Operation Art Design

Help with Analyzing the concepts and theories you read about in J300; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, analyze the operational art and design concepts and describe how a SGM can assist a staff in developing plans and orders through the application of operational art and operational design focusing on end, ways and means in conjunction with Joint Planning Process (JPP). Do not simply define what operational art and design is. The document must address concepts and theories and the applicability from a Sergeant Major’s perspective in the planning process. Include accurate and relevant examples to demonstrate your mastery and knowledge of the material.

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Instructions: The analyzation must be between 1100 and 1400 words written in APA 7 format. The document must include a title page, six Level 1 headings (Introduction, Ends, Ways, Means, Risk and Conclusion, and a reference page with a minimum of three references to support your understanding of the concepts and theories you are addressing. 

use Joint Publication 5-0, must be clear and concise

format attached, no AI and plagiarism


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Operational Art and Design

RANK Your Name

Sergeants Major Academy

Class 50

RANK Instructors Name

Due Date

Operational Art and Design

Write your INTRO and define operational art and design. Explain what it is. Elaborate on it and provide example(s). The purpose of this paper is to thoroughly analyze operational art and design through the ends, ways, means, risks, and how the sergeant major can assist the staff. (
Use this P/S) This is the last sentence in your introduction.


Use the DEEP format to analyze your paper. Define what ends is, explain what it is, elaborate on it, and provide example(s). Use the terminology that correlate with ends. Transition sentence into the ways.


Define what ways is, explain what it is, elaborate on it, and provide example(s). Use the terminology that correlate with ways. Transition sentence into the means.


Define what means is, explain what it is, elaborate on it, and provide example(s). Use the terminology that correlate with means. Transition sentence into the risks.


Define what risks is, explain what it I, elaborate on it, and provide example(s). Use the terminology that correlate with risks. Transition sentence into the how SGMs can assists the staff.

How Sergeants Major Assist the Staff

Define what SGMs are, explain how they can assist the staff, elaborate on it, and provide example(s). No need to transition into your conclusion.


Re-state the purpose statement as the first sentence of the paprgraph: The purpose of this paper was to thoroughly analyze operational art and design through the ends, ways, means, risks, and how the sergeant major can assist the staff. Wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument.


Department of the Army. (2021).
Risk management (ATP 5-19).


Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2020).
Joint planning (JP 5-0).


Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2022).
Joint campaigns and operations (JP 3-0).


3 credited primary sources = far exceeds

2 credited primary sources = exceeds

1 credited primary source = met standard

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