Paper on Five Guys

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

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  1. Determine how Five Guys’ philosophy sets it apart from other fast-food chains.
  2. Analyze the original values for the start-up company and how it remains strong today.
  3. Enumerate three (3) factors that contributed to Five Guys’ success in such a short time and what effect, if any, external markets had on these factors.
  4. Assess how ethical and social practices are part of the Five Guys’ culture and provide examples to support your choices.
  5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the private enterprise systems, drivers of change on the system, ethical and social responsibilities of business, and the requirements for success in today’s business environment.
  • Analyze the factors that drive supply and demand, different types of market structures in a free enterprise system, and factors of stability in a nation’s economy.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business.
  • Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.


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Entrepreneurial Leadership

Your Name

Course Name; Number

Dr. Laura Jones

University Name

Date Submitted



Entrepreneurial Leadership

Begin your paper with an introductory paragraph by tabbing over to the .5 inch mark.

Hitting the space bar five (5) times will not get you to the .5 inch mark. Notice the title of the

paper is on the first line. In APA, the first paragraph is understood to be the introduction, so do

not write the word “Introduction” on the first line. To develop an introduction, begin with

interesting information about the topic, and then narrow the focus to the specific area to be

discussed. The introduction should include a thesis statement and should succinctly describe the

order in which the body of your paper will be organized. For tips on developing a thesis

statement, visit the Web site indicated in the “Body Structure” section of the APA checklist

provided. For information on APA format, review the APA guidelines under the “Student

Center Tab” in the course shell. Please be sure to cite the sources for all information provided.

Five Guys’ Philosophy

The first component of this assignment requires you determine how Five Guys’

philosophy sets it apart from other fast-food chains. A thorough response would include a

discussion about Five Guy’s philosophy. It would also include a comparison of the philosophy

of other food chains and provide examples to support the discussion of how Five Guys’

philosophy sets the company apart from other companies in the industry.

Please cite the sources for all information provided in the paper. Also, note the above

heading is bold and the major words begin with capital letters. This is a level 1 heading.

Original Values

The second component of this assignment requires you to analyze the original values for

the start-up company and how it remains strong today. A thorough response would present Five

Guys’ original values and provide a substantive discussion of the company’s performance


standings. It would then include an analysis that links the original values to the performance.

Factors Contributing to Five Guys Success

In this section of your paper, you are required to enumerate three (3) factors that

contributed to Five Guys’ success in such a short time and discuss what effect, if any, external

markets had on these factors. Use level 2 headings as shown below, to specify each of the three

factors you determined to have contributed to Five Guys’ success in a short time. Note below

that the heading is to the left, bold, and the majors words begin with a capital letter. This is

known as level 2 heading. Do not write the words “First Factor” as your heading. The words are

used only as an example. You are to identify the specific factor that will be discussed instead.

First Factor (Do not write the words “First Factor”. Write the specific factor to be discussed.)

A thorough response will provide a discussion about this factor and clearly show how it

contributed to the company’s success. It will also explain the effect, if any, external markets had

on the factor. If it is determined that external markets had no effect on this factor, the discussion

should clearly support your reasoning for this position. Please cite the sources for all

information provided in the paper. Note that the heading is to the left, bold, and the majors

words begin with a capital letter.

Effect of external market. Discuss what effect, if any, external markets had on this

factor. If no effect was found, state so and support your reasoning for this position. Note this

section level heading is indented and only the first letter of the header is capitalized. Also, note

that a period is at the end, and it is also bold. Begin your discussion on the line with the heading.

Second Factor (Do not write the words “Second Factor”. Write the factor to be discussed.)

A thorough response will provide a discussion about this factor and clearly show how it

contributed to the company’s success. It will also explain the effect, if any, external markets had


on the factor. If it is determined that external markets had no effect on this factor, the discussion
should clearly support your reasoning for this position. Please cite the sources for all
information provided in the paper. Note that the heading is to the left, bold, and the majors
words begin with a capital letter.
Effect of external market. Discuss what effect, if any, external markets had on this
factor. If no effect was found, state so and support your reasoning for this position. Note this
section level heading is indented and only the first letter of the header is capitalized. Also, note
that a period is at the end, and it is also bold. Begin your discussion on the line with the heading.

Third Factor (Do not write the words “Third Factor”. Write the specific factor to be discussed.)

A thorough response will provide a discussion about this factor and clearly show how it
contributed to the company’s success. It will also explain the effect, if any, external markets had
on the factor. If it is determined that external markets had no effect on this factor, the discussion
should clearly support your reasoning for this position. Please cite the sources for all
information provided in the paper. Note that the heading is to the left, bold, and the majors
words begin with a capital letter.
Effect of external market. Discuss what effect, if any, external markets had on this
factor. If no effect was found, state so and support your reasoning for this position. Note this
section level heading is indented and only the first letter of the header is capitalized. Also, note
that a period is at the end, and it is also bold. Begin your discussion on the line with the heading.

Five Guys Culture

In this section, you are to assess how ethical and social practices are part of the Five

Guys’ culture and provide examples to support your choices. Boone and Kurtz (2012) define

corporate culture as the principles, beliefs, and value system of an organization. The authors





further state that some aspects of a company that influence its corporate culture are leadership

styles, communication process, and the company’s overall work environment. Pages 235 and

236 of the text provide a more detail information about corporate culture.

A thorough response would begin with an overview of the company’s corporate culture.

After providing the overview, it would then, assess how ethical and social practices are part of

the company’s culture. Use level 2 headings, as shown below, to discuss the ethical and social

practices and to provide examples to support your choices. Please cite the sources for all

information provided in the paper.

Ethical Practices

Discuss the ethical practices that are a part of the culture. Ethics has to do with the

values and morals that govern an individual conduct in distinguishing right, wrong, fairness,

justice, good, and bad (Boone & Kurtz, 2010; Shaw, 2010). Pages 36 through 37 of the text

provide a detail discussion about ethics in a business context. A thorough response would clearly

identify and discuss the ethical practices that are part of the company’s culture. Also, it would

provide relevant examples to demonstrate

these practices.

Social Practices

Discuss the social practices that are a part of the culture. Social practices would

demonstrate the company’s consideration of its responsibility of society’s well being beyond

profit. Pages 47 through 63 of the text provide a detail discussion about social responsibility in a

business context. A thorough response would clearly identify and discuss the social practices

that are part of the company’s culture. Also, it would provide relevant examples to demonstrate

these practices.








End your paper with a conclusion. When you have completed your conclusion, insert a

page break to begin your references on a separate page.

The sources listed in your reference page should have a hanging indentation and should

be double spaced. For information on listing your sources, please refer to the APA guidelines

overview. The APA guidelines can be found by clicking the “Student Center Tab”. Also, some

examples are provided on the sample reference page below. Please note which information

should be italicized and which should be capitalized. Some examples are shown below.



Boone, L. E. & Kurtz, D. L. (2012 Update). Contemporary business (14th ed.). Hoboken, NJ:

John Wiley & Sons.

McLean, C. (2005). Evaluating critical thinking skills: Two conceptualizations. Journal of

Distance Education, 20(2), 1-20. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

Shaw, W. H. (2010). Business ethics (7
ed.). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning





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