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questions to answer

Peer Review Criteria

  1. Evaluate the thesis statement: Note whether the author’s topic and overall assessment of these particular articles are clearly stated. Make suggestions to help with the wording if you think it will help the author’s clarity.
  2. Share any concerns you have about the credibility of the author’s sources. You can also suggest other sources or kinds of sources that would help the author to have the most comprehensive understanding of his or her particular topic.
  3. Note which articles that the author evaluates seem to be the most credible and authoritative and which seem less reputable.
  4. Note whether this short essay convinces you that the author has located sufficient materials to be knowledgeable about his or her topic for the final essay and, therefore, is ready to proceed to the next stage in the process working toward the final essay.
  5. Offer corrections to errors in in-text citations and references. We want to have a discussion about how to correctly format citations and references so that this aspect of writing is also made clear in the process of writing.

Hello Laura!
Within your rough draft, I had a hard time with your thesis. It seemed really choppy and a bit confusing. I did get the point that you were going to be writing an essay on cyber bullying, but I think adding in the extra wording made it a bit confusing for me. I do not have any concerns about your credibility of sources, because they all seem like credible journal entries from the SUO library. Cyber Bullying, Cyber Aggressors, and Electronic Bullying seem to be your most credible and relate-able sources. I’m not sure how the article “Editorial for the special issue on Bullying” will help within your essay. This seems to be the less reputable article of the bunch. I think this essay has lead me to believe that you have located material that is sufficient to your topic and will help you become more knowledgeable about cyber bullying. The only issue I have with your essay is there seems to be a lot of grammar and punctuation issues, which lead me to having to re-read sentences over and over to understand them correctly. I would just suggest that you really read your essay over a few times out loud before submitting it to make sure that you didn’t miss anything with the Spell checker and grammar. Overall, great piece and good luck!
Thank you,
Katie Lewis


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Evaluation of Sources for Nature Versus Nurture

Hazel M Morrow

South University Online

Evaluation of Sources for Nature Versus Nurture

It is a long standing debate, nature versus nurture, genetics versus environment. It has flowed back and forth over the years as scientific advances bring new information to the populace. The idea that people are a product of their environment, V of how they were raised has been around for a long time. However, even back before the study of genetics, people would say things like, “It’s just how he is” or “She’s always been that way, even though her parents are good [insert religious affiliation here] folks.” These signs of possible non-environmental behaviors have been around for a long time, delete comma as well. This is an issue that has been extensively researched. It has been looked at through the eyes of professionals in fields such as gender-related studies, various disease-related research studies, psychology, genetics, and even robotics. Because of this, there is a lot of potential source material no matter which side of the debate you decide to investigate. This makes it especially difficult, but even more necessary, to verify the validity of sources.

In the first article I examined, “Nature vs. Nurture: Emerging Science of Epigenetics Takes Us to the Crossroads to Explain What Causes Disease” from the Canada NewsWire, the author is anonymous. This is not uncommon in internet, or even news, sources. However, once I started reading through the article, the credibility of it increased. The article uses Dr. Arturas Petronis of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) as the primary source. The information and the accuracy of the article seem to be solid. The article was written in 2010. While new information may have emerged since then, nothing has emerged to invalidate the information presented in the article since then. This article is a good credible source for information. What is the original location of the source? Is it credible? If you don’t have an author, you have to look at the organization or publication.

The next article I looked over was called “Goodbye Nature vs. Nurture Debate” from the publication New Scientist. The author of the article is Evelyn Fox Keller, an associate professor in Arizona. I figured this was an extremely credible source. I found the original article, “The Sound of Distant Drumming”. It is in the section of the periodical called, “The Big Idea” which is an opinion section. This lowered the credibly of the source greatly for me. Then I learned that Evelyn Fox Keller is an associate professor of history and philosophy of science. She is not an expert in the field of genetics, behavioral studies or even psychology. Better check her background before you make this conclusion/she was trained as a physicist originally This lowered the credibility of the article even more. The information seems to be accurate. The article contains a lot of good general information. It was also published in 2010, so again timeliness might mean more information has emerged, but not necessarily negated the information contained within the article. Because of the author and its focus as an opinion piece, however, I would use it as a source only with other sources backing up the same information. Opinion in and of itself is not a reason to doubt the credibility of a source. Evaluate the information used to support the opinion.

