The purpose of this assignment is for you to evaluate a curriculum plan based upon what you have learned each module: week. You will accomplish this through describing the strengths or weaknesses of the curriculum plan. You will evaluate and critique onecurriculum plan 2separate times usingthe different articles or e-chaptersprovided during the assigned module: week. Each of the articles or e-chapters focus on a single topic or portion of a lesson. You will only need to critique that topic or portion of the lesson through the assigned articlesor e-chapters.
The paper will include an APA title page and be divided into threemain sections. You are not required to write an introduction or conclusion.
• Summary–The first section shall have a one-pagesummary of the assigned article or e-chapter. The goal of this section is for you to highlight the core concepts that are discussed in the assigned readings. This is not a time for analysis. Instead, just paraphrase and summarize the key points from the reading.You should not have any direct quotations from the assigned readings in your summary, but you should support it with in-text citations following APA guidelines.
• Comparison–The second sectionshall have 100-125 words comparing the article/e-chapter to the curriculum plan. In the comparison section, look for similarities between the lesson plan and the reading.
• Contrast– The final section shall have 100-125 words contrasting the article/e-chapter to the curriculum plan.In the contrast section, point out what the assigned readings would indicate that the lesson plan failed to do. In your evaluation, you should provide suggestions to improve the curriculum plan based upon what has been learned in this course.