through conflict that both manager and

    subordinate will be able to identify problems and it is through this, that the problem identified

    will be address with a view of providing lasting solution to the problem.

    • Energizes workers: Conflict in an organisation lead to energize workers/ employees to

    perform certain job/ task, so that organisation can achieve its primary goal, e.g. market share,

    profitability, higher sales volume and goodwill.

    • Help people learn how to Recognise and benefits from their differences: Human being

    differs in many different ways e.g. perception, believe, values and norms, etc. It is through

    conflict that most of these differences are identified and people tend to benefit from them.

    • Helps Organisation to move forward: It is with conflict that individual differences are

    identified which will in the long run pave way for members of such organisation to map out

    strategies of overcoming with the major cause of conflict, hence allows for team work and

    consequently result in moving the organisation forward. The paper discovered a number of

    problems associated with conflict, despite numerous benefits derived from it existence.

    2.6 Problems associated with workplace conflict


    Carter (2008), identified the following problems:

    � Hamper Productivity: Conflict affect organisational productivity because of the simple

    fact that little or no attention will be given to the job, thereby concentrating on major issues

    that causes the conflict, hence lower productivity is to be achieve.

    � Conflict lead to Poor Morale: When conflict exists in an organisation, there are likely

    tendencies of having behaviour disorder in that organisation, i.e. issues like disrespect of

    supervisors, poor attitude to work, late coming etc.

    � Conflict causes more and continued conflict: The existence of conflict in organisational

    setting, if not adequately managed and or minimised will serve as an avenue for continued

    conflict. Managers are strongly advised to objectively assess conflict situation with a view of

    providing lasting solution.

    � Conflict lead to Friction of organisational Members: As the name implies, conflict divide

    the members of organisation in to a number of groups, each with distinct ideology and goal to

    achieve. Hence, the principle of teamwork which is an integral part of management objective

    will not be realised.

    � Conflict leads to deviation in Goal Attainment: The existence of conflict in organisational

    setting, if not adequately managed will lead to failure of achieving the primary goals and

    objectives of affected organisations.

    2.7 Concept of Job


    Job satisfaction is the feeling of an employee towards his work. Aliyu(1995) describes morale

    fromindividuals’ point of view as the degree to which individual needs are satisfied and the

    degree to which the individual desires satisfaction from his total job situation Work

    satisfaction is an important workplace construct and one that is of concern for effective

    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

    Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved 2861

    management. Satisfaction is a pleasing or positive demonstrative state resulting from the

    appraisal of one’s job (Carter, 2008).Satisfaction with supervision is one of the most

    important attitudinal issues in the workplace that managers face. Itis a collection of feelings

    or affective responses of the organizational members which are associated with the job

    situation within the organization. Individual subordinate with higher levels of satisfaction

    with regulation demonstrates lessened propensity to look for other job and decrease

    propensity to leave (Judge, Thoresen, Bono & Patton,2001). It is important for managers to

    improve ways of satisfying employees.Dana (2001) defined workplace conflict as a

    circumstance amongworkers whose jobs are interdependent, who feel annoyed, who perceive

    others as being a fault and who act in ways that cause a business problem.


    Base on the above discussion and literature review, this paper proposes a conceptual

    framework illustrated as

    The literature reviews indicate a direct relationship between Organizational Conflict

    Management Strategies and Employee Job Satisfaction. Hence, the framework suggests that,

    the ability of Organization conflict management depends to a large extend on Employee job

    satisfaction. The framework could be empirically examined in the future study.


    Conflict represents a mere disagreement between individuals within an organisation. It is as

    old as man, meaning there was conflict right from day one. No organisation regardless of its

    sound policies, plans, goals articulation is free from conflict. Hence, as an endemic and

    inevitable phenomenon, it must be addressed to ensure smooth conduct and continuity of the

    organisation and achievement of its designated objective (s). Otherwise, continued conflict

    brings organisation to its knee and its eventual collapse as a system.


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    and Productivity in Nigeria. A Paper Presented At a Departmental Seminar

    Organised by the Research and Academic Development committee, School of

    Management Studies, Kano StatPolytechnic held on 3
    June, 2009.

    Aliyu MS. Conflict and Conflict Resolution in organisation. Kano: The

    Triumph newspaper, 1999; 7.

    Bagobiri YS, Kassah V..Principles of Management (2
    Ed.). Zaria: Enifab

    Graphics Press, 2009.




    Employee Job


    IJMRR/ May 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 5/Article No-3/2855-2862 ISSN: 2249-7196

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