i need help one OSM 442 ONLINE class Assignments ?
ClevelandState University
Monte Ahuja College of Business
OSM 442
Innovation Management (3-03)
Spring 2018
Course: OSM 442
Instructor: Jay H Schach – EMBA Monte Ahuja College of Business –
Entrepreneur – Adjunct Professor
Correspondence: E-Mail or text
Office Hours: Will respond to emails within 24 hours
Office Phone: 440-247-6702 – Mobile when important – Text – After 3:00 pm
E-mail: j.schach@csuohio.edu
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation 4th
Edition by Melissa A Schilling – ISBN-13: 978-0078029233
ISBN-10: 0078029236
Additional Reading: Wall Street Journal
Additional Requirements: This course is offered online. Course content will be delivered
via the Blackboard course management system. The instructor
will communicate with students via a variety of interactive
tools including discussions, announcements, email, and chat.
There will be no required face-to-face meetings for this course,
but students will be expected to make weekly progress online.
A computer and access to the internet are required.
Prerequisites: Business students with junior standing or permission of OSM
Department Chair
Course Information
OSM 442 – Students learn how to manage and foster innovation from a general manager’s perspective.
Topics covered include models describing the types of innovation, differences between incremental and radical
innovation, protection of intellectual property, fostering creativity, and new product development processes, such as
Class Time: Online all assignments due weekly Monday at Midnight
Classroom: Blackboard
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Term Begins January 13, 2018
Spring Recess March 11-18, 2018
Last Day to Withdraw from Courses March 30, 2018
Last Day of Classes May 4, 2018
Final Exam Week (Saturday through Friday) May 5-11, 2018
Commencement May 12, 2018
Final Grades Submission Deadline (All Sessions) May 15, 2018
Final Grades Available to Students May 16, 2018
Students will learn through interactive tools including discussions, announcements,
email, and chat. From a managers point of view the student will research the Technology
Industry from a global and trend perspective, parallel with the Strategic Management of
Technological Innovation.
Teaching Philosophy
During the online class students will be required to use the tools available to them on
Blackboard. Assignment due dates are firm as we will be moving along at a fast pace to really
understand the whole Technology Industry.
Reasonable accommodations are available for any student who has a documented disability.
Please notify me as soon as possible so that we can address the issue promptly. All
accommodations must be approved per Cleveland State University guidelines.
I encourage students to study together and to discuss assignments together, but all work
submitted for grading must be the student’s or the group’s, own original work. Any form of
academic cheating (including plagiarism, use of another’s assignment, exam cheating) will result
in a grade of F for the course. I reserve the right to impose further consequences based on the
situation. All violations will be reported to academic affairs.
Grades will not be rounded or curved. Graded activities and applicable weights are:
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Grade Scale
A 95.00-100%
A- 91.00-94.99%
B+ 88.00-90.99%
B 84.00-87.99%
B- 80.00-83.99%
C 70.00-79.99%
F Below 70.00%
Graded Activities
● Market Watch 160
● Quiz Chapter’s 260
● Weekly Blog Current Events 160
● Reflection Papers – Four 80
● Case Studies – Text/WSJ 80
● Final Market Watch Project 80
● Total Points 820
Late Submission
Every assignment is due Midnight Monday each week. Submission at any time thereafter is late,
and every late assignment will receive a 10% deduction for every day after the due date .
Assignments will not be accepted one week after the due date..
Statute of Limitations
If you have any questions regarding the grading of assignments or exams, you have one week
following the day on which the work is returned or reviewed with the class to bring the question
to my attention.
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Policy on Written Work
Written work should be submitted so that it is of business quality (e.g., misspellings,
typographical and grammatical errors, and overall sloppiness are not acceptable and WILL BE
penalized). Therefore, content will be 90% of the grade and presentation will be the other 10%.
All written work must use a 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and be double
spaced. Every sentence must have two spaces between it and the next sentence. The first line of
each paragraph must be indented five spaces and paragraphs will follow each other, with no
additional spacing between them. Every assignment must have a cover page, indicating the
student’s name and ID number, the date, and the assignment title. Each font, margin, paragraph,
spacing, and/or cover page error will result in a 2-point deduction, up to 10% of the grade.
All assignment directions will be posted on Blackboard.
Regular participation is critical to your understanding and mastery of the material, as well as to
your understanding of assignment and project requirements. We need everyone involved so that
we may hear, understand, and consider different points of view, and to maximize the learning
experience (including for me). In this sense, the online discussions operate very much as in the
job environment, in which people from different parts of the organization are brought together to
solve a problem. Employers often form opinions about their employees based upon such
sessions or other forms of verbal input, and I will do the same for purposes of grading this aspect
of your performance. Participation also takes other forms, including participation in activities
and submission of short assignments, as well as enhancing class knowledge with your own
This course description and outline are subject to change at any time during the course. You are
responsible for any changes announced during class, and your absence from a given class is not
an acceptable excuse for failing to comply with announced changes.
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