Organizational Theory and Practice

Read and review page 341 in your textbook and post your responses to questions 5 and 9. Next, read page 381 in your textbook and post your responses to questions 2 and 8.

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Page 341 #5


Describe how the four balanced scorecard components discussed in the chapter might be used for feedback control within organizations. Which of these components is more similar to outcome control? Behavior control?

 Page 341 #5 Describe how the four balanced scorecard components discussed in the chapter might be used for feedback control within organizations. Which of these components is more similar to outcome control? Behavior control? 

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Page 381 #2


Apply the concept of the life cycle of an organization with which you are familiar, such as a local business. What stage is the organization in now? How did the organization handle or pass through its life cycle crises?


Page 381 #8


How does the Salvation Army manage to be “several different kinds of organization at the same time”? does the Salvation Army’s approach seem workable for a large media company like Time Warner or Disney that wants to reduce bureaucracy?

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