operations management

This assignment has 4 different levels and it need to write a short paragraph as the learning log for each point on each level. 

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Student’s choice of operations management topic

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*learning log should be a short paragraph for each required part:

The point of this topic is to allow students to explore a specific topic related to operation

management that is interesting and relevant to their field of study or future career path.

Level D: Do BOTH of the following

• Choose a topic of operations management that you have more interest in further exploring.

The topic can be generated from the list of operations topics or something else. Try to

generate a topic that is specific to a certain industry, sector of the economy, geographical

region or business discipline. Document your topic in your Learning Log. Here are some

examples of topic:

o Inventory management in restaurants

o Supply chain contracts in Asia

o Applying lean methodologies in education

o Tech’s influence on supply chain management

o Marketing and Operations Management interface

• Tell the professor the topic you wish to pursue. Tell two classmates the topic you have

chosen. Document the discussions in your learning log.

Level C: Complete Level D and 3 of the following

• Find two blog posts that discusses some aspect of your topic. Note the URLs and
summarize the posts in your learning log. Refer to it in your


• Find 2 job postings for jobs related to your topic.. Note the URL. Take note in your
learning log of qualifications that the job postings are asking for. Refer to in in your


• Find a newspaper article that addresses your topic specifically. Note the exact source and
summarize the article in your learning log. Refer to it in your project.

• Find a magazine article that addresses your topic specifically. Note the exact source and
summarize the article in your learning log. Refer to it in your project.

• Find 2 cartoons that depicts an aspect of your topic. Document it in your learning log.
Refer to it in your project

• Find a video clip of a movie or TV show that depicts some aspect of your topic. Note the
URL and summarize the clip in your learning log. Refer to it in your project.

Level B – Complete Level C plus 4 of the tasks below

• Find an article about your topic in a trade journal. Note its complete citation. Summarize
the main points in your learning log and write 3 questions for the author about the

findings related to the topic.

• Find an article in an operations management themed academic journal about your topic
(try google scholar). Note its complete citations. Summarize the main points in your

learning log and write 3 questions for the author(s) about the findings related to the topic.

• Find a scholarly book about your topic. Note its full citation. Read two chapters in the
book and summarize what you learn from them in your learning log. Note 3 new sources

in the book that you now want to go and read.

• Find an expert online that you could interview about your topic. Describe in your
learning log who this person is and what qualifies her/him as expert. Write ten interview

questions you could ask this person.

• Find a TED or TED-X talk related to your topic. Note the URL. Describe the important
things you have learned from it in your learning log.

• Find an expert on campus or in the community whose profession or background relates to
your Describe the person’s qualifications. Interview the person. Note when you talked

and what you learned in your learning log.

• Repeat one of these level B options.

Level A – Complete Level B and create a project that uses your activities in D – B to address the

question – What is Operations Management? Do ONE of the following, but do not repeat the

same type of project that you completed in Project 1: (5 points)

• Write a script for a radio news segment


Part D:

• Choose a topic of operations management that you have more

interest in further exploring. The topic can be generated from the

list of operations topics or something else. Try to generate a topic

that is specific to a certain industry, sector of the economy,

geographical region or business discipline. Document your topic in

your Learning Log. Here are some examples of topic:

o (Put the topic you have chosen)

• Tell the professor the topic you wish to pursue. Tell two classmates

the topic you have chosen. Document the discussions in your

learning log.




Part C:

• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )




• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )

• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )

Part B:

• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )

• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )

• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )
• (Point you have chosen)
o (What you have learned and why you chose this )

Part A:

• It should be on different file by its self (which is one to two pages)

• Don’t forget to provide the sources for each part that require it.

Sept 8, 2017

Camron’s O&M Radio Show

INTRO: Radio jingle (12 seconds)

CUE TO INTERVIEWER: “Hello and good evening, ladies and
gentlemen; We welcome you to another broadcast here on
MGT 98.7 FM. Tonight we have a special guest, Henry
Ford, producer of the Model T. He promises to explain
the influences that his production model has had on
business and operations management over the years. But
first, let’s go to current events.

