Paraphrasing and Computer Database

HiPlease see attachment. I want you to parapharse and re-write the content which is written with red ink on the attached file. I need it perfect plz.

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Apart from paraphrasing red content, I also want you to add about 2-3 pages on following ………..Also i need add some information like history for these databases short history(Oracle and Microsoft access) and what are languages can be used inside these databases (The references for this section). 
Examples of programming languages supported by these databases. Everything need to be referenced and intext cited. 
refrences for this titles are:
MS: MS SQL and Visual Basic
•Oracle: Java Programming and SQLJ
(Ledeczi, et al, 2001 & Price, 2001).
1- Ledeczi, A., Maroti, M., Bakay, A., Karsai, G., Garrett, J., Thomason, C., … & Volgyesi, P. (2001, May). The generic modeling environment. In Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest, Hungary (Vol. 17). [Accessed: 28 Oct 2013].
2-Price, J. (2001). Java programming with Oracle SQLJ. O’Reilly. [Accessed: 4 Nov 2013].



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1.0 Introduction

An organised world in which databases do not exist is extremely hard to imagine for even second. Today we produce data of enormous proportions on a daily bases, imagine for second the amount of data produced by banks in the form of transactions, that data is invariability not meaningful in shape or form as it needs to be organised in such a way that meaning can be derived from it. “better-managed data and improved data access make it possible to generate better quality information, on which better decisions are based” (Coronel & Morris, (2012:1).. Without database’s we could not complete daily tasks even as simple as internet search engines as Google isn’t just a collection of software tools, it’s a specialized database (O’reilly, 200




Without purposeful information many decisions made by business would not be informed by empirical data, the information outputted via databases empowers decision makers (Coronel & Morris, 2012, Rajkumar, (2001) & Chuang et al. (2007). Prime examples closer to home are universities without databases could not run their daily business in a smooth and effective manner, students registration would be ardours and assigning things as simple as correct and accurate grades to students would be difficult. The Advantages databases bestow organisations such as

or educational establishments include including productivity enhancement, profitability improvement, cost reduction, competitive advantage, inventory reduction, and other measures of performance (Devaraj and Kohli 2003; Hitt and Brynjolfsson 1996; Kriebel and Kauffman 1988 cited by Melville, et al., 2004).

Microsoft Access and Oracle are the two dominant database systems that are used by organisations around the globe. The main purposes of this report are to examine both similarities and the differences inherent in Microsoft Access and Oracle and the impact these will invariable have on business organisations and hence each database management systems suitability . The report will also include recommendations to organisations on the suitability of each DBMS.

2.0 Similarities between Oracle and Access

In today’s complex world organisation is fundamental, one thing that Both Oracle and Access do very, very well is enable users to organisaise and manage data in both an efficient and effective manor both Coronel & Morris, (2012) provide a suitable metaphor of a well-organized electronic filing cabinet which has software to manage the its contents. Aloisio et al, 2004 & Devarakonda, 2001 state that MS access and Oracle are relational databases, both utilise Tables that adopt keys as reference to rows contained within a particular table and subsequently the utilise foreign keys which enable the database management system to relate various rows to varying tables within a database (Yao et al. 2004). Figure 1 shows an example database relationship chart. Figure 2. Shows an example of university database relationship chart.

Figure 1. Example of e-commerce database relationship chart

Both database management systems share in common the fact that they are both compatible with the windows operating system. For MS access this is the limitation, however with Oracle its compatible with other operating systems

Table 1.1

details the commonalities between both MS access and Oracle

Table 1.1

2.1 Major Differences


Oracle is designed to hold and handle a vast amount of data Devarakonda, (2001), moreover, oracle also provides access to an unlimited number of users at any one time to retrieve data and utilisation that information for a particular purpose The data storage capabilities of Oracle can range from as modest as 1 gigabyte to tens of Terabytes. On the hand MS access has relatively modest data storage capabilities compared to Oracle, in fact the maximum of 2 gigabyte and befittingly it is limited in terms of the number of individuals who can access the MS access database management system.

