Organizational Behavior

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Have a lot of work done for it . Need to add some more information and make it one flowing paper ,and create a powerpoint presentation.  Preferable someone who is familiar with Organziational behavior. Thanks ! 

Ticketing System is the project

I need help creating Gantt chart that shows all of your project activities from project initiation to project closing, in chronological order.  Include duration, start date, finish date, and predecessors for each item

I would think we would have something like what I have listed below.

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– use case


– ERD (entity relationship diagram)

– requirements

– flowchart

develop prototype and show to customer

– redesign if needed


– construct database

– construct application (I assume this could be broken into sections based on user screens)

– construct screens (jsp or some other type)

– construct business rule logic

– map application with database via mapping tool such as toplink

testing phase

– presentation to customer

rework any issues if needed

Migrate to production

Lessons learned meeting

A. Political

When it comes to the political structure of India they use three types of government systems, which are parliamentary system, federal republic, and constitutional republic. Their current president is Pranab Makheriee. Because of their large popular and growing economy there law has changed over the years as they transformed from colonial to modern. They still have laws that were introduced by the British but it has been modified to the changing society. When they began to draft the Indian constitution there was laws that was taken and modified for the Indian laws and the places were Ireland, United States, Britain, and France. Indian laws also obey the guidelines set by the United Nations; their guidelines refer to human rights law and environmental laws. In the colonial times India was more centered on agriculture and productions of food crops but that has decreased over time, as the economy got stronger they began to focus more on trade. They also began to change their taxation and agricultural policies. The independence- era is when India economy became inward looking they combined features of capitalism and socialism which occurred from 1947 too 1991, there new polies although did not take advantage of the post war expansion of trade as rapidly as was hoped. India has become a rising economic superpower and said to play a big part in the global economy. The economy of India is the tenth largest in the world by nominal GDP and third largest when it deals with purchasing power. The last recorded interest rate in India was 7.75 percent and there current currency is the rupee. The contemporary Indian rupee can be split into 100 paisa or paise.

B. Business Strengths in India


India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world at the moment. With 1.21 billion people, India is currently the world’s second largest country, by 2000. Within the large number of population and steady growth, demographers expect India’s population to surpass the population of China, currently the most populous country in the world, by 2030.

Companies and technology

Furthermore, Indian economy has been growing about the rate of 6% for the past 2 years. Indian corporates and business groups have played a critical role in the success story of Indian economy. Some of the global economic bloc and famous Indian companies are evidences of the coming of age of the Indian economic development.

There are many India companies leading the global economy. For instance, Polaris Software Lab Ltd is one of India’s leading software companies. It’s World’s first CMMi (Capability Maturity Model Integrated) Level 5 Certified Company. This famous company has a CAGR (Compound Average Growth Rate) of over 70%, the highest among all the IT organizations in India. As a well-known global company, it has 22 relationship offices operations in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Singapore, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Japan, etc. Moreover, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOC) and Infosys Technologies are two of the top companies with strong business strengths in India. Frist is the flagship national oil company in the downstream sector. Another is a leading Information Technology (IT) company which provides end-to-end business solutions that leverage technology.

Natural Resources

The main natural resources of India are iron ore, bauxite, and copper ore. India is one of the major producers of iron in the world. Major portion of the energy in India is generated from coal. It is estimated that India has around 120 billion tons of coal in reserve, enough to last for around 120 years.

C .

India is a high context culture. High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Since they have high connection in-group, many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit.

There is some high context cultural features and unique culture below:

(1)Diversity: There is an endless-diversity in India starting from its physical features to geologic structure, religion, language, arts, tradition, races, climatic condition…etc. The diversity in India is unique, base on this country has a complex history background. (2) Historical and traditional: India has a strong sense of history and traditional, as the second large populated and fifth largest in the world with 5000 years history, India has plenty culture roots deeply in diversity. The Indian culture has never been rigid and that’s why it’s surviving with pride in the modern era. It timely absorbed the qualities of various other cultures and comes out as a contemporary and acceptable tradition. There are some unique cultures of India:

-Way of Greeting

“Namaste”, for an Indian it’s a way common way of greeting outsiders and elders. Both palms placed together and raised below the face not only show the respect for others but it also makes you feel the affection in the greeting.

– Flower Garlands

Indian people are also famous for welcoming with flower garlands. In the Indian marriages the exchange of garlands between bride and groom is a ritual in itself. People also offer flower garlands to gods and goddesses during their prayers.

– Food culture

Although a number of religions exist in India, the two cultures that have influenced Indian cooking and food habits are the Hindu and the Muslim traditions. There are 82% of them are Hindu, which bans eating beef because the cow is their holy animal as god. And, 11% Indian are Muslin, they cannot eat pork (pig) or any animal that consumes meat or is beneficial to mankind, like a horse for example. The main reason for Muslims not eating pork is because it is an order from Allah and we must obey his command.

-Sacred rivers

There are many sacred rivers in India, like the Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati and so on. Indian observed their religious activities so hard, the most sacred one should be bathing in the waters of holy rivers. They also drink the river water, taking them to home. And, Indian hold funeral by the river, throwing bone ash of their relatives into river as a symbol of that their soul may rest peacefully in heaven.

D. Impact of culture on business/Organizational behavior

Impact of culture on business : Language

First of all, in India there are fifteen national languages recognized by the Indian constitution. but the English is the official working language. Indian business english is very valued. Their English has its own system. modern India’s English doping on a lot of local slang. Businessman think English is not belong to the English but belong to the world. In India people tend to believe English level is equal to education degree, if India businessman cooperates with foreign businessman who has a low English level, the success of the business and cooperation often can be influenced.

Impact of culture on organizational behavior: religions

Indian culture has a very strong religions with diversity and inclusiveness. It is the birth place of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. “Therefore,men are generally expected to wear a suit and tie for business, although the jacket may be removed in the summer. Women should wear conservative dresses or pantsuits. And the use of leather products including belts or handbags may be considered offensive, especially in temples. ” Hindus revere cows, they can eat the beef and use leather products. Under the rules of the religions, “Firstly, the head is considered the seat of the soul, never touch someone’s head.. Secondly, whistling is impolite and winking may be interpreted as either an insult or a sexual proposition. Thirdly, never point your feet at a person. feet are considered unclean. if your shoes or feet touch anther person, apologize. Fourthly, gifts are not opened in the presence of the giver. if you receive a wrapped gift, set it aside until the giver leaves.”


Wikipedia,“language of India”Web. March/1/2013

“India Business Etiquette & Culture” Web. March/1/2013

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