
Why Men Are Getting Happier…

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(Macleans, Oct. 29, 2007)
What is the purpose of the Paul & Catriona example?

The purpose of the Paul and Catriona example is to show how women who joined the workforce had big changes in their lives while men have been able to enjoy life more because the women are working.

Which paragraphs function as the introduction?
What is the thesis of the article?

Paragraphs 1,2,3.

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The thesis is that women today are facing a crisis of confidence while men are actually getting happier. Women are stressed while men have more time to relax and enjoy life.

What is identified as the main source of women’s stress?
The main source of women’s stress is time allocation. They are not able to make choices and so try to do everything in the limited time that they have and this results in stress.
What is the link between income and men’s willingness to help out around the house?

The link between income and men willing to help out around the house is reached at the $100,000 mark. When the wife’s income is over $100,000 then the husband is willing to do more work in the home to help out.

What three questions might be difficult for “hardline feminists” to explain/accept?
The three questions that might be difficult for “hardline feminists” to explain or accept are: Is the work of their career taking all the fun out of their lives? Are they wrong to think that education and professional jobs will make their lives better? Who are the real winners in these new ways of doing things, the men or the women?
What changes have taken place in the workforce over the last thirty years? in education?
Changes that have taken place in the workforce over the past thirty years are: increased numbers of women are working, and women are often making more money than their husbands. Today 82% of Canadian women aged 25 -44 are working compared to 50% thrity years ago. 28% of women say that their salaries are higher than the salaries of their husbands.

In education, changes have also happened. More women are going to university than before. 62% of students in B.A. programs are women and there are more women than men registered in medical schools. Last year, 60% of graduates from medical schools were women.

What is “irrational exuberance?”  What else might be a factor?

“Irrational exuberance”, is aiming for perfection and women trying to push themselves to get more than they need to.Women want to be successful in their careers and successful wives and mothers at the same time. Another factor might be the need that so many women have to push themselves to the best that they can in everything that they do
What are two possible interpretations of the decrease in happiness?

The two possible interpretations of decreasing in women’s happiness, are that the women’s movement made them push themselves to get and do more. Another thing is that women have career ambitions that would make them unhappy because they cannot have it all.

What changes in men’s lives have been noted in the last forty years? Possible cause?

Men’s lives have been changed over the last 40 years. Men are now less productive, less active, and working less by 36%, according to the studies. In addition, a quarter of men are doing things like watching more TV; however, the cause is the women’s movement that encouraged the women to join the workforce which let the men to take a step back for relaxation.

What is another long-term trend in the workplace that has been noted?
Another long term trend in the workplace that has been noted is in generational terms. Younger men today believe that they should be having more fun in their life than their father’s did. As a result it is taking them about eight years to arrive at a career commitment.
What change has Barbara Killinger noticed in her practice?

Barbra Killinger, a Toronto phsychlogist, noticed that almost no women came to her for treatment 25 years ago while now half of her patients are women and most of them complain ABOUT fear of failing, laziness, and not being effective which all are related to the addiction to control that women now have
Which paragraphs function as the conclusion?

The last three paragraphs.

What is the purpose of the final sentence?

The purpose of the last sentence it to make us think about the ideas that have been stated in the writing. Are these changes that have come to society good ones or bad ones? Is it a good thing for women and men that the system of who is working and who is responsible for the home are going through big changes? At the end of the article, the author is making the point that women are the losers in these changes since the men have more time for relaxing and fun activities while the women are just involved in stressful work.

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