Oracles vast data capabilities, require a management system that enables users to manipulate data in way’s that MS access does not , as such oracle systems have a far more complex tools to ensure that data processing occurs in an efficient manor and to improve database performance( Dias et al., 2005) some of these tools include Automatic SQL Tuning and Enhancements to Oracle RMAN. Because MS Access’s relatively low storage capabilities and thus moderate data processing requirements these tuning tools can be forgone without any impact on the database management systems performance.

The nature of the business world today, means that organisations can have a presence in multiple geographic locations at the same time, across different international capabilities, in order for an organisation to operate effectively the data held in different regions and to enable transactions to take place the database must be accessed remotely from anywhere in the globe, this is achieved by using the world wide web, Oracle does in fact have this capability (Nguyen & Srinivasan, 1996). However, on the other hand MS Access capability is relatively limited, therefore organisations utilisation of this facility is limited

the level of security offered by MS Access and Oracle differ immensely. MS Access security is far more limited than that of Oracle. The security that Oracle provides has seen the database installed by governments and security services and multinational cooperation around the globe. Oracle Database 10g provides end-to- end security technology, which includes but not limited to proxy authentication and network encryption (Sonnen & Morris, 2005). “Dave Carey, former Executive Director of the CIA who states In my experience in the security world, including 32 years at the Central Intelligence Agency, I’ve not found anyone with more experience in the theory and practice of protecting your data than Oracle security experts” (Knox,2004:2). In relation to MS Access the level of security offered by is not as robust as Oracle’s.

Organisation selected

Due to the fact that are a number of significant differences identified in this report the suitability of each database management system to a particular organisation. The organisations selected for the purpose’s of this report are in fact due the fact that they are large, have a large employee base and they have an international presence. The second organisation selected is in fact


estate agents in Swansea The rational for this choice is because Dawson’s relative to Amazon is local based, small employee base and data processing requirements are small. Table 1.2 was formulated to illustrate the stark differences between the two organisations. Dawson’s

Number of employees



Number of customers



Number of Countries

7 1

Product lines


Replicable service provision

Table 1.2 Amazon and Dawson’s differences. *please note Dawsons figures are assumptions

In the case of the number of employees who need to access to a database management system at anyone time is extremely high relative to Dawsons. The data storage capabilities required by can relative to Dawson’s is extremly high given the number of products Amazon has in its inventory and millions of transactions it process on a daily bases. Moreover, processes personal details of millions of customers on a daily bases which also include finacial information, therefore the level of security Amazon requires to protect its customer information is far greater than that required by Dawsons.

2.1 The suitability for business

One of the major determining factors which will make a DBMS suitable for an organisation is in fact weather their business model requires the use of web based application. Given the fact that growth and ever increasing popularity of the internet (Chang, 2001), many organisations are turning to the internet to gain a competitive advantage, in the past to be online was prominently a core competence today it increasingly a threshold competencies. The former is reaffirmed by Luo et al. (2002:600) who argue “while scaling up to the enormous and growing Internet population with unpredictable usage patterns, E-commerce applications face severe challenges in cost and manageability, especially for database servers that are deployed as those applications’ back-ends”. therefore organisations need to think carefully in terms of their short, medium and long term strategies before investing in a particular DBMS, making the decision to implement for example and strategically before investing for example in Access only in the medium term to re-engineer the business model to take into account the growth of the internet and at the same time to scrap Access and to opt for Oracle due to its web-based capabilities.

Organisations Sensitive Data Needs are also another important determining factor on which DBMS system would be a suitable option. It crystal clear that organisations involved in the use or storage of sensitive data, such as medical records (NHS) banking information (HSBC, LLOYDS TSB) or any personal data of any nature by law needs to be adquently protected. One solution would be a SQL Server as the database engine Oracle as already established has this therefore it far more secure compared to Access. Therefore any organisations involved in the use or storage of personal data the most suitable option is in fact Oracle databases. Data security is an issue that cannot be taken lightly by organisations public, private or even academic establishments as the risk of data falling into the wrong hands is not only damaging but also can lead to legal complications of the organisation is found to be in breach of the data protection act.