TRANSITION MUSIC: “Gettin’ with it” – B.G. Moores (14 seconds)


TRANSITION MUSIC: “Back to business” -(12 seconds)

CUE TO INTERVIEWER: “Tonight I’m sitting here with the one and
only Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and
sponsor of the assembly line technique. We’re here
tonight to talk all about one subject: “What is
Operations Management?”. Thanks for being here with us
tonight, Mr. Ford.”

FORD: “Thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure.”

INTERVIEWER: “If you could summarize in your own words, what
Operations Management is, what would you say?

FORD: “Well, I think that Operations Management is the theory and
practice of facilitating the most amount of efficiency
possible in an organization. It is the practical
application of balancing strategies such as cost,
quality, time and flexibility in a way that produces
the most amount of gain and profit. It is important in
a business education because it helps future business
owners to maximize their productivity. It also gives
insight into what a consumer’s priorities might be and
how to weigh key operations management decisions
wisely. The study of Operations Management also lends

Sept 8, 2017

insight as to what practices can help improve
productivity across all business endeavors and is
applicable to most fields outside of business as well.”

INTERVIEWER: “Certainly. Can you give us a few examples of
operations management in business?”

FORD: “There are many different examples that come to mind, but
let me share a few. Businesses need to be capable of
accurately predicting their needs. UPS, for example,
needs to accurately estimate how much space packages
will take up in their trucks. If they don’t do this,
they’ll end up with many half empty trucks and this can
lead to inefficiency. Inefficiency is the bane of a
successful business. They are working with retailers to
more efficiently manage this space by committing the
retailers to pay for any unused space in trucks they
reserve. This allows UPS to more efficiently transport
their packages and it keeps retailers precise when
reporting how much space they will need in the trucks.”

INTERVIEWER: “Can you think of any examples that aren’t strictly
business related?”

FORD: “Well, here’s a question for you. Which would you expect is
more efficient? People walking up a set of escalators
or people standing on a set of escalators?”

INTERVIEWER: “I would imagine it would be the walking people.”

FORD: “Well, sir, you would be incorrect! Transport for London
found that on average, escalators moved more people per
hour for those standing than those walking! This can be
seen in that a walking person will take on average 3
stairs of space while a stander will only take upwards
of 2 stairs of space. So we can see that this applies
to much more than just business!”

INTERVIEWER: “Fascinating. Let’s cut to a break. We’ll be right
back with Henry Ford after these messages.”

TRANSITION MUSIC: “Escalating Emotions” – J.J. Stares. (10

ADVERTISERS: (Various, 3 minutes 15 seconds)

Sept 8, 2017

TRANSITION MUSIC: “Back to business” -(12 seconds)

CUE TO INTERVIEWER: “Welcome back. We have just enough time for a
few final statements from Mr. Ford. How has operations
management affected your business?”

FORD: “Well, as you know, I did not invent the automobile or the
assembly line. I wasn’t doing anything new, but what I
was doing, was using operations management techniques
to provide something no one else could; affordable,
available vehicles for all. By optimizing the assembly
line, I allowed to maximize our output and increase our
profit. I was then able to place that profit back into
paying my workers what my competitors could never meet.
Efficient management and understanding of these
principles changed my life and the lives of all
Americans for generations. As businessdictionary.com
says, ‘operations management is the design, execution,
and control of operations that convert resources into
desired goods and services’. I simply took advantage of
that fact.”

INTERVIEWER: “Do you have any final words for our listeners?”

FORD: “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is
progress, and working together is success. Thanks for
having me on the show.”

INTERVIEWER: “Thank you Mr. Ford! Well, ladies and gentlemen, we
hope you’ve enjoyed our program. Drive safe and think
business. We’ll see you tomorrow night as we speak with
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, INC. This is Camron Martinez
signing off.

OUTRO: Radio Jingle (15 seconds).


TARGET: Adults, ages 24-55
TECHNIQUE: Interview format, flexibility of interview allowed
THEME: Operations Management, what is it exactly?
LENGTH: 15 minutes to 20 minutes with advertisements
ANALYSIS: Adequate interview styled program with an interesting
figure in history.


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