Personal Leadership Statement
MAKE SURE THE THESIS STARTS WITH “This paper will talk about
You are going to write a Personal Leadership Statement that is between 400-600 words. It shouldbe double-spaced and have one-inch margins. One of the most important aspects of leadership isself-knowledge and in particular awareness of your priorities and values. Keep it simple, clear,and honest.Your leadership statement should talk about your aspirations for leadership. These are thequestions to answer or think about for your leadership statement:1) In what part of your life do you want to be a leader or role model? You can be aleader/role model in your family, in a school club, at work, with friends, etc.2) What kind of leader do you want to be and why? Pull in course material from class toanswer this prompt. Do you want to be a transformational leader? Do you want to be aservant leader?3) Think about specific actions, behaviors, habits, and qualities that would have a significantimpact. Make sure your leadership mission statement is positive. Instead of saying whatyou don’t want to do or don’t want to be, say what you do want to do or become. Includepositive behaviors, character traits, and values that you think is particularly important andwant to develop further. Again, you should apply course material when writing aboutthese actions, behaviors, characteristics.4) Discuss how your actions, habits, behavior and character traits affect the importantrelationships in your life.5) Discuss how your leadership mission statement could potentially affect all the areas ofyour life. What will be the emotional payoff if you do become this kind of leader? Thatis, will you be happier or more stressed? Will you have better relationships with yourcoworkers, family members, or friends? Will you have to weigh priorities in your life?In general, create a leadership mission statement that will guide you in your day-to-day actionsand decisions.