6/15/22, 8:21 PMListen
AfL: Biotechnology Part 2 Assessment
AfL: Biotechnology Part 2 Assessment
This is the second part of the Biotechnology Case Study. The Dropbox for this
submission is hidden and will only appear in your course once you have received
feedback from your teacher on your submission to AfL: Biotechnology Part 1
Read through the second part of the story on this page, answering each set of
questions at the bottom. Upload your answers to the appropriate Dropbox.
After completing all four parts of the story, you will write an opinion essay on your
position for the inclusion of genetically modified organisms in our food supply. You
may argue for or against the position based on your personal opinion.
Part 2: Are All Recombinant Proteins Bad?
James had never heard of rBGH before and was not certain what to make of the
information he read in the internet article. It seemed pretty clear that injecting rBGH
was bad for the cows, but he wasn’t convinced that it was bad for him. In his mind,
scientists were warning people about a danger that may not exist. He wondered
why they shouldn’t wait until they knew for sure that rBGH was harmful to humans
before sounding the siren and making everyone afraid to drink milk.
James was pretty confused, but trusted his brother. Brad was annoying, but he was
also very smart, especially when it came to science. James was convinced that if
his brother thought recombinant proteins were bad for him, then he should avoid
them as well. James reluctantly grabbed his milk and poured it down the drain.
6/15/22, 8:21 PM
AfL: Biotechnology Part 2 Assessment
James went looking for his brother and found him lying on the couch, watching
television. He casually walked by, tossing the phone onto the couch, and said “I
threw out the milk, recombinant proteins are bad.”
Brad barely broke his stare on the television, flatly retorting “I think you had better
pick that phone back up and do some more reading. I never said that recombinant
proteins are bad.”
You may need to perform additional research to answer the questions below.
1. Discuss the use of two recombinant proteins that are useful to humans.
2. What was the source of insulin used to treat Diabetes prior to the production of
synthetic insulin?
3. Give two uses of recombinant DNA technology. Explain.
Assessment Details
Your submission must include the following:
Your answers to the questions written in your own words
All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for
sources used in your submission
Upload your complete answers to the AfL: Biotechnology Part 2
Assessment Dropbox.
Please note that the Dropbox for this assessment will not appear in your
course until you have received feedback from your teacher on your submission
to AfL: Biotechnology Part 1 Assessment.
Submit this activity to the dropbox. This activity will not contribute to your overall final grade in this
course but may be taken into consideration by your teacher at the end of the course.
6/15/22, 8:21 PM
AfL: Biotechnology Part 2 Assessment
6/15/22, 8:21 PM
AfL: Biotechnology Part 3 Assessment
AfL: Biotechnology Part 3 Assessment
This is the third part of the Biotechnology Case Study. The Dropbox for this
submission is hidden and will only appear in your course once you have received
feedback from your teacher on your submission to AfL: Biotechnology Part 2
Read through third part of the story on this page, answering each set of questions at
the bottom. Upload your answers to the appropriate Dropbox.
After completing all four parts of the story, you will write an opinion essay on your
position for the inclusion of genetically modified organisms in our food supply. You
may argue for or against the position based on your personal opinion.
Part 3: Who Decides What Goes in My Milk?
James was confused. It seemed some recombinant proteins were good and some
were bad. If that were the case, who made the decision on what goes into your
food? James went back online and did a little research into recombinant proteins
and genetically modified foods. He was curious to find the answers and prove to his
big brother that he wasn’t as ignorant and naive as he believed.
You may need to perform additional research to answer the questions below.
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AfL: Biotechnology Part 3 Assessment
1. Name the four governmental agencies responsible for the regulation of
biotechnology in Canada.
2. According to Health Canada, are organisms modified by recombinant DNA
technologies considered genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Explain why or
why not.
3. How are genetically modified fruits and vegetables labelled in the grocery store?
4. How many novel food products that are considered GMOs are approved for
consumption in Canada?
5. When was rBGH reviewed for use in Canada?
6. Why was James able to bring milk back into Canada containing rBGH if it is
illegal to use this recombinant protein in Canada?
Assessment Details
Your submission should include the following:
Your answers to the questions written in your own words
All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for
sources used in your submission
Upload your complete answers to the AfL: Biotechnology Part 3
Assessment Dropbox.
Please note that the Dropbox for this assessment will not appear in your
course until you have received feedback from your teacher on your submission
to AfL: Biotechnology Part 2 Assessment.
Submit this activity to the dropbox. This activity will not contribute to your overall final grade in this
course but may be taken into consideration by your teacher at the end of the course.