The article “Pediatrics; beyond nature vs. nurture: Parental guidance boosts child’s strengths, shapes development” again has an anonymous or unknown author. It is in the respected psychology periodical Psychology & Psychiatry Journal which raises its credibility greatly. Who respects the journal? How do you know? The information that it contains is general, but focused on child rearing. The information seem to be accurate. The year 2010 is apparently the go-to year for this subject because that is when this article is also published. The same holds true for this as the previous articles in regards to timeliness. It appears to be a very good credible source.

“The Threshold Hypothesis: Solving the Equation of Nurture vs. Nature in Type 1 Diabetes” is a research document with four different contributing authors. At least one of the authors is a faculty member of the department of pathology at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine. These two things make it a strong credible source for the topic. The information within the document is a very narrow representation of the overall subject of my paper, however. The accuracy of the information is a bit questionable, because the paper proposes a theory which is not yet proven. It is published in 2011 which makes it more recently researched and written than the previous articles. It could be a decent source for very narrowly focused information as long as it is noted that the information is theoretical.  

Thomas Bartlett’s “The Puzzle of Boys” in The Chronicle of Higher Education, is a great article regarding the gender-based study group of the subject. Thomas Bartlett is a senior writer for The Chronicle. He is not an expert in the field of nature versus nurture. However, his article reviews many books on the subject as related to boys and quotes many of the experts who have written these books. Article itself contains information gained from the books referenced and the information is sometimes contradicting, but accurately portrayed. It was written in 2009, which makes it so far one of the oldest among the source material. I am not sure I would use this as a source, though I might use one of the many books and publications that are discussed within the article.

This next article focuses again on a narrow portion of the subject, but it is a portion of the subject that is often discussed. “Research Examines Traits; New Step Reported by Researchers Trying to Untangle Nature vs Nurture” has an anonymous or unknown author. Again, this is common in internet or news publications. The information within the article, while specific, has generalized ramifications that can be used to apply to the subject. The accuracy of the article is uncertain, but seems it seems to be valid. This was published in early 2009, so I would prefer information that is a little more new. But the information within should still be valid to subject and can be used as a potential source.

The next source I looked at is “Nature vs. Nurture in Special Education.” The author is an associate professor in special education therefore she has some authority on the subject within her article. This makes the article credible to me. The publication is a scholarly journal, which makes it even more credible. The information is seems to be accurate and is backed up with several experts in the field of special education. However, the information may be too narrowly focused for my own paper. It was published in late 2009. While there might be newer information available on the subject, there have not been any great advances between then and now to invalidate the information contained in the article. Because of the narrow focus of the article, I would use it as a source only if this subject is needed to support my thesis.

The final article I found to be one of the most useful of them all. “Beyond Nature vs. Nurture” by authors Darlene Francis and Daniela Kaufer was a good general article with strong solid information. Darlene Francis is an assistant professor in the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health-Division of Community Health and Human Development. Daniela Kaufer is an associate professor in the Department of Integrative Biology and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at UC Berkeley. They have a fantastic background for researching and understanding the topic. The article was written in late 2011 in The Scientist. This article will definitely be one I used for the paper.

For the most part, people seem to have widely varying opinions and theories that fall somewhere in between the two extremes of the nature versus nurture debate. Also, most people tend to focus into a specific area of study and research the effects of how genetics and environment affect that one small branch. This makes finding research material difficult and time consuming. However, it is a rewarding subject, so it can be well worth the time involved in the research.

Hazel: This draft has a clear focus, a potential thesis, and some useful evaluation of your sources. In revision, I have several suggestions. First, review the suggestions regarding your evaluations of the sources. Be careful with assumptions about sources and authors. Second, work to vary your topic sentences by focusing on the sources rather than your search process. Third, clarify your thesis to show the reader how all of the evaluations fit together.


