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Kelie Hein 

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Re:Topic 10 DQ 2

Simply stated, EBP is an essential part of the BSN-prepared nurse because EBP is best practice, and it ensures the most positive outcomes for patients.  Nurses are leaders, and as education level increases, credibility and responsibility also increase.  Each degree obtained causes people to look at the nurse as more of a leader, and leads patients to have more trust.  The ANA agrees with those concepts, calling all nurses to further their education, and posits that EBP improves “care processes and patient outcomes” (Stevens, 2013, para. 3).

The first way I will integrate and encourage EBP is to continue to learn.  As I increase my knowledge regarding EBP, I will be more prepared to utilize it.  I will attend conferences and read the journals I subsribe to in order to stay abreast of new technology and advnaces, and the most current evidence.  The other way I will integrate and encourage EBP is to set the example.  We often get nursing students on our unit, and I will guide them in utilizing EBP, and encourage their spirit of inquiry.  I will also be involved on my unit, presenting knowledge as I learn it, and perhaps even being a preceptor.  At some point in my nursing career, I would like to be a clinical instructor.

The major obstacles to this plan are time and finances.  School is extremely expensive and time-consuming.  My facility is Magnet designated and very encouraging of education.  I will utilize their tuition reimbursement program to minimize the financial impact.  In order to minimize time impact, I will be sure to engage in self-care and balance my work, school, life time.  I will also continue to strive and motivate myself based on making myself better, and making my patients’ lives better.  I am also blessed to have God’s love and guidance, as well as that of my family.


Stevens, K. (2013). The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas. American Nurses Association, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18 (2).


Ryan Mcclure 

3 posts

Re:Topic 10 DQ 1

For my EBP project I feel that the conference best suited to present this research information would be the ANA 2018 Quality and Innovation Conference happening here in Florida in the city of Orlando in March. “The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the premier organization representing the interests of the nation’s 3.6 million registered nurses. ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting a safe and ethical work environment, bolstering the health and wellness of nurses, and advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public. ANA is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all.”(About ANA, n.d.). This would also be the professional journal I would use. ANA is the gold standard of nursing information and is the ideal location to share this EBP research with the massive fellowship of nurses who use this site and journal.

The ANA has such a far reach in this profession for my country and I really feel that this is a perfect venue to share this information with the nurses of this great nation. They serve as an advocate for our profession and are seen as the innovators for the future of nursing.


About ANA. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/FunctionalMenuCategories/AboutANA


Rogenson Manipol 

3 posts

Re:Topic 10 DQ 1

My nursing practice has revolved to the world of orthopedics. This is one of the reasons I am very passionate about my EBP proposal, which is focused on preventing surgical site infections. One professional journal that stuck to mind was the Journal of Orthopaedics. ” The journal publishes original research work and review articles related to different aspects of orthopaedics including Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, Trauma, Spine and Spinal deformities, Pediatric orthopaedics, limb reconstruction procedures, hand surgery, and orthopaedic oncology. It also publishes articles on continuing education, health-related information, case reports and letters to the editor.” (Viswanathan, M.K., 2018, par.2). As far as attending a care conference where I might present my project, I would love to present in front of other nurses in a NAON (National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses) convention.

Presenting my project to these two will help me reach out to millions of others who read and attend these seminars. My plan is to encourage and inspire others to practice recent EBP research designed and proven to help decrease the rate of surgical site infections. I think that this is the best option for me to disseminate my new knowledge because in these settings, editors and publishers will proof read my work, while nurses and other professional medical personal can ask me questions on a face to face value during seminars or conferences. Showing results of my study, its progress, and its promise for the future of nursing and healthcare is a great part of my EBP implementation plan.


Viswanathan, M.K. (2018). Journal of Orthopaedics. Retrieved from  https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-orthopaedics

National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. (2017). NAON: National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Retrieved from  http://www.orthonurse.org

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