Operation Management Exam

The Westover Electrical Company has had a problem with defects on winding machines. A table below compiles the defects for the 3 different winding machines (W1, W2 and W3). 

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Bad Wind – BW

Twisted Wire – TW

Broken Lead – BL

Abraded Wire – AB


Wrong Core – WC

Wrong Wire – WW

Failed Electrical Test – FET





Using the data from the table, prepare 2 Pareto charts that give some insight into what is occurring, following the directions in parts a and b below. Use the charts provided. The heights used in the charts must be of the counts of defectives, not of %. Pareto charts always go from highest to lowest left to right.


(10 points)  Draw a Pareto chart using the totals from the far right column. 


(10 points)  Using the information from the first chart, take the defect with the largest total and draw a second Pareto chart that gives more insight into that particular defect. 


c.   (10 points) Discuss and give your analysis of the situation after preparing your 2 Pareto charts.


2.  (10 points)  Write a mission statement for the internal revenue service.


3.  (10 points)  For the internal revenue service list specific inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback loops.  Be specific as you can be.


 (15 points) 
Draw a cause and effect (Ishikawa or fishbone) diagram that has as its problem:  a poor experience at
the internal revenue service.


5.   (20 points)  For the CSU-Pueblo bookstore, customers bring themselves, their belongings ($ for example), and information (books needed) into the bookstore. 


Now consider an internet based college bookstore that you access on a computer through the internet.  You place an order for the books to use in your courses, pay by credit card, and the books arrive in several days where you live.  For this type of bookstore, you do not physically go into the store, but information and belongings (electronic $) do.


Now consider the differences in those inputs into the two stores and their impact on the operation of the stores.  Discuss how the change in the customer inputs has an impact on the physical nature of the store, for example, it’s location, it’s look inside, the skills of people that work there, the types of activities that occur in the stores, and so forth.  To help you answer this, visualize what you do when you go into the bookstore to buy books.  What goes on?  Who does what?  Now think about what would happen in an internet bookstore.  When your order arrives there, what goes on?  Who does what? and so forth.


 (20 points) 
Describe a recent very poor or extremely good (pick one only) quality service experience that you have had.  Describe the situation and provide a discussion of the situation that draws on some key concepts from chapter 6 on quality management.  Include discussion of such things as:  What was the cause?  Did this result from management or employee actions?  If a poor experience, what could be done to improve?  If a good experience, what to do to make sure this continues?  You are not limited to these questions, in fact, you should expand the discussion.

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