Bartlett, T. (2009 November 22). The puzzle of boys. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

Fox Keller, E. (2010 September 18) Goodbye nature vs. nurture debate. New Scientist. Retrieved from

Francis, D. & Kaufer, D. (2011 October 01). Beyond nature vs. nurture. The Scientist, 25(10), 94. Retrieved from

Marks, S. U. (2009). Nature vs. nurture in special education. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(3), 80. Retrieved from

NewsRx (2010 December 25). Pediatrics; beyond nature vs. nurture: Parental guidance boosts child’s strengths, shapes development. Psychology & Psychiatry Journal, 41. Retrieved from

Postmedia Network Inc. (2009 February 05). Research examines traits; new step reported by researchers trying to untangle nature vs nurture. The Times – Transcript. Retrieved from

PR Newswire Association LLC. (2010 June 10). Nature vs. nurture: Emerging science of epigenetics takes us to the crossroads to explain what causes disease. Canada NewsWire. Retrieved from

South University Online. (2013). ENG 2001: Composition III: Week 1: Evaluating Electronic Sources. Retrieved from

Wasserfall, C., Nead, K., Mathews, C., & Atkinson, M. A. (2011). The threshold hypothesis: Solving the equation of nurture vs nature in type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 54(9), 2232-6. doi:

Assignment two

Instructor :Gary Henry

Lula Kendrick



Cell phone and how they have changed us socially? This isn’t written as a question or a complete sentence
There are some advantages and disadvantage of how cell phone plural has word form changed people in society. There are people out there that take advantage of cell phone privileges and also there are people out there who use the cell phone in a respectable way. The ways we uses our cell phone can take the place of how we all interact with each other taking the place of family time with each other. This assignment requires a focus on the evaluation of your sources. Develop an introduction that shows that focus.


The first source I found states that having a cell phone have made life much easier for use. In the past with the telephone people had problems communicating and sending data to each other but, with the discovery of cell phone we can communicate better and sent data can be retrieved instantly. With the cell phone we can put application in online with employer, communicate with each other and surf the internet. The writer also stated that there also are disadvantages of having a cell phone in society. While driving and talking on the phone it has caused death and injury. Students can be any were and study for their exam by pulling up their work online through their phones. Bankers can send money at ease without going to the bank or through the computer. Rather than focusing on the information in the sources, this assignment requires an evaluation of the sources’ credibility.
The second source I ran across says that we tend to spend more time on the cell phone texting each other whether than talk to each other verbally. When family goes out to eat there is no communication going on because everyone is at the table on their phones texting, playing games, etc. The communication between family and friends are slowly fading away all because of the invention of the cell phone.
The third source I choose talks about how they ask couples how the cell phone has affect their relationship. If they have their cell phone offs it help foster closeness, connectedness, interpersonal trust, and perceptions of empathy and help increase the building blocks of their relationships. It serves as a reminder of the wider network to which we can connect, and communicate with people right next to us. They also stated that it can also reduce our social consciousness.
Another source says that we are always connected to everyone we are one click away. Those who have loved ones that are always traveling are able to keep in touch with each other. If something was to happen while you are traveling you can easily call road side assistant whether than waiting in the next car to come hoping the will be nice and stop offering you some help.
The reason why I choice this topic is because my search can be as wide and broad as I want it to be. I see how people treat the use of cell phone use each day ; ranging from hiding somewhere in the work place too out in public cursing disrespecting the people around them.
Lula: This draft has a focus and some information, but it doesn’t follow the instructions or fulfill the requirements of the assignment. This week’s essay assignment requires the evaluation of the eight sources located in the South University Library. In revision, locate eight sources in the library. Then use the information in Week 1 to evaluate the credibility of each source. Develop an essay that shows those evaluations and connects them with a thesis that shows what all of your evaluations add up to. Use the APA information in Week 1 to format your in text citations and references.

Works sited

How have Cell Phones changed us socially? Part 1

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