Another, key determining factor on DBMS suitability is in fact the systems limitations in terms of data storage capacity and simultaneous user number requirements. For instance a company like Amazon which has truly embraced the internet (Krishnamurthy, 2004) requires vast amount of data storage capabilities and hundreds if not thounds of users to access their databases at any one time, not to mention the bridging of the DBMS with their web portal, therefore the organisations requirements clearly will not me meet by Access’s database size capabilities limited to 2 gigabyte s and the number of users it can effectively support is limited to a maximum of 100 users at any one time. It is quite clear that conventional wisdom would dictate in light of this that Access is not suitable for large multinational corporations such as Amazon, reaffirmed by Pan & Heflin, (2004) who argue that MS Access is not particularly scalable, and such a system would not be suitable for a large-scale knowledge portal. However, MS Access is suitable for small business or academic establishments who for the foreseeable future do not envisage exceeding Access’s data storage and user number capabilities. The former point leads nicely to the scalability issue if an organisation forecasts a quantum leap in data requirements in the short, medium or long term future it most weigh the pros and cons of opting for an Oracle based system from the outset.

Yet, another consideration that organisations need to make is the level of investment they wish to dedicate to their DBMS. If on a budget a system such as Oracle may not prove to be a viable option. There are countless hidden costs which organisations need to consider if opting for an Oracle DBMS, firstly; it does not come cheap in comparison to Microsoft’s access which comes predominately free with an Office Suit. Secondly; the cost of designing, implementing and maintaining and Oracle DBMS are significantly higher than Microsoft’s access. The former is due to the fact that due to the complexities of Oracle an organisations would need a team internal or external developers to design, implement and not only to monitor but also tune database performance, either option (external or internal) have a significant cost bearing which the organisation need to consider.

3.0 Conclusion

To conclude DBMS such as Oracle or MS Access are systems organisation large or small wither they be the Amazon’s of this world or academic intuitions such as Swansea university can seldom avoid to operate productively, accurately or make educated decisions that could that could potentially impact an organisations survival in an increasingly competitive world. This report has shown although yes there are similarities between both Oracle and MS access they tend to be in the mechanics of how they work in terms of relational tables.

This report has clearly established this is predominately where the similarities end and their seems to be far more functional differences that distinguish each DBMS from the other. Differences such as but not limited to firstly; number of users and the size of data each databases can accommodate. Secondly; support features such as SQL Performance Analyzer. Thirdly; the level of security each system can offer. Finally; each DBMS Internet capabilities.

It is these very differences that determine a particular DBMS suitability for varying organisation in the public or private sector. One of these key determining factors on DBMS suitability is in fact the systems limitations in terms of data storage capacity and simultaneous user number requirements. An organisations sensitive data needs are also another important determining factor on which DBMS system would be a suitable option. Finally the report uncovered that another consideration that organisations need to make is the level of investment they wish to dedicate to their DBMS due to the fact that there are countless hidden costs which organisations need to consider if opting for an Oracle DBMS.

3.1 Recommendations

The following recommendations have been formulated on the bases of differences examined in this report;

· If an organisation is on a budget, they need to consider the cost difference highlighted in the report both short, medium and long term costs. Oracle is considerably more expensive to design, implement and maintain and would require expertise to implement.

· Organisations which have the forecasted the growth of their business in the future need to consider very carefully their options although in the short term MS Access may more than an adequate solution as the business expands their needs may not be meet by MS access through a upgrade to Oracle will be required and the cost of migration may in be more than the cost opting for Oracle in the first place.

· Data security has become an issue in the fore front of not only business mind set but also regulators, media and the general public. If a business holds data that is invariably sensitive in nature then they owe the individuals they hold the data about to hold that data securely. Moreover, and given that the public can quickly lose confidence in organisations that have security breaches businesses or even academic institutions should opt for secure options namely; Oracle.

4.0 References

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19. Sonnen, D., & Morris, H. D. (2005). Oracle 10g: Spatial Capabilities for Enterprise Solutions. IDC White Paper, February, Framingham, MA: International Data Corporation.

Figure & Table Reference

Table 1.1 compares features of well-known database management systems. Source: Coronel, C., & Morris, S. A. (2012). Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management [With Access Code]. CengageBrain. com.‏

Figure 3 Oracle business suit data encryption. Source:

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